sooo shenmu 3 is only available on epic store for the pc version !!! lol this worse then metro exodus

5 years ago*

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love kickstarters

5 years ago

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So why do they host a Steampage, when it will become an Epic exklusive title?

5 years ago

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i dont know , maybe its a time exclu !!!

5 years ago

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The FAQ on their website says:
Shenmue 3 will be released on Steam in the future.
So yes, timed exclusive.

5 years ago

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they said they will still put it on steam it just may take a bit. with the way things are going i'ed take that with a grain of salt.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Free advertisement?

5 years ago

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They just recently decided to change it to an Epic Exclusive, it wasn't originally planned that way.

5 years ago

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Recently? I believe that they negotiated the contract in the past weeks. So they had the opportunity to wait until the finished the negotiation, but they decided to do a storepage... And the message? Developers nowadays dont care about the community.

5 years ago

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They've been on the Steam store since June 4th 2018. They added the name Shenmue III on October 25th 2018 and the original launch date for Steam was August 27th 2019. So yeah the original plan wasn't an Epic Store Exclusive.

5 years ago

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So yeah the original plan wasn't an Epic Store Exclusive.

In fact in the past Yu Suzuki has clearly stated on multiple occasions it wouldn't become an exclusive.

5 years ago

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until last week, the kickstarter still listed "steam" as a requirement, now it has been change to "epic store".

5 years ago

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backers on kickstarter had steam key option for like 4 years

5 years ago

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yep true

5 years ago

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I imagine preorders will be removed soon (if they're even still up on Steam) and they'll only honour the current ones on Steam, any new ones will be on Epic. Same deal as what happened with Metro: Exodus.

5 years ago

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Pre-order has never been available on Steam.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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That's because deep silver right? So, they moved to epic..

5 years ago

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free advertising xD , anyway i don't care about epic bs anymore they are non existant at all for me alongside with their exclusives and man with the amount of AAA and quality indie game microsoft are bringing to steam and all other bethesda games my salary won't even be enough to get me through the year xD and all of the confirmed games for steam during E3 are of much higher quality a.d anticipation than any other game that's on the NOT epic store exclusive list so they are just choking themselves to death by their own hands lol

5 years ago

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free marketing mostly

5 years ago

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Kick to the face, shortly before the release in November...thanks for nothing Deep Silver...
I don't want to support EPIC... :/

This Kickstarter politics are not the best....they promised STEAM keys before, now this...
This is the biggest upfuck...because I love Shenmue, but not EPIC and their Store with many security holes..

5 years ago

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yep ikr , i mean the game was funded by fans and now this , its like a slap to the face
this move will scare people and they wont found other games even if they do deserve it :/ like what they did with preorders

5 years ago

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That's the core.
Founded by Fans!
But many Fans don't want their copy on Epic....
Maybe a money backup, but dick move by Deep Silver and Epic.

5 years ago

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im sure people will ask for refunds now

5 years ago

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Deepsilver Facebook goes the easy way:
"When you have any questions about the kickstarter campaign, please questions to direkt an YsNet via"

5 years ago

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they ask, but wont get any. see the vid from healsvsbabyface. He is a backer himself....

I guess the studio is looking forward to a classaction lawsuit, its a clear bait and switch.

5 years ago

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I don't want to burst the bubble, but it was not funded by people. Likely even less than COD games are - those are selling preorders, too. Shenmue 1-2 cost 47-70 million dollars together, the kickstarter's 6 million is a far cry from being enough, as people said it immediately after seeing the goal. The kickstarter was only a preorder scheme in this case - Sony, Shibuya productions backing the project, but kickstarter needed because why exactly? People were telling it on the spot - the kickstarter money is not enough for funding at all, they are just used the hype to sell preorders and prove it to backers that it is worth launching.
The release date changing, they getting a publisher, then going to epic - obviously needing money at every point of development.

5 years ago

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A game as big as Shenmue 3 cannot be made with 7 million dollars. Kickstarter (for bigger indie teams) has always been a pitching point as in "We made x million ourselves, think what we can do with your support as well". Smaller indie teams basically sell their game on Kickstarter to reduce marketing costs or just remove them altogether.

How much do you think Epic gave them to make it exclusive? 20M? 50M? Because that's probably the minimum amount Deep Silver would consider.

5 years ago

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Yeah, I was wondering what the money could have been. Same tech is cheaper but questionable how much of it would be used, salaries went quite up, really hard to judge and I'm not in any position for that. One thing is sure, I think 2 million was mentioned by an indie dev as a price for going to Epic for a limited exclusivity. Now 5-10 of that sum is the minimum I would expect them to pay for Shenmue, definitely in line with or more than the KS pledges.

5 years ago

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kickstarter is a great way to prove to investors that there's a market - "look, we were able to sell $$$ to idiots just on the name alone. We don't even need a good product, as long as it's finished we'll make X times $$$"

5 years ago

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np u have torrent exclusive too :P

5 years ago

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I see you are a man of culture :)

5 years ago

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Can you show anythign saying definitely that it was a Steam version backers got? (Not doubting you, just had a look on Kickstarter and couldn't see it that's all, was curious.)

5 years ago

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Don't forget to ask for evidence that Steam keys won't be provided if they were in fact promised.
Epic-exclusive doesn't inherently negate pre-established Steam access, as we've already seen with other Epic exclusives.

If a KS publisher fails to provide what they actually promised, you can report them to KS over it, and so any legitimate company isn't going to try and evade their responsabilities. As such, it actually strikes me as rather unlikely that they would have promised a specific kind of key and then decided not to provide it [while still holding on to the associated pledges].

Though, as I recall, there was one Steam-promised Kickstarter publisher that hooked onto Epic, whose response was to offer refunds on KS keys for those who didn't want to switch over to Epic; So there's always the possibility that the kickstarter publisher takes that workaround.

5 years ago

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they changed the kickstarter page few days ago: here's a screenshot from earlier this month

5 years ago

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Note they often say things like "system requirements may change" to create a loop hole.

5 years ago*

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lmao check thequartering he made a detailed video with all emails and evidence on it , backers when backing had a survey in which they were asked about which platforme they want to get their game on once it release and many people made screenshots of them chosing steam and now they are told that they are not getting that

5 years ago

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.they promised STEAM keys before, now this...

Actually, I think they didn't. All they promised on the kickstarter was a "Windows PC Digital Copy".

Also, I think it might still be possible that backers get a Steam key. Comparable to the Metro Exodus situation where preorder customers got their Steam version and the exclusiveness was limited to new customers.

5 years ago*

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Problem is they edit the kickstarter campaign. That was the site @founding

5 years ago

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No, you are wrong about that. That is a screenshot of the backer survey. The survey happened long after the campaign (28th June 2018). Proof:

The campaign was in 2015.In 2015 there was no mention of Steam anywhere on the Kickstarter page. Please see how it looked back then:

5 years ago

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But BEFORE they started with Steam. And many backer would it on Steam. Some proofs are exist, that promised Steam keys.
Okay they changed to "PC" but still the same problem.

5 years ago

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Sorry, but I think you still don't understand. They did not change it to PC. It was "Windows PC Digital Copy" from the beginning. Only way later they mentioned Steam. At the time when they asked for money and people paid to get the game made there was no mention of Steam. So again, they did not edit the campaign and changed it from Steam to PC, as you seem to think, they said PC the whole time. As proven by the link I've sent you (wayback machine).

Some proofs are exist, that promised Steam keys.

This "proof" is screenshots of the backer survey, which happened in 2018, and the system requirements, which were also released in 2018 and even had an asterisk mentioning that those could change at any time. The campaign was in 2015. That's my point. People are angry and claim that they were promised a Steam version. But if you look at the evidence, that's actually not true. They were promised a PC version, not a Steam version.

5 years ago

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Ich denke mal, viele sind weiterhin davon ausgegangen, das es weiterhin auf Steam erscheint. Es hat ja schließlich auch schon seit längeren eine Steamstore Seite mit Datum. (Incl der Auswahl und Steam bei den Voraussetzungen, auch wenn dies von 2015 bzw 2018 ist)
So auch mein Grund zur Aufregung, da ich eine Steamversion wollte und keine Epicversion.
Ein kleiner Vorteil ist, sie haben ein wenig Geldunterstützung somit bekommen. Dennoch ist es im Umkehrschluss für einige ein "dick move".
Ich möchte die Entwickler unterstützen, aber nicht den Epic Store...und nach so langen warten das.
Laut Aussagen heißt es wohl jetzt 1 Jahr zeitexklusiv, dennoch kein schöner Beigeschmack.

5 years ago

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Es hat ja schließlich auch schon seit längeren eine Steamstore Seite mit Datum. (Incl der Auswahl und Steam bei den Voraussetzungen, auch wenn dies von 2015 bzw 2018 ist)

Genau genommen gibt es die Steam-Seite seit Oktober 2018. In dem Jahr war auch das Survey, das eine Steam-Version versprochen hat.

So auch mein Grund zur Aufregung, da ich eine Steamversion wollte und keine Epicversion.
Ein kleiner Vorteil ist, sie haben ein wenig Geldunterstützung somit bekommen. Dennoch ist es im Umkehrschluss für einige ein "dick move".

Sehe ich auch so. Ich habe mich nur mit der Frage beschäftigt, ob während der Kampagne eine Steam-Version versprochen wurde oder nicht. Ich finde es nämlich schade, dass immer wenn so etwas passiert die Leute sich in eine wütende Masse verwandelt und sich dabei nicht zu schade sind, mit Unwahrheiten zu argumentieren. Damit meine ich nicht dich, sondern vor allem viele Leute im Steam-Forum. Da wird behauptet, es hätte Steam auf der KS Seite gestanden. Oder zB auch, dass man direkt nach der Bezahlung Steam auswählen konnte (was dann mit dem Screenshots des 2018er Surveys "untermauert" wird). Das finde ich einfach furchtbar. Es gibt genug echte Gründe, sich hier aufzuregen. Man muss nicht noch Dinge dazu erfinden, um den Gegner möglichst schlecht aussehen zu lassen. Erinnert mich ein wenig an die Fake-Screenshots und Fake-Videos, die damals angefertigt wurde, um gegen Denuvo zu hetzen. Denuvo bietet doch nun wirklich genug Angriffsfläche. Warum muss man denn noch unbedingt Lügen und Gerüchte in die Diskussion einstreuen.

Ist das mit der Zeitexklusivität eine offizielle Aussage? Vielleicht kriegen die Backer ja wenigstens dann einen Steam-Key.

5 years ago

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Auf Rückfragen des Publishers und auf der F&A Seite von Deep Silver, hat man gesagt es kommt später auf Steam.

"Will Shenmue 3 be released on Steam in the future?

Shenmue 3 will be released on Steam in the future. "

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Ah ok, danke.

5 years ago

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Wrong, they're not just screenshots of the backer survey, they actually changed the Kickstarter page to reflect that one would require Steam to activate the game.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Yes, in 2018. The campaign was in 2015. People can absolutely be angry about this whole thing. I wouldn't like it either. But was a Steam version explicitly promised during the campaign? No. Did anyone pledge the game based on such a promise? Also no.

5 years ago

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EGS wasn't even around (edit: as a game store) when the Kickstarter began. Where do you believe they were going to distribute the game? It's a safe assumption it would be the same place all other Deep Silver PC games are distributed. They then changed their Kickstarter page to reflect exactly that.

Also, the backer survey was asking backers on what platform they'd like to receive their copy. They weren't just asking to "test the waters." They were asking so they'd know what copy to send each backer.

What they did was a shit thing to their backers, and there's simply no defending it.

5 years ago

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Right, it was an assumption. Not a promise in any way. That is a difference.

I am not defending them. It was a shitty move, no doubt. But when people say stuff like they promised it during the campaign, then I will correct them. You don't achieve anything with falsehood and blind rage.

5 years ago*

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then, what is that??!!
Additional Info: Requires Steam Client to activate.

5 years ago

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Heh, conveniently ignored.

Edit - Update posted on 3rd June 2019, much more recent than the 2018 claim.

5 years ago

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What do you mean? You mean I conveniently ignored that update? ^^ But my whole statement is that there was no original promise during the campaign in 2015. I know there was the survey and the system requirements, both in 2018. That does not affect my statement in any way.

There are people who claim they backed the game based on the promise that it would come to Steam. And that is just false based on the evidence. The earliest mention of Steam I could find was in 2018. Survey, update with system requirements, Steam store page - all in 2018.

5 years ago

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Ah looks like I misunderstood. Still, you know people would have assumed that if it was announced back 2015 that it would be for Steam. <--Shenmue 3 co producer confirming Steam version is "most probable". And this is with 5 minutes of research, after just waking up from sleep.

But yeah sure, if these kinds of thing is fine with you then you do you.

5 years ago

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Why do people always assume that just because someone is correcting a falsehood, that must mean he is on the other side and defends the bad guys? Just a few posts above you can read this from me:

I am not defending them. It was a shitty move, no doubt.

What leads you to believe that "this kind of thing is fine" with me? <--Shenmue 3 co producer confirming Steam version is "most probable". And this is with 5 minutes of research, after just waking up from sleep.

Doesn't change the fact that there was no original promise. And why did you change "probable" to "most probable"?

5 years ago

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change "probable" to "most probable"? - see just waking up from sleep. I misread the translation.

Pretty sure that if I can find one obscure quote from the game co producer concerning Steam, others could find a different proof. I don't have the energy or any reason to do extra legwork so that being said, I'm done, you win.

It is weird though that you're "not fine with them doing this" but are also saying "but technically they're not wrong". So if they're not wrong, people should just be fine then.

5 years ago

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You know, in discussions about Denuvo I was also automatically understood as "defender of Denuvo" if I said that the screenshots and videos that showed how Denuvo destroyed SSDs were fake. But they were. How is it not ok to mention that? People should be honest in their criticism. Denuvo is a questionable piece of software and has enough real problems that we can discuss without resorting to falsehoods.

Same thing here. They shouldn't have gone to Epic after already having promised Steam in 2018. No doubt about that. But did they promise a Steam version on the Kickstarter page when people were giving them money, like some people claim? No. Is it illegal what they are doing? Probably not, since at the time when money changed hands they only promised a Windows PC version. This is an ethical problem, not a legal one. And if people make false statements just for the sake of making DS look at bad as possible, I think it's right to correct them. There is enough to criticise here. No need to invent other stuff.

5 years ago

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That is the requirements they put out in 2018. It says so right there at the top. "gamescom 2018 Update #1". Didn't you look at your own link? ^^

5 years ago

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Refunds from KS incoming!

Zero respect for the backers.

5 years ago

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im not sure it will do much since epic surly paid them a lot of money :/

5 years ago

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it will hurt trust for Japanese kickstarters (especially in the nostalgia category), after Mighty n°9 and Bloodstained.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Kickstarter doesn't do refunds. You'd have to get it from Deep Silver.

5 years ago

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Nice to know for the future. Unlucky backers... I hope Deep Silver will have no supporters in the future for this disrespectul decision.

5 years ago

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Deep Silver don't give a flying fuck as long as Epic are giving them stacks of money. If they did care they would have learnt after the shitstorm that kicked up around Metro Exodus.

5 years ago

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And yet it sold well from what we know. So what they learned was rather that they can get their bonus from Epic and still sell lots of copies. ;)

5 years ago

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According to THQ Nordic the "absolute majority" of sale were on console and they refused to discuss any EGS metrics. THQ Nordic have in fact since gone on to basically refuse to comment on any Deep Silver properties and/or decisions.

5 years ago

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I assume you've only read that statement and not the whole story. Because there was a follow-up statement.

Epic Games store has exceeded our expectations in terms of sales in actual units of both Metro Exodus and Satisfactory during the quarter


Epic Games store is in fact the group’s leading digital platform in terms of revenue generated by units sales in the quarter ending March.


my statement yesterday” – that ‘absolute majority’ bit noted by many on Twitter – “about console share of Metro Exodus sales was referring to the two console platforms combined – both physical and digital revenue. This is still the majority of the revenues of Metro Exodus.


So, while they still haven't released any actual sales figures (which is a bummer, those woulld interest me very much), the official position is not that each of the console sold way more than the PC version, as the initial statement might be understood.

5 years ago

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They haven't, but Coffee Stain have (from Satisfactory):

507,374, 7 days ago

I'm sure the 10 USD discount sponsored by Epic helped a lot.

Anyway, I know the focus wasn't coffee stain, but since Satisfactory is on the quote, I thought it was worth sharing.

EDIT: lol, just noticed someone said that number on the other page a few hours ago...

5 years ago*

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That's very interesting, thank you. So it is possible to sell copies on Epic after all. ;)

5 years ago

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They said they wouldnt do refunds, I am wondering however if the people that are saying a class action lawsuit should be made, can sue Epic as well because they facilitate the bait and switch so in my opinion are acomplice in this?

5 years ago

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This isn't exactly a deal though, is it? More like a "Here's another thread for all the Epic haters to come to share how much they hate Epic and everyone who decides to work with them". So why exactly is this in the deals section?

5 years ago

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I don't know why but there's an increase of people who put non-deal discussions in this deals section for some reason.

5 years ago

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Maybe people got too bored of putting random non-site-related questions in the Bugs & Suggestions forum, and wanted to try something new. :P

5 years ago

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Quite possibly, we need variety.

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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I don't have the capability to move a thread at my staff level but this should probably be moved out of deals and into Off Topic.

5 years ago

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done ^^ thanks :D

5 years ago

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Thank you.

5 years ago

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thanks for saving me money

5 years ago

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you're welcome :p

5 years ago

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Imagine one day Tencent decides to close the Epic store and declare no refund. It would be a nice ride. I'm already stockpiling popcorns.

5 years ago

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Imagine one day insert digital store owner decides to close their store and declare no refund. It would be a nice ride. I'm already stockpiling popcorns.

You aren't even trying at this point mate

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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You don't have to read the paragraph below. It basically explains why KickStarter is needed. Skip to the second paragraph for my opinion on the situation.

Before I write my reaction about this situation, I would like to point out that KickStarter can be a good thing if the people who are getting the money know exactly what they are doing. If KickStarter didn't exist, we would never receive such gems such as Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight, Freedom Planet and others. Of course, I'm not saying to throw money at every project you come across, that's entirely up to you, but some indie developers who are passionate about their games have no choice but to ask help through KickStarter to cover the costs of game development. Big studios don't need KS help, but some indies do and who knows, maybe their project will be so good that it will be forever engraved as a gaming masterpiece.

Ok, this makes me beyond angry. Why on earth do you want to piss off your own backers by signing a deal with Epic? And why with the happy vibe? Didn't you hear the controversies? The point of KickStarter is to make a project with the help of backers' money because it shows support. If you sign a deal with a company who will give you more money than the backers and releasing it on their platform exclusively is just... well you just betrayed your backers, because who needs them?

5 years ago

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Every Kickstarter projects that blatantly betrays backers in the back deserves class-action law suit. I know there are difficulties during development and harsh realities, but this kind of action should not be tolerated because it harms the industry and the consumers as whole. This is beyond sell-out, this is dancing with the devil after backstabbing your parents. There are certain lines that crowdfunding should not across and this is the example of one of the filthiest and despicable side of the crowdfunding.

5 years ago*

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Completely agree. There should be harsh penalties for these scumbag developers and publishers. A line has to be drawn.

I've heard from someone that it's a tactic where you get your project crowdfunded only to get Epic's attention. The rest, you already know.

I think both Valve and crowdfunding sites must do something about this, otherwise, this will continue happening and the only ones that will suffer are the backers.

5 years ago

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This is the most stupid move.

5 years ago

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Deep Silver. First they cause outrage with Metro Exodus, by advertising and taking pre-orders on Steam for ages before announcing their Epic deal and swiftly removing it, and now they do the same thing again--though this time even worse--with Shenmue 3 on Kickstarter. 100% money money money, fuck the consumer over at Deep Silver huh. Really hope this all causes enough outrage to taint their brand image/reputation--so much so that they no longer look so appealing to devs as a publisher. Cause fuck 'em.
Accept that you can't/shouldn't take certain deals after already making a promise that directly opposes it to your consumers. That's your mistake. Stick to your word.

5 years ago*

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Fuck the Kickstarter backers, right?
I believe I've purchased my last Deep Silver game.


5 years ago

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Valve should just get some devs to sign contracts without Epic knowing then let the dev break the contract so they can sue Epic for tortious interference.

5 years ago

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Lol, so you want Valve to make platform exclusives instead of Epic? Don't you realize in your blind hatred that Valve doesn't give a fuck, and you want them to be exclusive-holders instead of epic just shows how far fanboyism goes?

5 years ago

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Are you really surprised by the blind Steam zealotry on this site? =)

5 years ago

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Double standards, and the recurring theme of hating a market entity instead of the practice (and at the same time, supporting the malicious practice elsewhere) is still boggling my mind.
I would be perfectly okay with "yeah steam sucks but I only use this because fuck you" reasoning, everyone has their own taste and preferences. But the made-up, fake and often malicious claims and ignoring facts (because liking something is not enough, you have to drag the other down and spread the word) is really something that startles me.
After studying and working in a field where causality and reasoning are super important, the lack of even highschool level logic makes me worried about gaming in general. ( Though we see quite a distilled vocal minority on the site, the whole isn't this bad)

5 years ago

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NEVER attend a conservative political rally then, ever.

5 years ago

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I don't plan that, not with any parties, really.

5 years ago

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No. I want them to be on all platforms equally.

5 years ago

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Yes, I am 100% sure that any court in the civilised world would rule in favour of Valve if they did something like that…

5 years ago

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The exact tort is tortious interference with a contract.

5 years ago

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That would be the game dev/publisher breaking the contract lol.
Though we still don't know what contract - either it's an exclusivity deal (which is the same thing you're so upset about) or anti-EGS.

Which them again makes me wonder - why Steam would want anyone to sign that contract if you said

I want them to be on all platforms equally.

Also if it wouldn't be a platform exclusivity deal with Valve, then why would they make a contract WITH Valve while being..equally on all platforms...?
You really didn't think this through mate.

5 years ago

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Interfering with a contract is part of the tort. Which is why Mark Waid is getting sued. Also no I just want it to happen so Valve can sue Epic since exclusivity deals are bullshit.

5 years ago

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Mark Waid is sued because he allegedly bullied Antartic Press to not release an indie graphic novel, so they backed out of the contract. A graphic novel written by a guy who calls women cum dumpsters and runs a YT channel complaining about how the percentage of white male leads has been dropping in mainstream comics in favour of people with colour or, gods forbid, females. (Also, the GN was about a knock-off Liefeld-esque "totally not Avenger" team battling "totally not Godzilla", so not like we lost anything valuable by not going back to the bottom of the 1993 barrel of comic creativity.)
I fail to see how would it be the same as Valve conspiring with a dev to sign an exclusivity contract then deliberately breach it. It is called fraud and every single court on this planet would rule against Valve and said dev.

5 years ago*

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I never said anything about conspiring.

5 years ago

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You still don't understand it, but in a few years maybe you will how incredibly stupid your idea is.
You literally want Valve to set up an exclusivity deal to be broken and Epic getting sued, because you think exclusivity deals are bullshit.

Now read that out slowly a few times until you realize that:
If a game can be present on any platform, it can be on Epic too.
if a game has a contract with Valve about not being sold to elsewhere, it is an exclusivity deal (that you claim you hate)

TLDR: your solution of dealing with cannibals is by eating them. Or the USA diplomacy of arming a regime against the other, then wondering why there is a new regime in the region now. Stopping a tyranny by making another tyranny, etc.
It's stupid.


Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm.

It's not happening there. The Shenmue devs decided to pull their game from Steam, which they can do. And to sell it on Epic, which they can do. Pulling a game from Steam is contractually allowed, so even in your anime-dream of Valve-kun saving gamers they still have no ground for any court case. The Mark Waid situation is completely different ( "Meyer claimed that Waid had bullied them into their decision," )

5 years ago

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I said without them knowing. Just fuck over Epic since they deserve it. Then let the devs do whatever they want.

5 years ago

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You're still clueless. But if making up impossible scenarios that break logic and laws is what makes your hate hard-on stronger and you happier, just keep going.

5 years ago

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So Shenmue 1-2 was a shit port (iirc Yu Sazuki or someone of similar status even called Sega out on it), now Shenmue 3 is Epic exclusive. Seems this series can never catch a break.

5 years ago

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already ignored Deep Silver publisher, not purchasing anything released by them, such moves help me to decide what to buy and lowers the amount of wishlisted games, no time to play all good games anyway.

Literally Deep Silver was the only reason I have not bought Outward.

5 years ago

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Ah, well. The Yakuza series is superior anyways.

5 years ago

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You say all it's must be said <3 Yakuza lead the way MAJIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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the Shenmue series has never meant anything to me anyways, now it will mean even less than before ¯_(ツ)_/¯

5 years ago

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Jeez thats real cancer. Love how Epic says oooh we are goooood asf :D while they are total fkers

5 years ago

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Don't you guys have launchers

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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I mean do you have positive experience witch epic game store?
i know nobody with positive experience
like exclusives = Hate
Dropping UE % Paragon = hate?
having a Vat on top of the price so actually the customer pays way more ?
Bad client?Shitty deals ,dont talk with the dev always saying its the dev fault for stuff like no preloading ,or other features are missing .
Steam data? And after they said they dont did it if you didnt shared it .
they ask you question for account recovery that are privat and a company should not snoop around in your privacy .
this list is gonna be solong that i should stop here .
i would like to know what i should like about it .

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Hi, im vincer(online), irl im Victor, brazilian, gamer.
I know its just a start, just an introduction, but maybe now you can say you know someone who had a positive experience with epic.

So far everything was fine. I even refunded a game, outward, because it didn't work well through steamlink- btw, not on outwards (or epics) fault mind you, just the way steamlink is a bitch to handle some non-steam games (any non-steam game or windows app can work or not on steamlink, its a mess).

So far all good. Fast downloads, games working, installing where i want, refunding. Sure it lacks many features of steam but so does gog and others, and they were even more lacking before- that never stopped me from buying on old gog or

Btw i just got xbox game pass (Just $1 for first month), and unlike epic its a bitch to choose where to download things (different places), and unlike any other launcher they hide and lock the game exes in a such a way no other program can wrap then (like steam)- so, currently, xbox\microsoft is a lot worse then epic for me as a service.

Another detail- im on steam for a loooong time- way before it had a tenth of its current features. Didn't stopped me from buying, installing and enjoying games.

Point is, im a pc gamer, not a 'steam' gamer. Ive bought games on microsft store before (just 1 but still), other places, even directly from developers- you know, with 0 launchers, refunds, community tabs, friends or any other feature. And despite all that it was worked like intended- i bought good games that i played. With no fuss.

If anything launchers complicated thing- something started by a company called Valve. I like the features, i love some, but i can still look things for what they are and recognize its a bunch of middleware i was forced to use besides the games i want. And while i hated on valve a little on the begning (me and the entire pc gaming space back then, for their forced drm shovelwhare- it was shovelware) not even then i went online campaigning like they were some christian-level blasphemous villain against all that is good and pure.

Cool down. Also all this hating toward epics (somewhat founded but blow so out of proportion it looses the point) is hurting studios and dedicated devs who didn't need any of that. And is not even the fault of publishers (just some, pullling pre-ordes was ridiculous)- for starters the issue begins years ago as devs grew pissed with valve's unchanging cut rate, something that has been brought to the table to valve by major publishers countless times and always ignored (the indies were certainly ignored). Places like and similars in the past started because of valve bs- be it barrier of entry or cuts. Devs talk about alternatives for years, because 30% cut made sense on the first years of steam- they were already dated by the time of orange box. A company chargingthe same rate freaking retail for digital downloads is insane- retail has to pay for physical discs and boxes, transport across seas, wharehouses along the way and each store cut... its ridiculous.
So yeah- steam paved the way for their challengers. They have been pretty much asking for it- and seeing how they're still sitting on the money unchanging, it seems gabe will ride the wave for as long as he can- its still the king of the hill after all.

5 years ago

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I bought World War Z on Epic, it was on a good sale, and that's what matters the most to me. Good sales.

Playing it with friends, no issues at all so far, so overall a positive experience. Now you can't say nobody no more!

5 years ago

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I guess some people live in a rainbow world with closed eyes and just forgive every excuse epic does .
War Z got killed from Steam (Quote "War Z was a mistake")
World War Z is already dying but i guess every game makes fun with friends . ( i hope atleast it was worth for ya)
[still doubting the positive experience :I hope that you never need the help of their "support Team" ]

5 years ago

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If the excuse being 'paying less for a game' then I am all for it. Lol. Please don't argue with me about exclusivity and all that other nonsense that I honestly don't care about. Like I said, all I care about is good sales. Doesn't matter what launcher, it isn't like I can't install them all in the same PC.

I am having fun with my friends (hell I don't even play with randoms), and that's all that matters. Being happy and having fun. Thus a positive experience, which is what you 'claim' nobody has.

5 years ago

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i didnt mention exclusivity they flopped in 2012 so hard in steam with their War Z ,The War Z and all the other bullshit .
if they finally released something good in 2019 im happy for ya .
btw i got the other games from them for free i guess its a better deal in that kind of regard .

5 years ago

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There‘s no connection between the 2019 World War Z game and the 2012 War Z as far as I know.
Edit: I can‘t add anything to the Epic discussion though, since I haven‘t bought anything from them or used their launcher before.

5 years ago

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As far as i know
War Z was in Co operation with Valves support .
World war Z Devs wants to remake Half Life 2 etc .
and the game is inspired by L4D .
While World War Z is a film aswell
Day Z > War Z Dev Split
War Z > Created studio Money grab creates the same game around 7times on Steam until Steam pulls off the game .-
Company Rebrand & getting bought by THQ you can even read on steam War Z forum that they are the same and be careful of the scam .thats the reason why they showed off after epic game store paid people to buy World war Z and sold 1million copies
War Z and all the other parts sold more on Steam &and they try to get on good feet with them again so they try to help them and get back on Steam .
So the devs are literally like epic game devs scummy :D

5 years ago

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I have launchers including the EGS. The aggravation and frustration should be understood though. If I were a backer and it listed Steam as the client I'd feel the same way. The people who backed the game should have an option to get a refund. This is a shitty thing for the devs/publishers to do.

5 years ago

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Sadly, nothing new after Pheonix Point.

5 years ago

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Is this an out of season Epic Fools joke?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Another day,another EPIC fuck up,another convergence of same contrarian apologist people acting like they are super impartial. I wonder how would they feel if they backed some Kickstarter game for a GOG key and then at last second would be told they are getting a Uplay key instead. Would they clap or is only Epic exempt from critique?

5 years ago*

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Your question isn't relevant at all. Whether a backer hates Epic or why he hates it doesn't matter. Shenmue3 fucked up by changing the store and fucked harder by refusing refunds
You backed a project and it is not delivered the way as promised, you deserve a refund at least. Period.
The flame should not be put on Epic, but it's funny how shit things always happens around it.

5 years ago*

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Epic fucked up? Explain exactly how Epic fucked up here? The devs/publisher were the ones who chose this, yet you didn't say one bad thing about them.

5 years ago

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I am a Phoenix Point backer. Asked them if they will still send me a GOG key, they said they will, along with an Epic key, I said 'kay, and we moved on.
Epic is just a launcher. It functions in the sense that it downloads and starts games. Like most any other launchers. It is their job, this is what I am expecting of them.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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haha i just saw their Kickstarter page...yeah totally $5 to vote for things you want to see in the game. Greedy bastards!

5 years ago

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