8 years ago

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about 1 week

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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seriously? dafuq. I sincerely hope not.

It used to take less than 24 hours. So if I have to re-roll a giveaway multiple times because people don't read or follow directions then it's going to take how long then...... sigh

8 years ago*

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Yep, in fact, expect more than a week. The response time is completely shot to hell.

8 years ago

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Well i was re-rolling a giveaway for ~3 weeks untill every single entry i had in it already had won the game :P

Now since its Multi Copy GA i need to w8 for CG to manually delete one of the copies ( which can take months :P )

Main issue is that there have been FAR to many tickets cause of far to many rule breakers lately :|

8 years ago

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I was told the queue is rather long right now, what with the holidays etc... Looking at my created tickets, half a year ago it was more like a day...

EDIT: Thinking about it, this is the internet so I better add: This was not meant to be a complaint :)

8 years ago

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Few days.

For the bunnies!!

8 years ago

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It took more than 2 weeks for me, but I said "helo?" again in the same ticket yesterday and they rerolled it just now, so, maybe they forgot to check it.

8 years ago

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Nah, think the hello didn't work.
Have one open for 12 days now and said hello 2 days ago.
But that gives me hope, it's my turn soon ;->

8 years ago

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You really shouldnt bump tickets, it puts them in the bottom of the queue again.

8 years ago

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I thought about that as well (but I am not sure about that), but a reroll thats open for +1 week is pretty unusual. So I wasn't sure if something went wrong.

8 years ago

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Its been stated in many places that support is overworked. So no, it not unusual for now. But it seems to have gotten better lately with Christmas and winter vacations being over. My average reroll tickets went from 8 days to 4. Yesterday I got a same day ticket response from Ronix for which I was extremely grateful since it was third reroll ticket for single giveaway.
So there is really not much to do besides waiting. Worse case you get a "Not received" on your profile. Once the ticket has been answered you can send the key and clear that out or get a new winner in which case it disappears.

8 years ago

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Well, winner agreed to reroll, so no "not recieved" for me ;->
But jeha, I got that now.

And that support is overworked is not new, but usually reroll request (especially if the winner agreed or owned the game) were much faster.
But I guess holiday season really stacked that que up.

8 years ago

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You were lucky. Normally, editing a ticket sends it back to the end of the queue.
Currently over 30,000 tickets are still open.
Re-roll requests are only 370 atm, so at least those will be dealt with soon(ish)

8 years ago

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13 days for me right now ;)

8 years ago

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Can you share what happened after the 7 days have passed? Did the winner mark it as Not Received?

8 years ago

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Yes it was markked as not received. The support approved my reroll (it was for 2 unactivated win, multiple win and regift...) after 19 days, the new winner marked as not received immediatly... after i send the key he marked as received. Happy End :)

8 years ago

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That's good to know, thank you (I have a few of those coming up).

8 years ago

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5 days running.......

8 years ago

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8 days with my two rerolls already and I'm mentally preparing myself for another one or two weeks.

One of the winners marked "Not received", blacklisted me, and sent me an invite to a group named (NSFW) SUCK MY DICK ASSHOLE.

The other one seems ok for now, but I guess he is not happy either. I regret my decision to try to reroll him, because he broke the rules a year ago and it's very probable that my request will be denied and I'll have to send the key and explain the situation somehow.

Bottom line: No more public giveaways from me. Will learn to create GAs with sgtools.

8 years ago

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Oh... wow. That... sucks. They should really add insta reroll option. Sgtools is awesome :)

8 years ago

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I agree. A reroll is a time-critical operation, it has to be implemented automatically, except in extreme special cases.

Help me, sgtools!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Ppl keep coming up with the instant re-roll suggestion but that can be easily abused ...

I seem to be getting most of my re-rolls approved in less then a week ( there ware few times recently that stuff got re-rolled in just a few hours )

Kinda depends i guess , if it was a re-roll for something that I cough the winner owning it seem to take longer ... if he/she asked for the re-roll himself/herself ... it did seem like it got approved relatively fast .

8 years ago

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I see... So rerolls aren't processed as a simple queue. Different issues get different priorities.

I wonder what made my issues so hard to process. I included all relevant sgtools links showing the rule-breaking. It's not much harder to check manually than the fact that the winner asked for a reroll in the GA thread. In both cases, you have to click one link and read a bit.

Regarding abuse, you're right that it's an issue that should be considered. Still, when you look at rerolls as a design problem, abuse prevention is just one constraint among many. Preventing long waiting times is no less important than preventing abuse.

8 years ago

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I'm not sure if that's the case tbh, just I the few interactions I had it did seem to be like that

8 years ago

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