I assembled a small memorial train to honor her memory. I hope you don't mind.
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I can't tell all i want on english........sorry for that, but believe in me, on the next paragraph on spanish want gave you cheer. In short, tell her story can help other people, do it!
Creo que es una buena forma de hacerle honor a su recuerdo contar su historia, sea en una publicación, en un juego, o donde sea; no mitiga la pena, pero ayuda a que no sea todo en vano. Fuerza y un abrazo!
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@Razielite: I totally agree with you, that there are some people who can't acknowledge the feelings of other people, in your case, you found people not acknowledging your depression. I very recently experienced the same feeling when I shared (what I thought was) a happy moment & some people decided to shit on my parade.
The internet, not just imgur alone, is full of shitty people who can't acknowledge another person's sadness/happiness/success/failures. Yet, among them, there are some genuinely good people too, this I can corroborate from my recent experience too. You do know, that lotuses grow in the muck. The best thing to do is ignore the muck & admire the lotus.
As for telling your friend's story, I don't think you owe anybody anything. Tell her story if YOU think it is a story worthy of telling. But know this, that there'll always be some who won't even bother to look at your story & some who praise you for it.
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My condolences.
One suggestion that I hope you will take to heart. I understand that you're angry and pissed off at those people that caused her pain. Let it go. Don't become like those people who hurt your friend. Let it go. Redirect your energy to focusing on the memory of your friend, the things that made her happy and that she enjoyed in life. Her friendship. Her dreams. Write them down. Save them. Cherish them. Never forget. Perhaps one day you can tell her story as she would have wanted.
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Oh my, when will the madness end? When will we as humans finally be free from the illness that has fallen upon us, making us destroy what is dear to us, making us live by weird and not at all humane conditions?
I am so sorry to read your story.
I pray for love, I pray for forgiveness. I pray for freedom, responsibility, greatness and dignity. I pray for wide open hearts, for clear minds, for hope and healing. I pray for you and your friend. I pray to the divine force that is free from all man made rules and commandments, free from all religion, from all dogma, from all fear. Please, let us all come together as one humanity. Let us wake up. Let us heal.
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So tell us about some of the things that your friend loved? What were her dreams?
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She sounds like a kind heart. A doctor to help others and an animal lover. Did she have a specific breed of dog in mind or it didn't matter? We adopted a rescue, a dog that had been given up, a little over a year ago. She really is such a great animal, loving unconditionally, always happy to see me, and of course, always eager to get treats. :)
So she never had an opportunity to see the ocean or the sea? It's an impressive thing to see, that expanse of water as far as the eye can see. Many of us take those things for granted, traveling to the beach, ships, and flying on airplanes. I wish your friend could have done those things. Hopefully you'll have that opportunity and can do it for her.
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I could understand if people are looking specifically for a working dog to fill a specific role... a hunting dog, guard dog, herding dog, etc. Although there's no reason they can't be loved as well. I think dogs are wonderful companions and that they love the people who treat them well unconditionally is awesome. Don't worry about the haters, just keep doing you.
I had never heard of that belief before. It seems strange because I'd think that people would see them as protectors and guardians and would want them in their house. Where does that belief originate from?
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Also, if you don't mind me asking, how old was your friend?
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That's really depressing when thinking about it from the perspective of the women. I imagine it will take a long time to change in a culture that's been doing the same thing for generations. For the men, there's not much incentive to change. What happens if a father loves their daughter and decides to go against tradition and let her choose? The ramifications must be somewhat severe otherwise I would think there'd be a shift.
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Of course if she couldn't rely on her family, who was supposed to love her, for support, chances that the wide range of bitter strangers online were not going to be much help.
I'm sad for her and for all the girls (and boys) whose voices are being silenced by oppressive families and regimes, while we take our freedom for granted and choose to practice it by bullying strangers online.
What a world.
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well at this point there isn't much left to do.
you helped as best as you could and hopefully she is at peace now.
keep her memory alive and move on with your own life. and keep helping others in need, you know that's what she would expect of you.
also don't be mad and angry at the fools who failed to help. it won't help you feel better.
i found this short abraham twerski video a while ago and it's quite on point.
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Damn... I'm sorry for your loss. I hate that there is still forced marriages...
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I´ve read your latest posts. I´m deeply sorry for your loss. I just hope one day things will be way different in your country. Please stick with us on SG. I really do hope that things get better for you.
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i'm so sorry for ya lose.Its weird to think not all woman are as free as those in some countries.Plz never think taking ya life is a solution.Things can only become better if you are alive to make them better.For every troll online there is a kind person that would give you their last dollar if it would help you.
Did ya ever hear of twitch? i met some truly amazing people there
.If ya ever wanna talk you can poke me here, on steam(dixiathemotherdragon) or on discord (also dixiathemotherdragon)
i wish you much strenght in the coming day's..remember, for every troll there are kinds people too, its just harder to see them cause the trolls are so load.
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And those types of "people" are being hoarded to Europe to beat and rape white women (because no one can force them), to fulfill their primitive desires which they can't learn how to control. And we blindly accept them, or else you get called a racist...sickening. Civilization is surely meeting its end soon.
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Don't let yourself be trapped by stereotypes. Yes, people don't like the situation in Europe with all the refugees, but I think it's more nuanced than outright xenophobia. A lot of it seems to do with the politics, the economics and the strain it's putting on local economies, and concerns over losing their own cultural identity. I believe people are good and are willing to help out others. However it seems like it's too many people trying to be absorbed into areas that can't handle it. Add to that the people who don't respect the host country's laws and traditions, it results in these stereotypes being developed and hated.
I believe that some people are willing to look past those stereotypes and help those individuals who are willing to work hard. Sure, you'll encounter people who are outright racists, it's a fact of life. However maybe it's worth considering taking that risk and finding a better place (easy for me to say not being in your shoes). If you hate your country and everyone there, what do you have to lose by leaving? The world is a big place. Travel it and live the dream that you and your friend shared.
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I'm pursuing a master's degree in applied linguistics and I'm very interested in how people acquire English as a second language It's just a thing I'm obsessed with. Here on SteamGifts I usually try to guess people's nationality/first language based on their sentence structure and such, but with you I was stumped. I'm sorry I went off-topic while you were writing about serious things, I'll just stop here.
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That is a very interesting game! Do you often get it right? I am guessing you are mostly looking for signs of foreign languages (grammar and false-friends)? What I personally tend to do is I anglicize my native language, while keeping my English pure (or at least I think that I do). I make mistakes, sure, but they come from my lack of skill rather than native language bias. The only thing like that might be commas - they have never taught us how to use commas in English, so I use them just as I would in my native language. Except from the Oxford comma, this one I am aware of :p
Please tell me more about the topic! Feel free to add me on Steam, if you don't want to write in this thread.
Anyway, where am I from?
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If the patterns are obvious, it's easy. If the person has good grammar, it's hard. I don't have a system, I just developed the habit spontaneously because I have had many foreign students and every language leads to specific broken English patterns. I still haven't done any formal research, I hope one day I'll be able to. I can also do better if I have already taught native speakers of a certain language or if I am familiar with the language myself. I also used to have a crush on Joel Kinnaman, so by watching videos of him I started to recognize Swedish English a little. It was so cute when I figured out that he and Alicia Vikander speak in a similar manner. To be honest, your English kinda reminds me of that.
Your English is really proper, so it's really hard to make a guess. The sentences have a very regular rhythm to them, so it reminds me of a Germanic language. If I had to take a guess, I'd say Dutch or Swedish or something like that.
I don't want to visit your Steam profile yet in case I discover your nationality. Although I hate the pressure I'm under right now. :D
Edit: without looking at your profile, pinky promise, another idea that comes to mind is Israel, maybe?
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I also hope one day you will be able to do a proper research on it. Very cool topic!
I do keep my language "proper", especially my native one. I've heard similar things from my family. For distant relatives iit is slightly obnoxious that I "speak proper", and, frankly, I am a bit of a grammar and spelling nazi if it comes to Polish ;p I am not confident enough in my English to point out other peoples mistakes (...yet?).
Anyway, it was fascinating to hear your thoughts on my langage, and I wish you the best luck in your future research!
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It's not just about school, school helps a lot, i studied my from 1 to 6 grade in Syria, we had English lessons since Grade 1. Of course it's simple things, but it helps a lot. I learned from movies/Video games too. but most of my friends can at least talk them selves out from school only.
(That's doesn't apply for every country/school -- it's what i saw)
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@anetbok: This seems to be an interesting topic of conversation that's developing. Although it doesn't contribute to the OP's post in any way, I can't help but put in a word or two (more like an anecdote).
100% foreign language fluency is a thing that can never be achieved. I've seen some people who can't even speak their mother language properly. How would you expect them to be proficient in speaking a foreign language properly?
For example, I saw a person yell (by writing) "ENGLISH, PLEASE!" at another in a forum, because the 2nd person had quoted something in French (at the beginning of his post) probably to show off his French flair. The first person also got "your" & "you're" mixed up in that same post.
I had the misfortune of pointing that out to him, to which he replied he doesn't care about the spelling as long as it is the King's English he's speaking (writing, in this case)!
DISCLAIMER: Just in case, it is construed that way, my observations aren't directed at any users of this site.
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As counter-intuitive as it may seem, spelling errors often serve as proof that someone is a native speaker ;) There is a joke about that - how can you distinguish between students and native speakers of a language? - The students have perfect spelling. Many people are bad at spelling = many native speakers are bad at spelling.
(Older) ESL learners can master grammar and spelling very well, but still produce "subpar" sentences. Many ESL learners are shocked to discover that native speakers of English confuse "your" and "you're", but that's because their language acquisition did not happen in a formal and academic setting. Spelling is something you are taught at school after you learn how to speak and it is a set of conventions which can change overnight. A native speaker may have bad spelling, but he/she will never say "This is apple" or "I came to home", for example. From a linguistic standpoint, the native speakers are the ones forming the grammar, not the other way around. How well someone adheres to formal standards is not the most important measure of "being native".
@Razielite: I'm sorry we hijacked your thread like this.
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I'm not an academic but I do find this very interesting.
Razielite said he doesn't mind as it serves as a distraction. :)
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There are rapists, thiefs, killers,bullies in every human group. You can't put blanket term on everyone.
Breivik is european, white, educated human that was described as an intelligent student, physically stronger than others of the same age, who often took care of people who were bullied.
. And yet because of his sick ideology he killed 70 young people.
White supremacists that beat up foreigners, destroy their property and rise up their kids for their liking are no different from Breivik or some immigrants that come to EU and don't accept more open way of living. If they don't follow rules, they should be caught, sentenced and imprisoned.
We don't need to worry especially about them, we have our own "proper white" rapists here. People should be judged by their deeds, not skin color or nationality. And OP is best example of that even in country that's considered to be Muslim, there are open minded people that think in more "european" way.
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You can't judge a whole religion based on human actions, i don't want to argue in this post, but as a Muslim myself, all what he mentioned above is against Islam, and raping specifically is something that if a Muslim do, he is not a muslim and he will be burned in hell. You can't know the people by media, i lived in two different Islamic countries and non Islamic. In every country there's killers, thieves, people who rape.
I have many friends who they are refugees in Europe, they follow the laws and the rules, they give to the country too. Please do not judge anything based on small groups or media, because we all know that media is controlled by governments, and governments look for what the best for them, not the truth.
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you can find out in a detailed way with no lies: https://islamqa.info/en/20327
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similar to how the government has the death penalty for treason, this is no different, people in high positions in Islam all of a sudden decide to take back their beliefs and vows, all for what? nothing, thats why the punishment is harsh.
Insanity is allowing people to walk over you and betray you and accepting it as a whole by turning urself into a numale cuck.
If ur into this kind of thing, leave us out of it.
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First, death penalty is abolished in most modern countries. And you compare apples to oranges? A treason is an act of crime against someone's own nation. It's a result of acts. Apostasy is the realization someone's own religion is not true. It's a result of thoughts.
It is indeed insanity to give death sentence for having thoughts and shows how insecure Islam is.
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Apostasy only exists in terms of deeds or actions mostly, just leaving it by word has no meaning whatsoever, but renouncing faith after knowingly knowing something to be true and turning your back on it is the same thing as betrayal and treason.
Numale cucks tend to like being dominated and betrayed and call it a way of life to enjoy. It's not islam that's being insecure here.... ahem.
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So if someone says they don't believe all that stuff an old book says anymore, you just disregard it? And what deeds or actions?
" knowing something to be true and turning your back on it is the same thing as betrayal and treason" - - Your logic fails. Kids think Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy is true, but later they realize it's just a fable. You are calling this treason. Amazing.
When a group's rule is you must die, if you no longer believe their ideas, I'd say they are pretty insecure. :) They can't cope with someone's thoughts and different opinion.
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"Kids think", yes I forgot that I was dealing with a child, that's the only thing that's amazing here lol.
I guess scientific theories were never really theories either, must be something 100% true, and I guess there is no such thing as gravity since it is a proven scientific fact.
The reason for apostasy usually is mental retardation anyways.
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Aaaand you failed to answer any question.
Believing Mohamed was riding a winged, horse-like creature to heaven and back, the splitting of the Moon, or that comets are aimed to shoot down Jinns is absolutely fine, but not believing these is mental retardation, right? :D
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due to life being so plane and square in the entire western world, seeing unbelievable things would maybe probably be a miracle in terms of your own life.
for the splitting of the moon there are evidences of it,
and the world of jinns exists, every human being is born with one as well. The next time you go on one of your LSD trips maybe you'll learn something about them.
here is an evidence:.
as far as i see it, going into those topics would be far too advanced, stick to the basic tenets, the 5 pillars of islam before even touching those topics, I dont have to teach u jack, Islam was always a religion of signs, not science, but science was always there to back it up, science isnt a creation, its a discovery of what already exists.
science hasn't advanced yet to discover the evidences of angels, the existence of satan, the existence of jinns.
I guess theories are supposed to be 100% true and real facts are supposed to be something false right?
mental retardation is a thing.
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Have you even read that wiki article you linked? If I borrow your twisted logic, New York is evidence for Spider-Man. Or even better, my grandpa can shape the Moon's surface with his mind and that photo is the evidence.
I never tried LSD, and I don't think you should use that to learn about mythical creatures... Can you prove the Jinns existence? Of course you can't.
Science will not discover any evidence for angels, satan, etc. because science doesn't care about fairy tales.
Oh, and I agree, mental retardation is a thing. And having logical, rational thoughts is another thing.
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here is an evidence:. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splitting_of_the_moon#NASA_photograph
Did you even read the article? It mentions the photograph, but then also says that the idea that this proves the splitting of the moon only developed on internet forums, and that there is no scientific evidence whatsoever for that to be true. In other words: it's nonsense.
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I guess scientific theories were never really theories either, must be something 100% true
You are confusing theories and hypotheses.
but renouncing faith after knowingly knowing something to be true and turning your back on it is the same thing as betrayal and treason.
Fact is, you do not know your religious stuff to be true. It is impossible to prove, therefore you actually do not know. You believe, you assume - but you don't know. Claiming so is simply unscientific. Your knowledge about the existence of god is not better than mine about the existence of the easter bunny. The evidence is the same for both (none at all).
The reason for apostasy usually is mental retardation anyways.
Why so hateful? Are you not able to have a normal discussion about this? Is it really necessary to insult anyone with a different opinion?
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What about underage brides and arranged marriages? I know that every country is different. I read a book about Yemen where two girls ages 13 and 15 were sold for marriage by their father and were simply forced to get married and fulfill their marital duties because everyone considered that normal. How are such things normalized? I'm not looking to provoke, I just want answers.
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It is not permissible to force a woman to marry someone she does not want, even if she is a virgin, according to the correct fiqhi view, which is the view of the Hanafis, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “and a virgin should not be married until her permission has been sought.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6968) and Muslim (1419).
If the marriage takes place without her consent, then the marriage contract depends upon the woman’s approval. If she approves of it, then it becomes a valid marriage contract, and there is no need to repeat it. But if she does not approve of it, then it is an invalid marriage contract.
There's so many families that does Islam wrong, i am not saying that i do everything correctly and according to the holy book. But i know that there's so many people doing Islam wrong. Underage marriages are very rare thing, and if it's happens, it's because of the family not of Islam.
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Why does there need to be a marriage contract arranged first and then seek the woman's approval? I imagine that in a culture of marriage contracts formed by families, the women are "encouraged" to accept it and some may even see it as futile to do otherwise. Even in the West, how many children are forced to do things that their parents expect of them, even beyond high school.
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I imagine that in a culture of marriage contracts formed by families, the women are "encouraged" to accept it and some may even see it as futile to do otherwise.
This is absolutely how it is. Furthermore our dead friend here says that if someone is forced "it is because of the family not islam" - then how come families that practice it are overwhelmingly islamic?
I, like OP, live in an Islamic country. And luckily enough for me none of my friends have killed themselves, but two have tried - both girls. Always girls. But yeah, sure, Islam is a very respectable religion that respects women :)
Honestly, I'm not even that bothered when I hear Muslims say that - it is completely expected, and I see it every day because of where I live. What bothers me is ignorant western "liberals" who have never known what living under islamic oppression is like, vehemently defend it as if they know anything about its tenets. I get it, you aren't oppressed by Islam because it has no power where you are from. But please just take a single second to look outside your shell and see what it is doing to us, the people who actually have to live under its power.
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I have lived in the middle east, and have lived there for over 6 years, there is something seriously wrong with you people, you splurging tards are so brainwashed that you dont even realize the billions of people that actually exists on this planet.
you retards have no right to say what is wrong or right when thats all you can say, of course you know better right?
Look at the amount of killing that happens in the united states alone, people living in fear with guns with police brutality on the rise, making those that live in your country in complete fear from the bone upwards from the cops itself to the justice system from getting caught for ur own dumb crimes for when you commit it, being stuck in the same kind of trap lifestyle, mooching off those that are below in status.
Yea, i think a good second look of seeing what is outside the shell is one of the best suggestions.
I think islamic oppression is to be blamed for this one as well right? Please answer this question.
from what i can see, politically correct quacks are getting out of control.
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As if the US is the only country that can be used as an example of Western culture... Would you say the same about Canada? About Europe? That's a whole lot of people that do not have to live in fear of being shot anytime. They also have the freedom to choose what they want to believe in.
I myself haven't visited an Islamic country yet so I do not dare to pass any judgements but people who live there have all the right to pass theirs. If you do not like it, discuss is it with them with some actualy arguments instead of calling them names. The way you act makes you look petty and brainwashed.
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Calling them names? No need to white knight your PC(politically correct) ideologies. I have a right to call retards retards.
I live in Canada, it's the same things, same problems, all it is in hindsight is breeding problems from the back so it can be blamed on islam later. Freedom to choose what they want to believe just means that they haven't come to terms with reality yet, hence dealing with a child that believes in Santa or the tooth fairy.
The western world seems to be having a much harder time on keeping their boners in check. cause women now have to protest to have the right to wear a burqa. What kind of disgusting society wants to see a rise in degeneracy instead of decency?
Freedom to choose to either get fucked in the ass from the back or from the front isnt a choice. Only numale cucks seem to enjoy it and like it both ways enough to call it a way of life.
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Your mind must be a very dark place. I wonder what people that live around you think about you, if you are vocal about your beliefs in real world, that is.
E: Also, I find it strange that on one hand, you are bashing PC culture while on the other you are using the banning of 'face covering clothing' on the public, something that more often than not comes from far right political groups who are the loudest opponents of PC culture, as an argument to support your idea that Western countries are not free.
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Spoken like a true elitist retard, because what, banning the face covering was a bit too much in terms of giving females their rights? I thought the west was all about feminism, ahh no but thats not freedom is it? hurr durr.
I think nuns who cover themselves in churches need to be attacked first before looking at the muslims for this one.
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I knew this conversation would be pointless but seeing your aggresive tone I just felt like I had to speak up. You are just aggresively repeating the same thing, attacking anyone who does not fit into your warped world. There is always hope that you will experience something that will make you reconsider your way of life (who knows, might happen to me as well, though seeing you I certainly hope that it won't) so until then, farewell.
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"very rare thing" khmm More than two thirds of girls are married off before they reach 18. Source: https://www.unicef.org/videoaudio/PDFs/Yemen_2_Years_-_children_falling_through_the_cracks_FINAL.pdf
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Yeah but here's a newsflash friend: People under 18 cannot consent to marriage. So how come your prophet (piss be upon him) married an underage girl without her consent? Again, it cannot have been with her consent since people under 18 cannot give it. "But she said yes!" is an excuse many pedophiles (like your prophet) use, but it does not usually fly over with any rational human being.
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I think the History classes in the western world is failing, before blaming our prophets for pedophilia, i think you need to start blaming your own ancestors first.
Marrying girls off as soon as they reach their age (after having their first period) was a NON-MUSLIM practice before it ever became an islamic one, just because its not a tradition now, does it mean thats it wrong?
ur government decides for u, so of course u know best right? or do u think following the circlejerk will get u the friendship points you need in order to be "it" or "lit".
A rational human being always thinks things thru before writing shit they have no clue about.
tell me, Does ur government know better than the laws of what god dictates? Tell me o intelgent homan bean who is it that ultimately decides what is right or wrong? or are you actually beginning to question your own elitism? come on, dont fail me now, seeing how far ur head is already inside your own asshole, this was just getting good.
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Not Jagdtiger, but let me say a couple of things.
1) They are not blaming your Prophets for pedophiliia, they are just calling him a hipocrite;
2) I do not live in the most just country in the world, but at least my government knows that it shouldn't stone women for being the victim of a rape, or two men for loving each other. So that's that, two exaples where my government knows better than your religion.
3) Consensus dictates what is right or wrong. We universally agree that stealing is wrong and we should prosecute thieves. And we do so. You guys agree that whatever your prophet said is right. Then it is right for you. In my country we don't agree with your doings, so it is wrong for us. And what we agree or disagree with is just a matter of upbringing. It's that simple.
4) If you want my "western" opinion on it, then what should dictate what is right or wrong should be the benefit of a society. If it benefits the society - it is right. If it hurts society - it is wrong. That simple.
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Thanks for the help, but honestly, he's not worth it. For one main reason: I'm not from the western world. I'm from the Islamic world and that is why I know exactly how it works. So first off, he's basing his entire argument on a false assumption, which is funny. Second off, I argued with people like him every day for years. There is no convincing someone once they are THAT brainwashed. This is why right now in the "real world" I just keep my mouth shut and nod along when I hear how great Islam is (every day). It's fun that online you can at least fight back a bit, but I'm under no illusions. The religious will be religious, no amount of rationality will convince them since rational thought is itself a sin apparently.
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Lol, just from the way your writing this, I can tell how much of a lie and a joke this is, I've lived in the heart of it all, Saudi Arabia and after 8 years I came back to Canada.
What your writing is a complete joke. You retards need to leave your basement and actually go to an islamic country and see reality for yourselves. The notion that that freedom lies in the western ideology and way of life is already given to a huge number of the population for easterners, the ones that have come from the west can vouch for the mental retardation that exists in the west.
As far as I can see it your so brainwashed that you cant even tell what it is even your arguing about. And I can tell that your basing ur arguments based of ideology coming from the dumbfuck feminism ideology, that explains things in in an obvious "duh" language. "Rape is bad" duh, "dont hurt people" duh."things are bad" oh no.
"All women are queens!!" While she goes and gets a train rammed in her sleeping with a billion dudes. The level of dumbfuckness doesnt end there though, women have to fight the government now to have the right to wear a burqa now apparently. Just how horny are westerners that they need this to be a law, disgusting. Living in a cuckolding society and calling it freedom is the biggest lie the western world have sold to the eastern world.
You honestly need to leave your basement and see the world out there, and maybe go and talk with girls and see what reality is really like.
Also you still haven't answered my question there bud, I think rational thinking is going to be a bit much for you here.
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Of course I haven't answered your question. I don't want to talk to you. I'm not even reading your comments, just skimming them, that's how little time I want to waste on you. i guess I still took the time to write this, but oh well, it amused me :)
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Explain to me how it hurt society, I've seen many cases of "13 and pregnant" and some even younger that is coming from the states, only from what I can tell is that why most people even see it as negative is because it's made to seem negative from tv shows and peoples opinions and the like. The problem with you people is that no one knows jack from jack and just giving their own opinion without any truth whatsoever.
And stoning the "victim" is wrong, so I dont know what this has to do with our prophet. Also u got it wrong, prosecuting thieves is what the government is supposed to do first, they only cut the hands of those thieves that dare to keep repeating the actions over and over and over and over again. I had a decent upbringing but I've dealt with many of your "western" elitist dumbfucks that dont know anything, only speaking from ass.
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Who's talking about suicide here? The case of the girl who suicided in the main comment above, I dont know the entire story neither do you and if it were up to me or another guy that had her in her care, would give enough space to let her be to give her the life she deserved.
If your talking about teen pregnancy and marriage of young girls, it's only seen in a negative light and laws were made only in fear and no actual research of how it is actually supposed to be. The consensus is bullshit and made up by whoever has the status of being an elitist dumbfuck.
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Relax, lol dont worry about it, read some of my arguments above.
Its alright I guess, nothing really happens until it happens, sometimes I see things as only being my fault but truth is it never ever is actually ur fault. Reality is about surviving.
You sort of know my story, the trick is to stay strong and keep strong with ur beliefs and figure out the truth as much as possible. Read some of my arguments above tell me what you think. Sometimes negativity is a key to make a point.
The only reason why I was able to survive and make it they by not doing something fucked up was because of the fact that i was able to keep my own islam intact. There were times when in my own imagination that having the thought of inflicting crazy amounts of pain to my abusers would give me a joy unlike any other in this world, the trick is to not act on those impulses people in my shoes would have fucked their entire life up.
The trick is to keep steadfast with what you have and keep going.
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Well, that's a really depressing story :( Honestly, it is even hard for me to put myself in her shoes because I just cannot imagine a world like this really exists. It's like a bad dream, just doesn't seem real at all, even though I know it is. I feel really sorry for your friend, you were both put in difficult situation. She has found her way out of it, shame it had to be so tragic :( Hope you'll feel better soon and won't let anger and hatred eat you from the inside. The longer it's in you, the harder it is to get rid of it. Stay strong!
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My most sincere condolences. I had a girlfriend that was a manic depressive. She always talked about killing herself. I did everything I could to try and get her to feel good. I was always there for her. But in the end, she broke up with me and never told me what I did wrong. We eventually lost contact. I sometimes wonder if she is doing better.
It's going to hurt for a long time. Especially if this was your first love. I wish you all the best, Just stay strong.
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I'm sorry for your loss. Go easy on yourself.
I read this last night before I went to bed and I was sad.
I'm pretty sure your friend wouldn't want you to stoop to the level of those butts on the internet, based on her character that you described of her.
She still lives as long as people remember her and what she did.
Stay strong.
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