I don't really have any specific feedback as I'm not really interested in these types of videos, but I would recommend disabling steam notifications while recording as they can be a bit distracting to the viewer.
Anyways keep on creating more videos and maybe try experimenting with different formats or genres that you think you can build an audience on. I believe if you continue putting effort into your videos and are having fun while making them, then you can create a successful channel out of that!
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Thank you so much for your opinion, I never thought the steam notifications would distract viewers since I never got any opinions before and they seemed normal to me while watching as I record with them enabled I'll disable them in the next video.
I'll experiment with other genres however Roguelites are the most appealing to me so far and thanks to your feedback I can improve the next videos, I'll keep uploading just for the sake of enjoying it I always try to give everything I got into each video and while collecting people feedback I can give them what they want and have a real audience one day :)
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I have to agree with Rinocap about the steam notifications. Sometimes they're left in by accident and it's not worth destroying otherwise good footage over but when they're left in consistently I find that to be unprofessional and potentially dangers your friend's list's privacy.
But yeah, ultimately the main thing is make videos that are interesting to you and fun to make. If you're not having fun, people can tell, so just enjoy it and good luck :) I think that's a good attitude to have.
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This is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt, while I think you're good at games the background music (on recent videos) is kinda distracting, that might be just me though since I prefer to listen to the original sounds a game has.
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Thank you so much for the feedback, I understand your point of view but I don't think 2x sped up game sounds would be very appealing to people, I think of background music only as a little extra effect, if I upload the original 30 min gameplay video with original game sounds I think it'd be kinda boring.
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Your purpose for your channel does not fill a demand. If people want to check out a game before buying, people will look at reviews. If people just want to see some gameplay, people will watch a youtuber play and comment. I have only watched a few seconds, and the videos do not provide me anything useful, or anything better than what others have provided.
You need to understand the purpose of your channel and know how to attain it.
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Honestly I made that description when I first started the channel, I didn't bother to change it since I dunno what else to write there instead lol, so yeah you're right for the moment it doesn't serve any particular purpose you can call it entertainment, for fun or whatever, you shouldn't compare my channel to other popular ones I am just getting started and collecting opinions to try to improve what I make, Thanks a lot for your opinion :)
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I like hearing the people on their LPs and of course the game sound. Music is a taste based thing, so your channel does not strike my interest. That might not be what you thought, when you asked for feedback, but I want to encourage you to use your voice, give us funny stuff listening to or expertise with your knowledge of the games. Those "just music" videos are going better with "best of" something.
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I understand your point of view, Commentary? well English isn't my first language and I don't speak it often so I don't plan on doing that anytime soon, I am trying to get as far as possible with just gameplay for now, Thanks for your opinion :)
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I want to reach a larger audience and my people wouldn't be interested in the kind of videos I intend to make
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Yeah it turned out longer than I thought even sped up 2x, It's one of like 20 challenges in clone drone It's harder than it looks too, do you think it'd be better with 2x sped up original sound or you mean The Original video with the original sound?
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Oh! didn't notice it's 2X speed lol (as I said, I didn't know about this game). Now I see why you turned off the original sound.
It would be better if you could show only your highlights. (like POTG of Overwatch) So no 2x nor sound off is needed.
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I hope you don't mind but I prefer to be straightforward instead of sugarcouting it.
What you basically have now is random gameplay with loud music on top. What's the target audiance here ?
At this point when anyone anywhere can create this you need to have something you add to the video. Some kind of personal contribution. You have to think of it as of business - why would someone consume what you are offering. If you have 100 similar things, none of them will spark any interest to people. At this stage your videos are like flour. It's there and that's about it.
You really need to think about offering voice overs or at least text over the video, create the video in fragments, give the viewers something they don't know. Give facts, your favorite scenes, fun facts. Even as plain walkthrough video this offers very little. Remember that attention span is very little for most people, if you want simple gaming videos aim for no more then 5 minutes. If it's more informative then it'll be longer but it has to be really engaging.
If you simply want to play a game and nothing more I'd say you need to go for streaming. I care for that even less, but that at least has some kind of audiance and interactions which make it more interesting.
You said in previous comment that it's better to speed it up then upload 30 min of gameplay. Neither is a good plan IMO. Even 30 minute gameplay sped up twice will be boring. Basically there is no point in simply uploading plain gameplay video. It doesn't even help you learn editing.
I hope I'm not discouraging you here and definitely do go ahead and keep on making videos and learn to make them better. No one started out perfect. But I really suggest against keeping to this format.
PLay for several hours - then take out 5-10 min outtakes with some interesting moments. It's the same for regular video filming and photography as well (I do that semi professionally) .. you have hours of footage and thousands of pictures but only handful is usable (as in - makes sense. I might take 30 great pictures of a car, but I'll use only one which will be the most dramatic and tells the most story). Do that to your gameplay videos as well. And good luck :)
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You're right about other genres I record I need to add other things with just simple gameplay too, If you're talking about the last video however, that's a roguelite game and this is a challenge in-game not just random gameplay or story mode, it can be sometimes difficult to pass and took me some tries to do it the first time, If you have any ideas how to improve this kind of videos however I am all ears because these are what I enjoy recording the most.
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I will be honest with you BUT take it with the grain of salt as everyone have their own tastes and everyone likes different things.
The music you put on the top of videos does not make me want to watch your videos.
I either look for reviews or first impressions or some gameplay showing me the game or some game mechanics videos.
What you have here is just loud music put on top of a speed up gameplay and in the end that tells me nothing about the game and only makes the videos annoying to me as they are more like music videos that can be running in the background than anything game related that I can watch and enjoy.
Look at Mortismal Gaming, WolfheartFPS, SplatterCatGaming, Arcane Agent and maybe you will be inspired as these are the guys I watch all the time and each video is a pleasure to watch while I watched 2 of yours for about 60 seconds each and they were just annoying to me.
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Thanks for your opinion, I see you dislike background music on the videos or maybe it was way too much, what do you think could improve these videos, so you like original gameplay video with commentary you mean? well they are not meant to give any info on the games they are challenges in-game what do you think could improve them?
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Well if you only do challenges in games I think speaking about why this challenge and how hard it is and why would improve it more. And also gameplay should have game sounds and game music instead of some music outside of the game.
The speed of the game, the music, the sounds effects all these are important when presenting the game and your speeding up gameplay and using some random music instead of game sounds just makes me not want to watch it.
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Well If I upload the original 30 min challenge video with original game music and sound effects wont you find it a bit long or boring to set through? do you prefer commentary or text when describing the challenge and its difficulty does it make any difference to you?
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Some videos I watch are 30+ minutes long if they are good and interesting like character build videos for some RPG sometimes are long or SplatterCatGaming every video presenting a game is about 30 minutes long.
Think of it like a quality - if something is tasty you want to eat it more if something is good like some stand-ups or shows you watch them whole even if they last an hour or more if a movie is good you can watch even 2 hours of it etc. Length does not matter if there is quality.
Commentary is always better in my opinion than text. It also shows someone put an effort in the video instead of opening a notepad and writing in it.
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I couldn't even make it through any of your videos I clicked on because of the annoying music. Which leads me to a crossroad. If I have to either watch in silence, mute your video to play my own music, or open up someone else's video on my other monitor for audio, you've already lost the battle in keeping me engaged with your content and I will be much less likely to stick around and watch.
But even if I was someone that liked the specific music you chose, there's still a bit of a problem here.
The music used has absolutely nothing to do with the game footage. Its just filler that doesn't go at all with what's happening on the screen!
Since its not lyrically appropriate to what is going on in the video, adding to the narrative, comedically timed, cleverly edited or complimentary in any way, the two elements are just at odds with each other. So If I was playing one of your videos because I liked the song, I'd probably open up another tab and do something else instead of watching your gameplay, or better yet, just find the music artist on another platform and listen to them directly. Another problem with this sort of viewer is they probably aren't going to love every single song you choose so they'd just visit that one video from time to time at best.
Choosing random songs as audio makes your videos almost pointless because we are left with 2 possible scenarios:
-- viewer likes your gameplay but not the music
-- viewer likes the music but not your gameplay
You might get a hit here and there, but neither scenario is going to build you an audience you can retain. This is essentially "content for no one". The chances of you building an audience that loves both things together in every video is so abysmally low that it might as well be considered 0.
It's not particularly interesting parts of the games you've chosen. There's no review, no commentary, no walkthrough, no opinions, nothing. The vids don't even qualify for the "let's play" category because they are so short. A 5-10 minute snippet of someone playing a game with no context and background music isn't going to make it far in 2021.
Which leads me to the biggest problem of all. Everyone these days wants to be a streamer or youtuber. The platforms are absolutely flooded with content creators. You have to provide an experience that is worth the viewer's time even with countless other options available to them.
I don't watch a lot of game content creators personally, but those I do watch are people like Lets Game it Out, Gray Still Plays, Call Me Kevin and The Spiffing Brit, who all have several things in common. They do crazy things with what they play, break everything they touch deliberately, have edited footage through showing highlights of many hours of gameplay, give commentary and have a lot of personality. I don't know what I'd call this "genre" but it certainly is one. I have a type, and it's what I gravitate to.
The only other video game content I watch is full traditional roguelike or strategy playthroughs, but I watch those far less frequently and when I do its to improve my own runs or see someone get past problems in ways I wouldn't have thought of.
These examples are 2 very different styles but distinct in their own way. You need some sort of genre, some sort of hook that will appeal to an audience. You need to build a fanbase that will subscribe and have a reason to feel excited when they see you just put out a new video. It's best if you choose something you're already passionate about so you can learn, get better and refine your own style along the way. But its going to be a lot of work, a lot of effort and a lot of time invested if you really want to grow your channel in any meaningful way. And there's no guarantee that it will succeed.
I've written a lot here and its mostly critical but I'm not trying to put you down or discourage you. I wish you all the best and hope that you do find a balance between personal enjoyment and reward for your time and effort.
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That's quite a lot of info there thanks a lot for your time, I'll try to find a balance between gameplay and music seems like it's the choice of music that discouraged you from watching, do you think in-game challenge videos could use edited music instead or do you prefer it with no background music at all? do you prefer the sped up gameplay video or the original?
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You're very welcome. I'm glad you didn't take my words as just mean spirited because that's not how I meant it at all. But it was a lot and I understand how someone being really critical of a project you put effort into can come across as harsh.
And yes, I really disliked the music and it made me much more likely to leave. But to be honest even if you played David Bowie (I'm not recommending that, lol), it wouldn't make me more likely to watch, either. I'd just listen to one of my David Bowie records if that was the mood I was in. A "bad" music choice can absolutely turn people away, but I don't think a "good" music choice will draw people in. Unfortunately the sliding scale is only from neutral to negative, with no true positive outcome.
The reason is simple. You're a gameplay channel, so if people are going to chose to spend their precious and limited free time to watch you, it will be for that gameplay.
Sped up gameplay is really nice when there's a reason for it. I'm going to pick something random here. Let's say you're making a city builder gameplay video and you open up with "today I'm going to show you how to build a city with a population of 50,000". The first few minutes are spent in regular time with you showing your starting point, your infrastructure and how you set things up to work in your build. You're talking and explaining during this time.
Since the whole process will obviously take forever, you then speed up the video at some point (and this is where you can use background music!) and show basically a time lapse of repeating things over and over again to save time. Then you slow it back down to normal time near to the end to show off your results. When time slows down, the music stops and you return to explaining with commentary, then close out the video.
That's a feasible example of using both music and speeding up footage in a single video. I don't think the gameplay speed itself matters much when it's plain unedited gameplay with no purpose. When red5thedragon mentioned you needing to have a purpose earlier in the thread, this is most likely what they meant, not what you have written in your about section.
You need purpose. You need to have some idea of what you're trying to accomplish with each video you make. To go back to that old argument of "Why watch someone play something I could just play myself?" the answer is simple to explain but harder to achieve. You have to have some special something that goes beyond the argument of "I could play this myself" by making it worthwhile to watch you, instead. It could be a review, your opinion on the game and games like it, your gameplay style, doing something unexpected with the mechanics, or even just your general personality. No matter what you do, I really don't see short snippets of raw gameplay with music (or even in game audio) making it very far. Its impersonal, doesn't have a purpose and has no actual goal in mind. There's no audience for it.
Even channels that just show gameplay footage while making commentary about random things will do better, because viewers are showing up for the creator's commentary rather than the gameplay that's tacked on. (Sort of like the music analogy I made earlier).
If you're only recording your gameplay for your personal enjoyment or something to share with friends, you don't have to keep any of this in mind. But if you're thinking of making this a career or something on the side that brings in a little money at the very least, you're the actual product. You have to add something to make it worthwhile.
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Thanks a lot again for taking the time to reply, with even more text this time lol I appreciate every word, I finally found an example of what I am trying to achieve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpH124IosXs
I will disregard background music, 2x speed from now on and focus on the quality of the gameplay, this guy posted an unedited 2 hours gameplay video with no commentary or text and people still liked it, I just need to try harder challenges I guess to showcase more of my capabilities
I am only doing this because I like it and I just want people to like it as well, If there are 10 people who like my videos and wait for each new one that's all I could ever wish for
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Some points:
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Which videos are you referring to? Do you think it's the choice of music that's off or you don't like background music with gameplay? do you prefer original non sped up gameplay with original sounds even if it'd be 2x longer?
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I haven't had a chance to fully check a video but skimmed some of the comments. I think you got the general idea. But looking at the list of videos it seems like you are doing a lot of different games. Not sure if it is all one play through or what not. Maybe narrow the focus of games and do more content on it. Like secret stuff in the games or walkthrough that people would actually search. That might get you a new subscriber here and there. I also sub so good luck.
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Thanks you so much for your opinion and subscription, you're right I should focus on a game or two from now but walkthroughs are easy to make and there are tons of them already I don't think I can be the first choice to people in that matter, I'd rather do something that's hard to make like showcasing my Capabilities in a particular game like that dude doing impossible things in hollow knight lol, I am not that good or even close to him at HK but I think I can do other games
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You definitely can. But you also could do something like people who will cover gacha games (on the phones). I play FFBE and I go and check out this one guy videos. He has tips on budget clear (which is really hard to think of to help the community). He would do pull videos and tell you if he thinks a unit is worth it or why he is pulling for it. Along with this strategy videos, it also shows him clearing hard content with many different units. You obviously don't need to do this but broaden what you can do with a game. It is the quality of each video. Even if you start off slower, one or two video a month or something. But it could be a very very helpful video for a community that plays the game. Then you will have your user base.
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1.idk if the gamespeed this fast or you make it fast on video editor but my eyes can make it up there
if thats the case maybe i can suggest the real speed so viewer can enjoy it
if the video lenght are too long in your opinion then you can split it
2.and you should disable steam notification or any other notification
i think thats distracting
3.i prefer game sound than music that you attach to the video
but thats your channel,you can create it as you like
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Thanks for all your suggestions they're all on point and I intend to do exactly that, yes the gameplay is sped up but I'll put original gameplay with original game sound from now on doesn't matter if it'd be long if it was descent enough
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Hey man! I differently see some potential. For me, I like commentary, unless it is a walkthrough. So think about that or, you can even add some text with memes to make it more interesting. Also for the music, is you could add the drops when the action starts I feel like it would have more hype. Anyways man, can't wait to see where it goes! I also subbed :D
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Thank you so much for your support and your suggestions, I can't do commentary at the moment and I don't think text would make any difference in long gameplay videos unless it's a walkthrough or a meme as you mentioned neither is the kind of content I intend to make for the time being, hope I can live up to your expectations
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New Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX_hxSuYzFo
Thank you so much everyone for your suggestions and feedback, I took all that into account and was able to apply most of them into the video (except for commentary I don't have the necessary equipment nor environment for that right now) so no annoying background music, no sped up gameplay, only the original gameplay video unedited with the original game sounds, This is my first transition from short to long videos so as always I am looking forward to know what you think about it :)
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Much better :) Made me even interested in the game! Next you should look into captions, so that you can at least drop a few lines into the video why you are playing this game, with this character and maybe once in a while during gameplay a few other bits. It would make the video more interesting to watch.
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Thank you so much for your interest and suggestion, since the video is too big to reupload I just added a couple captions as subtitles at the start and I'll take it bit by bit later to add any other necessary captions
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Big improvement with the audio. You used to use a variety of tracks making it likely to find at least one a user would not like in each video. Ingame music is usually more consistent, so if it doesn't match someone's tastes a viewer might skip a video, but not the entire channel.
Also normal speed lets the game present properly, Extra speed works only for repetitive tasks where you want to show the general idea. If it's really a solution to a hard fragment the viewer looking for such content will probably like to know all the details and not miss a thing(furthermore you can always speed up the video in the player if you think you can keep track). If you want to keep the material short it's better to cut out less important parts(for example like running towards the base for upgrades and just present what you buy) But both those changes were already implemented, so this is just my way of saying why I prefer the new formula.
As the last piece of advice I would say that you need some commentary(may be voiced or just embedded subtitles) - something which would make your material stand out against all other gameplay videos and could be a selling point for your channel. Just ask yourself a question, why a user would like to view your content instead of any other material. Leaving this to chance won't help you get audience. For simple gameplay users usually prefer streaming services where they know that what they see is unedited and gameplay really represents what the game has to offer. You chose a different medium, in which case potential users will most likely expect more - the videos to be of some help, so either walkthroughs, reviews, alternative paths(for branching quests/endings) or basically anything with some custom information they are looking for. So for minimum you need a description of what the video is trying to show and more if the goal requires additional comments
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I need your opinion on my Gaming Channcel, Just ignore everything not uploaded this year, and here's my Latest Video (Giveaway Inside), I started uploading weekly videos again after a long break, I record most genres but roguelites in particular.
I enjoy making them but I want to know what people think of them so let me know your thoughts in comments, any criticism, positive feedback and advice is very welcome.
and since you made it this far (I hope) you're awesome and here's another Giveaway for you :)
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