Don't ever spend money on (what is for us poor people) high-cost games if you're broke. The pleasure of the indulgence is suppressed by the regret and stress of having less money. Wait till it goes deeply on sale, that way you can add the joy of a bargain to your emotions, as well.
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It is at 80% now. I would like to see it go down to $7 or so like they are with the other one, but I doubt it will happen for another year.
I honestly rarely buy games and get about 99% of them through either Tremor Games or this website (why my ratio is so low). This is just one of those games i have been wanting to play since it's release that I never have and been trying to go and stay legit so never bootlegged it.
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I don't know...if you're really that broke, then gettin' that new AAA game shouldn't be your main focus. From your profile is seems that from your playtime you sure to like Borderlands. Wait another year (or maybe 2) and then you could literally grab it for $5. If you just can't wait that long then $21 is a pretty nice deal. If you really wan't it within the next 6 months then it's probably the best you're going to get.
Also, never ever buy things that you can't afford. Always try to live below your means, because bad things can happen unexpectedly, and living on your means or above your means (seems like what you're doing), can land you in a deeper hole than you are already in. Just a word of advice.
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Trust me, if I bought only stuff I could afford, I would be living in my car at this point. Living off $830 per month right now.
Won't be spending my own cash either directly, will be turning in Tremor coins for Steam cards to do it. And those coins take forever to farm.
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Wow, 10K a year? That honestly sucks dude. But remember, with everything bad there will always be some good coming out of it. Why is your financial situation so stressed? Are you currently in college, as even a part time job pays more than 10K?
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Yep, fighting the VA for 3 years now, they have me at 50% so far which is only $836 per month and according to their doctors, I will probably never be able to hold down a long term job again.
So till they are done fighting me, lawyers, their own doctors, their own MRI results, their own assessment results, and the surgeons paperwork as saying pretty much they have to retire me. This is what I am at.
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Holy shit, that sucks man. You're in a really shitty situation. What happened, did you break your back, etc? Dosen't VA give you free college after you enrolled in the army? I would recommend doing that and studying up on IT, and possibly doing IT from home, seems like something long-term, but IT makes like 60K a year. The only other thing I can say is good luck on tryin' to fight the VA, I support ya man.
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Went into the military in 2012, while in basic training, I messed up in one of the combatives classes and I ended up popping a disc at the base of my spine and having it pinch a nerve (didn't find this out till much later). That was on a saturday and wasn't able to see a doctor till monday since Sick Hall was closed on the weekend.
Finally got to see the doctor on monday for him to classify it as a pulled muscle, lie to me, and then lie on the paperwork about my symptoms to cover his ass so no one would check behind him.
Ended getting myself ELSed after sitting on the sidelines for 3 weeks and being told I was looking at a day 1 restart for missing everything and sent home to heal as I was told it was pulled muscle that would take about a month and a half to heal and training was just going to keep aggravating it. Honestly didn't seem worth it to sit on the sideline watching everyone graduate and move on while I was looking at having to wait to heal after that and returning for another 3 months of basic training.
After I got home, instead of healing, it got worse and they refused to look at me at first because my discharge was ELS and not Medical. Ended up going through that for 6 months only afterward for them to completely ignore me for the most part at which point I found out about him lying on my paperwork about the symptoms. He didn't just omit symptoms on my paperwork, he tried stating in writing that I didn't even have them.
Eventually, the pain in my back shot down my hip and right leg while also started going limp and giving out. At that point they had no choice but to look at me after I ended up in their ER 5 times in 2 months.I originally got hurt in march 2012, took them till January of 2014 to finally give me an MRI to check thanks to the first doctor.
After the MRI, the local doctors at the VA changed their tune instantly and tried helping at that point as they realized they fucked up and I wasn't faking. Finally got surgery early February of THIS year but at this point, the doctors told me before they even did surgery that at this point, the injury had sat for too long (35 months) and I was about guaranteed compression damage to my sciatic nerve and they were pretty much right.
Now, the lower spine, hip and right leg are in constant pain with added off and on pain, while the right leg is hard to move and goes limp and is partially numb. Can't sit for long, stand for long, lift any weight or move with any speed. I walk with a cane but they want me on a walker but told them I wouldn't do it, so long as I can walk, I will walk.
Basically the doctor in 2012 didn't want to mess up his patient count for the day taking the time to actually look and didn't want to get called on it either and ended up turning what would have been a 2 hour surgery and a month or so to heal into permanent damage.
My chances of getting any real job that isn't working from home would be virtually nill at this point and after all of it, the department of veteran affairs is doing everything they can to fight me and their doctors at this point to the point they have tried to ignore 8 months of medical records, doctors reports and their own stuff. They tried to ignore the MRI twice. Watched the VA's own doctors studdering when I showed them the paperwork with how they were trying to do me and their own doctors recommend I get a good VSO or a lawyer.
So here I am.
The sad thing is even if I managed to get a 10 hour per week job, they would probably use it against me. They did when I managed a part time job at Walmart till my leg started going limp, Wasn't till I was completely unemployed they put me at 50% and took my doctors standing up on my behalf for that.
Spent about 8 or 9 months completely unemployed and stuck at 10% which is only about $140 per month before they were even willing to budge past the 10%.
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Damn dude, I never though it would be that bad. Good luck with combating the VA dude, I hope the best,
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I plan on it, and that is actually why they have such a bad reputation. You should hear some of the horror stories I have heard from some of them up there when I am at my appointments.
I think a great deal of it comes from the fact that you can't sue the military for anything that happens while you are in the military and has to be handled from within. Then you get the bureaucracy and people at the top who see the Vets not as a responsibility to be taken care of correctly and more as an expense to be minimized at all costs since they face no repercussions for failing at their responsibilities unless taken to extremes.
And they also play favorites on rank as far as I can tell. I have watched a man with rank and had a problem with one of his ankles at 90% disability and you would never know anything was wrong with him while I have seen privates who's hip was virtually destroyed from jumping out of planes stuck fighting.
Talked to one guy who jumped out of planes and hip started hurting and since he contract was about up, they put him off instead of looking at him and now is stuck fighting over it because he couldn't get anyone to look at him till he got out and the VA was trying to fight him claiming he had no evidence the messed up hip happened while he was in service since he had no medical records of it.
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Better wait another year while hoping that 2K will reduce the base price. The studio is already closed so there wont be new content .
I personally also wait for better price(everything below $10) for a game that seems to be more of BL2 on the moon.
I guess we are both in kinda of same situation : nothing to play(aka to dig in for a long time) so we want to spend money on something just for the sake of it.
Now go look through your backlog or unplayed games to see something that may keep your interest to a moments of better sale or more money.
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it's not better than bl1-2, just more of the same.
they added some new mechanics like areas without atmosphere, low-grav, oxygen supply, ground slam.
but they keep failing at giving us useful skills. i played 10 hours and got bored of raising 2% dmg or 4% health each time i paid a new perk level.
so yes, wait till it drops even more in price, like a goty version for $10 or less.
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Borderlands TPS is ok, compared to the original 2 it's not worth it at the moment, and trust me, the season pass is not worth it, there is only 1 big DLC the others are just characters and an arena pack (And a Level Cap if you must >.>).
But if anything I'd wait for a better sale.
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Thanks, will probably just wait it out.
Wasn't going to spend my cash directly as I can't afford it, was going to turn in Tremor coins for steam cards to get it. And those things take forever to farm up so wasn't trying to get it till I was for sure it was worth it.
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personally id say no since i HATE borderlands, and think its one of the worst franchises around. HOWEVER, for YOU to decide, just simply think about how much you enjoyed borderlands 1 and/or 2... each game has essentially been exactly the same thing, so if you like any of the others, youll enjoy this and as such can put a value on how much (and at what price point) you will enjoy the game. Easy.
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You can and no one can stop you. But since you HATE(you should have capitalized I, not HATE) a the whole franchise, and I assume you haven't played any of the games much, you are not in a good position to advise someone about a game you HATE and haven't maybe even played. Example: I, for some reason dislike the new mad max movie. If someone asks me if they should watch it is none of my business to answer that question since I dislike the movie and haven't even watched it.
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ive played the games quite a bit because ive had friends rope me into playing them. I've played them quite a lot with friends, and i utterly hate the games. Just because i don't love them doesn't make my opinion of them carry less weight. Besides that, I went on further to say that one game is the same as the next, and his ability to enjoy ANY of the bordlerlands games is a fair way for him to measure his enjoyment of pre-sequel, and in turn, their worth. If he wouldn't spend that kind of cash on any of the previous games, then he shouldn't spend it on pre-sequel... likewise, if he thinks the previous games are phenomenal and worth the price, then he should. I think my input should most definitely be helpful to the OP.
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yep buy it.
I payed full price on the game + season pass and i really enjoy the game.
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Wait for it.
As for the game, it puts a LOT more emphasis on the story and developing a rather long and detailed explanation on the origin of Handsome Jack. It also has probably the best DLC in the entire franchise (which includes the best theme song and the greatest gun of any Borderlands ever).
But it is a pain in the ass to level up and there is not typical looting content, so you cannot waste thousands of hours just fucking around and killing stuff like in BL1/2.
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At this point, I figure I would wait for it.
I honestly wouldn't get much of a chance to play it for a while for now and I would have been paying for it by turning in Tremor coins for Steam cards, so figure I will wait till it hits a steeper sale or ends up directly on Tremor, or by some insane chance I won it from here.
Hoping they come out with a part 4 eventually. Heard they just cancelled an MMO version of it.
Still think Borderlands 1 was the best one. Just hated the slag requirement and the messed up scaling on part 2 too much, ruined it on the last play through.
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You'll like the scaling here then. Even UVHM uses a formula that is between BL1 and BL2: it's steeper than linear, but not almost exponential. You won't be able to use guns 10-14 levels lower, but you won't have to get new ones on every second level either. The problem only will be that there is roughly one boss to farm XP from, so reaching max level is almost as much of a pain as it was in the original unpatched Destiny. (Well, okay, not as severe and utterly bullshit RNG depending.)
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Ouch, that sucks.
What killed BL 2 for me was how, on the last play through, they made Slag virtually required to do any decent damage and I played a Siren and half of my talents in my main tree became useless due to how they scaled off my level while the weapons scale insanely.
Then I had the Gunzerker and Psycho who turned into walking gods.
Before that last playthrough though, it was pretty decent.
And my dear lord was that game long.
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I liked borderlands 1 mainly due to the facts that I hated Slag and how it is required on the last play through for any real damage and I play as a Siren and up until the newest update a great deal of her skills became useless at the last play through which effectively shoehorned her into a single spec unless she wanted to go healer.
So I was specced entire into elementals until the last play through where I had to completely respec because my talents became so weak due to scaling that her dots couldn't even match their regeneration and a single SMG bullet would be stronger than a stack of dots.
Then you had to 2 classes that became gods at the end.
Just installed Borderlands 2 now that I found out about the last update fixing the spec issues for Maya. Going to give it another shot.
Story line though, Borderlands 2 is MUCH bigger and more detailed than the first one.
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Speaking as a HUGE fan of BL2, I'd say wait. I put 934 hours into BL2 and loved every minute of it. I did put ~100 into TPS, but that was mostly for achievements and a lot of the time I had to force myself to play (which is never good).
The story is nowhere near as good as BL1/BL2, the loot is pretty much the same, and the characters you play this time around aren't anywhere near as good as the previous two games.
This time next year you'll be able to pick up the whole game for under $10, and since the developers went under, there won't be any more content released for the game, so the season pass isn't even worth it.
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Hmm, I played a fair amount of Borderlands 1 and 2, but just couldn't get into the Pre-Sequel at all... :( If you had never played a Borderlands game before, I think you'd easily get $20 worth of fun out of any of them, but since you've already played both I suggest waiting for a better discount...
If you ever played a MMO, there might be a point where you are doing something pointless, just for the sake of being able to do something pointless, but with slightly higher numbers this time. :) That's how the Pre-Sequel felt to me, if that makes any sense... :) Maybe there was an awesome story just around the corner, but maybe it was just more guns, forever...
So I asked myself "Why am I playing this again?" and had no answer. Woohoo, game over, I win! :)
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I played Borderlands 1 and 2.
Really loved Borderlands 1 while I enjoyed Borderlands 2 (But not as much as 1). I heard lots of bad things about TPS upon release. I see it on sale now, and I am wondering. How do most people who played it honestly feel about it and is it really worth $21.
I ask this because I am broke as crap and really can't afford it but I have kinda wanted to try it since it came out. If it popped up on Tremor, that would be great and remove the entire debate, but I doubt that will happen.
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