Anyone care to join me in making the Mother of All Key Drops Thread?

Just trying something new. My last GA/Discussion thread had some unexpectedly-generous surprises for both me and participants, so this is an attempt to carry on the awesomeness.


  • 1 Key per post
  • If you Ninja something, please take a few seconds to reply and thank the gifter for [Skyrim/Fortix]

Let's see if we can establish a record number of keys dropped... so we can break the record someday :-P

I'll start:


Disclaimer: I'm too old and slow to get anything for myself, but aside from that it would be bad form to try to Ninja stuff from my own thread, so I'm sitting this one out as Host.
Also, if you don't have any keys but want to participate, feel free to create a private GA linked in your reply.
12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Enclear.