I'm looking at some old Nintendo games, and I'm curious of which I should look into playing.

Only rule is that I don't want any Mario, Zelda, or Kirby game to be named (Except for the Game Boys), because I've heard nearly all of them.

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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Hell yes!

10 years ago

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Fucking nostalgia hit me right in the face. Argh.

10 years ago

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Shadowrun: This is in my opinion one of the best CRPGs ever made. I love the setting & atmosphere in this one, and while combat can feel a tad bit clunky, I do feel that the rest of the game more than makes up for it.

Mr. Gimmick: Might be tricky to get a legal copy of this one, was it was only released in Japan & the Nordic countries. But it's one of the best platformers released for the system. It also sounds great.
Journey to Silius: Another excellent platformer. These days it's mostly known for its soundtrack, but the gameplay is at least as good.
Startropics: I know that you said no Nintendo series, but this one is often overlooked.
Uforia: Another excellent platformer that got a limited release. Not quite as good as the above mentioned ones, but I still quite liked it. Feels a bit like a lighthearted Blaster Master, but without the overheard sections.

10 years ago

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I didn't actually know Startropics even existed, so I'm fine with that. I'll edit the thread to "No Mario, Zelda, or Kirby games" instead.

10 years ago

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I happen to like the overhead sections of Blaster Master :P

10 years ago

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Same here, they gave some extra variety, and it's one of the reasons for why i find Blaster Master to be better than Uforia. Still, they are both solid games.

10 years ago

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Mystic Quest!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Super Smash Bros & Super Mario 64 (N64), Supermetroid (SNES).

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

10 years ago

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pretty much covers you for next few years of retro gaming :>

10 years ago

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No Breath of Fire and Star Ocean ? Secret of Evermore and Robotrek ? Contra 3 ?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

10 years ago

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Breath of Fire was much more conventional in its mechanics but still a very strong game. I too prefer the 2nd to the 1st, especially with the way they implemented the many characters and the hideout. Still, playing both in order is much better as some elements of the 1st overlaps on the second. (of the 4 I might actually prefer the 2nd in fact, not counting Dragon Quarter as only see it as a spin-off)

Indeed Star Ocean never had an official release, like Seiken Densetsu III, and both are damn good.
I had only played SO II before, and was surprised to see the quality of SO, not many SNES games were that well crafted.

Seiken Densetsu III is also a great game, and that one too was different from others with its multi stories leading to story branching and different antagonists. I don't know homw many dozens of hours I played it.
Secret of Evermore was really good, at times better than Secret of Mana, but overall quite behind SoM and SD III.

10 years ago

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For the Super Nintendo, I'd recommend the timeless classic, Zombies Ate my Neighbors. Another one I very much enjoy is ActRaiser.

10 years ago

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N64: Conker's Bad Fur Day. Had a blast playing it

10 years ago

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SNES: Top Gear 2

10 years ago

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SNES: Terranigma, Secret of Evermore
Both action-rpg games. i prefer Terranigma.

10 years ago

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SNES: Sunset Riders, Super Bomberman 5.

10 years ago

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Ooo, Bomberman. That's always fun :P

10 years ago

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NES: Faxanadu, Contra, Super C, Ninja Gaiden 2, TMNT, Bubble Bobble, Castlevania (1-3), Megaman(1-6), Bionic Commando, Excite bike.

SNES: Final Fight, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Top Gear 2, Super Turrican 2,Super Double Dragon, Blackthorne, Bomberman 2, Sunset Riders, Killer Instinct, Flashback, Rock'n'Roll Racing, Jungle Strike, R-Type3, F-zero, Chrono Trigger, Earthworm Jim 2, TMNT IV, Metal Warriors: Heavy Metal Action, Contra III, Super Castlevania IV, Alien 3, Bust-a-Move, Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts,Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

GBA: xD idk maybe sonic's ones or the wario world, i never played much this platform.

N64: San Francisco Rush 2049 (was the only ive played from this platform aside mario games but is really fun)

10 years ago

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^ this guy !

10 years ago

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Advance Wars

10 years ago

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(This is a bit off topic.)

I had a NES, a GameBoy and a SNES back then. And quite a few games. And it's weird; I can't recall any "best games". I can recall a dozen for my Amiga and my first PC, but for the consoles, it's like my memory is blank. Isn't that weird?

10 years ago

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Clock Tower and SOS made my poor little Genesis learn what jealousy is.

10 years ago

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The original game boy had a great game called "Great Greed". The first RPG I played to death!

10 years ago

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On GBA Duke Nukem Advance. My favorite GBA game of all times <3

10 years ago

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Tsubasa, Tsubasa 2

Nekketsu Kunio Footbal League 2


10 years ago

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Chrono Trigger

Yggdra Union
Riviera: The Promised Land - Somewhat strange RPG
Advance Wars (2 is better than 1)
Fire Emblem 6,7,8

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Duck Hunt?

10 years ago

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So much.

10 years ago

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GBA-Golden Sun and it's sequel Golden Sun The Lost Age

10 years ago

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My best GBA experience, hands down. Very Text-heavy but really interesting story and world, recommended as much as I can!

10 years ago

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SNES: Castlevania IV. - Final Fantasy VI
GBA: Advance Wars 2

10 years ago

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SNES: mystic quest legends, aka final fantasy 1, NES: kid icarus

10 years ago

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Mystic Quest isn't FF1. It's actually a totally unique game made by a lot of the same guys who did SaGa 3/Final Fantasy Legend 3 on the Game Boy. But I can see how you got confused - Between Final Fantasy on the NES and Final Fantasy 7, there wasn't a single "Final Fantasy" game that made it out of Japan with the title intact.

10 years ago

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I'm going to avoid doubling up on recommendations that are already posted here, but I agree with most of them. Especially the SNES RPGs, those are legitimately some of the best games ever made. Here are a couple more games that weren't listed yet but are absolutely worth playing.

Adventures of Lolo 3 (There's no running plot or reason to play them in order, so if you like this one go backwards)
Little Nemo: The Dream Master
Maniac Mansion
Shadowgate (there are two very similar games if you like this one, Deja Vu and Uninvited)
Solstice: The Quest for the Staff of Demnos

Illusion of Gaia

Blast Corps
Bomberman 64
Jet Force Gemini
Mischief Makers
Mystical Ninja starring Goemon
Perfect Dark
Snowboard Kids
Space Station: Silicon Valley

Final Fantasy Legend 2 (These aren't really Final Fantasy games, they're in the SaGa series)
Final Fantasy Legend 3 (Again, there's no running plot. 2 and 3 tend to be hate one, love the other, so try both)

Deja Vu 1+2 (I mentioned #1 up in the NES section, but this is the easiest way to play the sequel)

Sword of Mana

10 years ago

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Deja Vu sounds interesting. Going to check that out.

10 years ago

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Illusion of Gaia. It's actually part of the same loosely related trilogy as Terranigma that others have mentioned. Others have mentioned most of what I would have thought of, but IoG was always a somewhat obscure gem.

10 years ago

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A trilogy??
I dont know that, can you please say the name of the third game?

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Za21.