Honestly at this point I dont even care about the item. It was like a 4 dollar item. Initially I just thought it would be like a one day process, or even 1 week, either would have been fine.
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One guy told them that a key which I sold is invalid (that's not true). So G2A took 14 euro from my account to pay to scammer. After that I told them that they were wrong and my key is valid. They told me that my ticket will be considered by their paypal specialist. And that's all, no money and any responce for 2 months. I've posted some replies for that ticket but they didn't react. After that I made one more ticket and after another month they replied that they forget to pay me money back.
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It's basically inevitable that there would be some way to scam people on a key-reselling service like that. Either sellers can scam buyers, or buyers can scam sellers, no way around it. Steam just doesn't provide the tools needed to trade safely (probably because they don't want to support external sites too much?)
Most sites like G2A are very pro-buyer, because there are almost always people with spare stuff they're willing to risk selling even if they've heard horror stories from other sellers, whereas one loud angry buyer can cost you a lot of money. AFAIK eBay is similar - they will almost always trust buyers over sellers.
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Yea I bought AVP and went to steam to redeem and it said it already had been so I filed a ticket and said wait 6 days for the seller to reply, on the third days all my friends had it and was waiting on me, so i said whatever bought another cop[y from another seller and downloaded it. the sellers time had finally run up and the g2a support asked me to screenshot the error message in steam which obviously since I bought a new copy that doesn't work so i told them and sent a screenshot of my email with the two emails with the purchase code and all and they just send us a screenshot of the error...
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G2A is basically a scam site - that's pretty much well established by now. Identity/credit-card theft is rampant on their marketplace.
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I never had any problem with g2a tbh and I bought a bunch of games
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Just because you didn't have a problem with G2A does not mean other people did not have an issue.
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It's basically a parallel to "SG never gives me a win, thus it must be a scam site"- in G2A's case, it's "G2A never gives me a scam, thus it must be a legit site". Neither one is a logically sound statement, and in time, both will theoretically be proven false. :X
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and the equivalent used here by the opposition would be "a few people had problems, therefore the whole site is scam"? ^^
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I dont know dude but tons of my friends are buying from G2A and they haven't had a problem with them too, I just stated my own experience, which doesn't mean that other people never had a problem with it
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I feel bad for you. Stay away from G2A/Kingpin. A lot of the games you see there are obtained by credit card frauds. ME3(which I got from G2A) was removed from my account for the same reason.
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I know of that incident, but it simply isn't sufficient to pass as a large enough group to represent "a lot" of the g2a catalog, just some copies of 2 games. After more than 2000 euro of transactions there, I think it MAY represent a great minority, and I broadly recommend g2a based on personal experience.
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There have been two legitimate sellers hit very hard who made blog posts (this one potentially nsfw) just within the last month. The first even claims "Humble Bundle build(s) in a refund/chargeback percentage to all their sales payouts".
I suppose a "lot" is a big statement because it would imply a relatively high percentage of keys sold there are fraudulently obtained. With all my experience there, prices I've seen tend to correlate to low sale prices (like Nuuvem keys being resold) more often than not. It was no coincidence that many new ARK sellers with digital keys showed up for the whole of last month due to the Humble monthly. There's been only a few times I've seen things too good to be true, like with MangaGamer titles.
But whether or not it is a "lot" in the grand scheme of things, certainly a large volume (as in at least hundreds of thousands of dollars) of fraudulently obtained keys get laundered through G2A. As an open market that isn't necessarily G2A's fault (is YouTube responsible for people violating the terms and uploading copyrighted content?), but perhaps there is more they could be doing to dissuade these individuals from trying to cash out their stolen credits cards like require stringent identity verification before paying out.
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So my account was suspended on g2a because they think I'm using multiple accounts which I wasn't (I had public IPs from library/cafe/etc). They want me to provide some sort of ID to verify my identity. Should I give it to them or should I be concerned about possible identity theft by g2a reselling the id/information?
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Can't you make a purchase without logging in or making an account?
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Hmm, tricky one. G2A is absolutely massive and sponsors eSports events. I don't see them being hard up enough for cash that they would resort to selling ID scans and risk their business, but I think the real question is do you trust them with handling and disposal of that data once you send it to them. They could always be compromised in the future. That I would be unsure of and would ask them what exactly they need. Maybe your could edit out certain parts and/or watermark it with "FOR G2A" if you're a seller there and have a lot riding on it. Maybe they can verify you another way such as with a utility bill establishing your name and address.
If you're just a buyer? I wouldn't say it's worth it at all.
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well Riot games just banned them from sponsoring LOL events as far as I heard
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I heard that too, and it seemed sensible as they were selling/facilitating the sale of things that violated Riot's terms of service at the time.
I'm not saying G2A isn't a sketchy gray market, but if they've truly put millions into eSports sponsorships then they probably don't need to supplement their revenue by selling personal information on the side. They're at least a step up from fake online pharmacies.
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I've had to submit fourteen tickets.
Eight of those I was able to sort out with the seller.
The other six had to be reviewed by the customer service. All were handled efficiently, and resolved in my favor, with a full refund. And that's without the G2A shield (which might be considered to be a bit scammy, since you don't need it).
There's a lot of shady sellers, but I've never had problems with G2A itself. Except for that shield nonsense, anyway.
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Yep, had really bad experience with the support too. Lost my game and my money. And then they closed the ticket and said the conflict is solved and all are happy... (don't know the exact words anymore...). I will definitely never buy there again
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I have bought over 20 games from G2A and never had a problem
Thats what Im saying
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To be honest, Steam support is not much better. Most of my inquiries return with "no, we can't do that". Can you remove these items from inventory - no we can't. Can you remove these achievements from my account - no we can't. Is there a way to get mobile authentication with a Windows Phone - no, there is isn't. Not to mention how many hoops you have to jump through just to get to the screen where you can actually enter your question.
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Yeah, but Steam Support is so infamous that fear of having to deal with them is why we haven't had extraterrestrial contact yet, true story! =O
But really, I don't think too many people make the mistake of thinking Valve gives a shit about anything- they're so confident in their near-monopoly on the market, they just don't see the need to bother. -.-
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Agreed, contacting Steam support and trying to make Steam support understand your question is in the best of days traumatic at best! ^ ^
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Yeah i had same problem today(and before). It depends wich dude will handle your case. Today it took 5 mins to return my items. Before that it took them a day... so yeah
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tried to buy a game from them last night and got a code not even long enough to even be a steam code,tried there 24/7 live support and surprise it was offline so had to make a ticket, they got back to me this morning asking me to give there seller another 24 hours for a working code (more like time for the charge to clear there bank) whether i get a working code at some point or not from them im not likely to ever use there site again there a bit to much on the shady side for me.
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These complaints sound exactly like the ones people make about eBay and Paypal.
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This has nothing to do with the topic, he wasn't purchasing anything.
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When selling, they will boldly request for "legally obtained" games.... They are nothing but awkward, inconsistent and rude. I could show you some of the most laughable chatlogs you'll ever see. Back-and-forth e-mails, where you'll even see my full cooperation, result in them completely ignoring me from there. :D
Both as a buyer, and a seller, I fairly quickly found myself in bad situations. Getting scammed from either end, and rulings against me even when on either side of the same circumstances. It all falls into place, making perfect sense, when you realize the rumors about there being employees of the site, working as sellers, are indicated as being the truth.
G2A is bad news. Honestly, I had GREAT results as a buyer on Kinguin. Very fast, ver sensible. I am still hesitant to trust these places with any real amount of business, though... As if there is any way to track them down, or hold them to ANYTHING in the way of responsibility... Sadly, they take that position of responsibility, yet claim a regular lack of it, knowledge, or any information "in this department"... Send you in circles, if you start asking questions... What's that tell ya..? xD
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I bought countless times from G2A (items, games and even wallet codes) and they all worked all the time, and I never got a bad code. However, recently, I bought a 25€ item from G2A and I did not receive it. I tried re-sending it but it said it has already been sent, so I panicked. Went to the live support, and the guy manually sent me the item. All resolved in <1 hour. Why don't you guys try their live support? More often than not, they will help you out. I remember when EA was getting shit for their customer support, but they have always helped me out with whatever issues I've had, the live chat that is.
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lmao You literally sound like you work for them there, you know that? xD
"Less than 1 hour", huh? lol lol LOL @ THAT
They literally tell me, on LiveChat, that they have no control over every single situation I encounter. I get told my answers are to be found in other departments, which usually is referring to the DEAD-END ticket system that follows DEAD-END e-mails.... I am not exaggerating at all here. I literally received a RU/CIS gift on a purchase, and proceeded to show them several images of the culprit's Steam account, which happened to have a handful of other region locked gifts, which HAPPENED to have matching listings on the Market... With, what could only appear as, the same seller... They didn't care. They allowed the SCAMMER 10 days to NOT RESPOND, then took 7 days to NOT RESPOND themselves... The... Nothing... LiveChat? "Can't help you here. Make a ticket. Send an e-mail. And special thanks for buying and selling in the thousands, on G2A.".
Seriously, guys-- G2A support is a shit-taco. Anyone saying otherwise just hasn't run into it yet, or simply works for them there. On the "team".
I will state one single redeeming fact about the site-- They really do not seem to screw you in regards to sales. Fees all add up, and nothing disappears without valid explanation. I will give that to their credit. The site does not appear to be a blatant scandal, itself, but boasts the potential greatly. Especially to any of those with the position to work from the inside... Some moments where... just TOO obvious for me...
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I guess I do sound like I work there, but sadly, I don't. I'm unemployed. :/
And it actually took less than an hour, and I even purchased without the G2A shield. I guess it all comes down to the guy in live chat who answers you.
In 30 or so purchases that I've had from there, 90% have worked and the rest were solved by the support. I never used the G2A shield, except for once when I forgot to turn it off. (shit move, G2A). I guess everyone has good and bad stories. EA was getting a lot of hate for their support, and they managed to help me all the time, and there were posts on reddit where they'd give them free games/dlc as compensation. (Never happened to me, tho)
Steam support - that is shit, tho.
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Yeah, it definitely can depend on the person you get, I have found. It is only occasionally that I get a person, who acts like a person. Most times, it's the series of generic responses, while they completely ignore me questioning the dead-ends they continue to lead me on. Most recently, I believe they have blocked me from LiveChat, even... I guess they don't like being asked questions about how the hell I can prevent issues. Like, with this "G2A Shield" bullshit they work people over with. I had a guy, manage to COMPLETE a refund on a purchase from me, claiming it was a "Bad key". When, in fact, the gift link was indeed still valid. They gave him his money back already by the time I found this out, and THANK GOD, was still able to reclaim the gift to my inventory. Explaination-- "The buyer must have had the EXTREME SHIELD"... :| Wow...
Of course, no where on their site, do you find anything about this "Extreme G2A Shield", nor any mention of different levels of it. Needless to say, even with my SUBSCRIPTION to the Shield, I still am denied this satisfaction when receiving a bad product... I am forced, to wait... For DAYS, as the seller never actually replies (in 3 out of 3 instances now)... THEN, wait a few on G2A to say NOTHING... Then... No timer is present anymore, and results are nowhere to be found...
I ask you this-- How the hell do you call THIS good service..??? I mean... It's not just the one department or aspect that fails me, and I will state and pretty accurate estimate of 80-90% of the staff there are completely helpless and abrasive.... I am redirected on nearly every occasion, usually ending up in a dead-end e-mail pattern.... They literally take my money as fee for listing, refuse to allow me to sell things at what seems like TOTALLY RANDOM... and the best part is, they will offer no explanation or solution to the matter. I provide them with screen shots they request, and they stop responding.... I point out the blantant scammer to them, who is literally listing current offers on their market... and they gave him 10 DAYS to never reply, made me wait 7 DAYS to never hear THEIR reply, and then... nothing... And within the forced waiting time, the scammer was able to cash out out money already....
Seriously-- These guys are heartless as they come. They keep showing me. Why do I come back? Well... They money is real, and adds up as it should.... Just keep trying to get through to them ALL, and not just the occasional person who gives a damn... If I could just get answers, and understand what I AM potentially able to do, to make things go smoother...
lol Anyways-- This is stuff I should be able to say TO THEM. The fact that I literally have NO RECOURSE, but to come here and vent on a forum about them... Where the hell is this "Good support", is all I wonder...
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Wow, that sounds pretty horrible. And I never heard of this "extreme" g2a shield, and I don't see a reason why to use a shield anyway. I always buy from the guy with a lot of rep. And I hear you on the listing fee and everything else, they're cashing out like crazy and can't get better support?
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Why are we feeling sympathy for the OP? It's people like him who are the reason Steam has implemented all these security features for trading.
Hey OP, trade me all your CSGO items and cards and I'll give you a million dollars. Just ignore that big warning in the trade window that says you're giving me the items and I don't owe you anything.
You actually expected support who were likely hired by G2A and most likely aren't even in the same country to access their Steam account and simply give you the item back? You somehow think that everyone who works for G2A has access to the account? When you say "I get a response to one of my tickets" it makes it seem like you have numerous open, you think annoying support and creating more tickets will encourage them to help and resolve the issue quicker?
Patience is key, especially when they have no obligation to return anything to you.
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I dont know its just the fact that my item was stolen. If they simply said "No we cant retrieve it" I would be fine. Its just the fact that they have been responding on and off for THREE MONTHS
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What black market? g2a is a marketplace. I wouldn't say ebay is a black market, either, it is a marketplace too.
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Why do you think that? If heard of one or two incidents with credit card fraud (which were from sellers and not G2A themself). Hardly enough evidence to make such a statement in my opinion.
BTW this kind of sites are known as grey market, not black market
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If you have to sell CS:GO items you could try https://opskins.com/ . It works fine, i sold my knife here some weeks ago without any problem. You just have to wait some days for the payment but at least they pay.
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I've bought and sold on G2A, and so far, any time I've had a problem, they've solved it fairly efficiently. Doesn't mean that will always be the case, of course, but I accept that there's a risk in this sort of thing where it's often very difficult to prove who's telling the truth in case of dispute. On balance, the savings make it worthwhile for me.
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How can you be "a big fan" of a half-legit digital game online shop? You can be a fan of the Rolling Stones, or Real Madrid, or James Joyce, but seriously? Fan of a shop?
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Also true. To quote Lethal Weapon, I'm too old for this shit.
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8,547 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by RePlayBe
3 months ago I tried selling a CSGO item on G2A, everything was going fine until I realized that the bot had taken my item but not listed it on G2A. That meant I would never be able to get my money for the item. I was mad but I was mainly okay because I thought that G2A would just be able to retrieve my item. Apparently that was not true. I emailed them and for the first month they would respond at 1 week intervals because of their "customer support being loaded". I was frustrated but I thought that it would be able to get fixed eventually. Finally they got back to me and asked for a screenshot and a bunch of information... So I gave it to them. No response
Fast forward a month, they stop responding to my tickets and start closing the tickets for no apparent reason... So I just basically give up.
Today, I get a response to one of my tickets asking for a screenshot, and a bunch of information... AGAIN. (this is the fourth time that I got asked to give them information, and I have EVERY SINGLE TIME). I gave the information to them again, and no response since.
Overall, never use G2A. I was a big fan of them since, but I am just scared that if I ever paid money for a game but had a problem I would never be able to get it fixed.
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