What do you prefer?
Yeah you can, that's why you have 2 sticks, you can move the camera, which doesn't need precision, and your character, which does..
The best system would be analog input on one hand + mouse in the other, in my opinion, so you have full directional control + good camera control.
This is mostly for 3d character action games, like bayonetta and god of war, where camera control is of secondary importance.
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This is when the game has a good auto-camera lock. And you don't need precision in 3D platformers that have mostly melee combat. If you need to shoot, you aim with the mouse, or you have auto aim. Some games even forces you to stop, lock movement, and aim, to overcome this.
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I think twin stick shooter is sometimes just meant as an identifier, cause I'd say a lot of people play them with keyboard.
I prefer controller, especially ones that give full 360 degree control
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You're probably too new school, because back in the days, when DOS was a thing, and even later than so, gamepads were a big thing on PC. We just had a bit of a slump in gamepad useage on PC between the late 90's and up to a short while after the 360 controller started getting traction.
What do I prefer? The right control input for the right game. So driving wheel for driving games, joystick for flight sims and so on.
But for twinstick shooters & "Abuse style" platformers, I do prefer to use keyboard & mouse.
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I prefer controller for twin-stick shooters because I tend to lose the mouse cursor on screen but I know that up-right on the right stick is going to be up-right on the screen always. That's just me though, and I'm sure it's about what you're used to. I do prefer KB+M for most other games, or even a combo for things like world of warcraft; keyboard + joystick + mouse ;)
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Keyboard and mouse is way more accurate in twin stick shooters in most cases - though Bleed or Assault Android Cactus is really good with controller as well.
And this is surprising for me, but I ended up liking controllers a lot - where comboes, movement and traversing is the main gameplay element, they are excellend. FPS and games requiring accurate aiming / mouse movement are still with mouse + keyboard. When in doubt I just use the one that feels better, they are just tools to have the best controlls, no reason to hate on any of them IMO :)
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I am tired of this KB&M master race.
Why can not both exist?
What else you would call them?They started out as twin stick shooters because they started in the arcade.
Why do we call it cargo when it is on a ship and shipment when transported by vehicle?I have no clue but it is what it is and I deal with it.
P.S. just because it is more accurate or may be more "accurate" does not mean it is some how the only choice people need and I like them being called twin stick shooters because I know right away what type of game it is.
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Don't take me wrong. Of course they could coexist. But I'm finding more and more that the preference is going on force PC users to controllers. I spent a lot of time trying to set up a lot of games to suitable keyboard control (KOF XIII was a nightmare)
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Well the same could be said for the games that do not support controllers.They are being forced to use a KB&M that they do not want so it kind of plays both ways in that aspect.It's time to realize that the KB&M is not the only game in town for PC gaming anymore and majority rules out and most use controllers for such t hings.
Most of the time when it does use the KB&M how it is setup is terrible anyhow since most games are console first.I found that out when I played Planet Coaster despite it being PC first the keyboard setup is just out right shit and the mouse just as bad.I like Cities Skylines setup much better.
And to be frank I am not any better with KB&M then I am with a controller as you still need the skill to play the game other wise no matter how good the setup if you do not have skill it means squat.
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It depends on the genre--some games are better with controller, some are better with keyboard + mouse. You can't say that one control scheme is objectively better for every single game because it's so subjective. I personally don't really like twin-stick shooters much, but with the few I play, I find playing with a controller easier and more enjoyable than KB+M. Trying to play a twin-stick shooter with keyboard+mouse just feels wrong to my hands. Moving with WASD is so much less fluid, and harder to do precise movements, than moving with a joystick. (Meanwhile, most RPGs, especially Western RPGs, I find better with keyboard+mouse.)
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Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm left handed, but use the mouse with my right hand. It works well enough for general use and for slower-paced games, but when it comes to faster stuff, I just don't have enough coordination skills in my right hand to be able to do quick precision mouse movements. Using a controller is easier for me because it doesn't require me to move my entire right hand to use the right-handed controls, and thus makes it easier for me to do quick movement and button presses.
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Twin stick shooters with keyboard and mouse ? :D The world is a curious place...
Edit: I always thought part of the fun and most of the challenge in twin stick shooters is to relate the position of my character to the positions of the enemies to pick the right angle for the shot. If I just point my cursor at the enemies doesn't that take most of the challenge out of the game ?
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Haven't played that one. But anyway, I'm not arging about presision, accuracy, or even skill. I just think that this particular genre is more fun with a controller, that's just my personal opinion not a fact, entertaiment value is never a fact you can prove.
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But it also leads a lot of upgrades / weapons ad absurdum... What is the use in red dot sight uprades and weapons if I see where I'm aiming anyway ?
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To be honest neither have I... I problably have played 1 or 2 more but the only ones I can remember playing in recent years were Halo: Spartan Assault and that terrible Expendables twin stick shooter so I assume it must have been in one of those 2.
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I also preffer the keyboard for fighting games, at least that way I can pull some moves while I'm just awful with the controller.
But twin stick shooters with k+m? Where's the fun on that? That's the kind of game that I like to play with the controller sitting a bit farther away from the desk where k+m stops being an option. Actually, many times the decision between controller vs k+m boils down to how close to the screen I like to sit for that particular genre.
Also 3rd person platformers must be played with a controller, I don't even understand why they bother adding keyboard and mouse support, that's for 1st person platformers.
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Even after years I'm utterly incapable of using both sticks on a gamepad at once, I struggle even with looking around while driving my truck in ATS, so mouse for me erryday.
e: Been playing games since around mid 90s, and the first time I held a gamepad with two sticks in my hands was... four years ago I think. Or, hell, even with one stick, the only one I used before that only had a d-pad and couple buttons. No problems with flightsticks and wheels.
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Avoid Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons at all costs then :D It's a great game but controlling 2 characters at the same time with both sticks really messes with your head. Although most people get used to it rather quickly.
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I heard you can even play it coop with keyboard + mouse but wouldn't that ruin the exact thing that makes the game unique ?
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Twin stick shooter is just a control scheme identifier, when you can independently move to a certain direction and shoot to another. Top-down shooters not always allow this, many only let you shoot in front of you, shmup style.
It is also a way to identify a mostly top-down shooter from modern FPS games, which adapted the twin-stick controls on peasant sticks due to obvious constraints.
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By example Titan Souls is not a twin-stick shooter because you can only shoot in the move direction, while Enter the Gungeon is a twin-stick shooter because you can move and shoot in opposite direction.
And they are both top-down shooters.
I really prefer a controller for this kind of game (twin-stick shooter), even if there are always exceptions (ex: I don't think I have preference for The Binding of Isaac).
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Considering the original Binding of Isaac was keyboard only due to engine restraints (it was made in Flash, so...yeah), unless you had a joystick-to-keyboard program ( Joy2Key or AntiMicro ), you were stick with W-A-S-D to move and ↑←↓→ for firing tears. Only when BoI: Rebirth came out could players use a gamepad. As I didn't start really playing until Rebirth, I got used to using the controller.
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No kidding.
An free-to-play FPS I play somewhat regularly called Blacklight: Retribution got a PS4 iteration 2 years after being released on PC. A year and a half later, PC players got a "Parity Patch" which allowed for cross-platform play. The caveat: Players on PC lost one map (Offshore) that was released for a game type called "Netwar", a lot of perks such as "customization nodes" that were in the original PC release and the removal of recoil from weapons (understandable due to PS4 players playing on controllers). Leveling was also altered... PC players originally could get up to level 45, with items unlocking for purchase with in-game currency after a certain level. With the "Parity Patch", it's now a CoD type system, where it's easier to level up and prestiging once you reach level 100 (IIRC, I'm currently Level 65 with a Prestige ranking of 8).
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Wasn't talking mp; Its unfair to the player because, unless we're talking really slow targets its not as precise, confortable or accurate as its needed for quick action. Its good for directions- the likes of walking- but not anything that you need a precise amount of right direction+amount+time (of bending the stick in one direction).
Some few hardcore players may learn and with effort reduce its drawnbacks- but its still, at its basic level, a heavy load both both for our cognition and finer motor muscle memory.
We have something like ram so to say and games can be tiring both in controls and gameplay (brainwork is high energy consuming, most people ignore how much it can make us tired and even hungry). Compared to mouse (simply position) the way sticks go back needing a specific amount of pressure +their hardware smaller precision means we have to physically and mentally counter balance every fraction of seconds. Its biologically harder; Depending on game the demands of gameplay can be unnatainable at the required/desired level without aim assist.
When you know, tought, wished and 'commanded' the right move but got it wrong for any other reason its unfair gameplay- unfair to you/us. Sticks are so 'quasi-arcane' with its precision that you may have done everything right but the part of making the stick go and stop where your brain told it to. Its the opposite of the precision in buttons.
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what about gamepad + mouse...? :)
i play alot games where i map the movement to the gamepad (movement is much better than 8-way-keyboard) + mouse for aiming (but only if the gamepad aiming is bad)
and i have best immersion if i play game with gamepad only..
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i grew up with both, started with C64 and always had pc + consoles... i just have a better feeling with gamepad, the hands are holding something and not just lay on it... for sure it's a personal experience... :)
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the size is a real problem for me too... still use the Xbox360 controller because all the other gamepads feel like miniatures... :P
and i need the stick layout from Xbox: left analog stick top, digital cross under it... :P
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Well, this is something that I don't understand.
Maybe I'm too old school, but regarding precise control of a game I think that nothing beats the keyboard. I know that I'm almost alone, because I even prefer keyboard for platformers and fighting games. Yes, even fighting games. The combos are very easy to perform in (I don't know KOF for example) when you have a finger for every button. But, I understand people that can't play fighting games with the keyboard. Mostly with full circle characters as Zangief.
But... "Twin stick shooters"?? Why are they called like that on PC? It's like call the FPSs "Two stick shooters"
I can't think of one "twin stick shooter" that don't control better with keyboard and mouse, and if there is one, it's probably a lousy port.
So, what do you think?
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