Your CV always reflect the current price on Steam. But games given away before a bundle includes them do not count as bundled.
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What he wrote: "games given away before a bundle includes them do not count as bundled".
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Pls read a bit below, i explained that, youre welcome.
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yes, you explained how there is an exception for this statement. that doesn't mean the statement is completely wrong. and that doesn't mean you can just write "it's wrong" without any further explanation (which you didn't deliver in the first place) and be right about it.
you're welcome.
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No, it's actually the way it works.
Read the FAQ (or more precisely, this thread)
Giveaways created prior to a bundle always receive full value
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This was mentioned many many times before, that this sentence is not right, i think Shobo also wrote something about it.
When you make a giveaway and its ends and even is marked received on the day the bundle is coming out, you dont get full value, depends on time zone.
Happend to me once so i know what iam talking about. :) Givesway was marked received four hours before the bundle came out, but the cv was retroactivly gone.
The system counts the day not the exact time, so still you can get no cv for "non-bundled" games given away prior to a bundle.
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Yeah, i just wanted to make clear, that the sentence is not quiet right. :)
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OK, now I understand where you're coming from.
Yes, the giveaway must have closed at the very latest the day before the bundle was released.
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This is actually not quite right in all cases, you can loose CV, even if you gave something away before it got bundled, but this is because the day not the hour counts.
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Thanks, added and shared to:
My opinion: The price for all is excesive, 20$ I would preffer to buy Bioshock Infinite and XCOM for separated on sale, and 1$ for the Bundle..
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Not bad, but the 20 tier is a little much for stuff that's been on sale for under 10 bucks.
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And the $20 tier will sadly raise the BTA. I wish I was on when this went live so I could have grabbed the BTA quickly because I really want Spec Ops, but don't know if it's really worth spending over $5 on now :(
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Damn. It was down to $5.46 when I it's up to $7.05. Guess I should have grabbed it earlier :(
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I own them all and still bought the bundle. The games are 90%+ off, and great to both give away and trade later when the bundle is over. It's a great deal, and without a doubt worth it, all of those games are great! :D
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doesn't help that from what i've heard Bioshock Infinite is mediocre, so I'd be buying it entirely for xcom which has been down to $7.50. That or I could save myself a few bucks and just get the BTA.
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They kinda suck. Joe's Adventure is the only DLC that's decent. It has a few story missions, but the rest of the missions are arcade missions that Jimmy's Vendetta only consists of. The remaining DLCs are just skins and few new vehicles.
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This is really an amazing bundle. One of the best ever. Every single game in every tier is worth playing. Sad part, I own every single game in it besides The Darkness which Ill pick up from a trader for cheap now.
The $20 tier is a bit eh, but even if you did pay $20 its still crazy great.
I'd guess Borderlands 1 will be a bonus game.
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Nice, the two weeks waiting were totally worth it
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Anyways, it felt like an eternity. I'm going to wait till bonus games are revealed, as I have everything besides The bureau, so it's yet another week waiting for me
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I just bought ALL of these games recently. Would have been an amazing bundle otherwise. Hope the unlocked games are worth it for me. Congrats to everyone else.
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Just a question about HB, if u buy the BTA and later they add games, you get them automatically (if any of them are in the tier you purchased)?
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Yes, with BTA you will receive all future bonus games
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Also of interest, the BTA price Humble uses to determine if you get the extra games is based on when you purchase ANY part of the bundle.
For example, if you purchase tier 1 for $1 and the BTA at that time is $5.75, you'd be short $4.75 for tier 2 (BTA). Later, if you decide you wanted tier 2 but the BTA amount has risen to $9.50, you'll only have to increase your purchase amount by $4.75 instead of $8.50.
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Meh :( Had Mafia II long before, and got Bioshock TriplePack on Summer Sale...
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the $20 average raiser where you also get a extra $60 worth of games well as the rest of the bundle worth $150 as it stands at the moment.
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Also Civ games, the original X-COM's, Freedom Force.
Somehow I don't think the later two are likely show up.
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BTA? Don't mind if I do.
The $20 is a bit steep considering past sales, though still a good deal.
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I'm torn on BTA for Spec Ops, but looking it up, it's never been less than $5.09 USD.
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That's true, I forgot about that.
I am sitting on two TF2 keys, so I guess I can see if anyone's selling it for one. I wouldn't pay any more than that though.
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I bought my first Steam copy from Amazon for $4.99 on Nov 30, 2012. I bought a second copy from Amazon for $2.49 on Jan 9, 2013. The first sale was part of a 24h flash deal promotion with Gamespot as I recall so it doesn't show up anywhere as ever having been on sale that day, but it was a big to-do at the time. The second copy (which I never used) was part of a promotion where the regular sale price was $7.49 but with an additional $5.00 off. As Mew mentioned, it's also been given away several times as a bonus if you bought something else.
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I do recall the $5 EC promotion, but I had none left at the time...spent it on a couple other games.
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Pay $1 or more:
The Darkness II
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Beat average price:
BioShock 2
Mafia II
Spec Ops: The Line
X-COM: Complete Pack games separate links
BioShock Infinite
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Link to Humble Bundle due to unpopular demand!
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