why do people collect books/modell things/whatever?
easy: you want to HAVE them :)
i usually play my games, but have 50+ indie games from bundles that i did not play
bought be mine just for worms and two worlds, THQ just for metro, indiegala...well, it was cheap and so on and so on...
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Not true, you own the game once you download it from Steam (despite the DRM). Steam have confirmed multiple times that in the occasion them going out of business or closing the Steam service, they will issue a patch that will allow all your games to play offline.
If that happens, the hard question is, who will have enough space to download and store all their games :)
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Interesting discussion on this topic here: http://games.slashdot.org/story/12/08/01/0233256/valve-removes-right-for-class-action-claims-from-eula
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and promos... They f*** with ones mind: 'hey look, this game is so cheap now, and I kinda wanted to play it sometime, cause it looks like so much fun, and it probably won't be as cheap anytime soon after that, I need to get it now' & bam - you buy. 1€ here 2€ there and before you know it your monthly budget is screwed (in case of eastern europe) and you got another 10-15 games with not more time to play them.
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they have to work long hours to get money to buy lots of games but since they have to work hard they don't have time to play them :)
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I play other things now and then! =/
edit: I played some Diablo 3 this week! And got my ass handed to me in Assassin's Creed 3's multiplayer tutorial! sighs Maybe for xmas I'll manage to get my hands on Far Cry 3 to mess with that too! It's not just WoW...... usually -_-
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Okies ^^ Feel free to send a request! I'm supposed to be working right now. But instead, I just got a PS3 controller working on my PC with MotionInJoy program and drivers! Yay for Darksiders with a controller, along with a few other games I need to play/replay! Yeah I'm an awful panda, setting up game controllers instead of doing work for gf =O
edit: made it easier on you, sent a request mahself!
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Speaking as someone with 500 odd games at about a 50% play rate, quite a lot are unwanted extras in a bundle purchase.
It's often cheaper to buy a steam sale publisher bundle for the 4 games you actually want, than it is to just buy the 4 separately.
Having said that, I am steadily installing and trying the games I acquire, just to see if I've missed a gem somewhere.
(There's also the fact that to save on space in my pokey house, I'm replacing my disc copies with steam copies whenever they're on sale - and yet haven't had the urge to install and replay them yet)
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1 word, sales. That's what gets to me. Whenever I see a game I'm interested in, and it's crazy cheap, I get it without thinking about it.
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Well yeah, I try get them on Steam if possible, but every now and then they end up being on Origin, or from some other place instead. I like having as many of my games on Steam as possible though.
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Really and truly though, Origin is almost decent. I HATE it when some sites just give you a game download, and it's so crappy that it comes in like 9 .rar files or something. I actually LOVE Steam.
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Because sometimes people get bored in life and decide to take up gaming as a hobby. Steam allows everyone to permanently buy games quickly and easily without the hassle of going to shops or making space for cases. So people who are new to games and have jobs can find plenty of games to spend their money on and "collect" on their profile without having to search through shops. Who doesn't like collecting things?
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These comics sealed could be worth a lot of money either now, or in future. Will them to your children if you hang onto them that long. Sadly, my giant stack of comic books were gone a long time ago. But, I still have my MicroMachines and they don't make them anymore. I also have a big collection of those small metal figures from D&D or games similiar. They are all hand painted by myself and little figures have great detail. A local museum here would like to display my collections. That's kinda cool, if it happens. Good luck enjoying your collections all - whatever they may be. Except if they're dead bodies or body parts of something...but then you'd have bigger problems, eh?
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Well, collecting games became a hobby for me a long time ago, and i own less than 5 % of my total games on steam.
So, not a big thing.. even though i am a bit weirded out by the possibility that steam might shut down wone day,
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What's up with collecting stamps? I am seeing people with over 800 stamps, and they're not gonna use any of them :/
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i love to collect games... i know i have not enough time to play them all.. but when a game hits my nerve i play more like an hour - steam shows 883
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I'm a bit of a game collector.
Partly because the PC I have not can't run newer games very well and partly because I know I'll eventually play them.
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It awesome to see my wall of games in Steam. I haven't played them all but I will someday. At least I plan on it. I buy or try to win almost everything just cause I love gaming. Only stuff I really won't mess with is sports and some racing.
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Sometimes it does get tough trying to figure out what to play. I usually focus on one game till I beat it but will play smaller games to give me a break from that game. Like I just recently finished The Witcher and now I'm working on my 2nd playthrough of Mark of the Ninja.
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I am on SteamTrades right now, and I am seeing hundreds of people who have 300+ games, and have played only like 10 or so, and not even for that long. What's up with that?
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