I appreciate your response to the poster but it was incorrect. I was never "new". And in a factual response to the poster, the benefits of being here mainly comprise of the joy of being looked down upon by me. Zivlaks revel in my level 8 greatness. And in advance no I will not dance with you!
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hmmmm, which part could be confusing. I being me upandout8 was never new.
Poster is new...I am level 8 top of the mountain highest of the high... Tippy top.... Look down on poster.
For poster to revel it should involve dancing. I am not the dancing type and as such would not be a willing dance partner.
BOOM post clarified.
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Lol after being here a couple months this is totally me
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No, Its not like I check the site first thing when I get home from work, several times throughout the evening where there are more important things I should be doing (like actually playing games), before I go to bed or first thing in the morning. :) I am not an addict!
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If you've ever been to steamcompanion's giveaways you'll love steamgifts more
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Please don't be angry / sad but 300 points are quite easy to get.
You just need to wait 5-15 hours , depending on how many giveaways / sales :> are online
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Also - if you think 1/10 000 chances to win f.ex GTA5 or Bad Rats are low - REMEMBER IT IS FOR FREE!!
What kind of site would it be if the chances would be higher? ^^
More chances:
Tristar's additional suggestion:
Zeghadis's additional suggestion:
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"acting" nice sounds wrong, as if you had to stick with a forced behavior
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Well, speaking as a newcomer - It's fun to make giveaways, and I've made a couple of friends that way. The community is friendly and supportive. And you can win - it just takes a while. I finally won a game after about 900 entries, which seems about right given the odds. I've also discovered I think over a hundred games for my wishlist that I didn't know about before. And... the game I won was outside my normal genre and I really enjoyed it, so Steamgifts has opened up a whole new genre of game for me I wouldn't have played otherwise. Hope that helps :)
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300 points is the maximum. Points regenerate naturally, and somewhat fast (it's dependent on the number of created giveaways, so how fast will depend on things like sales, bundles and so on).
What's the point? Well, you can win free games. Give away anything, even the smallest of things (as long as steam reports it having a value) and you'll get to level 1, and that opens up a lot more giveaways to you. If you have any leftover bundle keys, then this is a perfect use for those. Don't expect to win things all the time, but if you're a bit persistent, you'll win things on a somewhat regular basis.
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Well.. your profile picture pretty much explains how i feel after reading the post, but i'll give it a shot...
This site is not just about entering everything you want and not all GAs are public (the ones you see the most on the front page) there are also group private GAs, Whitelist GAs, and invite only in the form of puzzles/events/random posts on the forums etc... so not all GAs have 1000 entries.
How to get into these GAs you wonder? giving :) start giving out games either in public or private GAs and keep increasing your level, also... be active on the forums that does help a lot.
This site is not just about getting a chance at free games without any effort it is also a community, so interacting with others as well as discussing topics is a great thing to do.
I think i sort of covered everything in a nutshell :D
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but... it feels gooooooood to give !! you are making someone happy! :D
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You can refill your points from 0 to 300 like twice per day... :P
You get points for how many GAs are being created, its distributed equally to all users, and it refills quite fast.
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You regenerate about 300 points every 12 hours (depends on how many giveaways are created daily but it seems to be a good rough estimate). That's enough to enter the majority of the games you're interested in, or to maximize your chances if you prefer that strategy. Alternatively, levelling up on the site is a good way to quickly boost your chances especially for the first few levels where it's easy to get up in the system and you easily quadruple your chances. Other than that, you do have to be frequently active in order to make the most of your chances, as the point cap is fairly low relative to the regeneration rate (over 2 years you could have efficiently used like ~400000 points in theory which is already several hundred games if you go by the 1:1000 estimate - if you level up just a little you could make that number a thousand or more). Bottom line, the odds here are actually quite good (for being free!) if you show some effort and/or generosity.
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what your time is worth is a personal matter. If it is not worth your time, that is for you to decide.
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Chances are low, but still someone wins, right? I won many times, even when there was a very big number of entries. Just believe. ;)
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Welcome to Steamgifts!
There are a couple of guides out there as well as the "SG bookmarks".
If you have not done so, may I suggest you read the FAQ and guidelines.
As other people said above: 1/1000 ist quite good for something free (and good). Lurk the forum, solve puzzles to get higher chances fast.
Enjoy your stay!
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When I first joined up a little while ago, I was under the mistaken assumption that I was required to have levels here to even be able to try to win any games.
It was only a couple of days ago that a friend held a giveaway and I learned that there were giveaways that even a level 0 like myself could enter and possibly win! I think that is a pretty good deal! Having a chance to win something for free without having to plunk down any money or jump through hoops is a very nice thing indeed!
Not to mention replenishable points to enter more giveaways? An even sweeter bonus.
I'm just appreciative to all the people that are nice enough to place their games in the giveaways in the first place.:)
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At least I know that I am not alone in my noobidity!;)
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Apparently the effort of clicking "Enter Giveaway" lol
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It's hard out here being a leecher. We're constantly entering all we can, waking up to spend whenever points get replenished, agonizing about alll the ga's we could have entered when we see our profile at 300. So many missed opportunities.
Not to metion those poor auto joiners getting blacklisted by everyone just for being efficient.
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I've definitely found that the higher level I get, and the bigger my steam library gets, the less I enter.
I've entered everything I want for the night, and still have 292 points. :X
I remember when I first came back to SG, and I could spend 300 points in an hour. :(
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I'm guessing they mean if someone was on a high income they could earn the cash for the game in less time than it takes to enter 1000 giveaways but for peasants like me isn't quite the case on second thought I do spend a lot of time on this site hmm but don't have much spare $ anyway so is worth in my case
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The chances to win are A LOT higher than the lottery... and look how many people play the lottery-- and look how many win/don't.
But the most fun on here I have found is in the puzzles-- making them and solving them. Then you better your chances of winning GA as those that solve are few and thus few enter the GA hidden behind a puzzle.
As it goes on you find more happiness in giving GAs and making puzzles for others-- and you realize the point of this site is GIVING not in getting... but its fun to win too and get games from friends you make on here that you get to know.
I've only been here 5 months and have given away over 500 games and won just over 300... so the skys the limit! GL!
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I just joined a few days ago. The first person I interacted with, albeit briefly, has been a member for 2 years, has given away 7 games ($105), enough to reach Level 3. She has won 24 games ($275), an average of one a month. Ever tried playing the lottery? You don't make many friends there. And you win zero times in a hundred years.
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GA chances are low but bring your level up and have fun. Much more to SG than just trying to get free stuff.
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Don't forget - if the odds seem bad then Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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I thought it was Shia LaBeouf. Shia LaBeouf is a cannibal now? Why does nobody tell me these things?
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sorry I didn't make the a cool link but please tell me you haven't seen that and I just made your life so much better.
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Somebody needs to add all that stuff to his wikipedia page, it's clearly something more people should know about...
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I have not seen this before.. I actually had to google "Shia LaBeouf is a cannibal now?" to even get any context... I laughed. A lot and that insane clapping at the end is now my favourite thing I've seen all week. Thank you for distracting me from more important things I didn't want to do anyway. You're my hero.
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Yay, super happy I got to share that with you and you enjoyed it. Also happy I assisted in procrastination with that video. It is just to epic. Side note, certainly not you hero, I was your daily super villain. I prevented you from accomplishing important tasks. As well as put some creepy catching song in your head about Shia trying to kill people.
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I've heard that you're getting 30 entries if you use that code.
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I registered 2 years ago and haven't been active at all. Now I have 300P which is a lot I guess, but I fail to realize whats the point of entering a giveaway when my chance to win it is like 1 in 1000 most of the time? Seems to be totally not worth the effort.
I know it's great if you're like level 10 because then there are like 40 people per giveaway, I'm asking about benefits for me :D
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