This time of year we celebrate the ressurection of Jesus Christ our Lord,It matters not if you believe or not I wish you will have peace and some quality time with your family and friends,Happy Easter!

-" All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy Easter of the Lord, man!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oops,happy Easter in 2 weeks than :) and TY!

8 years ago

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Happy easter! I'm not a religious person, but it's still fun to celebrate this with lots of choco. :3

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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lol i just got done watching this, awesome show :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago*

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yes, let's also celebrate scientific evolution :3

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Is that..... Beavis?

8 years ago

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This was such a great scene...thanks for the memory. ;-)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I should be ashamed or smth?You will find much more juicy rages by me if you look hard enough and my opinion on Libs is actually worse than it was back than,still Happy Easter :)

8 years ago

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I see that your opinion of giving away games is also worse than it was back then.

Gifts Won
29 ($391.72)
Gifts Sent
19 ($152.81)

Matthew 19:21
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

8 years ago

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Then come, leech me.

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8 years ago

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Mark 12:42-43
"A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent. 43Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury;…"

Whoever your informer is,you need a better intel on my bank account lolz,I cant believe you people :D

8 years ago

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I wasn't referring to your bank account, lad, just your overall poor ratio here. I'm done.

8 years ago

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one connects with the other,doesnt suprise me you didnt get it,boy.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Happy Easter for catholic, for orthodox is not easter yet, so the conclusion is that not everyone have a catholic religion.

8 years ago

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Don't forget the protestants! They share the Catholic date for Easter.

8 years ago

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Oh, i don't know it :)

8 years ago

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or the coptics, who don't

8 years ago

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east bunny easter bunny hop hop hop

8 years ago

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will u go for cardz hunt?

8 years ago

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of course ^^

8 years ago

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happy easter heathens,

8 years ago

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happy easter and happy egg hunting

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8 years ago

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Yup, Happy Easter!

8 years ago

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thanks for the chocolate Jesus

8 years ago

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Happy Easter to everyone!

8 years ago

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Easter is the the time an egg-shitting bunny who gives eggs with colors like Pepmo Bismol link to menstrual red to kids.

8 years ago

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A popular shopkeeper was stabbed to death by another Muslim in a "religiously prejudiced"
attack hours after posting an Easter message on Facebook to "my beloved Christian nation".

Had to look up a source for the perpetrator - who would have guessed it, its Muslims again.

Exactly the good hearted kind of citizen, that doesn't grasp the violent extent his own affiliated ideology
dies first and that in a first world country, while most just keep their mouths shut for a good reason.

8 years ago*

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Who would have guessed it?Certainly not me, although that's not really the point, which is that this was clearly a good,decent person murdered for religious hatred.

One card left at the cordon read: "Thank you for being the nicest guy on the planet."

Robert Maitland, said: "He was very friendly. Every morning we shook hands and said 'have a nice day'. He was just a pleasant, lovely lad."

Isabella Graham, 64, said Mr Shah employed her daughter at the shop when she was younger.

"He was an amazing, wonderful man, he couldn't do enough for you," she said.

"He wouldn't hurt anybody. Nobody in Shawlands would have a bad word to say about him. I can't believe he's gone."

Earlier forensic officers placed a white tent outside his shop, Shah's Newsagent and Convenience Store. Another white tent was placed some metres down the road.
Image caption The newsagents was also cordoned off
Image caption Floral tributes have been placed at the scene

One card left at the cordon read: "Thank you for being the nicest guy on the planet."

Another read: "A good man, much loved and a pillar of the community. You'll be sorely missed."

Another read: "A good man, much loved and a pillar of the community. You'll be sorely missed."

"Deeply religious, Mr Shah worked to foster cross-community relations in Glasgow and had been planning to host an online debate last night with Christian friends about the importance of Easter. Friends said he observed both Christian and Muslim holidays, and never failed to send out Easter and Christmas cards. And he used his social media accounts to promote harmony on religious holidays."

8 years ago

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I would not doubt that, but the point here is that not even Muslims are safe from
their own violence praising Ideology and dare anyone start a debate about it.

8 years ago

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Please show me a religion or ideology that can not be (mis)interpret in a way that it would promote violence.

8 years ago

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You want to play that game? Here you go:

Please show me recent cases where criminals acted upon their religious believes as Christians/Buddhists/Hindu/other.
You found any, good for you, now compare that to this track record.

While you're at it, show me which other ideology has so many and clear verses to literally fuck up
anyone who does not go by their book:

Those are not made up nor wrongly interpreted, but their followed and defended by
extremist Muslims who know them, believe in them and lastly act upon them.

8 years ago*

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wikipedia is known to have a lot of errors, since people like you and people like me can edit it to their hearts content for the most part, did you forget The Crusades? The spanish inquistions? etc etc? really? lol

8 years ago

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wikipedia is known to have a lot of errors

No, their fairly reliable and there is little to none controversy in those cases.

did you forget The Crusades? The spanish inquistions? etc etc? really? lol

The crusades were in response to overwhelming Islamic aggression (conquest) in the first place.
But that is not valid a argument - its part of history, while Islamic aggression in its full bloom is actual.

8 years ago*

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Setting aside the information you provide for a minute, wikipedia is not very reliable. From what I've seen, I'd guess maybe 85% accuracy. The point? Remember to take what others tell you with a grain of salt.

8 years ago

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I do and i know, its never black and white .. but specifically in this case it is
more than just evident to make up an argument that will uphold.

8 years ago*

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I highly suggest you to read (hopefully not from wikipedia) something about the Talmud, Theodor Herz, David Ben Gurion and the Palestine region, both before and after the british mandate.

8 years ago

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I might ... but feel free to dumb down the essence of it in a few sentences if you'd like to.

8 years ago

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As with most countries today that have been european colonies in the past, borders were arbitrary set, ignoring historical and cultural/tribal borders.
So group of people with very different cultures/views on religion are forced since then and still today, to live in one country. Of course there is conflict within the different groups. If now Europe or the US support one group to gain power, it is comprehensible that an opposing group tries to attack those supply lines.

8 years ago

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Take a look at capital punishment in the Bible and tell me that is not meant to spread violence.
Of course you are not supposed to take a holy book literally, but that is true for all religions.

8 years ago

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Please show me recent cases where criminals acted upon their religious believes as Christians/Buddhists/Hindu/other.

Yeah the one on capital punishment is evident enough... put people haven't acted upon that, this or in the past century,
nor does it compare to the amount of verses in the Quarn; which are being acted upon till this very day.

8 years ago

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I am no lawyer but what is the base for capital punishment in the US? I am quite sure that it is based on capital punishment in the Bible in the end.

Just take a look at the treatment of social minorities in conservative christian countries in the last decades. It is not perceived as the same quality of terrorism by the broad majority worldwide, but I am quite sure it has destroyed and still destroys a comparable number of lifes. Not in the form of killings, but also suicides, living in fear on a day to day basis. Sometimes minorities are supported by law, sometimes not and often you hear arguments like "It is God's will".

I think we have a different definition of recent. Recent in my book is everthing in the last 30-40 years, because social issues might take that long to 'explode'.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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the spanish inquisition was never against islamic anything, it was the church trying to abuse their power as much as they could, like the whole burning of so called witches and all those torture sessions in the name of the father the son, etc. and this islamic stuff will end up in history too, just wait a few hundred years :P

8 years ago

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Where have been those dreadful, terrorizing Spaniard Inquisitors after 19th century? Christianity has been
reformed more than once to be compliant with a lawful civil society that doesn't act upon the whimsy of ideology.

Now guess which ideology has not changed since the 700th ...

8 years ago*

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Are you a Christian?

8 years ago

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Good job(on all your replies),I think your wasting your time though,even when quoting from the Quaran,they gonna those are "fabrications".As for Christianity it wasnt as much "reformed" as lead back to the source.As for crusades and stuff,not only was it over 1k years ago but it was a retaliation for over 150 years of slaughtering Christians by Muslims.

8 years ago

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The trouble with quoting from the Qur'aan is that you have to know what you're quoting. You need to know the language, the corresponding ahaadeeth, the exegesis, and the context in which the verse was revealed. Unlike some other religions, who leave interpretation up to whomever is reading the text, the meaning of the Qur'aanic text is taken directly from Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his Companions. Those who lack sufficient knowledge to understand what the verses actually mean wind up interpreting them at whim, and that leads to misunderstanding and wrong action (e.g. ISIS).

Strangely enough, I thought this thread was supposed to be about Easter?

8 years ago

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It is simple, one can not be part of a civilized society and strictly follow the teachings of the Quarn esp. the bountiful violent ones,
most Muslims who care to begin with understand that. That is why they simply disregard those verses or choose to interpret them somehow differently.

Yet, due to repeated western invasions, primitive culture of certain countries and pride along with a war ideology more people
than ever have flocked to do their bidding. Its not because they interpret the Quran it wrongly, oh no ... its because their beyond
help and too stupid to understand the ultimate consequence, namely an an early death on a cause without prospect nor chance.

8 years ago*

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Neither can one be part of a civilized society and strictly/literally follow the teachings of the Bible.

It is true for all monotheistic religions that you can not take the book literally.

May I ask how many muslims/christians/orthodox/.. you know well and in person and how many of those are violent?

8 years ago*

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Neither can one be part of a civilized society and strictly/literally follow the teachings of the Bible.

Then why are we having an argument about how extremist Muslims follow the teachings of Quran and not how
radical Christians act strictly follow the Bible - oh please ... Islam is in need of reformation.

May I ask how many muslims/christians/orthodox/.. you know well and in person and how many of those are violent?

You may not, as i'd be only one opinion, if you're really interested just look up statistics yourself.

8 years ago

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If you ever decide to take the time to actually learn about the Qur'aan and Sunnah, you might realize how totally backward your understanding of it is. My impression, however, is that you are more interested in supporting your argument than seeking understanding, so I leave you to it.

8 years ago

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If it were less evidently supported by reality, facts and history i would bother ...
maybe next century, as the tide might turn and i certainly won't be by then.

8 years ago

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If it were less evidently supported by reality, fact, and history, I would bother.

What you lack is complete information and true understanding. It is like the three blind men and the elephant.

8 years ago

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Islam is the problem and in dire need for reformation, but the influential Islamic community doesn't want change,
doesn't promote change but still wants peace without contributing towards it. The ones that scream for reformation get silenced by harassment, threats or simply pacified in an unnatural death by their own community.

Those who lack sufficient knowledge to understand what the verses actually mean wind up interpreting them at whim, and that leads to misunderstanding and wrong action (e.g. ISIS).

Well, then no need to be concerned about the interpretation of that peaceful inspirational source right? Which
purely coincidental is happening only in Islam inspired by the Quran and that whole culture surrounding it.

What you lack is complete information and true understanding.

You don't seem to see the wood for the trees. No apparent "magical understanding"
is required to see through Islamic Ideology, just as history and current times paint and portray it.

And again, so you might understand this: if those peaceful fellas in
Islam had any say or weight, things wouldn't be the way they are.

8 years ago*

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Strangely enough, I thought this thread was supposed to be about Easter?

I intended it to be about Easter.

Heres the problem with that argument,if I need to know Arabic to understand Quran,than that religion cannot be truth,than that religion is clearly intended for Arabs only,therefore it does not come from God the Creator of all humanity and entire universe.

I did put hours and hours on learning about Islam(which does not mean :"peace" but "submission").You are right some verses in all religious texts are open to interpretation,unclear at first glance and in need to know the context(sometimes entire books) but that is not the case for violent verses by Muhhamad. Q 9:29 " Fight those who dont believe in Allah", Q 9:73"O Prophet!Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them" Q 9:123 " O you who believe!Fight thos e of the unbelievers WHO ARE NEAR TO YOU and let them find in you hardness" .so on and on.And this is what your Muslim brothers act upon so.

Didnt Muhammad say that Allah is the greatest deciver and that nobody is safe from his deception?

I encourage you to check this channel:

There are debates there,there are people who left Islam,you might want to check why.

All the best

8 years ago

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As this thread was intended to be about Easter, I will refrain from a full response. Instead, I will make only two, short points.

...if I need to know Arabic to understand Quran,than that religion cannot be truth,than that religion is clearly intended for Arabs only,therefore it does not come from God the Creator of all humanity and entire universe.

Here, you use false logic, you offer a conclusion that does not follow from your arguments, and you don't even believe what you are claiming. In fact, none of the religions I've studied claim to be limited to one particular people. I am wondering why you bothered to make such a statement in the first place.

You are right, some verses in all religious texts are open to interpretation, ... but that is not the case for violent verses...

You seem to be under the impression that you know my religion better than I do. I learned the language of the Qur'aan and spent many years studying Islam. I was not able to finish my Bachelor's degree in Islamic Jurisprudence (Islamic Law), but I do know something about the religion. More to the point, I know the actual text and the correct interpretation of the verses you attempted to cite. The verse (Q 9:29) was revealed after the Jews of Al Madinah betrayed their covenant and aided the Polytheists against the Muslims in the Battle of the Trench. The verse 9:29 details the response of the Islamic State (the Khilaafah) against those who attack it, and the terms of peace (the Jizyah) should the Muslims take over land occupied by non-Muslims. We know this not only because Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him) informed us of the meaning of the verse, but also because he demonstrated it in practice. Given the choice between following your understanding or that of Muhammad's, I choose to follow the understanding of the man to whom the verse was revealed.

Incomplete knowledge without correct understanding is worse than ignorance.

8 years ago*

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Religion that is in its basis exclusiv,is naturally not universal,therefore it cant apply to all people,therefore the "exclusive god" cannot be The God.Just because you dont understand something,doesnt mean its false,it just means you dont understand it(yet).

I might,I have not listened to Imams,I checked the source text.

You can find a work around every of 100+ Jihad verses,the question is how long can you keep lying to yourself?(I dont mean it as an insult)

Jesus said: I Am the Truth
Allah said: I am the greatest deciver

Which of these 2 should I trust?And why should I trust any word coming from your mouth since you follow the greatest deciver?

And how do you work around your way through the commandment to compare words of Quran with the words of The Bible?The corruption theory?If the word of God can be corrupted than that statement falsifies Quran aswell.

I suggest reading some more about Muhammed before you wish him peace and blessings.

God bless you,may He open your eyes.

8 years ago

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I can see you're not reading what I'm writing. How disappointing.

8 years ago

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Im sure it is,white person not buying Muslim BS,terryfying right?What if more of us will see the obvious truth?

8 years ago

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Good thing is, people already do. They just don't bother or can not afford to speak up everywhere ...
as it is a waste of breath and a liability as you told me before.

8 years ago

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You are right and in some places in the world its a dead sentence.
It will change,even France and Germany wont take it much longer.

8 years ago

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you can't fight against a racist-homophobic closed mind.

8 years ago

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Islam is not a race and in those high percentage Islamic populated countries
gay people get murdered, not only shunned or barely tolerated.

8 years ago*

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Leave him be. God gave people free will and the right to choose whether or not to believe in the truth. If they reject truth, you cannot prevent them from believing a lie. All you can do is pray for their guidance in the hope that God will guide them to the right path.

8 years ago

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Amen!I do pray for you

8 years ago

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And I for you. May God increase us all in guidance. Aameen. )

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You know ... some people at least try to come
up with an argument while you, don't even bother.

8 years ago

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Well, you're so blind that you'll never see.
It is true that western/christian society has changed tremendously over the last hundred years or so, but, that doesn't mean the religion is inherently better, or less violent, than the other. It's also not fair to single out religion, it's a combination of religion, culture, and tribe. It's an "us vs the other" mentality, and it's prevalent throughout the entire world, including the western world. Think of "Gay Bashing". Or, think of rioting after sports matches. It manifests in many ways.

8 years ago

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Good easter you all!

8 years ago

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Happy Easter best wishes to you and your loved ones.

8 years ago

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You 2 man! happy Easter!

8 years ago

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Happy Easter!

8 years ago

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a number of catholics still act unacordingly upon young children and are pardoned by the pope and such, facts: all catholics are infact christian, not all christians are catholics though. and to this day and age they still do that and also ever heard of the westboro baptist church? are they loving and kind? they even try to interrupt Funerals! and don't forget the KKK they use the bible as a resource for their hate.

8 years ago

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Hi, I see you're new here. I wish you have nice time on SG.
You should click "Reply" on the post you want to reply to, write and then click "Submit Comment". If you don't do it, the person who you're replying to won't see notification (so they might not reply to you) and the thread becomes even bigger mess than it is now ;)

8 years ago

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Hi, i see you found out i misclicked when making that message, lol.
Thanks i have and i will be having a good timehere!
and thanks for trying to help.

8 years ago

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Entropia,didnt expected you will come here,Happy Easter:)

8 years ago

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why? I'm not very active, but I still lurk around daily :)
Anyways, Happy Easter to you too.

8 years ago

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Wouldnt thought,you would find Easter interesting enough :P Anyways thank you :)

8 years ago

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oh, but there are plenty interesting things about Easter, even Easter food thread had some interesting things in it :)


ok, I admit I stayed to watch unfolding drama, but I'm not joining in, 'cause I almost always find arguing in the threads that are intended to celebrate something to be rude/inappropiate thing to do~

8 years ago

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The food is so good this year!

Haha!I must admit I was naive enough to not see it coming,oh well,internet i guess

8 years ago

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Happy "let's get diabetes with egg/rabbit themed stuff" to everyone as well!
Not gonna visit family but will certainly eat chocolate while studying.

8 years ago

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Happy Easter!

8 years ago

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Sadly I'm celebrating Easter at work.


8 years ago

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The Resurrection is like in 5 days? But happy easter. :D
EDIT: I wanted to write 1 month + 5 days.

8 years ago*

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And I have so many years to eat a chocolate egg. Where's my chocolate egg? :'( I'm 26 and I still want chocolate eggs. :B

8 years ago

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Yeah it seems like Easter is at different times in different countries :O

8 years ago

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Maybe there's a difference between the Orthodox and the Catholic Easter.

8 years ago

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Well, don't mind me, I'm a bit stupid. xD I wanted to write 1 month plus 5 days, but I wrote 5 days. -_- Anyway, the Resurrection is on 1st May.

8 years ago

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Ill try to remember for the future,as far as celebrating the ressurection of our Lord and Saviour I dont mind doing it twice a year ;)

8 years ago

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Congratulation of the courage. Much peace, love and happiness for the Easter.

8 years ago

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It takes courage to wish people well? ;D Thank you,God bless You :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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