Humble Choice FAQ


How do I generate a Gift Link now?

On the "Choose your games" page, you click a game, scroll down and click "gift to friend" instead of "get game". Then you see the usual region lock notification about countries that receive a different game version than you do or do not receive the game, and you can pick between generating a gift link or sending the game via email.
"Get game" will instantly reveal the key and NOT simply add the game to your Downloads page for this bundle.

Can I change my subscription plan?

This is currently not supported.
The official Humble Bundle FAQ states the following: For multi-month or classic plans, changing plans is not currently supported. You will need to wait until all remaining subscription credits are consumed before you can switch plans. For classic subscribers, you will need to contact customer support for additional assistance!

Can I pause indefinitely?

You can pause one month after another without a limit, but pausing lasts only 1 month at a time. After that month has been skipped, you will be resubscribed and set to receive the next monthly subscription. You will then need to pause again for the second month.

Screenshot + Comment

If I pause a Humble Choice month, does my additional discount of 10% / 20% in Humble Store remain? Will I keep my access to Trove?

No to both.

I have the Classic plan. Can I reveal all the keys at once?

There is currently no option to reveal all keys. You have to click the games one by one and click "Get game".

Is it possible that more games (a 13th, 14th game) will be added before the month is over, after the 12 games have been initially revealed?

The official Humble Bundle FAQ states the following: All games are revealed upfront without any waiting to find out what you're getting each month!

If I have the Classic plan and more than 10 games to choose from, do I get to keep all games?

Initially, with the Classic plan, you were able to get only get 10 choices regardless of whether there are more than 10 games available to choose from. Example: see January 2020 Humble Choice
However, this was changed in the meantime and what was advertised initially as a limited-time promotion for Classic and Premium plans to receive all 12 games became now customary.

Is it still possible to subscribe between the autocharge date and the release date?

Yes. As long as the bundle is not yet released, you can still subscribe.

What happens if you leave some choices unclaimed? Lets say I have 10 claims, but use 3. Do I get to keep the claims for future bundles or do they become void?

Unused choices do not expire when the month ends or in the future (you can claim them whenever you want, for that specific month) but do not roll over to any following months as they are specific to the month they were purchased for

More info in the official Humble Bundle FAQ

Why are the region locks from the "Create a gift link" pop-up different than the ones mentioned on the SteamGifts thread corresponding to that bundle?

In most of the cases, the list of locked countries should be taken as a hint on which countries receive region locked keys ("for customers from these countries, Humble Bundle provides region locked keys"), rather than a warning that the key you receive will not activate in those countries. Keep in mind that people who receive ROW keys will also get the same warning, even if their key is perfectly redeemable in those countries.
A SteamDB sub will always list the region restrictions. Therefore, in order to deduct if a key is locked or not, one needs to check what kind of packages exist for that sub. All possible subs have to be checked, included the no-name ones. Also make sure that the content of the subs - the apps - is pretty much the same (sometimes there can be an extra DLC / a missing DLC in some regions).
If there is a package that is restricted to your country and that country is listed in the Humble Bundle notification, then it's usually a sign that you will receive a key that activates that specific sub. Important to note here is that there are cases in which region locked subs exist, but Humble Bundle together with the publishers decide to deliver ROW keys to the customers from those countries (in this case, the country will not appear in the list from the gift link).
The SG thread corresponding to that bundle will always list the "real" region locks, by compiling them based on what subs exist in combination with the list of the countries from the gift link notification, which are in most of the cases confirmed by users.
Not all the regions contain the same countries. Each publisher defines their own region locks and list of countries.

How can I find out which package I got?

When activating or failing to activate the key, ArchiSteamFarm or the SteamDB browser extension would tell you.
Alternatively, you can also open your browser dev tools on and click the network tab in the dev tools window and then try to redeem the key; you can find the activation details or failure details in the network response you get. The SteamDB extension just shows this in a convenient way.

More info here

Where can I find a list of all Humble Originals?

There is a thread for that but please check this comment as well - if you didn't reveal your key yet, you'll most likely not receive one any more.

Other general questions


What is a sub?

When you purchase something on Steam (or activate a key from a bundle), you purchase a subscription to some specific products (a sub).

Note: Subs can contain multiple items, some of which are not visible in your library.
Activation will succeed if there is anything included that you do not own (technically: app IDs and depot IDs).
Therefore, if the sub you just activated contains such an item that you didn't own already, then the key will be used up to add this hypothetical extra content to your account.

Sub 1 contains Item1, Item2
Sub 2 contains Item1, Item2, Item3 (not visible in the library)
You activate Sub 1 and when you check your library, you see Item1 and Item2 only.
If you try to activate Sub2 now, you'll see that it will also activate, because it contains an extra item: Item3. But if you check your library afterwards, you will still see only Item1 and Item2.

When I click on "Create a gift link", I see a list of 2-letter countries. How can I see what each of these codes represent?

Here are a few options:

  1. Translate 2-letter codes into country names (
  2. Country abbreviations list
  3. Decoding table of country codes (Wikipedia)

Other Useful links

Official Humble Choice FAQ
[1] Classic plan info
[2] How do I make sure I get the Classic plan?
[3] How do I regain access to the Classic plan once it is lost?
[4] Can I pause my subscription?
The "Transition to Humble Choice" section has been moved here.

5 years ago*

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Does a gifted subscription have all features of a regular subscription? I want to subscribe and stay on the classic payment plan, but I do not have extra money yet, so I'll ask a friend to gift me. Will I be able to put my subscription on pause if I get it as gift?

5 years ago

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This person indicated that they gifted themselves and just needed to add payment info to convert to a regular sub, I would think that it should work with gifted sub in general.

From OP it seems that gifted subs will not convert to classic by themselves, but added to what the aforementioned user said, it seems to be possible to change it to a classic if you do the extra step yourself?

5 years ago

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Thanks, I'll try.

P.S. Nice avatar. (╭☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭☞

5 years ago*

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Thanks, I think so too (╭☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭☞

Also, I just bought a yearly sub to my previously inactive account and was not charged for the current monthly (I guess because the auto charge was the end of november?) but the subscription became active without payment.

So another option for you could be to do the same, Humble originally was going to charge me on the 27th of december but I chose to "pay now" and it gave me the current monthly and charged the money immediately after but that was my personal choice.

5 years ago

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If you have an active subscription and then get gifted it just moves the auto renewal date, but if you don't have an active sub you wont get the option to extend the classic plan after the gift ends.

Check the 1st part of this post or see humble FAQ.
Basically you can confirm if you will get classic by going to your subscriber page and checking the part "Manage your subscription". If you have a RESUBSCRIBE button you wont get classic payment plan PAST THE GIFTED PERIOD.

5 years ago*

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For me it's still kind of unclear. I still have Monthly Subscription until February 2020. So I don't need to resubscribe now. I should be able to do it until February, right?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yes, you'll automatically have Choice Classic plan. You need to resubscribe in February in order to stay on Classic plan.

5 years ago

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Thanks to you both for confirming. And the first Humble Choice will be revealed tomorrow?

5 years ago

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I can assume - yes, it will be revealed tomorrow just right after December monthly reveal.

5 years ago

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I got an email that I need to subscribe to Humble Monthly today if I want to lock on Classic. Why is it? I'm paused this month but last month I got the bundle then pressed Pause immediately. Is it a false alarm?

Here's the email:

"Don't let your savings slip away
Less than 48 hours left to lock in the Classic plan. That's $12 for 10 PC games every month that you keep forever. Hurry! You only have until December 6, 2019 at 9:59 AM PT to lock in the Classic price.

You can pause and keep the Classic plan.
With the Classic plan, you can pause anytime in the future and still keep your Classic status. You only lose access if you cancel."

5 years ago

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If you are already subscribed yet paused, then you will transition to classic plan anyway, so it's just a routine email that can be ignored.

5 years ago

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Quite hyped for the change, the leaks look interesting and if I'm not mistaken, when Humble Choice launches we should get the late unlocks from the current Humble Monthly AND the games for Humble Choice?

I didn't see anything related to how/when the games for Humble Choice are given but I don't think they would retain the "early unlocks+late unlocks" model for HB monthly considering all games are revealed on the go.

5 years ago

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essentially thats the idea if i understand it well.

And you are correct, with Humble Choice all the games are revealed from the get -gom what changes is how many games you get according to the tier you have: the old "grandfathered" 12 dollar tier plan which, from what i took, nets you all the 10 games (so essentially no negative changes in that regard for the worse) the lite 5 dollar tier which gets you no game from the Humble Choice, just the discount and the Trove games, the 15 dollar tier which lets you pick up to 3 from the 10 and the new 20 dollar tier which lets you pick all the games.

Then again its hard to tell whether or not they will make further changes to their system going forward with Humble Choice and whether or not the grandfathered system will last for too long before they pull the plug on that one (because from a business standpoint, its obviously not in their best interest to have too many people being able to use the old plan).

5 years ago*

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Agreed, the classic system provides a very distinct contrast to anyone in the future who would like to buy the monthly.

I can understand 15$ for 3 games as you get to choose which games you want in the new system and it shouldn't surprise anyone that the most chosen would be what used to be headliners..the new price point makes sense logically, not that it stops one from bellyaching about the fact how we're going from 12 dollar a bundle to 20 :D

I hope we can keep the old system as spending 20 for the whole bundle isn't feasible for me, mainly because in each bundle there is a variety of genres and it's not easy to find one bundle where you would like all of it.

Also, if they will change the grandfather system, I would think that the first thing to go was the unlimited pause feature. That would ruffle quite a few people's feathers and might just make them unsub, we will see.

5 years ago

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My subscription is suspended according to email i got from Humble. Reason: No money on my bank account.

Here is the subscription status:

Am i eligible for Classic now?

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Hello guys! So just to clear it: if I subscribe now for classic, I can pause every month, if there's nothing that really interests me?

Edit: I found it in the meantime, but thanks to both of you for the verification. :)

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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so for those of us that bought a full year last december when they had those crazy deals and didn't pause all of THIS year, now that the charge time has finally come around again, humble is making it impossible to switch plans to month2month AND remain a member of classic? is that right, or am i missing something?

ive already paused for this december choice bundle because it's not that appealing, but am i correct in assuming i'll need to pay the full $132 to stay classic?

5 years ago

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Yes that is correct. Once you have the Classic plan, you can't downgrade to a different month-to-month without losing the Classic benefits (at least that's the official situation at the moment). You can cancel it and re-subscribe with a different plan but the price per month will be higher and you will lose Classic.
You can try writing a support ticket and asking them to change the plan for you, I'm not sure if you will be able to make them charge you the old 3 / 6 months amount.
Also keep in mind that you can pause a month indefinitely (but you will still need to be charged the $132 now and that will automatically pay for the first month).

5 years ago

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thanks for the explanation. that's what i figured. i'm going to just keep pausing then i guess until there's a really good bundle and i'll have to fork over the $132 for it lol

5 years ago

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Try asking support to change you to monthly billing for the classic plan. Way cheaper than those $132.

5 years ago

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I wonder, how does the referral program work now since new subscribers get to choose a tier? From their Support page for Referral Program

If a new subscriber signs up for a personal subscription (non-gift) by following your link, you'll receive an email confirmation and applicable wallet credit for the Humble Store!

So the LITE plan should give the same Humble Wallet reward as BASIC or PREMIUM? Not sure about this.

5 years ago

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This came to my attention on the Humble Partner Program FAQ page.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Does anyone know what would happen to "un-redeemed games", after the month has gone to pass?
Do we still have access to them or not?


5 years ago

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Speaking of which, when is the next one coming out? It seems like they removed the countdown.

Unless it's the Trove timer now.

5 years ago

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It's always launches in the first Friday of the month, 10 AM PST.
Next one is on 3 Jan 2020.

5 years ago

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Thanks. I never actually kept track of when it was launching.

5 years ago

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Not sure if this is FAQ-worthy, but with the Classic plan, you only get 10 choices regardless of whether there are more than 10 games available to choose from.

See: January 2020 Humble Choice

5 years ago

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It is, thanks for the nice idea!

5 years ago

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Sorry about the pointless bump but thank you for all of those amazing bundle topics and its a bit late but happy new year.

5 years ago

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Kind words are never pointless :)
Happy New Year to you too!

5 years ago*

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Thank you.

5 years ago

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Has anyone changed cycle of classic plan?

4 years ago

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I'm wondering, by the way all this legalese garbage is worded, that if you have a 12-month plan that converted to Classic in December like a lot of people did because of the $40 credit deal in 2018, that you now got a $132 bill in January and if you can't afford to drop $132 at once, your only option to get any new bundles is to eliminate your classic plan and drop down to the inferior and more expensive Premium?

Is that fucking right? That's absolutely crooked.

4 years ago

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I think they say to contact them, if you want to change plan. I thought about it but didn't do anything about it, so I don't know how it's handled.

4 years ago

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Like it says above, send them a support ticket and see how that goes.
For classic subscribers, you will need to contact customer support for additional assistance!

4 years ago

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thanks, I have sent a ticket. just a lot the wording they use and the fact they make you need to put in a ticket reeks of how companies keep getting caught intentionally making things difficult for customers to resolve issues.

4 years ago

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That's how I interpret it. Initially bought the 1yr plan on $99 deal. My plan was to use the 12 tokens for 2yrs so far its close to 1.5yrs and I am running out. Have 3 more months of token and i dont see any discounts mentioned since Choice was introduced. Do let us know the outcome of your ticket.

I am not sure if I get billed directly after spending all the tokens or I can pause after spending them and not get billed?

4 years ago

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I'm pretty sure you can pause after spending all your tokens. Or, at least I know I did not have to pay the annual deal until I wanted the games this month after I paused last month.

4 years ago

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I have this "'Next billing date May 29, 2020" for quite sometime, they couldnt wait to bill me and let me know when its coming. Hahaha From previously being a month to month sub, they are pretty quick to fire on the billing button. XD

4 years ago

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They actually were able to change my billing to month-to-month. Pretty painlessly also.

The way they word it on the website makes it sound like you have to cancel your plan then sign up again, though, which would mean you lose Classic.

4 years ago

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Seems like a quick reply as well. 👍🏻

I tend to wait more like half a week for HB support.

4 years ago

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Okay, so I have a question. Is there a way to "choose" your games now but hold off on whether to generate a key or a gift link? I feel like I'll get confused in the future when I try to sort out my stuff if I don't do this... ;;; Plus, I'm a bit scared that they might exclude a past choice in the event of a certain circumstance, like a company going bankrupt/refusing to provide keys or HB "running out of keys" of a game, like what happened with some of the HB originals. ^^;;

4 years ago

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No, unfortunately at the moment you can either "Get game" = reveal the key or "Gift to friend" = create a gift link.

4 years ago

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Ahh, I see. That's unfortunate, but thank you for the answer! :) Guess I just have to make changes to my spreadsheet format... :'(

4 years ago

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Note that they removed the multi-month plan but left the yearly and month-by-month plans, with prices unchanged.

However, I also see:

Your subscription

Your 6-Month Classic Plan will automatically renew on Friday, November 27, 2020.
Manage your subscription
4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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Why are the region locks from the "Create a gift link" pop-up different than the ones mentioned on the SteamGifts thread corresponding to that bundle?


Another alternative to using SteamDb is

FYI: This website is no longer available, which means that only can be used to check all possible subs related to a game.

3 years ago

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I removed the link, thank you for the heads up!

3 years ago

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