....to be English. First Brexit, now out of the Euro's to Iceland. Absolutely fuming. Cheer me up with some gifs or something.

Have some tit games.

Sakura Angels Lvl 3+
Sakura Beach Lvl 3+
Sakura Beach 2 Lvl 3+

No Kind Words

Here is a list of things that have been caused due to Brexit...

  1. The pain of standing on Lego.
  2. Traffic jams.
  3. The decline in the latter series of The Simpsons
  4. Jar Jar Binks
  5. Blue screens of death
  6. GA's that end in 1 minute but you don't have any points.
  7. Blacklist drama
  8. Shoes that don't fit
  9. Gone off milk
  10. Being too hot at night and unable to cool down.
8 years ago*

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Reserved for crying.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Some shit.

8 years ago

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More shit.


8 years ago

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both gone by an unknown ninja, if anyone had any doubts by now

8 years ago

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Thanks! :) Nasty ninjas.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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taken, not by me.

8 years ago

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Ninja's be everywhere

8 years ago

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It's bots, not ninjas :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Leeching your gibs count as cheering you up ?

8 years ago

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BB I don't even care right now, leech away....:(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sums up how i feel right now.

8 years ago

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Wait is the Eyjafjallajökull volcano from a few years back?

8 years ago

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Yeah :D
So he feels like an Icelandic volcano :D

8 years ago

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Talking about adding insult to injury lol
I came across this youtube yesterday too. the lines at 0:45 made me laugh as just left this post.

8 years ago

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At least I'm Welsh so I only have to worry about half of that...

8 years ago

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I hate you right now. :( Give us Gareth Bale please.

8 years ago

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I doubt he would want to contribute to the migrant crisis, it's caused enough trouble already.

8 years ago

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Haha, political satire towards an Englishman who's just suffered footballing pain....brave man! Made me chuckle though!

8 years ago

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You have the 3-0 NZ tour drubbing to feel bad about. Oh and the midweek pounding by the Chiefs.

(Go the Chiefs!)

8 years ago

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It isn't all good news, I'm the first to admit. And Belgium could well make it worse. I'm trying to focus on the positives though.

8 years ago

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I do have a way to cheer you up! :3

Right here ^-^

8 years ago

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Ugh. Fuck. My. Life.

8 years ago

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There there, buddy, it sucks to be me too. Take a rest!

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8 years ago

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My feelings right now.

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8 years ago

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I'm Portuguese and I'm rather baffled as to how in the hell are we still in the Euro 2016, playing the way we are :O
Regarding Brexit, I lived and worked in the Bristol Central Library for a couple of years a while back and I still visit my friends in England every now and then... they're all incredibly upset with the outcome. I wish you all the best, is kind of all I can say.

8 years ago

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I'm astounded you are going to get further than we are. You've been awful no disrespect intended. One of the few teams who've actually been worse than us.

8 years ago

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I see no disrespect there, just the plain truth ^^

8 years ago

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As a Pole I hope your form won't improve ;)

8 years ago

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I wonder why :P
Seriously though, best of luck on thursday, may the better side win :)

8 years ago

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Thank you, hope it will be a cracking match :>

8 years ago

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We are Greecing it...

If we can we will 90' tie every game to the finals. No one will notice us. We are not there, shhhhhhhhhh....

8 years ago

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Its all strategy , we make the opponents fall asleep and then we score :)
Tying up games for the win!!

Hope everything turns out good for you and if it doesn't ... there are loads and loads of other countries out there :)

8 years ago

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As an american who gives zero shits about britain or the eu, can you explain why you dont think leaving the eu was a good thing? I mean from my limited viewpoint, I would think that just the fact that you will have taken the power away from belgium and put it in your hands again would be a good thing. I dont believe that the majority of people who voted to exit did it because of imigration but again, i dont really know much about the situation.

8 years ago

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I believe it was just a political scheme to put Cameron aside...

8 years ago

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Although the referendum was Cameron's idea, i don't think he predicted this outcome though.

8 years ago

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Yea, I definitely got the impression that he called the referendum expecting it to fail, and well we know the rest.

8 years ago

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Yep, I'm sure he's regretting it...
He accepted the people's demand for a referendum because he thought it would've been won by the "remain" front, but something went wrong...

Most young ones didn't vote because they didn't think their vote would've changed anything, while the elder voted en masse to leave, probably after being "inspired" by the Labour Party, with the intent of sending Cameron home.

8 years ago

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I don't think Cameron is as important in this as you might think. I'm pretty sure most Labour voters were hoping he would stay because he's clearly only going to be replaced by someone even more right wing. And Labour leadership were officially in favour of 'remain' (although not very enthusiastically in some cases).

8 years ago

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Imagine you lived in New York and suddenly to travel to Flordia you needed a visa. No one but New York natives could go into New York without lots of passports.

Now ALL your companies residing in New York now need to negotiate new deals to stay in New York, some of these companies will wonder why they shouldn't just stay in Florida like they always have.

New York had safety laws when it was part of USA which protected jobs, now all those laws don't exist and New York's fat cats get to make new rules however they feel like.

Also...the dickheads in New York are now going around New York beating up people who look or sound like they aren't from New York.

8 years ago

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Speaking for myself this isn't exactly how I would have wanted things - but I've always been uncomfortable about the amount of power in the hands of unelected and unaccountable EU officials and I'll be glad if we can return to real democracy. In the short term at least it is going to really hurt economically and in the longer term as well if we don't get things right. And right now our leadership looks like a shambles - there is plenty for everyone to worry about here whichever way they voted.

8 years ago*

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On the one hand, I'm glad we've got more say in the running of things. On the other hand, we've just isolated ourselves from the world.

We've literally taken our ball and gone home.

8 years ago

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We haven't really isolated ourselves from the world. We'll almost certainly accept a deal similar to Norways in order to regain access to the single market which will include freedom of movement. Probably half the country will get burned down though when the far right realise this referendum will do sod all about immigration.

Beyond that, people moved about in Europe before the EU and have always moved about outside of the EU. The majority of our exports went outside the EU and are unaffected. Things will change but this isn't the end of the world.

8 years ago*

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It was a bluff that went terribly wrong.

The power was not in Belgium, only Brussels is in Belgium, as in any partnership the power is divided by its constituents, being outside of the partnership doesn't give the UK more power, it does just the opposite, the EU its UK's biggest market , they didn't lose that market but they lost the say to how that market should work and what rules the UK companies have to comply with.

If something good its not working properly you should work to fix it and not dispose of it.

As an American you can give zero shits about Europe, the EU or the UK until it hits your wallet and it will eventually.

8 years ago

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Lol, to your last sentence, travel companies here in the states are already pushing vacations to britain, because the pound is plummeting, so its like a sale on tourism there.

8 years ago

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Yes, they should quickly turn their economy to tourism alone, never mind that their biggest exports are machines, pills , gems and all sorts of physical goods that now will start paying custom fees whenever they want to access the clients that buy half of what they produce.

They better order an extra dose of sun because tourism with that weather ... will not feed the whole population.

8 years ago

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I wasnt suggesting a switch to a tourist based economy, just commenting about america's view on it, oh hey, look theyre screwed, lets go visit while its cheap.

8 years ago

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Also the devaluation of the pound is a big win for exporters - it was too high for too long and I'm already doing well of it. I'm hoping it comes back a bit though after the initial shock to the markets or else the prices of imported goods are going to start going up (which probably means everything when you factor in oil prices and transport costs).

8 years ago

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Is this enough to cheer you up?

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'd take it as a no then?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Pls let me come....I need to get out like now....genuinely had enough.

8 years ago

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And our national team is even more pish than yours.

8 years ago

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Yeah, shit's crazy!

Thanks for the GA though!

8 years ago

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Have an Austrian-Bump!

8 years ago

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From an outsider's perspective looking in I can't really understand how this whole Brexit thing has made so much progress and it really sucks that people actually want it because it is something that'll end up changing the whole world (for the worse imo) and I honestly don't know how to help so I'm going to send all my love your way as well as giving you a picture of a cute puppy.

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8 years ago

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Right now, I'm more upset about losing to Iceland, so in a twisted way, that's a good thing!

But yeah, tomorrow I get to worry about how some people I know may no longer be welcome in my country which is nice.

8 years ago

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Now I wish I watched Soccer/Football so I could say something helpful :(

8 years ago

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I have a theory about it, I think the referendum was used as a political tool to put Cameron aside...

8 years ago

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So, entering your plot giveaways would mean sharing your grief, or insulting you?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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And here I was complaining that my toilet broke and I had to buy a new one and magically learn how to replace it on my own... >_>

8 years ago

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Toilets breaking is pretty CRAP....hey hey geddit!

Some may say its a SHITTY situation....

8 years ago

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toilet broke
SHITTY situation

At least you didn't lose your sense of humor...

8 years ago

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You can take the boy out of England but you can't take England out the boy.

8 years ago

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Alright sir!
Now go make some tea, it could calm you down...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Fucking Iceland.

8 years ago

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I used to like Penguins.

8 years ago

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That doesn't make any sense!
Penguins live in the South Pole, while Iceland is near the North Pole!

8 years ago

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and there is more bad news: the cake is (still) a lie:

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8 years ago

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Cake can go away right now. :(

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

8 years ago

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Unfortunately sometimes you lose the coin toss

8 years ago

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Well then, here you go.

Feel better.

8 years ago

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Really can't say anything because I'm quite drunk again. One thing I can say: thank you for the giveaways, have a bump!

8 years ago

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Iceland is leaving the EU also?

8 years ago

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Iceland is not part of the EU and it never was, they applied to join though but already retracted the application.

8 years ago

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Oh. Why did they retract the application?

8 years ago

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Well because of the 2008 bank crisis ( that affected everybody there and everywhere where money is a thing although political parties are more interested in blaming each other, social policies and welfare for the huge national debts countries have) and Iceland's unique way to solve the problems with their banks, they arrested everybody , thrown the bankers in jail, nationalize the banks and said " The banks debt is their own and we won't pay it" ( That was decided through a referendum , imagine that). Since then they have capital controls and have struggled to get their country back on track and they seem to be doing a good job although corruption is like the plague and their formed PM was caught in the Panama Papers, think he resigned 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Well you have upcoming elections in October , just vote for the party that promises to overturn the results of the referendum and that does not invoke article 50.

Lisbon Treaty ... the Portuguese are to blame really.

8 years ago

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I don't think any of the politicians dare to/ will invoke article 50, even the two leaders from "leave" are back pedaling like crazy already I don't think the chest-beaters were expecting a win too
And a referendum is like an opinion poll, It's not a binding result.

8 years ago

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They will be pressured to make a decision, countries have to much debt to see their debt interest raise based purely on the uncertain future.
Hope they stay though , i do love to visit London, love the fact that British people have a good time on vacation in the country i live in and mostly love the fact that i can go to London on a unplanned trip and stay and leave without even needing a Passport. :)

8 years ago

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I really, really miss the late 90s/early 2000s England footy team with Seaman, Adams, Neville brothers, Campbell, Ince, Scholes, McManaman, Beckham, Shearer, Sheringham, Owen, Heskey and others.
(I almost forgot - thanks for the GAs)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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lol really?

Portugal 0-1 Greece

Show us your world cup again?

8 years ago

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That's not England, don't forget we won against you in 2004...again. ;)

8 years ago

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World Cup semi final do you?

England 2-1 Portugal

Oh, and we won that, didn't bottle it against Greece.

EDIT: Again, come back when you can show us your winners medals babe.

8 years ago

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1966? Really? How's the more recent years working for you? :P

8 years ago

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Better than you? When was the last time you won an international tournament? I mean 1966 is better than never babe.

8 years ago

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Better than Portugal recently? Not really but yes you have more cups that's true, no denying that. :)

8 years ago

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Semi Final 1990 World Cup
Semi Final 1996 European Championships
Quarter Final 1998 World Cup
Quarter Final 2002 World Cup....

Three of those include losses to the eventual winners of the entire tournament

Your claim to fame is bottling the final against the smallest team to ever win an international tournament. I'd rather be remembered for being World Champions once than our "golden generation" losing to Greece.

8 years ago

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Read the following on Twitter:

England have only won 6 games in knockout football since 1966:
Paraguay 1986
Belgium 1990
Cameroon 1990
Spain 1996
Denmark 2002
Ecuador 2006

Shocked me, honestly.

8 years ago

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That's because its not accurate...

EDIT: Although it might be, id need to check, my brain is telling me otherwise though....

8 years ago

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You are correct! Shut my mouth.

8 years ago

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Hehe, I came to raise your mood and now I achieved the opposite. ;)

8 years ago

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Euro 2000, 2004, 2008 (England didn't even qualify), 2012, 2016, World Cup 2006 Portugal went further than England. In 2010 and 2014 they both reached the same stages.

8 years ago

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And yet you've won nothing. Hollow victory.

There's no award for being "better than England" unfortunately. Sit down and come back when you've won something.

8 years ago

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We not talking about awards, at least I am not, just saying that Portugal recently is better as shown above. That's all.

8 years ago

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Lol at least we qualified for the Euros, the poor Dutch couldn't even manage that!

8 years ago

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English people after the vote!

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8 years ago

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I <3 that dog

8 years ago

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Lets make you forget everything.

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8 years ago

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Who am I?

8 years ago

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You're Rena and you like ''fur seal''. ^^

8 years ago

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Hau! How kyute!

8 years ago

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I feel your pain. I have some dozens friends in the UK, either from back when I lived and worked there or friends won via Twitter. All of them voted remain, with >95% of them I share the love for football.

But I must admit that I, as well as probably 90% in Germany and very likely a majority in the rest of Europe too, hoped that Iceland would deliver exactly what they then managed to achieve. That feeling went far beyond the usual rivalry. The match pretty much had the function of a lightning rod, where you could get rid of all your frustration about that nonsense and turmoil that the UK caused.
So maybe consider that losing against Iceland wasn't all bad, if it managed to calm the waves and emotions a bit. ;)

And as a bonus I added you to my whitelist, for whatever that is worth.

8 years ago

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All the loss here is going to do is create a lot of drunk idiots going around causing more violence towards "foreigners".

8 years ago

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