Why people create giveaways which ends after few weeks? What do they earn for that? I think that giveaways should last only 1 hour... what do you think?

12 years ago*

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totally agree :) like this won't be frustration in entering giveaway with over 2.000 ppl

12 years ago

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They want to give more people a chance to enter, or perhaps they plan to go on holiday during the giveaway. Not everyone wants a short giveaway where only a few can enter.

12 years ago

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This. Also, because of all the time zones, and poeple not being at steamgifts every hour, this is really fair. Gives more a chance to enter. And it gives more people time to get a sufficient amount of points to enter.

12 years ago

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They earn that the most people interested in the game can enter so it's fairer for everyone. You would like them to last a few seconds if possible? So that only you could enter?

12 years ago

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It's their choice , they're giving you free game. If you don't like it don't enter that giveaways...

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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More chances for people to see it mainly. And the sometimes applicable: they don't understand the site anyway and they're trying to game the system with a fake giveaway. Not often, but sometimes.

12 years ago

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Honestly, I think that longer giveaways give more time for the those that want to just collect it to get in, rather than possibly going to someone that might actually want it.

12 years ago

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While possible, the FC3 that is about to close that was open for a while with over 10000 entrants doesn't make me want it any less :P

12 years ago

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It obviously do both, as it isn't only people who actually want to play the game who enters if they're up for just a short while. So thereby, it's up to the giver to decide, do I want more entries, more people who want it to collect AND to play, or less of both? It doesn't matter that much after all, you know.

12 years ago

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If all giveaways were 1 hour, then people who didn't check the site constantly would have fewer giveaways that they could enter, but they'd still be collecting the same amount of points. People out to collect or just get a win would have more reason to enter whatever was available, whether they wanted it or not.

IF you don't like a long giveaway, then don't enter it. People giving games away seem to like to use periods longer than 1 hour. I don't get the idea of 3-4 week giveaways myself, but there are people who want to make their giveaways that long, and there are people that enter them.

12 years ago

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some people won't be able to generate enough points to enter the giveaway or they won't be there for it if they are busy during the day of the giveaway

12 years ago

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Shorter giveaways are obviously more preferable for the people that actually join them, since they would be randomly selected from fewer people and thus increasing their chances to win, but I don't think that should be a concern of the giveaway holder

12 years ago

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I sleep for 12 hours during holidays. If there are 3 giveaways that are created every hour that I want to join, that means I will miss around 36 nice giveaways.

12 years ago

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You just want a better chance of winning giveaways don'tcha?

Funny enough if this ever did happen(it won't) It'd worsen your chances of winning.

12 years ago

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Yup. I'd miss way too many giveaways if this ever changed.

12 years ago

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I prefer to play games rather than check here all the time to see whats up for less than an hour. Also sleep and work, unfortunatley, take up some of my time as well. While a few short give aways are good, I would be missing nearly everything if there was a 1-2hr time limit. Especially when u look what times the majority of start. For me the most seem to start before 6am.
That being said, I think over a week is pretty extreme, but then I look here at least once a day.

12 years ago

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Hey guys, how about we make all giveaways at least 24 hours? It just seems fair! Right?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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lol. lol. lol. What do people earn for deleting 2 giveaways for the same game in a row? I think they shouldn't be allowed to do that. What do you think?

12 years ago

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People giving away games for free and you complain about length? Go buy games and you can get them for less than 1 hour.

12 years ago

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Actually, especially with luck like mine, its a lot quicker since by buying it, odds are pretty good you will get it lol

12 years ago

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yes hello gifter, thanks for the chance at winning something for free.
Could i just trouble you to ask if you can make the giveaway shorter so i'll have more chance?
You see, other people do stuff during the day and i stay here all day and it wouldn't be fair if they just popped in to win the giveaways i enter because it's open for weeks. It's not fair that chances will be equal because then people who are busy during the day will be able to enter all these giveaways too.
-someone who wants to win more

12 years ago

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I concur.

12 years ago

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totally agree. my givaways last for a few hours or maybe one day but not more.

12 years ago

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Honestly I think the giveaways should be as long as the gifter wants to make them. If they want it to be a week so be it, and if they want it to be 1-2 hours then that is great. What I fail to see is why do people keep complaining about giveaway length or contributor value when they(most of the time) have invested so little into the site. Maybe I am missing something, but I thought beggars(people getting something for nothing) shouldn't be choosers.

12 years ago

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my sister loves that quote:
"beggars can't be choosers"

12 years ago

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Do you know what I think is the worst part of SteamGifts ?

Loading up SteamGifts and seeing a giveaway that has only seconds remaining. Which usually means I can't enter the giveaway because the giveaway page won't load in time.

I'd like to see a 12 hour minimum length on giveaways, so that I have the chance to enter them all.

12 years ago

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You should try my moblie phone. The internet service is so bad for it, that there is no point looking if less than 5 minutes left :)

12 years ago

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It's your problem ( your internet is the problem ). I have many times entered giveaways that had 10 seconds remaining. Switch to a faster internet provider (poor you if you are in America XD).

12 years ago

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Best length is 24 hours , I for example dont have time to be in Steamgifts all the time ><

12 years ago

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And why people create giveaways that start in a few hours or in a week? I don't like that.

12 years ago

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Need 1 min giveaways ;3

No, length is fine :3

12 years ago

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1 min hah lets say 30 sec when we at it :p

12 years ago

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10 seconds flat.

12 years ago

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1 second!

12 years ago

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0,000001 Seconds?

12 years ago

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0 seconds.

12 years ago

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-1 second?

12 years ago

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30.000 BC

12 years ago

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Why do people need to be constrained and need to force their constraints on others as well, I'll never know. Steamgifts allows you to choose the giveaway duration freely, within reason. That sounds good to me.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Xriuk.