People are thinking about Christmas already? I swear it's earlier every year.
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X-mas already starts in July when the first x-mas chocoloates and biscuits start shipping to the wholesale dealers/stores.
And it's never too early for x-mas biscuits ;)
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There must be a mistake. Please check again, I'm pretty sure I was already on this list.
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May I suggest something else like a day trip somewhere, short vacation or maybe see a musical?
You seem to have enough hardware ;)
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The highlights (and by highlights I mean literally the only things) for the 3DS this holiday is Pokemon Sun and Moon and Super Mario Maker. Both definitely look like a lot of fun.
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give him a kiss and ask if he loves you... enough
i hate the mandatory gifts.
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perhaps think of xmas later and celebrate my favorite holiday of the year HALLOWEEN! :D perhaps he would like a PS3 (if he doesnt have one) and the game called fighting climax its a japanese import that has afew SAO characters :)
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Hmmm. What would make nice gifts....
You said that he likes The Walking Dead and the Avengers, so perhaps you could get him some trade paperbacks for some of the series? They have a whole bunch of them (including Omnibuses ((sp?)) ), but getting the regular trades would probably be more prudent with regards to cost. I have been a fan of the comics from the start (although I don't have issues 1-6), and have read through the ups and downs.
Did you know what one of the biggest regrets Kirkman has with regards to the comic series? Cutting off Rick's hand. Well, that and not thinking of Daryll as a character himself. LOL!
Some good Avengers trades would be good, perhaps ones from big events? Ones such as The Secret War (the new one), Civil War, The Ultron Saga, stuff like that. I read some indie comics if you are interested in perhaps trying something new.:)
Something that would be pretty easy on your wallet would be making something out of beach glass (obviously easier if you have local beaches that you can find beach glass from). You can glue pieces to some pieces of wooden boards, as there are different coloured pieces you can find! You could make a character that he likes, or an animal that he finds cool. You could put them on the side of a birdhouse as well, and then hang it up in the spring!
For myself, I like putting them in neat looking jars. They look really nice! I have some beach glass shown on my Steam Profile if you want to see some of the colours you can find.:)
Hopefully my ideas didn't suck too badly. ;)
Have a great day, and good luck with the presents!:)
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You're welcome.:)
Well, it has been over the course of numerous sojourns to the beach. I think I've been collecting for about 7 years now. Sometimes I just got lucky and would find a lot on the same trip due to the wave action being just right to wash the pieces up.
That picture of the red stopper (very rare colour, and that piece itself would have been from a very old bottle) shows the piece that actually got me interested in collecting beach glass. I was poking around a huge log that was on the beach, and along the side of it I found that piece. I showed my parents (we were visiting friends of the family, as they had just bought a house in Erieu (the lake being on the other side of the road, so just a little walk and you're there!), and the rest was history! LOL!
I'm glad you liked my collection.:) Do you think you'll be able to start your own?:)
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That would be cool! You'll have to let me know how it goes (and post some pics of any beach glass you find!).
Beachcombing is lots of fun. I also found a stone base there once. It was the kind where you would put an umbrella into it, but the umbrella had long broken off, as there was still a piece of it stuck into the base. However, the first time I saw it I didn't have an interest in it, as it was quite heavy and I had a bucket full of stones and beach glass that I was already carrying.
So, I pulled it closer to the edge of the beach (as far away from the water as I could) just in case I wanted to get it when I put the bucket in my car (I went there by myself that day). I forgot of course. However, when I went to my parents house to show off my haul, I mentioned the stone base (it had flowers and angels carved into it), and my dad said that it sounded really cool, and if I saw it sometime I should bring it with me, as I could have placed a new umbrella in it (the base was fairly expensive I am sure).
The day I went to the beach to get it (and more beach glass of course), the water was very rough. I went to the area that I had left it, and saw something that could only be described as perfect timing (kismet, perhaps?). The stone base was at the edge of where the waves were crashing in, and it was tipping forward, towards the lake. If I had arrived even a hour later it would have more than likely either been buried under the sand or washed out into the lake! I rushed forward and put it out of harm's way so I could grab it when I left the beach.
I picked it up when I left (slim pickings that day for glass since it was so rough...rough water means not a lot of stones or pepples wash up ((which is where the beach glass seems to be most prevelant)) and it's mainly just sand), and brought it home.
My dad ended up thinking of a better use for the base! We removed the broken piece of umbrella from it, and placed an antique water pump in it instead. It is now in my backyard, and when the Morning Glories get close enough I wrap them around the water pump. Then when they bloom in the morning, the flowers are all around it. If you have ever played Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and saw the areas with Morning Glories on them, you'll get an idea of what it looks like.
I actually have a few pictures of it floating around. I'll post them on my Steam Profile to show what it looks like.:)
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I was very lucky that day!:)
Well, hopefully you'll be able to find enough on your trip to the coast to make something. Even a few pieces could be enough to make a small butterfly or a frog (green glass)!
I went out to my backyard this afternoon and saw that the morning glories have grown all over the pump again. I think they got a late start due to the lack of rain we were getting in the early parts of the summer (didn't really get that much until August). I had to pull it out of the flower garden I had, as they have a habit of choking out other flowers/bushes if you leave them unchecked!
I got some pictures of the snapdragons at my parents house I was mentioning earlier, and I will upload them to my Steam Profile in the next couple of days. Every single one of them got there via seeding. They had not planted a single one there at all! It looks amazing!
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Time's flying by like in an instant, it`s almost October again oO...
I'm one for cheap 10$ keyboards (Cherry etc.), doesn't make much of nice Christmas present ;D, hmm... I really am very bad at gifting, I tend to get my GF something funny and nice like a stuffed animal/jewelry or the stuff she points me to ;) and then take her out for a nice quality time evening at the theater/cinema and a good restaurant afterwards. Otherwise I would break my head and go nuts in the quest for getting the perfect gift.
Dunno where you live, but maybe use the money for a short trip over the holidays, if possible? Or something more personal in remembrance of something funny or heartwarming you both experienced together/can relate to?
Well... taking into consideration what I just said maybe only take a bump (?) and try to listen to your heart, it will tell you what you should ask Santa for to bring him on Christmas ;D. You will find the right thing.
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Bump. Just google around and try and get best deal. I use customer reviews of both eBay and Amazon, but don't limit yourself to those two.
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Maybe do a sexy Lulu cosplay if you really love him
if he annoys you do a sexy trump squid cosplay with dirty dishes
on serious note some good games should be coming out around end of year
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Don't listen people who hates Legion expansion to WoW.
I play right now, and is really fun! The only thing i dislike is about grinding reps, but mainly for The Wardens since only you can get with The Wardens from world quests, emisary quest or kirin tor of dalaran badge choose.
Also there is small drama about Stormheim storyline, but i will not spoil.
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I've gotten some cool things from ThinkGeek before.
As for electronicy things I'm not sure, I generally just buy from Amazon. I currently have a Razer BlackWidow as well and really like it, would probably just rebuy another one if something happened to it. Knock on wood that it doesn't!
I should probably start keeping an eye out for gifts soon as well. Sorry I'm not a lot of help, good luck finding some awesome gifts. :)
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Yeah I normally try to buy most of my stuff during Black Friday/Cyber Monday as well unless there's a huge sale beforehand. Why are things always so expensive? ;_;
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Your hubby sounds like he has similar tastes to myself. Here are some suggestions:
All of the above is general and not limited to a particular holiday. I hope it helps.
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Warhammer Space Hulk - Deathwing is coming out this November. FPS Co-op(think of Left 4 Dead, Payday 2, Warhammer Vermintide, etc.)
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Someone else had a mechanical keyboard recommendations thread up recently:
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