Recently this is the third time that humble mistake so soon announced a discount game to be distributed and within like 60 minutes, they said that the week long sale is over.

And like 40 minutes ago, i received an email saying that the keys WILL BE TAKEN BACK and instead they are giving $5 coupon for games.

Isn't it a bit too much? Never seen before that the deal ends before time and keys are taken back.

What do you think about this behavior?

5 years ago

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Are you angry on humble bundle?

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I'm pretty sure that this is not the first time I see this happening. When a game mistakingly gets a big discount, big sites usually revoke the keys right afterwards. Like, what did you expect? :/ I was expecting this to happen since I first saw that discount.

5 years ago

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doghulu > cathulu

5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Most of your rant being inapplicable or baseless, but as far as opinions go, sure thing, trolling. Cheers mate.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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slimey scamming hypocritical fraudulant grey site

As far as you concerned maybe, but it is literally baseless. Also gray market. And they are nothing like HB.
Region locks do have a warning.

I just got support banned for too many giftlinks. I never gibbed an HB key, only giftlinks btw.

The btw has nothing to do with the sentence. They blocked you for the stuff you did, not for the stuff you didn't. Much surprise.
And here are you, ranting all of this on a troll topic, and getting hurt that your weird reality is not accepted by others. By all means, be my guest with all the blocking and blacklisting you want, but maybe you should relax a bit. Too much uncalled hate is bad for you.

5 years ago

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MUCH ANGERY! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

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5 years ago

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Hmm, it's not too bad. Could be worse.

5 years ago

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People had a game. Now they do not. Magic.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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no one is ranting , we are trying to have a civil discussion here.

5 years ago

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Speak for yourself, someone already went into a blind-rage type of ranting, and blacklisted, threatened, and blocked me for saying that not even half of his stuff is correct :D

5 years ago

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What place has correct stuff here?

5 years ago

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Group Recruitment, obviously.

5 years ago

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Sounds like a great idea for a group/curator, instead of telling what is good people can easier find what to get angry on. Time to start promoting it.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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You're right, I forget we're not angry on anything here >////<

I am of course referring to the lurkers in the shadows. If you're quiet, you might even hear them muttering under their breath, cursing all animals, furries and humans alike that refuse to come home to Papa Gaben.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I live in Sweden, we have really strong consumer rights protecting us against companies trying to do evil shit.

Even here Humble Bundle is totally within their rights to revoke sold keys of a game that suffered a price glitch and was sold way under the expected value. Pretty much all over the world there's a strong "if it's too good to be true you should have known it wasn't" protection for these kinds of things. The fact that this was posted specifically with titles like "price glitch" and so on in a variety of forums makes it very obvious that any reasonable consumer knew it wasn't a legitimate deal.

So no, I'm not angry, and it would be pretty silly to be. It sucks if someone was planning to re-sell it for a profit and it didn't work out, but then that just makes them a re-seller and not a customer - meaning they don't have consumer rights in most places. If you feel that Humble Bundle has started cracking down on these kinds of glitches and revoking keys instead of just letting people have their "glitch buys" in peace, that just means they have changed the way they do business to protect themselves further against re-sellers and that people who want to take advantage of "glitched prices" should stop trying to do so at Humble. It will no longer work. Any glitched price you find there, now and forever, will be cancelled and revoked before you have time to re-sell it.

Any kind of business and person has to know when circumstances has changed and they need to move on to keep their business or life afloat. This is one of those times. Not a time to be angry, a time to figure out new things to do for that easy profit - or cheap game.

5 years ago

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I think 75% off falls under reasonable expectation. At least it does for me... There have been games being sold at high discount soon after launch.

5 years ago

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Depends completely on how well the game has sold. If nobody has bought it at full price, it would be surprising for them not to try to get hype for it with a big discount.

5 years ago

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This isn't a simple mistake, it is a supermegaserious


But who said I am disappoint? Luckily I live in India.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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"keys WILL BE TAKEN BACK and instead they are giving $5 coupon for games. Isn't it a bit too much?"

Yeah, I agree they overdid it. Simple revoke would be enough.

5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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lolol, i had 1 level

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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People...these things happen. Steam, Origin even GOG has had this kind of derps. It DOES suck when this happens but that's nothing to rage over. At least they correct the error and made up for it.

People need to just CHILL.

5 years ago

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I see you are new here :) The whole post is a satire on similar topics from user Abrix

5 years ago

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5$ coupon is a great deal instead of being banned for reselling and breaking hb rules.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

5 years ago

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Am I ANGRY? Obviously! They shouldn't give away 5$ coupons for free if I didn't know about that! 😒

5 years ago

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Only way they can fix this is to make $5 coupons free for a day so everyone who got their coupon stolen from them because they weren't online at the time will get one too.

5 years ago

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But then people who got their coupon previously will now get another one, so I'll still stay behind :O

5 years ago

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Damn, so they'll have to make them free forever so everyone can get as many as they deserve. Any other solution will completely ruin their reputation.

5 years ago

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If only they still had any reputation to ruin 🙄
Just noticed you're not on my whitelist yet even though I recognize you well! Whitelisted for a nice giveaway history and being a positive person ;)

5 years ago

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Aww, have one back. :)

5 years ago

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You'd think they would have fired that intern by now :P
Yeah fool me once, IGN... kinda obvious for a marketing move now.

5 years ago

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does it make a difference wether they fire him or not not if they never paid him in the first place?

cause I fail to see the point of having an intern if you are actually going to be paying them.

5 years ago

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Heh well there's the padding of the resume to consider...

5 years ago

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Anyone else who still didn't get neither an email from Humble nor revoke message?

5 years ago

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Aaand it just gone refunded 1.5 months after a purchase. Well, odd.

5 years ago

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