Hi everyone,

We did it! One decade of SteamGifts. It's a bit scary to realize 10 years has passed since the site first launched in June 2011, but at the same time it's exciting that we've been able to reach this milestone.

We're going to have a little event for the occasion that will run for the month of June. I spoke with our beloved Space Cat, and he sent me his wishlist of Steam games that he would like to see for his 10th cake day.


If you'd like to create a giveaway for Space Cat's 10th cake day, start by selecting a game from his wishlist. You can customize it with all of the typical restrictions, however, the giveaways will all end at the same time on July 1st. The giveaways will be marked on the site with a special cake icon to help identify them, and you can browse all of the giveaways you're able to enter for the event using the link below.


On a more personal note, I want to thank everyone for being a part of the community and the journey so far. I certainly didn't anticipated the site would turn into such a large part of my life or that it would grow into what it has become today. I'm always impressed with the people here - the creativity users express in puzzles, trains and events, the hard work invested into the third-party tools and add-ons expanding the functionality of the site, the wealth of information and resources people have taken the time to organize and share, the life stories, accomplishments, and struggles people have opened up with over the years, and the friendships that have been formed. These are things that I never expected when starting the site, and they're the things that make me the most proud of the community.

When it comes to giveaways, nearly 8 million games have been received by users of SteamGifts throughout the past decade. It's an incredible number and I believe it's a testament to the generosity and kindness of the people here.

Before ending this post, I also want to give a special thanks to the support team that has volunteered their time to help manage the community. The site would simply not exist without their help. Thank you!

3 years ago

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Congratulations!!! 🎉 And thank you for all you’ve done

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I feel old, thanks.

Spacecat is canonically male. Can't wait for more SG lore.

3 years ago

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Spacecat is canonically male. Can't wait for more SG lore.

oh noes, this was supposed to be kept a secret!

3 years ago

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Thanks for personally inviting me and the the gang from PA all those years ago. Let's keep this going for another 10 years. =)

3 years ago

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Grats on 10 years. and thanks all for making this a great place to come to.

And thanks all for sharing with each other.

And thanks for putting up with me for the past 7 years. :P

3 years ago

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wow, 10 years. awesome

Congrats 😁🤘

i didn't realise i was here since the beggining 😅

3 years ago

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With SG I found a lot of friends online. And started buying instead of pirating.

3 years ago

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Truly outstanding! Here's to another decade of Bad Rats and potato memes!

3 years ago

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Congrats on reaching an incredible milestone. Lets go get some more!

View attached image.
3 years ago

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congrats on the 10yrs! i was like "no way its ten years it was like 2-3 when i joined a couple years ago" then i looked it up and i joined 8 years ago, im old :(

3 years ago*

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Wish I had been here more early on, it's an amazing community. Congrats on the ten years!

3 years ago

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Wow! That's amazing! 🌟

3 years ago*

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Will this special badge remain after the end of the GA?
Or will the GA become a regular GA, how it was in the event for the New Year with the boxes? 🎁

3 years ago*

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Hi m1ka, the icon will remain on the giveaways.

3 years ago

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Wow, 1 decade! Congratulations!

3 years ago

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Now onto 10 more! :D

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮!!~🎉

3 years ago

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Strange to think that decade was almost 10 years ago. It feels like a century ago or perhaps even 100 years ago

3 years ago

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Happy 10th Space Cat Year cg!!!
We truly have an awesome community here! one of, if not THE best on the Web! and whilst it's thanks to everone's contribution, nothing would have been possible with you cg! So huge thanks for creating and running this amazing place! And big thanks to the whole support team for keeping us nasty users in check and keeping this place nice and clean :D I'm honored to have been a part of Steamgifts experience for most of that decade!
Here's to another 10 years and a hundred more! CHEERS!!!

3 years ago

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I wanna thank you for the work you put into the site and for starting the whole thing to begin with. Happy Anniversary!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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10 years is impressively long time. Yet passed so quickly. I'd gladly contribute to the festivity. 💖

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Literally the only forum I've ever visited for more than a few months. Sorry to make you guys deal with me for so long. But here's to another 10 years.

3 years ago

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Congratulations! And thank you for such a great site. I am only around half of this time on a board and I enjoyed it:).

3 years ago

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Here is my new online home(after Steam)
Despite being here for less than a year, I'm truly grateful for having met this great community and I wish I was here sooner!
Thanks a world cg and all the people here for keeping this real and alive! Much love ❤️💙❤️🙀

3 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by cg.