What would you suggest as the old school RPG game which released after 2006?

10 years ago

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Avernum: Escape from the Pit
Might & Magic X
Legend of Grimrock
Shadowrun: Returns
Frayed Knights
Eschalon 1-3
Wasteland 2

10 years ago

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+1 for Shadowrun and Wasteland 2
These are really great games !

10 years ago

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Shadow run is good. Haven't gotten around to wasteland 2 yet.

10 years ago

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Eschalon series is great and so is LoG

10 years ago

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Lords of Xullima is awesome. Not sure its what you are looking for but its turn based party combat. Dont listen to the guy on MMX I love might and magic, I own the game, It is not fun. Just play the old ones.

10 years ago

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I own the entire series, and I love most of them. Might & Magic X might not be the finest entry in the series (that would be 4 & 5 combined, followed by 7), but it's still darn good, as long as you don't run a 32bit system. Also, avoid 9 like the plague, it's terrible.

10 years ago

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I hear you and I am glad you enjoy the good ones. X is not darn good. It limited everything ranged attacks only going straight ahead is terrible, not being able to reposition once engaged in close combat. Basically no open world because if you go to an area before you are ready you will be slaughtered for the reasons mentioned above. Terrible story with a hallway for gameplay. In my opinion its awful. I am glad we both own it, reason being I am hoping the next entry will not be a steaming pile of garbage and they will look at VI and VII and figure out what those games were and create something better if they choose to try again in 10 years.

10 years ago

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I think we both prefer very different things. M&M X was closer to the older (5 and earlier) titles in the series, while you prefer something like 6 or 7. As I found 4 & 5 (combined together into one massive game) to 6, I found M&M X to be better.

10 years ago

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Expeditions: Conquistador.

10 years ago

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The Divinity series. Newest one's Divinity Original Sin

10 years ago

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I recommend sifting through RPGMaker for finished oldschool rpgs. There's a lot of good stuff on the site, it's free, and you get your fill.

Personal faves include: Blackmoon Prophecy, which is pretty much a pastiche and love letter to the pre-7 Final Fantasy games (and it's getting a sequel with old-save bonuses). The Dragon Fantasy and Boss Run series, the latter being exactly what it sounds like. Paradise Blue which is another love-letter to oldschool RPGs but is not exactly a direct fangame of the FF series. There's two really good Dragon Quest/Warrior fangames.

There's a lot more, and a lot more that are still in development, and many tragically left unfinished. But overall there's a lot of great games that don't require money.

10 years ago

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Have you tried Breath of Death VII or Cthulhu Saves the World? I picked them both up on the 360 and loved them, they play out a lot like the old Dragon Quest/Warrior games, actually very well done for being indie games, very fun and humorous as well. They are also pretty cheap and sold as a package deal. Well worth checking out if you love old school RPGs.

10 years ago

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+1 for those, both are great.

10 years ago

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Absolutely wonderful games!

10 years ago

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SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition is rather old school ;p

10 years ago

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Darkest Dungeon

10 years ago

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