I love cozy games, why? Because I am not good at games :(

I play a lot of games, usually racing games, first person boomer shooters, sandbox games and even rogue-likes. I suck at them, frankly, I am really not that good at video games even though I should be and that's why I play casual cozy adventure games because I just have no brain juice left anymore for me to play puzzle games. Casual cozy games can be anything, you might really enjoy relaxing and playing Doom Eternal on a low difficulty just slaying and headbanging, some might enjoy strategy games and then again, everyone is different. I like cute looking, goofy little casual cozy games that make my heart warm when I see them. Here are a few of my top picks.

  1. Wobbly Life
    This is a neat little life simulator where you work a job, buy a house, drive a car and feed Louie. There is no real narrative story to this game and that's what I like about it, not being told what to do and being held in shackles by the game's storyline. There are tons of secrets and the world is big and vast, although I found travelling from A to B rather annoying. The best part is that it is multiplayer supported, you can go take a boat or something off by the jungle and go fishing with your buddies. I really adore this game, the little yellow wobbly guys are so cute and so wiggly wobbly and I can't get enough of them. It is still in Early Access and the game does feel a bit empty right now but not in a bad way, more like missing a few pieces here and there, but otherwise it is a great open world little game.

  2. Wobbledogs
    A completely unrelated game to Wobbly Life I SWEAR. It's a little creature raising game where you pet your dogs, feed them, and watch them grow more limbs than a centipede. You can wiggle and toss the little guys around and pet them and it is just so adorable. You can customize the pens and put little food dispensers and other decorations to make everything a little more lively. My favorite part is the part where you genetically modify the DNA and make your own wobbledogs that grow to be extra long and extra girthy from the rest, one of my dogs literally became a snake. It is a really neat and relaxing game and I was always overloaded with cuteness when petting the little things. If you like those old Nintendogs-style pet simulation games, you will enjoy this a lot.

  3. Bugsnax
    What's better than collecting insects? Collecting bug treats, almost like bug snacks. All kinds of fruits, vegetables, different kinds of dishes and meals, almost anything you can imagine. With 112 different bugsnak species it might seem like a lot to take in, but catching 112 felt actually like too little, I really wish there was more to catch. The game is a story game which is not usually my cup of tea but this was a very fun adventure and catching the harder bugsnackies felt so rewarding when you got that timing just right. Once you catch enough bugsnaks you can give them to Gramble and you can PET them. They are ridiculously cute, I adore them so much. I felt so emotionally connected with them it was hard to watch the villagers eat them. I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner but Bugsnax is such a fun game, I wish I could play it for the first time again, it was so good.

I think that's what I have for everyone today. Hope I got some wishlists for some people with these amazing games, I recommend them dearly. If you have some cozy games to suggest leave them here, I am always looking for something not too tiring or overwhelming.

Have a great day everyone :)

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8 months ago

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Hey Bacon, I was wondering what you were up to :)

I did not try the 1st ones , but definitely Bugsnax is an absolute must.

I gave it away some weeks ago, and I remermber everyone telling me 'but this is a horror game' ! (and no, it's not, it's just very weird :D)

8 months ago

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Funny enough, after I saw you give it away it peaked my interest and it ended up being on sale so I bought it, no regrets.

8 months ago

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cozy bump~

8 months ago

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Dunno about the first one, but Wobbledogs and Bugsnax are both cozy games that cause existential dread

8 months ago

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I didn't even realize that, well I didn't advertise them as cute, just cozy :P

8 months ago

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You might find this thread useful. :)

8 months ago

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Been here and there, just wanted to shed some light on some games I haven't seen around too often and give some thought on them. I was thinking about finishing Loddlenaut as well and mentioning it here but maybe another time. Thank you for looking out for me though :)

8 months ago

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8 months ago

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https://store.steampowered.com/app/702670/Donut_County/ put everything in the hole

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8 months ago

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I know it sounds misleading at first, but it was a fun game, i swear!!

8 months ago

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I played it, it's really nice ^^
But poor girl is horrified that everything goes into the square round hole

8 months ago

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I already own Unpacking and Alba: A Wildlife Adventure. I finished Unpacking and it was great, had a lot of fun. I probably rearranged the rooms like 3 times over. I haven't played Alba yet, I really love the atmosphere of that game, feels very alive. Donut County I've also heard from before, might get it someday if it is cheap.

8 months ago

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Iirc donht county was on gamepass too, i played it from there :)

8 months ago

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If you install a trainer, cheats to activate God mode. Every game becomes a cozy gameπŸ’

Have not tried any of those games, speaking of dogs one of my first win was from an event in the Cozy thread. It was a GA by TragicBronson himself Called Phogs!. Was a unique fun game.

The best one for me has been Far Lone Sails. My mind was blown by how perfect this game was, beautiful, short and innovative. I look forward to the day I buy the sequel.

8 months ago

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Far Lone Sails is not something I expected to be cozy, but Phogs does look really interesting and cozy. Man does the Phogs game look cute. Could be an interesting game to play with my brother since it's Co-op, we really enjoyed Heavenly Bodies and KeyWe.

8 months ago

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Phogs gets difficult, though it is a great game :D

8 months ago

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I see some alarming reviews about bad multiplayer and bad level design but I think if it comes out in a bundle in the future I'll be glad to play it with my brother. They just look so cute.

8 months ago

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Definitely 100% Orange Juice. Though I feel like a drug dealer saying this.
It's mainly co-op and really fun if you have someone to play. Even though it has tons of DLC, the main characters are still the best.

BAD END THEATER, short but cozy.

Death Rally. Remake of the original Death Rally, I think. It's a top-down racing game, very simple and besides the explosions it's cozy.

Eryi's Action. Looks cute and cozy but it's actually kinda difficult, you might end up baked. Still fun and recommended though. :)

Plants vs Zombies. It's a classic and one of my favourites.

SPORE, gets harder on every stage but it's quite cozy.

8 months ago

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I already own 100% Orange Juice since it was free on Steam not too long ago, but I don't think it is something I'd play, although I can totally see the appeal. I'm not that much into digital board games but I do enjoy some chess with my brother in Tabletop Simulator sometimes.

If you like Death Rally you might have heard from Little Racers STREET which is another top down racing game but you can also drive it in first person but it looks meh, it is an old game from 2014 and a bit newer than Death Rally, I really like Little Racers STREET because it is just so neat.

I really like Plants Vs Zombies too, I finished the main campaign and it was really fun, doubt I'll finish the game fully but it is just a cult classic.

Spore is awesome although I rather use it for the creature creator. I have played the story mode for a bit as well and it is just phenomenal. Really cute and cozy.

8 months ago

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Yeah I heard of that but haven't played it. Though I have played Mini Motor Racing, this one also has first-person camera but I didn't like it. Death Rally is kind of an exception for me (out of my usual genres), probably because it awakens some form of nostalgia. Similar games don't have this effect for some reason.

but I don't think it is something I'd play

I thought the same before started to playing it. Cute characters got me though. Kinda felt like this . :P

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8 months ago

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Why Does Mini Motor Racing remind me of those cars in Lorax...

I really like cutesy things but I draw the line on anime looking games, I just don't really like the style all that much. The gameplay does seem pretty interesting though.

You should try Little Racers STREET, I think it was kind of like a top down Gran Turismo, something like that. The faster cars do get a little hectic. The game isn't perfect by any means, but it is a very neat little racing game.

8 months ago

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remind me of those cars in Lorax...

Couldn't find that game so no idea :/

I really like cutesy things but I draw the line on anime looking games

I understand that. Being a weeb has its price. :P

You should try Little Racers STREET

I mean, it does look like Death Rally but the camera angle in the video made me kinda dizzy. Is there a way to play the whole game with a fixed camera like in Death Rally? I don't have motion sickness by all means, but some games have that effect on me because of their camera angle. For example Dungeon Siege 3 is one of those games for me.

8 months ago

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Lorax is a movie, not a game πŸ˜‚

I'm not sure about Little Racers STREET, although I do remember it being a little nauseating to play. It had some camera angles besides first person and top down but I don't remember exactly, if you want I could check for you.

I found a video showing the cars in Lorax

8 months ago

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Lorax is a movie, not a game πŸ˜‚

Oops :)
Yeah the design style indeed is kinda similar. Chibi cars.

if you want I could check for you.

Well, that would be nice if you can.

8 months ago

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I think it would be easier for me to take a video, but I can't seem to be able to upload it anywhere so you could see so I guess I am taking pictures.

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8 months ago

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Thanks for checking.

Hmm, so I guess we have to see the car from a far away third-person camera at certain points. I also checked some video reviews, couldn't find any of them looking at in-game settings though. The camera is indeed hectic (as you warned) and too shaky.

So I assume no accessibility settings for this game?

8 months ago

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Settings considering camera angle? No. Only settings to set rumble on and off & some stuff about smooth turning and some other settings but nothing to do with cameras. It's still a pretty cool game but if you can't bear the camera angles then I guess it wasn't meant to be.

8 months ago

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Mini Motor Racing also didn't have that kind of setting.
That rumble setting is about camera shaking I assume, that could definitely help. Too bad there is no camera angle setting. :(

It seems simplicity can be more accessible than immersion. Also astigmatism sucks.

Thanks again. :3

8 months ago

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8 months ago

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i have and enjoyed wobbly life, idk wobbledogs and bugsnax ive now on my wishlist looks fun

i recommend loddlenaut, it is very relaxing in my opinion it is a bit short sadly tho but when you finished the story you can still play on

8 months ago

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I recommend Bugsnax a lot if you enjoy creature collectors and story games, Wobbledogs might only appeal to some certain people who like to base building or something of the sort.

I was going to actually include Loddlenaut in my list but I haven't finished it yet, I like the game a lot so far and the cleaning and collecting is very satisfying, I will definitely finish it in the near future :)

8 months ago

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