
I am doing a trade but someone stated that it's a Curator Claim. I do not know what this is. S/he is stating that we both need to be online in order for it to work.

Is this legit?

5 years ago

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Is a Steam Curator Claim trade legit?

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What's a Steam Curator Claim? / Unknown

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5 years ago

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that should be read as "safe" cause this thing is all but legit.
like, ask devs if that's legit... :D

5 years ago

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The trading thing, fake followers, low conversions in the long run, etc. is why I don't think we gave any (or very little) copies out for our game via Curator Connect. The whole system is a joke. Can't say it wasn't a nice idea on paper, though.

5 years ago

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I think I've done this type of trade before without knowing -- this guy gave me a link of a crap ton of games and told me to only claim the one we accepted a trade for. Man, I wanted to claim more lol

in the poll, it does seem that No is the prevalent answer, however, the way you (@Movac) explain it, it seems legit just a bit dishonest.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Legit but in my opinion, super dishonest to TRADE for it!. We occasionally give members access to claim a Curator game, but only with the understanding that they have to play and review it, and never with the intention to get something out of it for ourselves.

5 years ago

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I never heard of it before but reading the explanation for it, it seems pretty shady. The developers are giving the games to curator to get publicity out of it. It seems to me a very dishonest way to use the curator feature...

5 years ago

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I've traded for curator games several times before, it isn't inherently a problem for you...as long as the trader themself is legit.

5 years ago

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making a profit out of curation... then people complain sg doesn't allow curators to advertise their groups.
those traders deserve a ban. 🤦‍♀️

5 years ago

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Quite so! Infuriating how little some people seem to care about decency.

5 years ago

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making a profit out of curation

This is precisely why I dislike the curator program. I've seen too many people capitalizing off of it, both on Steam and on SG.

5 years ago

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Those curators and steam accounts should be permanently banned. These make honest curators whose doing a lot of work to their curator page some bad reputation too. I declined trade offers many times in the past, even if they offered a wishlist game because they wanted to give me the game this way.

Never accept such trade and every time report the curator for trading away the offered games.

5 years ago

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Curations that sell/trade curation games should be banned.
And the people that trade such games away are human trash, without honor, in my eyes.

My curation will never do such stuff and i should better not hear/see which other curations do it...

5 years ago

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Hey, i am just wondering what is he doing? I mean why are you saying they should get banned? I am not familiar with curation etc.

5 years ago

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He = isn't a curation/owner of a curation = i don't talk from the OP
Curations curate games from devs and can get them for free if the devs/publishers want to send a copy/copies.
Some curations trade that games away.
And that curations + people behind should be banned.

Clear now ?

5 years ago

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Oh, ok. I always thought they are buying the games themselves :D

And yeah, they should be banned if that is the case.

5 years ago

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At least the small curations buy the most games by themself.
As example have my curation (67 followers) got 1 game offered directly at steam, without writing with devs/pubslihers.
From that ammount none are happy or can make a curation only with it :)

Because a part of our team are beta testers for a small publisher we got 8 games from that, 2 because a part of our team know small devs from translation work done for them, 3 from direct contact, 2 from curation friends that promoted us to publishers/devs.
In the end, for our size fantastic, 15 games extra but only got with connections.
But 15 games aren't enough for a curation too and you don't want to calculate how many hours you invest IF you make real reviews and not "one sentence reviews" -that a lot do-.

In the end it isn't worth to invest the time "for profit", only if you have fun at writing and review games.

5 years ago

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Looks like one sentence reviews are working as well :D

5 years ago

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In pur(e?) numbers YES ...
But i am absolutly sure that 360k followers came from a big network/group and a lot of promotion pushs with that.

I seen the same from different other "groups/networks" that have then by themself 5-25 groups + partnering up with 20 other ones and promote it at a lot of cheap promote sites with very cheap games (that get normaly kicked from the steam store before you get a +1 for them :-D ).
A lot of people jump through burning wheels (= make a lot of stuff) for such "games".

5 years ago

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