Lets face it, Skyrim only really feels like a complete product when modded to hell and back, literally had 50+ graphics mods(Seriously why do some textures look like ps2 textures, ever look at rocks near cliffs, Jesus?), 100+ gameplay mods, then it felt right. I am waiting till it goes really cheap. rather that then use Family sharing all the time to play it...
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There was nothing wrong with Skyrim vanilla, and it's a great game in its own right without any mods. Obviously it doesn't compare superbly to a game like Morrowind, but of all the things to complain about in modern gaming, I think that Skyrim is really low on the list.
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No it lacks many qualities I look for in a game actually, its very bare bones and could not hold my interest for even 5 hours without heavy modding, I mean it might be fine for some but I sorta expected more.
It's also sorta sad that its come to "Obviously it doesn't compare superbly to a game like Morrowind", things should be getting better, not worse.
Opinions and all I guess....:-/.
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Last time I played I had 200 and it finally felt like a complete product haha!
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There you go, skyrim for cheaper than a kfc.
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When trying to buy it:
"Region Restriction on Cart Add: The item cannot be added to the cart due to region restrictions on the product."
Now, if i use VPN to get it from Gamefly, it should work just fine (without VPN) on Steam,right? :)
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I honestly couldnt say, ive never heard of a game being region locked to the uk only as we are part of the eu. I think the restriction on the site is because its a uk sale so I imagine you could buy it using vpn and the key would work fine. Maybe a more knowledgeable chap will be able to answer you question.
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Wow. Never thought I'd see the day where people will consider an unfinished, buggy mess of a game to be on equal footing to one of the biggest professional projects in the last few years.
Early Access is slowly killing this industry as well as my faith in it...
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Exactly. Being interested in a game that is still being developed is fine, add it to your wishlist and wait until they're done making it before handing over your money.
Would anyone want to pay to watch a movie before they have finished production? Would you buy a book that was only in it's first draft?
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Just watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2p_fwvOKKA
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The first 20 secs made me laugh so hard. And that levitating seagull :))
so The Forest is really , really, really Alpha :(
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Lol, all those people saying "Skyrim". How can't you realize that even Dark Shadows, even Takedown: Red Sabre, even Ibn Batttuta, even Organ Trail are better than this s**t? Are you so blind? Then people ask why videogame's "world" is getting worse everyday...
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You really never had a sweet roll? Thats why you are so grumpy!
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I am not a fan of Skyrim but it seems like you are drawn to the little guys games(Indie) which is fine, but in all honesty its the little guy that makes Skyrim actually a decent game(Mods.)
You might still not like it though, different strokes for different folks and all...
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Both. They are 2 different kinds of games, so comparing them is sort of redundant. If you want to play a survival horror, that is still unfinished, get The Forest. If you want to play a very well made open world RPG, get Skyrim. If you want to play both, then get both. There's nothing to compare otherwise.
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If unsure, go for finished games... but before that, make sure you like what the finished game offers, most of them have alot of bugs that can ruin the experience.
Also, the engine can only do so much, it's up to the dev to optimize the game as well.
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I currently watching the I Broke: The Forest youtube video. It's incredibly alpha. If I were you, I'd either buy Skyrim or wait for summer sale and buy it then - it will definitely get a minimum of 50% discount. Buton't forget the Forest for later to buy, after it is at least in beta - currently it's definitely not in a real playeable condition.
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it's 4£ / ~5€ at Gamefly, so i don't think it's gonna get cheaper
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The only games worth buying are multiplayer now? Gross.
Gaming nowadays saddens me...
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Not really My point not sure about others but I like to try the games by downloading them before deciding if I should buy them most of times I buy them right after. You probably didn't get my point. There's No much need in buying something and regretting it later.
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I "didn't get your post"? You said to "keep your money" as the games are "just singleplayer".
This implies that singleplayer games are not worth money. Since your followup post pretty much admits that you pirate your singleplayer games, I think I understood your post just fine.
You say "most of the times" you buy the games right after, but then tell OP to not spend his money. Well, which is it?
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So i got some money to spend and i can't really make my mind. I love survival/horror games and open-worlds too.
After a little research i've found out The Forest runs on UNITY??? Holy crap, i hate that engine, 7 Days to Die uses it too and lags like hell >_>.
So. Skyrim or The Forest?
For those who complain about Early Access and Greenlight:
You can't trust only old, powerfull, AAA companies. We need new ones. Greenlight does a part of the job. Stop complaining about it, or make a petition to take it off Steam :|
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