extended FAQ:
"When will we offer a classic plan again?
-I should answer it as never, but don't be fooled. As soon as we need to show financial data to our shareholders we will offer each year a few times the awesome "join now to humble classic" deals."
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...we need to show financial data
(not thinking about the "offering classic again" part, but more in general...) all these "leaked screenshots", dates and numbers smell of financial data to show, imo
that said, still a deal. hella good one, for some of us, also.
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If I pause my month-to-month subscription now, it'll still give me access to the rest of the games from the december monthly on the 6th, right?
EDIT: That's kinda obvious, but I just want to make sure :P
Another question I have, I have to keep pausing my sub every month to keep the original plan, right? Does it give me an option to pause another month after that one's finished or it just autosub for itself? 'Cause if that's the case, wouldnt it change to the other plan or charge me?
Sorry if the questions seems dumb, I'm really new to all of this, december was my first month ever on humble
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yearly run out this month
i already converted to monthly
if the quality drops im out
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Since I see that a lot of you here on Steam Gifts are experts on the matter, I figured I'd ask this here; is it possible to subscribe to Humble Monthly but not for the current month's Humble Monthly games? That is, I have a coupon to subscribe for $9 and I'd like to re-subscribe to keep Humble Classic, but I want to start with the January Humble Monthly and don't want December's Monthly or those current games. So is there a way to subscribe and immediately pause the current month or something to that affect? Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.
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So is there a way to subscribe and immediately pause the current month or something to that affect?
No, because we passed the auto-charge date for December's Monthly (Friday Nov 29), subscribing in any way between now and Friday Dec 6th will definitely result in being charged right away for December.
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Coupons normally are applied during payment [and certainly should be the case for $1.20/10% off Monthly coupons, as I've noticed such within my own payments], which means that so long as the coupon hasn't expired by the time you want to use it, it should still work fine. If this is a special circumstance coupon, then so long as you activate the purchase (in this case, having a Monthly sub, regardless of whether it's paused or paid for) and the promotion is currently active, you can try messaging Humble Support to see if they'll adjust the matter.
This is how they've historically approached promotion bugs during bundles, as well: It's always better to purchase the bundle and then immediately send in a support ticket, than it is to contact and hope they get back to you within the timeframe promotional period. According to Humble's staff, they can adjust offers so long as they were contacted and the offer was initiated during the promotional period, but they absolutely cannot retroactively apply promotions, regardless of context.
That all said, as Renegade noted, it's past the auto-charge date, so there should no longer be an option to subscribe+pause without payment. You can still try the method above, and purchase first and immediately contact them and, so long as your keys haven't been revealed, precedence indicates they should honor a refund or adjustment (as they deem appropriate). There's always going to be some degree of risk to that kind of approach, of course, regardless of how reliable past trends may be.
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What if I'm on an annual plan and my next billing date is 27 December? Will it renew as a classic plan?
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afaik you have the chance to renew it as a classic plan, but if you cancel and choose 2 stop you are out
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Great FAQ! Now to try to slay a particular beast that goes beyond Humble...
Why are the region locks from the "Create a gift link" pop-up different than the ones mentioned on the SteamGifts thread corresponding to that bundle?
TODO extensive explanation...
For starters, if I understand Humble and Steam correctly:
Humble can put region restrictions on the ability for someone to purchase or acquire a game from their store or a bundle based on the geolocation of the purchaser's IP address.
Once a game has been purchased or acquired, the ability to redeem a Humble gift link or generate the keys may be restricted in the same way, whether the purchaser is the one redeeming or not.
Steam's restrictions may be the same or less restrictive than any region restrictions, region exclusivity, or complete lack of restrictions that Steam has for the SubId associated with a game's Steam key that Humble ultimately provides.
Region restrictions, region exclusivity, or lack thereof can vary depending on the location where the product was purchased,whether acquired from Humble or directly from Steam.
The only way to know for certain what SubId a Steam key is associated with when acquired from a specific location/region, someone must activate the key, view the name of the Item on the Licenses page, and look up that name in SteamDB's list of packages & SubIds. Sites like steamlocked.com can help summarize Steam's region restriction and exclusivity for all of a game's SubIds. See the guide to Region Locks for more details.
TL;DR: Humble can be more restrictive than Steam about purchasing or gifting games across regions.
EDIT: Added link to Region Locks Guide.
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Thanks for the explanation.
I have a few more things on my mind that I'd like to add:
I'll try to compile your post + mine in a more compacted format.
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"with the exception of the Humble Monthly" ==> It's seams to be the same for monthly. A couple of month ago, I contact the support about a region lock problem, and they confirm to me that my region lock is the region used for my payment for montly subscrition 2 years ago.
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Are there different or more payment methods for different regions?
In North America I see at least Paypal, Amazon, and Alipay.
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If you receive one month / a subscription plan as a gift, then the region locks are decided based on the IP you use for activating the subscription.
For non-gifted subscriptions, the region lock of the keys is decided on the purchase IP indeed.
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Hello, if I understood correctly your last point "The region locks are decided based on the IP used for the purchase, with the exception of the Humble Monthly. I'm not sure how region locks will be handled with Humble Choice"
I think I can testify that Humble Monthly is also affected by purchase IP. I usually buy it normally (based in Germany) when I see a monthly without region locks but for the spyro monthly I used a vpn and successfully got a copy of cod with the dlcs (UK vpn) despite using my german paypal account.
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That's correct, my sentence did not give enough information. I was referring solely to region locks when you activate a subscription but I rushed my reply and didn't write this part.
If you have a gifted subscription, the region locks are decided based on the IP where you redeem that subscription. So if a friend purchases a subscription (can be a single month too) from USA, gifts it to you and you redeem the subscription in Germany, then you will get Germany locked keys.
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I am reading all the comments, and I am getting the notion that I have to be paying December (yakuza) to be eligible for classic, and from the Humble FAQ I don't get the same message. Let me pls clarify my point of view, and pls correct me if I am wrong.
I paid for the Spyro bundle (November), and now I have December paused, with this I mean, I paused before the 27sh Nov autocharge. I appear as a month-to-month subscriber pausing one month. This means (as far as I understand) that I will get transferred to classic, and I will be auto-charged on 27sh Dec for the Jan bundle or as soon as I accept the games that drop on 6th Dec.
Reasons I think this will work, so that I won't have to pay for the yakuza bundle, and get into the Classic pool:
December 6, 2019
December 27, 2019
According to the billing schedule, all plans still get the whole month to decide if they want the games or not, because you have until 27th to pay (or when you want to play them), and the blind bet is gone forever.
Once again, I don't have any official confirmation for this other than what is already posted in the FAQ. Maybe this case can be included there, too. cheers
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I am getting the notion that I have to be paying December (yakuza) to be eligible for classic
A new customer or resubscribing customer would have to pay for December to be eligible; as an existing subscriber you could have been pausing for the last two years.
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resubscribing customer
i guess this is someone who cancelled instead of pausing. I am pointing this out because I am not an annual subscriber, so having my sub paused is just a matter of login in every month to pause, but i have not paid any money in advance. thanks for the info
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However, it seems that active subscriptions that were received as a gift will not be converted to Humble Choice Classic.
A note on this. I did this as i had gifted to myself to get the credit they were offering at the time. In this case you just need to goto your payment settings and put in your card number again. This makes it the same as everyone else. it will not charge you anything further. Just converts your gift sub to a normal sub. My next billing was blank before i readded payment info. Now it shows.
Good FAQ. ;)
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It's mentioned in the December's OP: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/tlysO/
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had a $3 off the first month coupon so yeah I bit the bullet.
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So if I paid for the December bundle (Yakuza, SC6) but was paused the 29th and missed the autocharge date, will I still get the Classic plan?
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You can freely pause as always, as an existing subscriber so long as you don't cancel your subscription outright you'll still get the classic plan.
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Essentially yes, but if you're not a subscriber now, you will never (or at least that's what they currently say) have the possibility to get all games in a month. And also, the best price plan for a non-subscriber will cost much more than if you subscribe now.
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Hi, I'm resubbing for the first time in awhile. I linked my paypal with credit card since humble required it, but I'd like to pay with my paypal money (set as preferred payment method on paypal) instead of credit card.
For resub payments, does humble pull funds from the paypal first, or does it immediately charge the credit card?
Thanks in advance.
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I think that's on your Paypal settings. For me there is a way to choose my preferred way of balance or credit card at: https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/settings/payments
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Thank you. Was worried that it would pull from the cc first instead of the funds in my paypal.
"Manage payment methods
Choose your preferred way to pay for your subscriptions and automatic payments. Remember, we'll always use your PayPal balance first."
Hopefully it's right in humble's case :P
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Yeah, I don't mind the change to Humble Monthly but I'd really like a deal before I resub :\
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I created the topic in the Deals forum because of two main reasons:
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Don't think we can base where we put certain topic on "popularity", not where it actually belongs. This kind of approach would mean that cg attempt to create more categories to better categorize discussions is fruitless, as we could always find reason to have exception of the rule. Plus you don't have data which categories are visited more often or how users enter / look for threads.
Another FAQ is in deals section, but thread was closed immediately after it was created. And only linked to other topics to not clutter OP post and repeat the same information every time. While this topic is open and makes people think there is new deal for a bundle.
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Don't think we can base where we put certain topic on "popularity", not where it actually belongs.
I am certainly not saying this. But these FAQ are relevant only for people who check the Deals section on a regular basis and are interested in Humble Bundles. Some of these people might not even go to the Off-Topic section, and as a consequence, might not even be alerted of the fact that it's pretty much their last chance of getting the Classic (unless Humble Bundle will have future promotions for this). As you can see from the comments, there are still a lot of people who have questions about various aspects of this transition and for which this thread can prove very helpful. These people are people who are actually investigating a deal, not people who chill on a lounge forum.
All I am asking is to leave this thread in the deals section until the first Humble Choice happens; after this date, part of this info is not relevant / critical any more and should probably be accessed only when it's required.
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All I am asking is to leave this thread in the deals section until the first Humble Choice happens; after this date, part of this info is not relevant / critical any more and should probably be accessed only when it's required.
Now I see your point. I will reverse this change then. I though it was meant to be kept alive for a long time, which would prompt users to use this one as an excuse to keep their topics in a wrong category. But later it should be kept in proper category, as "threat" of change will be gone.
Btw: Did you try to change category after I made the change? I wonder if it's possible to reverse change made by moderator, as users are not able to open topic that was closed by a moderator. But I was never in situation where user would try to reverse change done to thread category. You can test it for the science :P
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Thank you very much, I appreciate it.
I don't see any way to change the category; for me the drop down menu on the right of the thread title only has "Edit Discussion" and "Close Discussion"
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Changing category is possible when you click on "edit discussion". You edit there not only text of the OP post, but also category and the title.
(When I click on Edit Discussion in thread made by another user I have ability to change category. Only thread creator can change title and content of OP post)
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Science has been made!
You edit there not only text of the OP post, but also category and the title.
I've seen this view sooooo many times yet I never realized that there's a Category dropdown there (also maybe I never used it until now).
I had no issues moving the thread to Off-Topic and back to the Deals forum. So yes, changes are possible after a moderator action.
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So we both learn something from this convo :P
And I guess it makes sense. There is a reason to keep thread locked if it was closed by moderator. But there is not much harm in changing category after mod intervention.
Also: You can open other ticket if it was closed by support member. But only this category. I think many users are unaware of this, and create new tickets to add information to already closed cases.
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One Question about pausing Subscription:
Can i get the December classic plan if i paused right now for the next month(or would it be the january classic plan?the one that starts on 6th December, when we get the games from the last monthly bundle), or am i not able to get the games from the classic plan on, lets say, 20th December when i paused for the next month?
I'm just curious how the pause and get on again works.
Hope someone can answer that.
Thanks for the help!
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If you were not paused before the last autocharge date (29 Nov), then you were charged back then; you will get the December Monthly games this Friday (Soulcalibur etc.).
If you pause now, you will still be converted to the Classic plan (because you are still on a subscription plan, even if paused), but you will not receive the games from the first Humble Choice unless you unpause it before the next autocharge date (27 Dec).
It's best to check again after the transition in case there are errors in their system and you get unpaused, but this is what should in theory happen.
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okay, thanks.
As said, right now i payed for the Soulcalibur Bundle but immidiatly paused after that.
In my Subscription plan the "Unpause Date" is January 3, 2020 and my next billing date is January 31, 2020.
I was just curious if i can unpause (and pay) for the January classic Choice Bundle for instance at 20. December
(or 16. December, or 1. Januar 2020 etc) or if i need to make the choice to have the january bundle before this Friday.
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I am very happy to finally read an official confirmation. Thank you, Andri
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Yeah, I noticed it too :/ Its kind of threatening
If everyone pauses all the time, its pretty clear they are going to limit it. I hope it doesn't happen very soon
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My autopay date is 3rd of December. My bank account doesnt have enough money to cover my month-to-month plan.
They tried to withdraw but failed and they sent an automated email that says my subscription will be suspended. What does it mean exactly? Should i pause now to avoid suspension? I really dont want to miss this Classic deals just because i don
t have enough money on bank account because i am changing countries :(
edit: Mail text they sent.
You are about to miss out on Yakuza Kiwami, SOULCALIBUR VI, and My Time At Portia, because of insufficient funds in your account.
Your subscription will be suspended in 3 days. We've made it even easier to update your information. Just click here.
When you update, you'll get immediate access to Yakuza Kiwami, SOULCALIBUR VI, and My Time At Portia with more to come Friday, December 6, 2019 at 2:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time.
Edit 2 : My next billing date is postponed to 27th of December, so there should`t be a problem. My subsription is still active, i am happy :)
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Humble Choice FAQ
How do I generate a Gift Link now?
Can I change my subscription plan?
Can I pause indefinitely?
Screenshot + Comment
If I pause a Humble Choice month, does my additional discount of 10% / 20% in Humble Store remain? Will I keep my access to Trove?
I have the Classic plan. Can I reveal all the keys at once?
Is it possible that more games (a 13th, 14th game) will be added before the month is over, after the 12 games have been initially revealed?
If I have the Classic plan and more than 10 games to choose from, do I get to keep all games?
Is it still possible to subscribe between the autocharge date and the release date?
What happens if you leave some choices unclaimed? Lets say I have 10 claims, but use 3. Do I get to keep the claims for future bundles or do they become void?
More info in the official Humble Bundle FAQ
Why are the region locks from the "Create a gift link" pop-up different than the ones mentioned on the SteamGifts thread corresponding to that bundle?
How can I find out which package I got?
More info here
Where can I find a list of all Humble Originals?
Other general questions
What is a sub?
Note: Subs can contain multiple items, some of which are not visible in your library.
Activation will succeed if there is anything included that you do not own (technically: app IDs and depot IDs).
Therefore, if the sub you just activated contains such an item that you didn't own already, then the key will be used up to add this hypothetical extra content to your account.
Sub 1 contains Item1, Item2
Sub 2 contains Item1, Item2, Item3 (not visible in the library)
You activate Sub 1 and when you check your library, you see Item1 and Item2 only.
If you try to activate Sub2 now, you'll see that it will also activate, because it contains an extra item: Item3. But if you check your library afterwards, you will still see only Item1 and Item2.
When I click on "Create a gift link", I see a list of 2-letter countries. How can I see what each of these codes represent?
Other Useful links
Official Humble Choice FAQ
[1] Classic plan info
[2] How do I make sure I get the Classic plan?
[3] How do I regain access to the Classic plan once it is lost?
[4] Can I pause my subscription?
The "Transition to Humble Choice" section has been moved here.
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