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i just added you to my magenta list
in all honestly i cant even think of what magenta looks like, ima look it up
that helped
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Did your blacklist count increase since you created this thread?
I'm not sure why, but I kinda want to have more blacklists. The thing is, I'm not really good at shitposting, ranting and talking about controversial stuff. But you can blacklist me if you want. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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That's been my goal for a long time to fix my leecher like WL/BL ratio, but no matter how hard I try there is always 2-3 whitelists for every blacklist. Even if I wanted to destroy the Earth, there would be 3:1 ratio of aliens whitelisting me for it.
Nice try, but I would never blacklist such a cute human elf.
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I think a horrible GA ratio is a good way to farm blacklists. If you want to reach like a 0.1 won games ratio, you just have to win around 100,000 gifts! And for every gift you win, you should wait 6 days and 23:59 hours to claim it despite being online!
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How trustworthy is this media ? Apparently that guy is running his second political party both of which are intent on the destruction of Swedish civilization.
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I've never heard of this site or the guy and his organisation. It definitely looks like one of those questionable far-right news sites. :p
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Yeah, asked because our mainstream right wing media reported about it but then our more far-out right wing Swedish news media reported that the guy is just some lonely nutjob. Just happened right after I was worried about you going to a civil war and I didn't want to be the harbinger. And of course even if it had been a real thing rest of mainstream media would be quiet about it like always.
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Maybe the thoughts about us going to war comes from relying too much on right-wing sites? Like anti-5G people relying too much on Facebook information. Like it's not really a warzone here, we're going about our lives as normal.
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In most places yes, but you can't deny the amount of shootings, explosions and other gang violence related actions in some neighborhoods happening daily, on par with a medium level warzone. That much has been reported by even our left/green YLE and pretty much every other news media out there. I don't rely on such right wing sites alone much rather believe everything they say, but they report a lot of stuff that others won't even if it's in your SVT news.
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I guess there are two important things here: 1. too much exposure to bad news will make you believe the world is worse off than it actually is and 2. right wing news sites sure as hell are not impartial (even if no news media truly is) and will exaggerate everything that fits their agenda.
Not denying that there definitely are bad things happening, I mean a while ago a 12 year old girl got shot to death because she got caught up in gang violence and that's horrible, but I don't think our far right side have anything good to bring to actually try to solve the problem. But I'm left-leaning, so maybe that's why I think that way :p
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I just don't want to live in a world where shooting kids on the street and blowing up apartment buildings has become the new normal, do you? Is that the price you are willing to pay for your ideals? Or rather have some other people living in those poorer areas pay for you?
Left wing seems to do their best to just import more and more people who have made their home countries horrible warzones and imagine that they will behave any better just by giving them a lot of money for free. But this has failed every time in every country, France was the first one where 1000s of cars started to burn because they protested against not getting enough for free. Sweden is happening now and we're almost always following your trends 10 years later. But here it's always "Our problem can't be that bad because we aren't as bad as Sweden yet" forgetting that we're following the same steady rise in some types of crimes that you had. And this from left wing politicians trying to justify doing nothing about it who agree that it's really bad over there.
I still don't care about wings personally, all sides have some good and some bad ideas. But could you make the decision to import terrorists and then go tell the families of the victims how they are less important with a straight face? That's just logic and common sense to not import them. And if you want feelings involved, just think of the kids blown up and shot.
No other country even lists the number of grenade attacks other than Mexico because they are so rare, that should tell you something about warring drug cartels not being a good thing.
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I don't disagree with you even if I think you're blowing things out of proportion. But it's a very complicated problem that can't be solved by either pretending to not see anything or want to throw out all immigrants or something. I really can't say anything more than that even if I see your point.
If you're wondering what I think is more imporant, it's healthcare. I want everyone to feel that they can get the help they need whenever they need it. When I read up on each of our parties stance on healthcare for the election in 2018, all SD (who are the loudest about the problems you're describing) said was something in line with "immigrants shouldn't get healthcare" instead of addressing problems with healthcare queues and the bad working conditions for workers.
I think that's all I'm going to say here. I'm not one to have political arguments on the internet :D
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Throw out those immigrants who do serious crimes. And while at it, natives who do serious crimes. I'm sure Russia would rent a nice holiday resort in the north for far less than it costs to keep dangerous people in prison.
Here it's all "Yeah nurses really deserve huge raises for their work but we can't afford to pay them because that would cost millions. But let's promise a small raise anyways before the elections and forget after" from the politicians and then "Oh immigration costs billions with very few benefits? Let's borrow 10 billion more to pay for it and let future generations worry about the debt." PS is the only one saying that those billions after billions should go to healthcare, education etc instead. And just like you did, they are mocked for the obviously false reason that they don't want to put more money into welfare because it benefits immigrants when the only thing they are saying is that we don't need more immigrants who will only ever live on welfare.
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I think you are missing the point. Blacklists have no power over you so to disturb your evil existence they whitelist you.
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Maybe it's because you're doing it wrong? I mean, I've mostly seen people commenting about getting more blacklists after creating threads asking why they were blacklisted and complaining that people would blacklist for no reason.
Also, having a positive ratio without unactivated / multiple wins is possibly not helping your case. although, looking at your profile here, I could see one reason people might BL you for
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More like MtG players and they are as likely to blacklist as well.
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There are couple different ones:[Nicol]+[bolas]
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I have plenty of slots available, but you need to work harder to get into my blacklist. Like, being a nice person won't do, you need to be terrible, or, maybe, disgusting beyond limits.
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Maybe I just lack things like a maniacal laugh, dangerous henchmen and a secret lair.
It is not supposed to be nice, it is supposed to be menacing!
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my blacklist is reserved for bots and belligerent assholes, so sorry 😕
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You were one of the first people I blacklisted, don't worry. But I appreciate you asking!
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I don't want to get blacklisted, but if I commented here to be, would I be? ._.
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Yeap. 1000 people. It is actually easy reach if you do not like leechers or I even check ex winners after some time if they played what they won from you - if they really played game from me, they go to whitelist, if not, well they can go to other list, they have game to play, don't need more from me. Sad is my whitelist is still so tiny in compare with blacklist. Four spaces on my blacklist I have wasted just by guys using two accounts, till I will make tickets for them.
Actually pushing block button is easy, I got 3 blacklists over night for commenting that forbiden theme :P
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I know there are a lot of users here who blacklist left and right so they end up using all of their blacklists slots. So because I'm a nice person I'm willing to offer me blacklisting them instead for the 10 first to comment in this thread. To further motivate people here's some giveaways, just comment on any of them to take part in a lottery for another 10 blacklists.
Overlord II
Overlord™: Raising Hell DLC
I reserve full rights to deny any and all users the blacklist for including but not limited to the following reasons: they are already blacklisted, they are whitelisted, they are staff, I just feel like it and no reason at all. When someone is denied a blacklist it will move to the next one in line until there either are 10 blacklisted users or no more messages left. Same reservations and rules apply to the 10 blacklist lottery in giveaway comments with the additional reason of them already getting blacklisted from this thread and additional rule of me picking the winners using any RNG method I choose.
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