Since the FAQ doesn't specify what the minimum five entries means, could I get some confirmation on what the minimum amount of entries for CV value is for invite-only multiple-key giveaways? I would assume it's five entries per key, but I wanted to make sure.

3 weeks ago*

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Pretty sure it's five entries total, regardless of the number of keys.

3 weeks ago

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It's most definitely not five entries per key so I'll lean to five entries total -

An example user that should only have a total of 3 CV if it needed to be five entries per key -

3 weeks ago

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Those aren't invite-only.

I put it in the title, but it was only alluded in the body, sorry if there was any confusion. I just edited it in.

3 weeks ago

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Eh, I just skipped over it. That's on me. (I also assumed that the 5 entrants was a requirement on ANY giveaway, not just some with restrictions like carenard pointed out below)

Here's a better example -

This user has $19.74 private CV with only 3 giveaways private giveaways, Windy Meadow (1 copy, $10), Roadwarden (1 copy, $1.485), and Roadwarden (5 copies, $8.25). The Roadwarden with 5 copies given away only has 5 entrants but he received CV for it.

3 weeks ago

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its 5 entries total in the GA.
public GA's with no region locks are excluded from this requirement... so if its public and you get only 1 entry... you get CV(this is mostly to prevent/minimize abuse cases)

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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Five entries means five (5) entries

3 weeks ago

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Closed 3 weeks ago by slaveofwant.