yeah, CS:GO is the best thing to buy on Steam, TOP1, also, the most positive side is it buys off, I mean u can buy it on sale for ~6$ and then get skins,cases and stuff worth 10-15$ while having fun =d
I highly recommend this game, even if you hate shooters,I don't know why, but it's the first shooter game I really like.
I'd say you should play some decent games from each genre just to figure out what you like the most.
From RPGs : The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim (From Bethesda as Fallout 4, Also Fallout :New Vegas would be enjoyable), Witcher 3 also.
From MOBA : Dota 2
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If I get FM 2016, I may never leave my house. Between that, Fallout and Destiny (Filthy Console Casual I know!) I might struggle!
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I have a copy on my PS3 just need to put some time into it or buy it again in HD.
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What kind of games do you like? RPGs? Platformers? FPS? Story? Mindless action?
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I enjoy a little bit of everything.
I do find I struggle to finish a game so a game that I can pick and play for a few hours and come back so maybe months later is always good.
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Even though they are low-spec games they look really fun!
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It's not a game, but I suggest the Enhanced Steam browser addon if you aren't already using it. :) Sometimes Steam has a good price on some game, but there's a better price elsewhere, or it's in a current bundle, etc. :)
Oh, and be careful with bundles, unless you want to end up with thousands of unplayed games in your Steam account... :)
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Undertale - probably the indie game of the year. It can run on toasters, but it's just as good as AAA games when it comes to story, characters and music (the graphics can be easily written off as "bad" by modern gamers, but they are very charming)
Skyrim - a much better experience on PC than console, modding can give you a completely fresh playthrough
Sid Meier's Civilization V - simply a great game for strategy lovers
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Skyrim and Civ V both in my library and going to get a play for sure!
Undertale looks interesting, right on to the wishlist haha!
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Give the Ys series a shot if you like action RPGs with awesome bosses and kickass soundtracks.
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Some of my favorites :
And if you want to lose your life to a game, I suggest getting into DotA :)
Have fun !
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I've tried a few MOBA's and I'm just no good at them!
Bioshock's are ones I want to have a look at. Really enjoyed the first Portal!
Only finished the Pre Sequel of Borderlands on console, it was really cool.
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Well the first bioshock is really great, but if you go for bioshock infinite first you'll have a hard time enjoying the 1 since it'll feel old. Whereas the other way around is pretty great. (bioshock 2 is good as well but is -very- similar to the one, it feels like a giant DLC)
If you enjoyed portal 1, they've outdone themselves on Portal 2, it basically everything better, better puzzles, way more story about the whole background, great voice, great immersion. One of my all time favorite.
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I enjoyed the 1 way more than infinite, I've found infinite to be some kind of a letdown. But for most people that haven't played Bioshock 1&2 it seems they have been enjoying Infinite a lot so idk. In any cases they are all great games anyway !
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i played all 3 and enjoyed infinite the most, actually.
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I think I need to pick up 3, VC & SA. How'd they play on PC?
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All GTA games that came out before GTA IV play well on the PC. Unfortunately GTA IV is poorly optimized and R* haven't done anything to change this.
However, keep in mind that R* has dropped some of the licensed songs and stuff from some GTA games. You might want to check in to that.
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I'll just have to play my own music when stuff is missing ;)
Ok that's good that everything else plays well as they are the main ones I want to play again, I never played Vice City!!!
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Mercenary Kings has gone straight to the wishlist, that looks great!
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There are no must-have games.
Fallout 4 uses Skyrim engine. If you can run Skyrim, there is zero reason to build a PC for FO4.
Buying a new PC now when we still don't have any fully DirectX 12 compatible cards is a waste of money, unless you build it for 1-2 years only.
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I don't have a PC that can run Skyrim anymore, that was an old family PC so either way I need something.
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Welcome to Steamgifts! Games you must win here (no buying allowed) include but are not limited to:
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Yeah I might look at an alternate build with the 4690K but that means looking at new Mobo & RAM
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No, go Skylake, but don't pay where the premium over Haswell is ridiculous.
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Could you elaborate a little more please? Where is the premium over Haswell ridiculous?
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The prices on the new Skylakes have varied a bit wildly due to low stock, for one. There are other factors, to be sure.
The point is, if prices at the time of your build have you paying 25% more for Skylake compared to a similarly-performing Haswell, I don't know if I'd want to pay that premium for the obviously vastly superior chipset, though that's up to you.
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There seems to be much more availability of Skylake parts where I live right now (Perth, Australia) and at fairly good prices, think I'll go with that as I am buying this week!
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I personally would say it's great to have something along the following list, though it obviously also depends on a persons' taste
Valve - Portal 1, Half-life 1
Total War - Medieval II or Shogun 2
Civilization - IV or V
DEFCON - 'cause nukes 'n stuff
Skyrim or Fallout 3 or NV
Red Orchestra 2 Rising Storm
A Resident Evil game
A Paradox Game (Europa Universalis or Hearts of Iron)
The Stanley Parable
This War of Mine
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I have a few of these, will check out a few more, thanks!!!
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I think Rampage Knights is a really fun game you can pick up and play for a while and if you get bored come back to
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Aha that looks cool reminds me of Epic Spell Wars of The Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre and Munchkin!
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My top favorite games I like are
Borderlands 2
Most of the driving games from Codemasters
Pinball FX 2 (I have most of the tables, which are all awesome, though I usually wait to get them when they are 75% off)
L4D2 (I used to play this a lot but switched to another game which I recently dropped because the Devs were asses, so getting back into L4D2 with friends)
Defense Grid: The Awakening
There are lots more I like but mostly these are the ones I enjoyed the most.
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I used to play TOCA Touring Cars 2 heaps as a kid! Probably not the codemasters you have in mind but damn that game was good!
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I've got ToCA Race Driver 3 installed right now. :) I jump into it now and then.
As a kid I used to play stuff like Test Drive and a bunch of others I can't remember the name of I like on road, off road, cross of both. Sadly its all been with a keyboard. I have never used a wheel to play a driving game. I keep saving up to get one, but other things happen and I have to dump that money into a new video card or a new hard drive, or a new UPS or monitor and keep telling myself, maybe next year! hehe
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I've only ever played with a wheel once, I didn't enjoy it!
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When I was younger, I went into a staples store and seen they had a microsoft wheel setup. I thought stuff like that was a joke at first so tried it out. The wheel was ripped out of my hands by the motor it had with the force feedback and that really got me interested in them.
Before I am ready to buy one, I want to be totally sure if I want a wheel, I'll rent one the weekend before I am ready to buy. My biggest issue is that I have large feet, size 13 and they are wide, and those peddles look really small and close together. I've already decided that if I do get one, I'm gonna build a whole new base and spread the peddles out a little more.
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I might increase my budget a little bit and get a bigger SSD :) Thanks for reminding me.
Also need to decide on a monitor :(
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I personally would go with a good high rpm HDD for OS 'n stuff, and dedicate the SSD for gaming, all of it. So those heavy games with long load times or competitive games all on the SSD, other games can go to the HDD. Make at least 2 HDD partitions though, and use the first partition/s for OS, programs and games.
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Never go single-channel RAM if you can go dual-channel. The price difference is almost non-existent and the 3-7% performance gain is essentially free.
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Yes, a friend has recommended this to me for sometime, I need to get onto it.
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I've only just found this site so this is my first post. Hello Everybody (Hi Dr. Nick!)
I haven't had a PC in years but I have been keeping an eye on sales and buying games that I think would be cool over the years and playing some when I have had a chance or if they have run on my mac.
However for Fallout 4 I am buying a new pc. (I'm thinking this let me know what you think!)
What are some must have games that I might have missed out on?
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