I wouldnt say the survey is bad. But its got problems
For one - some questions have weird phrasing. The question about trying to cut back on gaming for example. It asks you whether you cut back and stop playing OR you play a lot. How are you supposed to answer that with a yes or no ? Either I cut back and stop playing or I have problem with playing it for long periods. It would be better if it said something along the lines - "I play the games for prolonged periods so I have tried to stop playing" . Makes a lot more sense
Also - survey all in all is quit biased. It says - Gamers are aggressive, society is bad, everyones a cheat. And then you answer how do you feel about it without taking into any consideration if what you are implying actually is true.
It feels like its trying to prove some kind of thesis with conditioning you to answer specifically.
AND most importantly - the fact it was approved by two professors is completely unimportant. Professors are humans as well and if they approved it - all that says is that the survey is "good enough". Professors can have different view at the problem, they might not get the gist of what is the supposed result of the survey. So if it checks all the basic "good survey" points it gets approved. The author (working on her masters thesis) should be professional enough to be able to filter what is good and what is not herself. With professors being there just as an aid. Its not their fault if the survey or research fails but they said its alright.
It isnt meant as a criticism either. Just pointing out some details that I hope find the author well :) I myself have almost finished by bachelors theses. Its a research on traffic safety regarding road markings and it involves analysis of drivers psychology regarding rules on the road. And in my survey I never implied that drivers break rules or they are undisciplined. All the questions where written completely neutral to get drivers to answer without trying to remember "how is it supposed to be" and the result was more then pleasing. Unbiased and truthful regarding drivers.
PS. thanks for the GA btw :) And hope enough people answer the survey for it to put out good results
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I've got same feeling from this survey. I don't mind getting me think on the question, actually sometimes even prefer. But in this case I was more looking in to booby traps then actually thinking.
I really hope that they re-think all the questions and re-do it, if they truly wish for this research to have any honest impact on the society/community. If they don't and offer excuse of not enough money or time, then they answered their own question in regards if employ is responsible for illegal actions requested by company.
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Why are people complaining about the questions? Psychology is not a 100% accuracy science, most of the time it's just a probability science that's why people are conducting research to know the probability. Psychology results can never be 100% accurate; it's just fun to know the probabilities.
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It's not the same thing, he's not asking for a special action in order for the entries to be considered valid. In this case all entries are valid because there's no other way to get to the link without completing the survey, it's no different than any puzzle giveaway. The rule you're mentioning is for people who create a giveaway, include the rule somewhere and then reroll or deny the winner his gift if he didn't complete the action.
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It's not exactly the same because you can unsubscribe from a youtube channel at any time and thus your entry becomes invalid, in this case once you complete the survey you can't remove your submission. But I agree most of the rules are in a grey area, they should be more clear.
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Glad to see I am not the only one who thought questions were vague. You can't just answer with yes or no or even scale them that easily. Maybe if they were more specific it would help.
Also human experimenting is forbidden by law, but I wouldn't mind if it wasn't in specific conditions and it has nothing to do with me gaming.Also now that I think about it, a lot of questions have nothing to do with me playing video games. Life shaped me like that. Video games are part of my life, true, but not to the point where if i see some idea working in a video game I instantly consider it as something that could work in real life. well.. maybe if it is reasonable enough to work, but that is not the point.
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Redundancy is pretty typical in surveys/studies that are trying to gauge the involvement of the subject. They want to know if you're just clicking things randomly so it's not exactly new, especially in a study that seems concerned about whether you're doing things without thinking about them (very concerned for some reason) but yeah the leading questions are a bit too leading to make results or patterns found by the study very objective or revealing.
One main problem of the study, and how you can tell it's very leading, is that they ask questions with scales but then they have follow-up questions that just assume you answered one particular way. Example: "I believe some of my thoughts are abnormal or bad and I shouldn’t think that way." The question appears 3 times in 15 questions and always, the follow up is about those thoughts and feelings you feel you're not supposed to have.... what if you answered you don't have those thoughts or feelings?
I love completing surveys just to see how they're done so I thought I'd drop my two cents but good luck to your friend and thanks for sharing.
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Agree with Mayanaise too. And it's the reason I won't fill out the survey. It's biased. If you are the opposite to what most of those questions ask, and I am, you're just thinking... NO!
The questions are basically stereotyping gamers as being introverted or having mental health issues. Therefore, they are leading to one conclusion and one conclusion only regardless of the 1-5 scale. The author has an opinion about the people who play video games and it has come across in their chosen questions.
I wish your friend luck, but hope that they do consider the feedback given here. I've been there myself doing surveys and interviews for my thesis, so know the struggle.
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Most played video games.
I used to play just 1 game (multiplayer online game) for a long time. But now I switched to play offline games that can be finished, and then move on to play next game.
So my most played was games that I have played years ago, not recently.
Maybe the question will reflects better of me when asking genre / topic rather than the name of the game itself
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First parts of the survey seemed to be made up of the usual kind of questions meant to measure depression, degree of socialization etc. But a few of the socialization questions were just weird and so vague or obtuse in intent that they were more likely to elicit a question in response rather than an answer. (If they were asked in person.)
It doesn’t make sense for the individual to worry about environmental deterioration since the harmful effects are produced at the societal level.
I'm assuming that the objective is to elicit a yes/antisocial or no/social response here, but anyone who stops to ponder the question might start to wonder if it makes any sense, or what the terms used, "environmental deterioration" and "societal level", are meant to represent and what the relationship between the two is, because, the more I think about it the less sense it makes.
Fraud in economic transactions is simply a ‘‘strategic distortion”.
I don't know what that term means in the context of the question (or any other context for that matter). I feel like the person who formulated it may have been uncertain too - hence the quote marks. I can guess, but that's the problem. I shouldn't be guessing at what the question is, because without a clear understanding of what the question is, I can't give a clear response, and that produces unreliable or worthless data.
The final part of the survey does appear to have a negative bias. There's a marked absence of any kind of positive question to balance out the all the questions about game violence and antisocial, irresponsible, self-destructive or addictive behaviors. There's no "Do you have fun", "Do video playing games make you happy, exercise your brain, hone your skills?", "Do you play with friends?, "Do you make you friends when playing?". That's why many are finding the survey off-putting.
The 18 age requirement seems odd as several of the questions seem to be targeting a somewhat younger (high school?) age group.
I mean this as a constructive criticism. Hope it's take that way. I wish your friend good luck with her survey and masters thesis.
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Done similar tests before, seen similar "control questions" before, it's all well. I don't agree with most conclusions here, also who cares, if you took upon yourself to answer, then answer, don't play guessing game and being upset for no reason.
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The questions are NOT made by the student, these were validated in previous research by professional researchers who have proved psychometric properties of them.
Yeah, that doesn't mean they are not leading or worded in such a way as to get the desired response ;) In fact, this statement makes me trust the author of the survey even less.
Personally, I found the questions pointless and really odd. Like that question about having "feelings that I tell myself are bad and I shouldn't feel that way" that was repeated multiple times. Why was that even there?
Like many others, I also felt that the questions were... not neccesarilly "accusatory", but certainly not very friendly to the respondents. It did feel more like an interrogation than a survey.
Just sharing my thoughts. If you disagree or feel that I'm just missing the point, you can consider this a bump :D
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My friend is conducting a psychological research on gaming for her Master dissertation and I'm helping her by posting the research's link here. Upon completion of the survey, you will get a link to a steamgifts giveaway for Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition. Survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes.
Please read the informed consent and try to respond honestly keeping in mind that your responses are anonymous, therefore, it does not require you to provide your name or any other identifying information.
In order to participate, you need to be at least 18 years old and to consider yourself a gamer!
The giveaway will last until June 2, 2019, 11:59pm and the contributor level is 0+.
If you don't want to complete the survey maybe you would like to help us with a bump.
Thank you!
Read before you submit a new comment:
The survey was approved by two researchers/professor also the questions used in the survey are part of scientifically validated scales that have been used in many studies before.
This psychological research, like any other, uses the previous results of other studies to formulate some hypotheses. The aim of the research is NOT to prove a certain idea but to discover if the hypotheses, that were made by correlating different conclusions of other studies in this area of research, are valid or not.
Many assumed that the aim of the questions is to highlight that gamers are ultra violent/aggressive or antisocial, which is false.
Many find the questions leading, misleading, etc. The questions are NOT made by the student, these were validated in previous research by professional researchers who have proved psychometric properties of them. You can't change questions as you wish without affecting those psychometric properties of the instrument.
Please do not try to respond as you have guessed the purpose of the study. The study does not try to prove anything (like a certain idea that researcher has) but to explore whether or not the hypotheses(based on results of other studies) are true.
Please consider that the results of the study can confirm or refute the hypotheses or the previous studies. Therefore you should not guess the aims of the study which cannot be disclosed (at the moment).
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