Still plenty of sales left, yes im not entitled but hey im sorry i enjoy saving..

I am entitled to shopping where i please and i adore steam and all im saying is so far i wish i was doing less biz on amazon, hopefully it gets greater later :)


12 years ago*

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Don't know what's up, but I didn't buy a single thing off Amazon since that Square Enix bundle they had.

12 years ago

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I was truly dissapointed too with the Square Enix bundle...mostly because I couldn't get it :_(

12 years ago

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hitman abs was 20 bux amazon can afford sales like this for more than one reason but bioshock pack stays at 4.99 every year , this kinda what im getting at..

that air sea and sand ( or what ever its called with spec ops),amazon just seems to LEAD when it comes to cheaper prices, combo packs whether its lego, fear or whatever etc etc..

Although there are sales that steam have that amazon can not touch , amazon also have sales that steam cannot touch (litteraly) due to vendor contracts i.e lots of ea/origin and so on so why not at least match the bioshock bundle price of 4.99 and some of the combo packs other than the obvious reason of entering many of these games will take place using steam but steam doesnt see .. nevermind, just trying to get through these "impulse" days on steam to get to the meat of sales in the end but damn amazon does sometime interfere w/ my steam buys,lol..

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

12 years ago

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most moeny made from impulse buys at beging of sales so prob right..

damn guild wars 2 for 29.99 looked tempting today..

12 years ago

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Amazon has more money to waste, and they are building the digital download business.

12 years ago

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absolutely BUt steam could match amazons price for bioshock bundle @ 5 bux at amazon, its the smaller items and packs which many steam users would not stray to amazon due to a) having game in inventory b0 steam = a gamers digital home.

again i can understand the AAA savings and amazons deep pockets but as far as bioshock packs being same price here as they are every year and well amazon beating this price every year, not about the SALE.. The buy is not as important as having a steam user/lover going to a competitor to buy a game thats 2 bux cheaper which also may lead to other buys "staying for a while"

and as you can see, bioshock still high in demand

BioShock 2 (20P)

Open for another 1 hour (Created 3 weeks ago)

Created by crippledwheat

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12 years ago

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You mentioned vendor contracts earlier and hit the nail on the head. It is Amazon's big bucks and leverage with vendors on multiple levels that allows them to score sweet sales like they have. I am unfamiliar with all the details since I don't work at Valve, but I am sure that they get something for activating retail keys from other vendors. It is just the nature of the beast. It is the same way Coca-cola pays Wal-Mart(and other retailers) to sell their products.

Edit* It is also not as easy to shop the deals at Amazon without cheating the system.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by PixelProV1.