Personally, I thought it was the worst yet, but I'd like to get your guys' opinions.

8 years ago

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Was it a good bundle?

View Results
The best bundle yet.
It was okay.
The worst bundle yet.

This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Nice trade. I've got plans to trade the games away, but not sure if many people will want 'em, haha.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I actually want a lot of the games in this bundle, but the problem is that people hold onto the monthly games like they're gold mines. I can never convince anyone to trade them to me no matter how much they "suck." XD Got lucky a few times with people offering them, but when I ask, I get shot down. =P

8 years ago

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I know.
People on barter act like HB monthly games are worth the same as unbundled games....

8 years ago

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Yeah, which is strange. Yes, they deserve more than stuff that gets bundled left and right, but come on now. I still can't get anyone to trade me Kentucky Route Zero and I've been more than generous with the amounts I've offered. >_<; So it goes.

8 years ago

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Well it depends what type of peeps you are dealing with. Most who are trading spares tend to do it as soon as the bundle launches and are not too worried about 'making a profit' as it were. So long as they get a decent offer for something that they would rather have instead of X, they are generally happy. This is where Group Buys shines since it caters to these types of peeps by disallowing for profit trading.

As the weeks go on, you begin to encounter 'for profit' traders. These are the fellas who buy a couple of monthlys everytime just to make a profit out of it. They are very unlikely to compromise and would much rather wait for the supply of monthly keys to run low in order to get their profit than to sell it low now. These peeps need to at least break even, so if you happen to be after a popular game from the bundle, you are going to be paying quite a bit :/.

Also cough cough

8 years ago

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I've never actually taken part in a group buy. But yeah, when a bundle's active/new, I try to trade immediately for stuff I want from it. No such luck with KRZ, and I dunno if I'll get lucky with anything from this month's bundle. >_>;

Got something stuck in your throat? =P (Seriously, not sure why you're coughing. <_<;)

8 years ago

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I may or not be hinting at something.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I am confused. @_@

8 years ago

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I have the game for trade -.-.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Cute pic is cute. =3

8 years ago

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Oh! XD Thanks for bringing it up! Sadly, I don't have any TF2 keys, which seems to be what you want. I can only trade other games. >_< I appreciate it though!

8 years ago

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I was able to trade the COD Starter Pack for I Shall Remain, and already have a plan to trade the rest

Nice! :)

8 years ago

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Wasn't particularly impressed but my wife wants Soma so I'll continue on for another month.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I would've unsubbed, but I wanted SOMA as well, haha.

8 years ago

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I liked it more than last month's bundle. So not bad, but not good either.

8 years ago

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At the very least, I'm glad the genres are more varied than last month, but I'm still trading most of the stuff away.

8 years ago

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Starward Rogue is a solid game at least, the rest seem fairly niche. But the whole idea is basically a gamble, there's no certainty on anything aside from the early unlock.

8 years ago

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I actually think it looks pretty good. When I first saw the games, I had not heard of most of them; but, after doing a little research it seems like Starward Rogue, Poi, and Planet of the Eyes will be sort of hidden gems for me.

8 years ago

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At first I thought it wasn't very good but the more I think about it the more I like some of the games. Poi looks like Super Mario 64 (which could be awesome), Starward Rogue and Planet of the Eyes also look really intriguing. Also looks like I can play the party jack thing with my wife which is nice :)

8 years ago

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Poi looks awesome. Van Helsing I kind of wanted, too. Since it's bundled, I'll probably keep it.

8 years ago

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I was going to gift the games to friends no matter what so it isn't a total loss. Would have been better if the early unlock wasn't a glorified region locked demo :(

8 years ago

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Red faction: Guerrilla

8 years ago

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already taken by ninjas

8 years ago

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Those damn ninjas.

8 years ago

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Good thing you couldn't wait for some time to deliver your games to winners. Nice attitude.

8 years ago

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wha that seems hostileish? ? Are you saying he shouldn't have done a key drop...? I just woke up maybe ur not being a meanie lol

8 years ago

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Check his last pending giveaways. Also he just closed a thread about suggesting to shame people who doesn't activate gifts and didnt like the answers then dropped the keys. So no i am not being mean to him. And yes he shouldn't have done it with that keys.

8 years ago

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Ahh, that's fair enough then. Nice sleuthing:) and wow... only waited one day..Crazy.

8 years ago

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Yes I waited a day. Meanwhile those people did in fact come back on the site multiple times. I wanted to give away a lot of games. I cant do that if Im stuck waiting for people to acknowledge that they got them. Now lets be clear, THEY CAME BACK TO THE SITE. Its not that they didnt come back, they did. They would have seen that they won and it would have taken them two seconds to tick a box.

I really dont understand tha attitudes of people here that are only too happy to treat people giving things away like scum. I dont owe any of you people a god damn thing! I was being nice to strangers. But apparently a bit of courtesy is FAR too much to ask. Apparently I should shut my fucking mouth and be glad to have the opportunity to give ungrateful people free games.

8 years ago

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One day.
One… day.
If I would have dropped all the keys where I had to waited not one day, but a WEEK for people to activate their winnings, I could have had a thread almost as long as Tzell's key drop one.

8 years ago

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Going on the site doesn't mean they could access steam though to see if it worked, unlikely, i see where ur coming from, but it is possible.

No hard feelings from me, I dont care tbh.

8 years ago

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I come on site plenty of times on my phone.
But if I won a game, I cannot active the key until I get back to my PC, which can sometimes take 2-3 days depending on how busy I am with work, etc. There can be plenty of reasons for people not activating in 24 hours. Maybe Steam is giving them trouble? Maybe their PC is giving them trouble. Its kinda silly to judge someone ungrateful, when you havent even heard from them. 24 hours isnt a lot of time.

8 years ago

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I did wait. They came back to the site and didnt take the games. Its a bit obvious they didnt want the games. In any case a bit of courtesy isnt asking too much is it? I cant give any more games away until they take those. Not that a will be now considering the abuse I got for asking why there was no naming and shaming of people who dont acknowledge getting games. It was the horrible attitude of people here that made me drop these keys here as I am done giving away stuff to ungrateful cunts.

8 years ago

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maybe they logged in via mobile, didn't have access to steam itself? or many other reasons. one fact is for sure site rules state 7 days so they have seven days, whatever you might think of it. so the only one with terrible attitude here is you.
if the rules of a site doesn't fit you, you always have the option to get out.

8 years ago*

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Ah the endless excuses. Maybe this, maybe that. I suppose youre right. they were busy PLAYING ON STEAM!!!!!! Any other excuses? I cant help but note that no one seems to give a shit about courtesy towards people giving away games. I want to give away games. I cant do that if people dont claim their win. God, Im such an asshole! Imagine the fucking nerve of me to want to give away stuff to strangers. Well I learned my lesson. And dont worry the attitudes of people around here have more than made my mind up that I wont be giving anything else away. To be honest that fucking overly hostel response to asking a simple question was enough.

My poor attitude now is a direct result of people here. I didnt come here to be an asshole. But I was treated like one for the crime of asking a question.

8 years ago

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Idlemaster, asf ect. being shown as playing doesnt mean anything.

8 years ago

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Excuses, excuses blah blah blah.

8 years ago

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Its a bit obvious they didnt want the games.

You know rerolling exists, right? It has the added bonus of not having two non-received games on your profile in six days.

8 years ago

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he wouldnt had get it granted anyway. since nobody beside him broke any rules yet

8 years ago

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The attitudes of people around here convinced me that I dont care to give away anything else anyway. So it doesnt bother me.

8 years ago

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Hehe, when I was saying that paying "blindly" for a subscription without even knowing the games, is a bit foolish, almost nobody would agree with me. xD

8 years ago

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Nobody would agree with you because you were, in most cases, wrong.

This bundle was "meh", but still profitable if you resell everything, and even then you get to keep some of the games since they have the humble original and DRM-free copies of some titles.

Most of the bundles have a big payoff, even if you don't like the games. Several games from past bundles still go for 4+ keys, which is pretty damn good considering the entire bundle costs $12, or about 5 keys in value. I've profited off of every past bundle I've gotten, and will keep doing so because it is simply the smart thing to do if you play games on Steam and are going to spend money anyway. Generally the main title you get is amazing, and can be very quickly traded to a reseller for 3+ keys, for example multiple people are buying unlimited copies of SOMA for 3 keys, which is more than half the cost of the full bundle. I've yet to see a Humble Monthly Bundle that wasn't profitable, including this one.

8 years ago

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Oh, so that's what you intend to do all the time? Buy a bundle in order to sell it? That makes it a good bundle? -_-

8 years ago

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If it's profitable, yes. When there are games I like, I get them for basically free, and sell the rest of the bundle at a decent profit. Humble Monthly is by far the best bundle option that exists.

8 years ago

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+1 A bundle is good in my eyes when I like the games in it. This one was pretty bad...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'd be happy with it if I didn't have Jackbox already. As it is, it was okay. It's still better than last month's, though.

8 years ago

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Just brutal.

I thought because of the terrible early unlock that they might have held some of the good stuff back, but wow it was horrible.

A tech demo (RAM), a regular bundle from Bundle Stars (and HB too I think), an early access platformer, a game given away free, and 2 games that go for between $2.50 and $5 in the Steam sale.

I cancelled.

I hope none of the devs or HB complains about the games getting resold on G2A, etc - because that's what happens when you churn out turds for bundles.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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The worst thing is, after a few beers on Monday I revealed the Blops 3 demo key, so I won't be able to get a refund.

I'd be feeling even worse I had pre-paid for an annual subscription though so there's that.

Goodbye Humble Monthly, I barely knew you.

8 years ago

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I think the quality of the bundle is dependent on Humble negotiating with publishers/developers using the money pooled by subscribers.

E.g. At the start of each month Humble only manages to secure at least 1 game which becomes the Early Unlock. Throughout the month I think they will monitor the size of the pool and use it as a carrot to help them secure the other games.

Maybe the quality of the monthly bundle has gone down because the pool is smaller? In the September case, it might also be that Activision has negotiated and agreed on a larger percentage of the pool which has made the cut for other games smaller.

I have no evidence to back this up. These are just my thoughts.

8 years ago

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I'm pretty sure are not looking right now what to put in September bundle, that would be crazy - one dev getting in accident, other dev getting seriously sick and suddenly two guys can't sign contracts and you are two games short and need panically to find two more games or you won't get to 6 games quota.
I think they even have bundles booked in 2 months advance - so when August Bundle is revealed, they should know/finishing October Bundle deal.

Which might explain why first bundles had better/more known stuff - they've got people to new thing, told them how great it will be and all and so first months had lots of known stuff. After that, they had numbers to show and devs seen there's no money in this, so Humble had to look for smaller titles.

8 years ago

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If anyone at Activision had the smallest of brains, they supplied all the keys for free. Not only because they were selling an actual goddamn demo for money, but because this way they could have spread the game to enough people to push the 2nd tier of the game's available editions.
(This may be also the reason why they included a 75% coupon in the monthly a few weeks in for said 2nd tier.)

And yes, I know, I know, I expect a marketing department to make a sober and rational decision…

8 years ago

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Already owned Jackbox Party Pack 2, but not 1. I'll try out the other games to see if I'll like them or not. (Played COD on the free weekend, though. It was meh.)

8 years ago

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I wanted Poi, Starward Rogue, and Planet of the Eyes so it was good for me. I also used the COD MP starter to get BO3 for $15 so I am very happy. I could see why others might not have liked it though.

8 years ago

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was crap wishing i had remembered to cancel my sub for the month.

8 years ago

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Already owned first two Van Helsings, but overall I'm pretty happy. I found a few months to be very heavy with strategy games, which is my least favourite genre, so to see more adventure games is a nice change of pace imo.

8 years ago

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For $12 i'd says its really good, becasue u couldnt buy all these anywhere for $12, but yeh terrible games in it...

8 years ago

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I've been a fan of humble monthly mainly because good # of good games for good price, but am starting to wonder if I'm just better off taking the $12 and simply buying a single game I know I want. This months was a complete strike out for me, very little interest in any of them. I haven't played any of the other previous couple of bundles I've subscribed either, although there are some good games on my "to do" list. This bundle makes me question the whole thing though.

8 years ago

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That's what I have been thinking about too.
Save up the 12 dollars each month and during the winter sale pick up whatever I know I will like.
But then again 7 games for 12 USD is not that bad either, it's less than 2 USD for each.

8 years ago

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I think it comes down to how often these bundles make you play a game that you otherwise never would have even considered. Kentucky Route Zero turned out to be amazing for me and I had never heard of it before the bundle.

8 years ago

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Ky Route Zero is one that was on my wishlist, and I do expect to get to it. As long as the bundles have a couple of "interesting" games on them I'm good, but they've gotta hit on something interesting for me. Usually humble is pretty good in that respect.

8 years ago

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Agree. $12 for a bundle of decent games isn't bad as long as there's a couple in the mix that I have interest in, and for some reason I like having lots of options of what game to play next. My backlog is long now though, and all of these will likely never be touched and just go straight to sg.

8 years ago

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Crappy for $12... Sometimes i wish to get monthly when i can see games and sometimes really no... But still wont pay $12 for any surprise. Some bundles are epic and some trash as hell. So pass monthly

8 years ago

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I used to subscribe to Box of Dread, 15 dollars for a box of horror swag. Humble Monthly is similar to that. You pay 12 dollars for the hopes of getting something good, although outside of the prebuy game you shouldn't count on getting anything good..

8 years ago

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I suppose it wasn't up to par considering the other Monthly bundles we've had over the past few months, but as a collector it wasn't horrible considering I only owned 2 of the games already.... black ops 3 and Van Helsing.. SO it wasn't horrible for me, but it certainly wasn't the best bundle ever, especially considering I'm sure most if not all of the games will be part of other bundles in the coming months...

8 years ago

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anyone bought the 2K game bundle..that was pretty good

8 years ago

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It was the worst bundle yet.

To make things even worse the bloody COD Starter pack can't be activated in certain countries. So I create a giveaway and specifically list all the countries where people can't activate the game and ask nicely to not enter if you are from one of these countries.. I can't set it in SteamGifts so I think people are smart right? I'll set it at level 6 so someone who knows what they'll doing will win it and I'll be able to give someone a game that I don't want but that they'll enjoy.

You know what happens? A person that can't activate the game wins it. ARGH. I really hope I get a reroll. You try to do a nice thing and it just bites you in the ass.

Worst bundle ever.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Heh. This is what I was afraid of, so I picked one of the two European countries it could be activated in and made a region-locked giveaway for them.

8 years ago

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Yup, main reason I went with Poland-Only CoD giveaway :P

8 years ago

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Oh, very smart. I have to remember that insight for the future.

8 years ago

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By far, the worst HB monthly yet. I mean, really... including a game that has mostly negative reviews and one that looks horrible and is DRM-Free only? While the rest are pretty mediocre? Wtf, HB? Luckily, I didn't buy it. It almost seems as if they're testing to see how far they can push people, by putting shittier and shittier games in the bundle. I had a feeling it would be shitty anyway, simply because of the early unlock.

8 years ago*

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I'm quite interested in a few of the games, like usual, but the negatives average it out to a poor bundle overall, IMO.

8 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by xXRaiser0fHellXx.