Happy Cake Day to Me! :D:

I just realized it's been 3 years I'm hanging around with you bastards - if it's not opportunity good enough to call it quits on my puzzle retirement I don't know what is :D: Anyway - prepared a little puzzle for ya - I'm very rusty in puzzle-making (been over a year since I prepared a proper one) so zelgh-style considered this one should be super-duper-easy. So GL all :>

Game to Win: Legend of Grimrock 2
Level Requirement: Lvl 1+
Special Requirements: All SG Wins activated on your account, not being on my Blacklist.
Time: You have 1 week.

All puzzle cheaters / GA leakers gonna be blacklisted as well as immediatelly reported to support. No sharing hints / ideas in this topic nor anywhere.

Oh and if you want to check if you are Blacklisted or not, you may do so here.


9ppl managed to solve the puzzle with just 5 entering GA. Fastest solver managed to do so in a little bit more than 2 hours since puzzle got posted, Last solver solved it just 16 hours before GA ended. To all the solvers - I salute you and am impressed by your puzzling skillz :>

Now to the main course :>

Actual first stage of the puzzle was "Blacklist Check GiveAway" posted in OP.

A the start of GA Description there was a hidden link You may see on this image.

Hidden link http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/7bqxnt?? was missing 2 letters ??.

Hint to these two missing letters was cake picture in GA description. The cake represented New York's Empire State Building, it was also posisble to reverse google search the image and find it's listed as NY cake. Pretty obvious - 2 missing letters were NY and full ITH link was http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/7bqxntNY

At ITH stage you were presented with 20 questions in yes/no form. Full ITH solution can be viewed here.

After solving ITH you were presented with QR Code, but sadly the code was broken and wasn't working :(

By image editing of your choice (you could do so with changing color's pallete, saturation and other stuff in Photoshot/Gimp, but also could use simply probe tool, or filling tool from MS Paint) you could notice that some of "pixels" on QR code weren't in fact pure black. Black color has hex value of #000000 and some pixels had color value of #010101. Very similar but not the same :D: To be exact there was EXACTLY 20 altered pixels.

You can view all 20 "fake" pixels on this image.

Now notice this. There are 20 fake pixels in QR code. There are also 20 questions on ITH. Even more - all answers are in yes/no format, so either true or false. Does it ring the bell? It's just like binary or Boolean data type or however you want to call it ;)

And yes - eqach question corresponded to a single pixel. If Answerr was Yes (True/1) the pixel should be black, if answer was no (False/0) the pixel should be white. Proper colors/values of pixels can be seen on this image. Red pixels represent ones that should be black, while green pixels represent ones that should be white.

Original non-altered QR you would get at the end would look like this image.

Decoding this QR would give you 5 letter code qzodt which was GA code for main GA: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/qzodt/legend-of-grimrock-2 :>


7th solver so far :>

We have a grand total of 6th solvers so far, but only 4 entries - so still great win-chances! Gogo solve t3h puzzle! :>

We have 2 more solvers - plus one of them is a total newbie - it's his 1st puzzle solved! :> That meas that no matter if you're a veteran or a fresh blood - this puzzle is for everyone! :>

We have our 2nd solver - took him 6 hours but again - without any hints! See? It's totally doable so gogogo - I want me CV so at least 3 peeps more ;p

We have our first solver! Without any hints whatsoever and done it in only 3 hours! CONGRATS YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD!! :> Also so far only 6 other people reached last stage so keep on trying - this GA will probably have really high win-chances so it's totally worth a try :>


Only hint you need
(and a little bit of brain-work ;>)

8 years ago*

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9ppl managed to solve the puzzle with just 5 entering GA. Faster solver managed to do so in a little bit more than 2 hours since puzzle got posted, Last solver solved it just 16 hours before GA ended. To all the solvers - I salute you and am impressed by your puzzling skillz :>

Now to the main course :>

Actual first stage of the puzzle was "Blacklist Check GiveAway" posted in OP.

A the start of GA Description there was a hidden link You may see on this image.

Hidden link http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/7bqxnt?? was missing 2 letters ??.

Hint to these two missing letters was cake picture in GA description. The cake represented New York's Empire State Building, it was also posisble to reverse google search the image and find it's listed as NY cake. Pretty obvious - 2 missing letters were NY and full ITH link was http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/7bqxntNY

At ITH stage you were presented with 20 questions in yes/no form. Full ITH solution can be viewed here.

After solving ITH you were presented with QR Code, but sadly the code was broken and wasn't working :(

By image editing of your choice (you could do so with changing color's pallete, saturation and other stuff in Photoshot/Gimp, but also could use simply probe tool, or filling tool from MS Paint) you could notice that some of "pixels" on QR code weren't in fact pure black. Black color has hex value of #000000 and some pixels had color value of #010101. Very similar but not the same :D: To be exact there was EXACTLY 20 altered pixels.

You can view all 20 "fake" pixels on this image.

Now notice this. There are 20 fake pixels in QR code. There are also 20 questions on ITH. Even more - all answers are in yes/no format, so either true or false. Does it ring the bell? It's just like binary or Boolean data type or however you want to call it ;)

And yes - eqach question corresponded to a single pixel. If Answerr was Yes (True/1) the pixel should be black, if answer was no (False/0) the pixel should be white. Proper colors/values of pixels can be seen on this image. Red pixels represent ones that should be black, while green pixels represent ones that should be white.

Original non-altered QR you would get at the end would look like this image.

Decoding this QR would give you 5 letter code qzodt which was GA code for main GA: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/qzodt/legend-of-grimrock-2 :>

8 years ago

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Ahahaha => NY cake image :D

I tried changing gamma / saturation / contrast, look for hidden text via opening in notepad etc. I would never search it via google images. you are evil :D:

8 years ago

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you are evil :D:
yep, used to hear this a lot back in old puzzle days :D:

8 years ago

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Wow! That was cool! Congrats to all who solved it!

8 years ago

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glad you liked it, even if not solved :>

8 years ago

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Wow, that's a hell of a puzzle o_o Now I'm glad I actually skipped it and didn't 'waste' my time on this :')

8 years ago

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<old grandpa voice> back in my days that's how puzzle looked like! :D:

8 years ago

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Haha, alright :D
I really do like puzzles but I think if I had tried to solve this, I wouldn't have come very far ^^'

8 years ago

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Man that was cool. I didn't even get to the ITH ;_; Was stuck at the '??' thought it would have something to do with the capitalised words in your description like GiveAway. Seems like I still have a lot to learn hehe

8 years ago

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well - each solution posted you learn more, so just keep learning and good luck! :>

8 years ago

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dang seeing the solution.. I would have never made it past the missing 2 letters. haha. Beautiful puzzle zelghadis!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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thank you :>

8 years ago

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Eventually I'll learn how to do some of these puzzles, there's only so many possibilities of stuff they can do ;) but till then I'll just compliment your revival puzzle.

8 years ago

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there's only so many possibilities - and here you're wrong :> possibilities are countless ;) each time something get's obvious someone may come with new idea :> that's what's beautiful about the puzzles :>

8 years ago

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Haha, and so I've noticed. I guess it's just me HOPING people run out of ideas so I can catch em XD It doesn't stop me from loving the art of puzzle making, hoping to try it myself one day.

8 years ago

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not gonna happen ;) ofc same-idea-simple puzzles gonna be posted, but at the same time - a lot of ppl will know the trick and solve them - this leads such puzzles will have much lower chance to win. Only hard or original ideas will end up with not so many solvers and big win-chances :>

8 years ago

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I see my mistake.. I changed my brightness/contrast in the QR code image looking for hidden text. But didn't change it back to the original, I just manually altered the black and white with brightness/contrast again until it only showed black and white. So I never noticed the altered pixel colors. Next time.. I'll hit undo.. xD

8 years ago

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Yeah, you basically screwed yourself over ;p Because after what you did it was no longer possible to solve it :>

8 years ago

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Yeah, didn't even cross my mind to redownload the image haha

8 years ago

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The entire solution looks elegant.
I left at the first NY part seeing that only a few solvers were announced before me though. It's challenging overall and I learned a lot.

8 years ago

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glad that you learnt something :>

8 years ago

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mind blown. i still have lots to learn

8 years ago

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