you dont need to take bad trades , its not too difficult to find equals trades
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Not just PA base? because that would actually be a fair trade (not even joking).
User Less people try to do crazy deals. Deal in bundle keys to bundle keys. Downside is that it takes a lot of time to set up the list properly, good thing is that after that it is a lot easier to do matchups.
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There's no reason for you to accept bad trades to build rep.. a trade needs to be win-win whatever the rep you got. If people tell you that because you have low rep they cannot make a fair trade that's just bs. Having low rep only brings an element of mistrust that dissipates in time when you complete trades while probably going first.
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I started doing trades through getting bundle games for cards and selling bundle games for cards [mostly i try to get games that are 4-8 cards each].
(just find those bundle games that you like/ bundle games that have cards so you can use that to get more games through the cards)
Also even with high rep you get lousy deals, most people that want to get games here want to get them super cheap, I normally use tf2outpost for selling steamgifts and other than that I normally trade cheap games around here only. [Good deals normally take a long time to happen, so it is better to look at other people's trades to get more favorable trades]
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Some people don't understand the system or the value of what they have. I'm not big on trading,..
Make some offers, trade with bots, trade with TF2 keys...all these will build rep.
Or as others have mentioned, bundle 4 bundle swaps would be easy rep and pretty much the only trades I've ever done.
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I would recommend giving a try, if you haven't already. It matches your wishlist to have list across the entire site at a press of a button. I would also recommend getting more games to trade.
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Be friendly, courteous, polite and type proper english. Be fair, patient and don't offer deals you would not accept yourself, aim for a deal good for both sides. Don't try to scam people, don't be annoying, don't be greedy and don't argue with those who don't act the way I recommend. Anyway, at the end of the day it's expected to refuse more offers than you will accept. Oh, one last thing, a very important one: don't add people "to discuss" on Steam unless you know exactly what they want and what they can offer... In my experience it's always a waste of time. Agree on something on the forum before switching to Steam chat. Always be respectful, it's key. That's the way I try to do it and it seems to work.
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I would suggest that you maybe update your want section with a few games that you think would be good trades for what you have, seeing as at least I usually search by what I have to offer and I'm not always in the mood to crawl through someone's wishlist... Just my 2% of 1 of one of your preferred currency. :P
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What do you expect from trading? CAtching up on missed deals? Bundle leftover exchange? Regional pricing maneuvers?
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I built my rep by searching for specific trades. If you use the trade forum search and put the name of a game you want to get rid of in the "I have section" you will find people actually looking for that game. If its something they want, usually they will make a fair offer for it. I earned like 50 rep or so in no time at all doing that for a while.
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Might help if you put some wishlist games in your trade thread. That makes it easier for people to search to see what people want, like I did, to trade. I only see 3 games in your trade thread that I looked at, so you don't have that much to trade. Probably helps when you have more stuff for appeal!
I had low rep, and still basically do, but I had 0 rep is what I mean when I made some trades. I had a bunch of bundle games and traded a few of those. I managed to sell some steam gifts to someone here for paypal even before that (which I consider lucky for either party to go for it, I guess).
Most of my trades came from me actively looking to trade instead of anyone asking me, though. I also didn't list everything I had to trade either. I didn't try to build much rep since it just gets tiring to look through trade threads.
Have you actually made any offers to people? The way it sounds is that people only seem to make an offer to you.
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I suggest giving answer to people (use the reply button). Users will see that you don't respond to your trades and won't bother to post. Just say "No, sorry" if you don't like anything from the person's list.
Also, add some message in the discription of your post saying that you are not a complete moron who would accept any kind of deal. This lowers the amount of brainless offers like the one you mentioned.
Also, if you want to build rep, start buying cheap games for cards, farm their cards and buy more games.
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Since I got the reply and looked back, yeah I don't know about buying cheap games for cards to farm those cards to buy more games.
well, thinking about it, I've seen people sell bundle games really cheap if you look around; sometimes as low as 10 cents. This cycle seems really tiresome to go through. Buy cheap games, idle (or actually play), drop cards, sell cards (15 days without mobile authenticator) or trade somehow. The wallet money is then locked into your account, but you can use it for anything on the store. Repeat all that.
It feels like a lot of work for minimal reward. Most of the work being finding people to buy these really cheap bundle games or trading for and checking if they have card drops.
On the plus side, if you do want to buy cheap bundle games it goes to your rep.
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Just be patient, really. Search the trade forums for games you want or games you have, and post on as many threads as possible (since it's very unlikely you'll get a deal on your very first comment). Because of bundled games, it's really impossible to determine what a fair trade is and isn't... but don't try giving someone Bad Rats in exchange for Tom Clancy's the Siege. But likewise, don't try giving someone The Siege in exchange for Bad Rats. Some people tend to think they're bundled games are worth more than yours because they have a higher rep than you, even if there game was only $0.05 at one point and your game was $2.00 at it's cheapest. If you do post offers with people with a really high rep, it also helps if you let them know you'll go first, since you have more limited rep.
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Like a few people said already, I'd highly recommend checking out It's super fast, super easy (WAY easier than using silly SG/Steamtrades or any other sites!), and best of all, the traders on there are generally experienced, polite, friendly, and fair in their offers. EDIT: Also they have a "match" system to match your wishlist items that someone has with your tradeables on other people's wishlists. It's awesome.
Source: 100ish of my rep on SG came from Barter trades
Wow, now I feel like a Yahoo Answers post.
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Getting bad offers isnt because you have low rep. I used to get a lot of terrible offers as well.
its just because you accept offers.
If you have some time, create a decent wishlist and remove the offers option. (You'll still get offers from idiots, but less ;) )
I personally hate it when I make an offer and the topic creator doesnt even bother to respond. Use the reply option.
People will notice youre active and are more likely to make you an offer.
Good luck!
EDIT: use the search option. Most likely there are people looking for the games you have. Make them an offer
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The issue with having low rep is that most people will give you trash deals. I've been trying to trad some
good games, but most people just offer s*** Bad Rats
Is there a better way thab makjng terrible trades?
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