Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition is part of, so kinda still available. Be sure to check your owned products before panic buying.
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On the collection page they use the same name (SE), so I would think so. But I haven't played either, so I can't say for sure.
Sounds like it's a different and better port than the stand-alone SE:
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To add to that, I've only played the PlayStation versions of these games, so I don't know about the PC versions, but Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition on PS2 is the same game as what's in the Devil May Cry HD Collection on PS3 - I've played through both on every difficulty level with both characters - so I'd imagine they are the same. The only one that's notably different in the HD Collection is the first Devil May Cry, which is still in English, but is based on the Japanese version, so the difficulty is a little easier in Must Die Mode, and the controls aren't stupid anymore; the PS2 version that North America got maps jump to triangle, of all things, and you can't change it.
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It's rather surprising that CAPCOM kept it up that long despite new versions.
Games get delisted from / purchase disabled on Steam all the time. But most people and media usually only notice / care about AAAs. It happens mostly because of licenses expiring, sometimes due to remakes/remaster, changes of publishers and sometimes because of low sales or bad reputation. Some devs/publishers announce the removal and even do a final sale (at least after community requests that), some only explain it afterwards and some don't inform about it all. Few indie devs also used discussions to announce it, but contrary to news they can't be easily crawled, because they are only game related, whereas news for all apps are also linked in a common place.
While I totally understand that an indie dev who published two finished games ten years ago, has another job and maybe family, doesn't have time to do regular announcements or take part in sales, there are even big publishers not doing this, although they have at least one employee being responsible for digital sales.
Examples:, published by EA, was silently retired on Jan 26th. One could have expected this at some point, since there are two newer entries in the series (3 and 4), but they haven't discounted it since July 2021, despite of all EA publisher sales since then., published by Ubisoft, still available, but full price and not on sale since 2020.
It's like they forget about their old games at some point, although you could simply look at publisher pages on Steam.
Something that might disappear within next two years: Its predecessors were already purchase disabled, #1 after 7 years, #2 after 5 years. There is no #4 yet, so it might be safe, but Bandai Namco hasn't discounted it since April 2022.
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yeah, i can see how those geniuses might thing this is a good ideea as they added enigma to Mega Man and Resident Evil games
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remaster may equal to new DRM being added to existing games
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Removal of games without warning sucks. Even if other versions are available. Now watch all the keys get sold out quick and resold by resellers later for profit, it's lame.
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Thanks for the heads up. Just bought DMC4 from Gamesplanet since apparently it's better then the Special Edition in a number of ways.
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For anyone considering buying the old versions, I played them when they came out (and then later on Steam), and... at least for DMC3, I'd say don't bother.
DMC3 SE is a port... a port made by the same people that made the original Resident Evil 4 PC port, which was so bad that Capcom had to make a new one when releasing the game on Steam. I don't remember which of those two is worse (probably RE4) but I can say with total confidence that both are, without a doubt, amongst the worst ports of all time. And while I haven't played the newer version, I cannot imagine it could be worse.
As for DMC4, I played both versions; but with a long gap between them, so I didn't remember much so as to notice the (I believe) subtle changes. They felt very similar to me: the bigger difference being that the new version has more playable characters. As for changes, I remember that one platforming section was way harder in the new one (seemed like a bug), but besides that.... nothing much.
And I do think they were removed because of DRM: or rather, the cost of it. Since Capcom is adding it to older games, when the time came to decide what to do with the DMC games two they may have realized that they were basically selling the same thing twice, so removing them would be the most cost effective move: the games are still on sale but they pay for half the DRM. Who knows.
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148 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by Kingsajz
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition and Devil May Cry 4 were removed on 1 February without any warning
DMC3 is part of Devil May Cry: HD Collection
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition is still available for purchase on steam (i heard it runs worst than the original)
-75% (4.99€) off Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition on Humble Store
-20% ($15.99 / £12.79 / 15,99€) off Devil May Cry 4 on Gamesplanet
also on shady sites
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