Jennifer, i started a 'short' answer and ended up way beyond steamgits limits.
From someone who have been at the botton and tried (and failed) suicide heres more then my few cents (please do read):
Answer on pastebin
Also recomended for anyone feeling likewise or suffering from depression.
Few more minutes i would have still failed to kill myself but would have been stuck with permanent damages. I never suffered real hunger nor was a war victim but from health to overall outlook at life i was rock botton- heck i didn't lived most of my life. Loniless, betrayal, needing to lend short cash to get a bus and even eat, letting myself rot (health wise) to almost loosing teeth, I could easily have ended up with meth or something like that if i didn't felt my mind was so 'superior' to be fiddled with (dumb young entitlement).
Then i met jesus.
Just joking im atheist.
In short i got my shit together and got out from the bottom pit ive put myself in by making some changes and in my case getting some medication (depression can get really serious if cronic). Idn if its your case but i hope my tips will help. If your case involves depression nothing will ever get better until you get your brain chemistry right.
For everything else read that long text. I mean it. And don't only read, act, react, change things around. Otherwise world will keep sucking, everyone and you included and you will only feel worse for it. Or get phisically worse. Or killing yourself. For fucking nothing.
I can say for sure you can be better then that because everybody can. We're all pretty much apes still so thats true for anyone of any age- since we as species are so fucked up we can only try our best to rise above the low. Anyway keeping thinking, feeling and acting like you are won't change shit - and you will only get more sour from doing it. Read that text, change a bit and even getting help will be easier.
Damn just now i realized i missed one very important bit:
Stop putting blame in others and the world. It sucks yes. Chances are you feel like that because you feel and notice those things better then others. But nothing will change until you realize things are doable and the main issue comes from you. Nothing will change until you change. Start looking at you and the issue with you rather then reflecting it in anything else; Just be carefull to not evolve this into lower self-steem.
Im not meaning that as 'you suck, you fail'. Everyone puts blame outwards when they're part of the problem or the causes. We're wired like that. But savour the thought that your perception of life, the bad things that happen to you and what you feel comes mostly from issues you can control. Like my depression without cure but manegeable. Either way even oportunities are affected by things like how others perceive you to what you say and such. Start looking at what you can change rationally. Chances are the shit you get can be avoided by not making yourself a target for shit.
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Dear fametaker.
You can't be sad for one Trumpina. You met a lot of other people who wasn't rude or stopped playing to you. And you didn't say something weird like "i'll choke you with my force, don't you dare to walk away", so you were correct and polite.
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You described such a weird interaction between two people, I just don't get it. Some hot chick was into you, but then found out you weren't from her country, so she stopped liking you? Is that it?
Is she some nationalist and hates all foreigners? Did someone from your country kill her father when she was little and now she hates everyone from your country? Couldn't she tell you were either a non-native speaker right away and assumed you were from outside her country? If she actually hated your country so much, couldn't she have identified your accent and origin immediately? Are you language genius with no foreign accent?
I have so many questions.
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What you are feeling now, I promise you this moment will not last forever. It is only temporary. It will pass. The most beautiful things in life are still ahead, my friend. Trust me.
Accept my friend request on Steam so we can chat.
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Well I know how that feels... or maybe I don't
Fake caring I guess that's a thing on the internet.. But sometimes it worked, for the better. It encouraged people not in direct way
I mean we're completely stranger that never met you in real life.. Not even once, like people said You can't care for someone you never met before
I've been your steam friend for awhile
But I don't even know anything about you, I guess the same way goes for you
If you really want to know a certain person you have to try to start conversation by yourself one way or another
It's hard to get friends online, not even I can do it :(
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Grow up. Everyone has their own problems. If you think that you are the only person who is unhappy with the situation that they are in then think again. Those that have any sense don't go around crying and complaining about it and blaming others for their problems, and reacting in this manner certainly does not make you a sympathetic figure. Facing adversity and learning from it and getting past it is part of what it means to be an adult. Anyway, it sounds like you have a lot of misplaced angst and need to work on yourself, your self-esteem, insecurities, and should probably seek assistance via professional help. I'm not saying that to be mean, but rather honest. Forget everyone else and ask yourself this question (every day if you have to): "What have I done to make my life better?". If you don't have a good answer for that then you need to find one.
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You people are awesome! :)
Like other said, talks fix 99% shit, we're all here for you Jennifer !!!!!
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And you're saying that because...........? Did you try to approach someone and he/she told you to stop talking to him/her? It's important that you should try to be a little more friendly. Even if we fail sometimes, we eventually succeed. So, you don't need to be mean, just keep trying to help yourself and to approach others.
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I wish so much that was the case. They never tell me they don't care, they just ignore me 80% if the time but say they like me or are my friend so I continually hurt myself chading after them.
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Maybe you need to find the right people then? During our life, we'll find many shitty people that aren't even worth of our time. You need to expand your horizons and go somewhere you haven't gone before, meet people that feel just like you, since people with similar problems will not ignore a person with the same problems. If you keep trying to communicate with people that ignore, maybe they're just douches. Don't do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. I've met many shitty people in my life too. You just have to set them aside or just try to change them if they're not what you like.
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Your frustrations can be felt by many, you are not alone in both your feelings and thoughts. The important thing to remember is you are not alone in your plight either, many people care and want to help you. Vent your frustrations, scream from the top of your lungs but be safe. You'll get through the tough times and good times will follow.
I don't want to just bang on about things, but I want you to know that you can and will get through things. Hope you are ok Jennifer!
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I'm sorry you feel that way Tree. Behind the screens we are just people with our own lives and problems, the cold comfort though the web is all we can give. In the past few monts I was ocupied by work and that helped me a little. I realy hope you feel bether soon.
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I fucked up and ruined everything again and don't even care anymore because fuck you all. I mean, y'all in particular aren't really the worst, you've been the most caring, it seems the least someone knows you the more they care, maybe it's just virtue signalling, or maybe my personality makes people not care when they know me more. You guys cared when I attempted suicide, wanted me here, but that's only 'cause I stupidly said something while I tried. Noone else even notices when I'm gone though, hell the only time y'all did was when thr magnificent one told you. But even if you aren't the worst, you're still people and really the only ones I can talk to right now. So fuck you all you cunts. I hate being alone but it's so much better than dealing with your awful bullshit and fake caring just to lead me one to feeling cared about enough to live on when you won't even fucking talk to me. I hope you become unhappy and alone just so you know what it's like. And I hope hell doesn't exist because I don't want to have to spend time with you in the afterlife.
Fuck you all. I wish all the shitty pain of the world upon you, and then a slimmer of hope to get you out of your awful mindset just for it to get crushed infront of you.
I'm done feeling sorry that I can't enjoy your happiness, you don't deserve it so fuck you. I hope no one helps you ever again.
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