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you are now my favorite person. congrats. expect a yearly postcard.
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I genuinely admire your balls-out "fuck you - just gimme me the freebies" attitude.
You, sir, are a true asset to the community.
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It'll be so much easier in SG V2.0. I've never bothered to make a blacklist, because I don't feel like wasting time on rerolls. Having a minimum CV requirement for giveaways is sufficient to keep out the worst of the leechers, but it'll be nice to be able to automatically blacklist people.
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and you haven't even given away a single game yet. horrible person.
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If by terrible, you mean amusing (and sometimes wonderfully straight forward when it comes to more serious topics), then yes, you are terrible. XD For what it is worth, you are one my personal fav SG forum regulars.
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I have been accused of being to honest in real life, people always ask for the truth but most of the time people don't really want it I noticed. I guess that's why I seem straight forward lol....
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Yeah, I have the same "problem". They say they want an honest opinion or the truth and you give it and then they get all butt-hurt. I am blunt at times too, so that probably doesn't help XD The way I see it, I'm not their mom, so if they want faerytales or for it to be all "soft and cushy" honesty with their hand held, I am not the person to come too. They want it straight without bs, then ask me. LOL I've been called names before, because I gave people honesty when they asked for it. Too much bs in the world as it is, so I am not going to add to it.
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I'm going to go ahead and be the first person to admit that I actually like you, whether not you like me.
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But you're made of cake. Who doesn't like cake? :(
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I like how that cake captured my professionalism and beauty.
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Friends is definitely not the right way to judge. I have 169 friends, most of them are traders I trade with. Daily I message only like ~6 people.
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This. I'm not a trader, but almost everyone of my 239 friends was added only to send a giveaway win. I could be wrong, but I doubt most of those people "love" me, if they remember me at all. :-)
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OddLlama is a fucking great and most amazingly generous person. He is always fucking around with people, but he is also a great guy to talk about serious stuff.
I love him and hate him at the same time, in the good sense.
Llama, if you are seeing this, f*** you mate!
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oh shit, that hurts. though i don't seem to recognize you on this forum...
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That's the most obvious person you could've mentioned.
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What? That doesn't make any sense. The coolest guy on SG is too obvious for him to say so we should just not bring him up even if he is? Lol
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I never said you shouldn't say Delta, I'm just saying that it's obvious.
Calm yer' tits.
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What you are saying in this string of comments makes you sound either stupid, trollish, or just flat-out irritating.
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That's funny coming from you. You're just a plain ole' dumbass, especially when you argue. You blacklisted me because I disagreed you with on an opinionated subject. Over-reaction, much?
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I'm sorry to disagree with you, but you can be perhaps a bit harsh in your comments sometimes... :P
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Hey, you can disagree with me all you want. That's not what the problem was. It's that I posted a comment that opposed his opinion and he blacklisted me, I shit you not. When I asked him why he blacklisted me, he ignored me. Pretty immature.
Harsh, though? Sure, I can admit to that but half the people that respond to me have the worst intentions ever, and I've seen enough of the internet to know that people are assholes behind a false face ( computer screen ). If you think I'm being harsh, not at all. I'm just defensive when people decide to be an asshole without knowing a single thing about me, such as Nyoko down there that probably blacklisted me just because I said "plain ole' dumbass" which whether not he likes it, is a pretty accurate description of DillonMabry from my experiences.
Not to get on at you, though. I don't have a problem with you. I'm nice to people that aren't the physical embodiment of a 4channer, along with their innate ability to be an ass in any situation.
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Ignorance is a great thing.
Just to make your ignorant life a living hell, maybe I'll join every one of your giveaways!
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You're acting like I actually care. The points don't mean anything, especially since winners are rolled randomly.
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And I haven't seen you either, so I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that you're a dick. If you at least look at the comments and consider the context, even though there's very minimal because I have no idea who Nyoko is, you'd see that Nyoko blacklisted me for no obvious reason other than listening to a coincidentally 'large' (large being very few people who commented) group of people who hate me a lot when they don't even know why.
Again, I'm not going to judge you. Go ahead and judge me, but at least get to know me a little. You can't get a lot of information about someone in a comment thread where I didn't even start the argument(s).
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You did start the argument. I understand that you tried to make a joke but a rational person would notice that people don't get/like their joke and would just stop responding. But you clinged to your initial statement and made this quite funny/positive topic into a unpleasant argument. So from that I concluded that you are a dick (but on a second thought you might not be a dick, just immature).
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Fair enough. That's how you see it, so I won't annoy you about it. The only thing I'm annoyed about is how you think I started the argument. Not that it matters, but if anyone it was FreddyFiasco who started it with his ignorant assumption of specific characteristics based off of a harmless joke. The "Calm yer' tits" comments was pretty tame and not even passive aggressive, let alone an 'attack' on the person.
Whatever, it's over. No reason to continue this.
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Really? Butthurt? You're one of those people that no matter what your opponent says, you're so delusional that you'll believe what you think and that's fine. It's human nature. People only hear what they want to hear but this was our first interaction too and you were a snarky little prick about it at the time, as well.
And there's always context behind an argument I'm in. I never start the arguments I get in because I'm not a very angry person lacking self esteem who requires pointless arguments over the internet to survive.
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Stupidity is the lack of knowledge, I'm not trying to get a rise out of anyone, and irritation is completely opinionated. In case you don't understand what this is, it's me breaking down every single one of your accusations.
Simply put, of course Delta is going to be popular. IIRC Delta is an ex-mod, and mods are generally popular people and Delta is at least a 'decent' person other than when he feels like being a dick which is apparently hard to tell when this is happening due to the lack of tone detection in text.
Other than that, you're just jumping on the hate-train and you don't even know why select people may hate me. The first reason that became obvious is an unpopular selection of opinions, and whoever chooses that reason is just plain ignorant and close-minded. On the other hand, sure, I like to jump in when somebody is acting really stupid ( Such as the music piracy thread, or the implied piracy comment )and residents from 4chan like to make fun of that.
Point is, you don't know me and I don't know you. Unless you're looking to just be plain ignorant because, I repeat, you don't know me,(Neither does anyone on these forums, actually, so really this applies to EVERYONE) then you're doing a great job.
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Nah, I'm a Support Hopeful. I've been a mod on another site though, though haven't been there in years, really.
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You, uh, did a bad job breaking down my "accusations", buddy. I was only saying how you sounded in that one string of comments. Delta is fucking cool, too, so he does deserve a "Coolest" award.
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My tits are pretty calm your comment just made no sense. Why should an answer that is likely right be considered lame? And no I don't really know you but you do seem to like to nitpick from what I am seeing here.
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Since 'tone' is hard to detect on the internet, I'm going to admit that I was joking. I really don't care if the obvious answer is 'lame', my initial comment was a joke and some SG 'elders' tried to start an argument off of that.
EDIT: There's no reason to argue over the fact that I made a joke. If people thought I was being serious, then congratulations to them. I don't care either way.
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I didn't think it was a joke but either way I think people took this a little too far :P It was fairly harmless until people started insulting you lol
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Fair enough. Jokes aren't allowed on the internet because of lack of tone.
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I was going to say him also. I just see him all over and he seems pretty chill.
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Delta beats me, hands down.
But I still think Rinarin (AKA Lina) is the most popular. Who doesn't love pink hair, right? D
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No. Bobo, like cg, is an oft unseen benevolent protector of the weak, but he is loved not for his valiant efforts.
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I would guess that the coolest and most loved on would be the creators...
What do I know, though, they might have just a handful of friends on Steam, so that would apparently clasify them as sore losers no one likes O.o
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Hi, Gabzilla, I see you somehow acquired a second account so that you could pimp yourself. How clever.
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So, I am actually curios; Who is the coolest and most-loved on SG!
My way of judging, your amount of friends on Steam! What is your amount of friends on Steam?
Mine:280 friends.
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