don't worry, it happens to the best ;) now if you really struggle with yolks breaking - how do you crack your eggs? If you crack on sharp/pointy objects (rim of the pan, knife, corner of the table etc) you're more likely to puncture the yolk either with you tool or just by sending sharp eggshell pieces towards it. try cracking the egg on a flat surface - this helped me a lot with broken yolks :)
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oh, then don't flip, simple as that :D
Why do you even flip? I assume to cook the top? It's pointless, it's eggs we're talking about! But if you're really concerned with the top of the egg getting cooked and the broken yolks bother you, try cooking the eggs under a tight lid (the steam coming off the egg will cook the top or you can even add a tablespoon or two of water to make more steam) or basting the egg (spooning the hot fat from the pan on top of the egg)
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There was a yakitori restaurant near where I used to work that served skewers of hardboiled quail eggs wrapped in bacon. Nothing has topped those for me since.
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If it is a certain kind of egg, I like it raw:
Otherwise, poached please
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for extra creamy scrambled eggs use MORE butter <3
and I mean like a lot more. Unreasonably more. And cook them low and slow constantly stirring so ypu break up the curdles as soon as they form so they don't get large and your scrable gets super creamy.
my recipe for super creamy scramble is like start with a lot of butter in a cold pan. like probably twice as much butter than you think you need. then turn on the heat a little and melt the butter slowly - it can act as thermometer. When the butter is all melted and starts foaming softly you go in with the eggs, immediately start stirring and never stop. now I used to go with a pre-scrambled eggs in a bowl with a little salt in that step, but if you're quick enough and don't get your heat too high you can easily crack the eggs straight into the pan and add a pinch of salt then. Now you just stir and wait. About halfway thorugh the cooking add more butter. Yes, more butter. How much more? Idk I just use some at this point and I guess it depends on how many eggs you're using and/or how affraid you are of cardiovascular disease caused by overconsumption of butter pro tip - you shouldn't be. butter is actually quite healthy when consumed in moderation the only guidline here is probably to use less then you started with. Now right before the eggs are done to your liking cut the heat and add more butter. I usually go for as much as I've added in the middle of the cooking. Just let it melt, stir it in, serve and enjoy! If you didn't overheat it, you kept stirring the whole time and didn't skimp on butter you'll have probably the smoothest, creamiest, velvety, custardy soft plate of eggs in your life!
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