Since I don't know a lot about this topic I could mention this thread at least which is so similar to yours
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Thank you...! This gives me the idea to add a collection of links to threads like you mentioned, i think there is already a thread with such a list, but would be good for "awareness"... hmm i think the thread has that word in it... :P
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"Shrouded in Sanity" GiveAway added... <3
Blacklisted...? Contact me here or on steam, maybe we can resolve this... :)
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Oh... :'(
Thanks for sharing this, i will check the whole story later on the Net... some people are a kind of super social heros... <3
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Yeah. He is a well-known and respected person around the city and in the whole country. I have met him and shook his hand at the entrance of our biggest church.
There are a lot of ways to remember the heroes of our time.
That's the mural/grafiti of the "Saint from Bailovo - Grandpa Dobri"
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Wow, this is impressing... just readed a bit about him... nice he reached such an high age... :3
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You deserve an Huge Bump on this thread!!! =)
Just leaving this video here for you
Life Vest
and this ad as well Creat Courage
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One time I went to Mcdonalds to grab some quick food. While ordering, I realized I was short a dollar. I felt incredibly embarrassed, but a teenager behind me handed me a dollar bill. Right after that I found my dollar in my pocket and gave her back her money, thanking her. As I was paying for my food I watched her take the dollar and put it in the charity jar. Definitely restored my faith in humanity
Great thread!
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Thanks for sharing your story... nice to hear that in the end the dollar even reached the charity jar... im very tired so i will give you a hug when im fresh again... :3
I wasn't sure how the thread will be seen by users here and now i get some stories and very kind words, this is realy nice and makes me happy... enjoy your day/night...! <3
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Firefighters in California are fighting many wildfires this summer. Its tough to hear about all the homes that need to be evacuated and the damage caused, but there are people who are helping the affected people.
When natural disasters happen, people find a way to step up and donate.
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Your are on the good path. I am happy for you.
Also can believe i read all of this !
Sidenote : I attemps to religi0us reunion where everyone share experiences like you did.
Seeing/hearing people do the right (and how it end up very well) is very important (I think very few people know that).
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Thanks for your kind words... :3
Sharing seems to be an important thing, reflecting... the feedback right know makes me stronger and after standing up this morning and reading all these nice posts i get faster motivated for the day... Thx, thanks, ty...! :3
I just stumbled over this after reading your post..:
Interesting to read... :)
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Just know that most Healthcare professionals actually choose the line of work because they love people. And want to help them get better, and more importantly stay better. A lot of people are scared of them because of stigma portrayed in media ( i.e. "shrinks are soul-pinchers"). Stay well.
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Nice topic. I had this one but it's not active.
I'm glad that you're feeling better about the world.
Not that I will join the giveaway, but I happen to be on your blacklist, and since you've offered to talk about it, would be interesting to know why.
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Thanks for your words...! <3
Still feeling pretty good... me helping poeple every day to make me and others day better... with no job i have plenty of time to just walk around and look where someone needs help...
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Hey folks... :3
Ok what do i want and what does it mean...? Well, some people may now that i suffer since more then a decade from depressions, anxiety and general phobia... after a time, espacialy without help, you start to forget to enjoy the world and ignore the nice things this world has to offer...
There is something that helped me a lot to get back the ability to enjoy "and" help others in need and maybe danger...
I started to watch "Restore faith into Humanity" and "Bikers helping ....." videos and some about how to be more social... these videos show people helping others in several situations (some are fakes)... maybe some similar effect when depressed people watch videos with kittens...
After watching these videos for several days at night i started to feel more comfortable outside and i started to watch more for the people around me, wich is realy hard for me with a kind of autism where i like to watch more at patterns and objects...
I have to mention that i stoped smoking green tea, but i never had such a motivation after it, just to inform about the special fact in this case...
"Ok, you feel better OP, but where did you enjoy...?" Hmm yes that's a strange part...:
First, since i observed more the world than the sideway patterns i realized a dog running on the street without owner, happily there were no cars at that moment... so i ran for the dog, got her and brought her back to the owner, i got huged from the woman so heavily that i was shocked, espacialy since i don't like people touching me, except family and close friends... this moment gave me so much back i missed in the last years... i still get motivation from that moment but being bit sad that i dont have a GoPro at my neck because talking/writing isnt that much proof...
Second, i had much trouble with some old "sometimes crazy" old neighbor... when i went to shopping he started to offend and threat me at the house entrence area... we both pushed the conversation to an aggressiv level, he tried to push me but pushed his self away since he is an "old" man by stereotype meaning, it was close to a stupid fight.... then i remembered what the combat trainers teached me in their videos... to win all fights you avoid them... so i turned my aggression into "Hey you know what, this is kindergarden shit we are fighting about."
I reached him my hand and said: "Let's make peace, this is what smart people do."
After a few arkward seconds he reached me his hand and gave me a strong handshake wich took more then 10 seconds... Old mans have strong handshakes, something that is not that common in germany, at least for me... Two days later he gave me a letter with important information i lost on the floor... That motivates me to think that the peace will stay... It gives a good feeling...
Im pretty sure that when i wouldn't have watched these videos i would have handled the situation with my neighbor another way and maybe would never have payed attention to the dog...
For me this is a start for a change in my way to think and see the world arround me, even writing right now about this makes me feel good... maybe this is a option for some people that aren't comfortable with doctors and medics... it could be a small chance that someone like me should try... JustArchi, a well known user here told me one day...: "When u have nothing to lose then why not trying...?" < This, this is a very important fact to realize... i spend like many people here time watching videos on Youtube, so why not watching these...?
I would like to write more but i get unfocused... i may add things, try to keep up conversations etc...
Here some links to give an example of the videos, will link the combat instruction with mental preparing later...:
Restore faith to Humanity
NSFW (be careful in this case, some videos may contain violance, injuries etc. when trying to save people)
Most channels make these videos in parts so you can just watch the next video in the row after.
Bikers help .....
NSFW (be careful in this case, some videos may contain violance, injuries etc. when trying to save people)
Most channels make these videos in parts so you can just watch the next video in the row after.
I thinks you will find the rest by yourself through these links... + there are other kind of videos like "animals helping animals" etc. wich may help too...
Puh im mental tired now, BUT to help you folks you can ask me every personal question you want, im not ashamed if can help you with that informations, except my login data/files... :) To be honest, i droped some tears when was writing all this, but tears of joy...! :')
I know that is not something that will work for everyone espacialy since these two situation have done their effects on me too... BUT if i can help just one person with my experience to enjoy the world even just for a few days, then im happy...
If some of you discover their own ways, please let the people know, even a few days of joy can help people...!
Thanks for ready through all my terrible grammar, will correct some things when you mention it...!
Sorry for no gibs, wasnt active in buying bundles etc. for a few month, but i hope to add a gib for "Shrouded in Sanity" later, a real nice indie gem..."Shrouded in Sanity" giveaway...: QxtxQx5xf (remove all "x") - open for all...
Blacklisted...? Contact me here or on steam, maybe we can resolve this... :)
Have a nice day... <3
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