We moved to a new townhouse a couple weeks ago. Everything is going well, except for the ghosts.

We have a 3 year old American Pit Bull Terrier, and like most pitbulls, she's loving, loyal, and not very smart. She would gladly welcome any robber or murderer who broke into our home - she loves people. So when a few nights ago she started crying, whining, and relentlessly banging into our bedroom door, we were pretty freaked out. I left the bedroom and went to lay with her in the guest bedroom, since we don't want her thinking that whining gets her a spot on our bed, but I was somewhat spooked the rest of the night. She stood at the top of the stairs for five extra minutes just shaking before she finally came to lay with me.

Since then, we've heard many strange sounds in the house. There is another tenant in the basement, but he has his own kitchen and bathroom, and we haven't heard anything other than his loud TV before. Toilets seem to be flushing themselves, things in the fridge are falling over, and there are a few other sounds we just can't place.

Before this, we lived in an apartment. The apartment was across the road from a cemetery, and when we took her on walks through the cemetery she would get spooked at the smallest sounds, jumping for seemingly no reason. What's interesting is that she was never spooked at that apartment, only in the actual cemetery. Here, with no cemetery nearby, she seems spooked much more often.

She's really the best dog, and while she would never protect us from burglars, I'm glad she's at least watching out for the ethereal beings who obviously want nothing more than to haunt a random townhouse in our nation's capital.

Hint: The puzzle link can be found using one of the simple methods in the holy grail of puzzle solving. Use your eyes. Look at everything. Additionally, added a few more formats for Q2.

ADDITIONALLY, one of my GAs never made it into the train, oops! Thanks Domazo for pointing it out. So even if you can't find the puzzle (I swear it's right in front of you) or can't solve the puzzle, everyone can enter this GA right here.

Well, I meant to add another hint before it ended, but my girlfriend is sick and I've been taking care of her. Anyway, the puzzle link was hidden in the third image below, in the dark area above Stella.

Q1: The answer was in the title of the puzzle, and could also be found in some of the comments below.
Q2: The hint was in the last sentence of the story. You had to do a bit of detective work to figure out the country, but that wasn't hard, and the answer was various formats of DC.
Q3: Quick logic puzzle. Don't want to give this away in case I want to use similar ones in the future.
Q4: Same as above, though there were two possible answers - first or last. Some people tried "first and last" or some variation of that, so later I added a hint saying that you only needed one.
Q5: Same as Q3.
Q6: Fractions! Everyone's favorite. If the distance ran by Harriet is represented as D, then 25/3 = D(5/6). Multiply both sides by 6 and get 50 = 5D. Simplify.
Q8: The answer is listed in the story.
Q9: The only acceptable format was American Pit Bull Terrier, which is the format I used in the story above.
Q10: At 3:00 the hands make a 90 degree angle. From there you can easily determine the angle made at 2:00.

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9 years ago*

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Bump for another hint....this should be super simple to find at this point.

9 years ago

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I give up

9 years ago

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I think I gave up on yours too, so that's fair :p

9 years ago

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bump for solved

9 years ago

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Bump for solved, I think

9 years ago

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Bump for (finally) solved!

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9 years ago

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Bump for solved!

9 years ago

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Bump for freebie link added.

9 years ago

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Bump and meow

9 years ago

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sometimes i wonder if there are good ghosts watching over me ... thanks for the GA! I didn't attempt the puzzle because I get frustrated easily XD

9 years ago

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bump for freebie!

9 years ago

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Bump for unable to solve :(

9 years ago

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Where are you getting hung up?

9 years ago

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everywhere (-‸ლ)
i know it has something to do with pic but i (-‸ლ)

9 years ago

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make sure to thoroughly investigate each photo.

9 years ago

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bump for solved

9 years ago

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Bump for ended, congrats to winners, solutions posted!

9 years ago

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