I forgot to mention that i knew this one! But all the dudes in the trailer are from bands that i don't really like, like Epica, Sonata Artica and stuff... That's not the kind of metal that i'm into, but i'll probably try this game one day! Thanks!
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I listened the song, now that i'm back here i realise you where talking about the whole album lol I'll give it a try, but for the song The holographic principle, there were too much "growl" for me, i prefer "clean" singers... In Epica you got growl and... I thing it's called.. lyrical singing? That's two things i'm really not a fan of, it's the main reason why i don't like this band and others like that :/
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I'm a singer myself and i consider this cheating x) Well ok, it's a technique that you need to learn and stuff, maybe it's super hard idk but it's more monotonous than any "normal" voice, and once you got it it's probably 1000 times easier than singing... For real x) Héhé
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Hi. I don't like it either. I WANT TO, but I just can't. I love WT, Delain, Lacuna Coil and stuff and all but I just cannot like Epica. I tired - and I want to, so badly. I think it has to do with Simone's voice. I don't know, I just find it too piercing and annoying. Their music (I mean music as in "without vocals") is amazing... if only it wasn't for Simone ;_; I know a lot of people love her voice especially but I don't know.. it's just really annoying to me. A few songs are fine, but most aren't.
Aaaand that's the story of why I don't like Epica.
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Carmaggeddom had a Fear Factory tune for soundtrack. That's metal enough for me. (I can't remember actual metal-themed games, sorry)
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Ho heeeeeeeell yeah! This is looking good buddy! Slain look totally awesome and action side scrolling platform ...things are my favorite kind of games! So just for this one i already give you a giant THANKS!
I had not watched the doom trailer before because i'm too poor for 60 euros games and don't want to feel the need for one lel, but i had no idea it was so... Brütally metal!
All these are going on my wishlish for future sales!
4 thanks and one more because you rock! \m/
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Beware if you don't like electronic music, though. Doom has what it's being called "DoomStep", which is kinda like dubstep but with a hint of metal. I, for one, can't stand modern electronic (computer generated) beats in my music, so just be aware of that.
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If you mean if it is like that with every song in the game, then yes, I believe it is. I haven't played, but you can listen to the soundtrack if you want.
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They've done an interview with him few days ago, he said one of the conditions of the project was "no metal" and only in the very late stage he said "you know, this would sound better with some guitars".
Totally different compared to First-Doom, when that soundtrack was pretty much "take some metal music, cut it and mix it so lawyers won't be able to sue us".
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It's the same guy who did the first 2 seasons of killer instinct, and those were great for the most part i thought. Don't want to listen to doom soundtrack properly till i can play it
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There's already been a Metal Gear Rising that didn't have "solid" in the title
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DMC 3 has a weapon called Nevan.
I found it pretty fun.
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Yeah. Its a pretty cool weapon and a game.
Here is a vid showing how it works. I played this game 10 years ago, so cant remember exactly.
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It has a great design and works flawlessly against enemies which you can only attack from the back as it's basically a ranged weapon with homing attacks, but it sadly won't be your primary weapon since it's kinda gimmicky. :(
Also, if it doesn't have to be on PC, then you can check out the current love of my life :p also featuring dear ol' Dante from Devil May Cry ♥
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killing floor, and killing floor 2 have awesome soundtracks
you have the first one at the humble bundle now, and the second will leave early acess this friday
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and the games, the second have so much gore, and with that soundtrack, damn it feel good the kill some zeds :D
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Is the second one really better or is it just new maps with a few ameliorations? I mean, is it worth it?
Sadly i don't play it THAT much since i prefer to play with friends rather than with random strangers on random servers, and alone beginner is too easy and normal too hard as i remember x)
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now the game is more balanced, and yes the game is really better, the first will always be the classic KF. But this one is really good, awesome graphics and really well optimized , the movements are nice, you can run know and the type of gameplay kinda different too. You can always choose one spot to stay but you will be forced run across the map from times to times.
They have done some free weekends for people try out the game, i think two times at least, if you have some doubts you can always wait to try it out for free :D
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yes, i bouth the delux edition at some sales for 16 or 20 euros
the normal i think it's 14 euros or something like that
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Was looking through all the comments for this game to be mentioned, metal is such a surprisingly good genre to kill monsters and the like to. :)
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i love kf :D
I have more than 200 h on both games, don't play kf2 in a while tho. I'm wating for the finaly release at friday to start playing again
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Eh this doesn't count TOO much but I mean.. it's an AMAZING game. The Cat Lady. My favorite (and the most metalish) song is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUbJC9avi8I
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i disagree, i loved fakk2, and i think it had fantastic platforming gameplay, cool combat and a really neat combo system.. really wish it had had a digital release but sadly was released before digital became a 'thing', and then the publishers and developers both shut down ages ago, so whoever owns the rights (i think it might be take-two interactive?) doesnt consider it a big enough/successful enough title to bring back.
if it was on steam, id buy it in an instant
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I didn't knew there was a Heavy Metal game! I've discovered H.M. a few weeks ago, with the "new" TV show with real actors. I saw "METAL HURLANT" on the tv (I'm french, here it's called "screaming metal"), instantly watched the full show, then the movie!
I'm gonna try to find the game! Thanks!
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Devil May Cry 3, which is my favorite video game of all time, features a heavy metal soundtrack, damn shame the pc port isn't very good though :/
Devil May Cry 4 has a similar soundtrack as well though, and the Special Edition is well optimized, pretty good game as well
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DmC: Devil May Cry also has a metal soundtrack. And the Limbo realm it conjures up looks the part too.
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Combichrist (who made the soundtrack for the game) is considered aggrotech and EBM, as opposed to metal
Still harsh/intense music though, fun to listen to
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I thought with increasing reliance on guitar they moved into industrial metal. shrug It's not like the lines between musical genres are clear and distinct.
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Interesting point, I hear you
Music genre theory itself is pretty muddy, the research on it is pretty interesting
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I've never played brutal legend but I hope I will. Considering metal (& hard rock) in video games I can't resist but to mention flatout series. I mean it doesn't get better when you're crushing your opponent's vehicle while heavy music is rocking.. Oh the adrenaline :D
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I thought the Motörhead DLC for Victor Vran was already out. Turns out it's still being worked on, but when it gets released that game should count.
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WHAT THE... How many LSD tab do a normal human need before listening to this band? Rofl I don't even need drugs to do a bad trip with this!
Haha anyway, i'll even say the whole guitar hero serie is good! Some better than others sure, the Aerosmith is really cool too, more rock than metal though. Thanks!
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http://store.steampowered.com/app/327440/ maybe this one...
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its metal + rock but with some orchestra in it. try listening to my favourite on my profile description :3
if u gonna try one, i recommend u to start with Continuum Shift Ex which is the second game, so u can get a feel if u like it
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Awww, I was gonna recommend that! Guess instead I'll have to settle for giving you a pointer to the soundtrack instead. :D
Also, completely unrelated to Painkiller, but might wanna check out Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance too. Because this is its tutorial. XD
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180 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ev4Gr33n
Heeeelllllloooo everybody!
I just finished Brütal Legend for like the fifth time, I like metal, video games and Jack Black. Needless to say, it's my favourite game!
Anyway, I saw someone somewhere saying that Brütal Legend is "one of the best heavy metal themed video game out there"... One of..? Is there more of them?!
I know that there's not a single game AS metal as this one, but did you know any?
Also i'm sorry if me anglish is little suck x)
Thanks for the help brothers \m/
Here's the list of all the answers, so maybe this thread can help others just like it helped me! Sometimes i'll put a little (the whole serie) but i'm just going to put a link to a random game of it, like for Painkiller, i've put the link for Hell and Damnation but for no particular reason.
CONSOLES(héhé): Guitar hero Metallica... And most of all the others too!
DREAMCAST & PC(No steam): Kiss: Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child
SNES & MEGADRIVE: Rock n'roll Racing
There's an unofficial remake on pc called Motor Rock
PS2 & PS360: Devil May Cry 3
PS360: Splatterhouse
ANDROID: Angry Viking
AMIGA: Motörhead
and on PC but apparently not on digital copy, Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2
Not metal, but made by the bassist of Lightning Bolt: Thumper
Not really metal either, but seem to have nice rock soundtracks (+ MuahahahaMeow think it's an AWESOME game x) ) The Cat Lady
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