Very, at least for the games I got intentionally; incidentals like crap bundle games or random keys I was sent not so much. For all the games I actually wanted and at one point had the intention of playing, it nags at me that I've left so many untouched. I do plan to get to them eventually--like those growing lists of books, movies, TV, etc.--but at present my painfully short attention span is something of a deterrent.
"One day," I keep telling myself.
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It's ok you are not the only one! Between school anime and games i have no time. Backlog of games is so big and some of them i have not even bought yet. Then i'm planning to watch almost 200 different animes. I keep saying i'll finish one day but i get distracted. :P
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Oh man don't get me started on my anime backlog :(. I decided I wanted to clear my game backlog first and then start with my anime, but the games just keep piling on and I feel like I'll never get there :(. Been watching Bakemonogatari since October....October, and it's only like 15 episodes lol, I have some bad ADD I bet. In my defense, it was a rough time with the fam and I just never found a time to go back to watching, and now I have to beat all my games and then I've saved Bioshock Infinite for last, and then I can finally go back to watching anime. Why can't I do both and just alternate? I don't know...I'm just crazy I guess, lol.
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amazons kindle will read you books. this may help you to get that book backlog down.
as for the anime/movies am i the only one who games and watched them. yes you may miss some of what your watching at 1st but if its good you can rewatch it a few times.
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I wholeheartedly agree with this so much. I always say, "ok todays the day where I'll actually make some progress in my SP games!" and then a friend of mine asks me to play some MP game with him, and that pretty much takes up a good chunk of the day and then when it's all said and done I realize no progress has been made :(. I was so pumped to play Bioshock Infinite, but there was a sale for Darkness II and Spec Ops for $4, so I had to grab it right....RIGHT?!? So now I decided to beat those two first because I want Bioshock to be the last since I heard it was amazing and I want it to stick with me longer. But then before that happens another game will go on a crazy sale and I'll have to beat that first :(.
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I do the same. I can handle the prospect of hopping in a multiplayer game for a few rounds with friends, but even considering committing to the many-hour investment required to complete a singleplayer game feels daunting. With MP, I don't have to worry if I'll have time to play tomorrow or the next day or next week; I feel that's kinda required with the SP so that the story doesn't go stale.
There's one game I've been playing off and on for over ten years because every time I get a fair bit into it I decide to take a break. Then I forget where I left off and have to start over the next time.
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same sale got me but I hit BioShock first, the question for me is spec ops darkness 2 or binary domain (5$ from nuvem sale) to play when I'm done with xcom. or skyrim dlc or more bl2 or humble bundle ds2 or rfg, or anti chamber. oh. look a shiny!
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just a small tip: Play Infinite. Not because is awesome or that... (don't misunderstood... i REALLY like the game) but if you get too much hype about you can be disappointed, just start it and play, it will stay sticky also if is not the last, I can guarantee :)
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I don't really feel guilty at all if I don't play a game. I frequently play a game for a few minutes and then toss it aside. I think most games looks interesting enough to try but I'm very quick to decide that they suck. There's so many great games available that there's no sense in playing a game for several hours waiting for it to get good. If it's not good in the beginning I see no reason to extend my suffering.
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That's unfortunate, really; the first few minutes of a game are your adjustment period--adapting to the controls, understanding the environment--and you're often not exposed to much of the story until you're past that point. I hate to think how many great games you've missed out on with this approach.
Off the top of my head, playing this way could easily have caused me to skip some of my favorite games--Torment, Anachronox, TLJ. The list would be heartbreaking.
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I've got a fairly honed sense of what I don't like about the game. If it's controls (as long as they're not too horrible) I'm willing to live with it. It's tough for me to explain exactly how I make my decision but on the occasions that I've gone back to try a game that I tossed aside to give it more of a chance I've rarely been surprised. The only real exception to this is probably Fallout but that was many years ago.
I should note that when I say a few minutes I mean more along the lines of 20-30 minutes and not something like 2-3.
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I feel so guilty and even anxious sometimes, however I keep buying things. Also I keep wasting time in things like DOTA. CS:GO, TF2 and such.
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But is fun for free or like nearly free. I have games even bought at full price untouched D:
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Actually you are not wasting time if you enjoy them. I often start thinking like you when I play f2p stuff but, in the end, I realize that if I'm enjoying them, I met the purpose of gaming, which is fine. The games that I've payed for are there, when I'm ready to enjoy them, I will start... just don't go with these ideas for too long, you will end playing just as a work, more than for fun / passion.
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I'm pretty laid back about it, probably since I've collected games since I was a kid and got used to having more games than I could possibly play. Doesn't bother me at all to see all those games waiting, and actually, I like having that many; with so much at my fingertips, I can jump from game to game based on my mood.
If I win a game or someone gives me one as a gift, however, I do feel like I have HAVE to play it and dump aside whatever I'm playing to give it a shot.
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I never start too many games at once because I like to finish games.
Though now my backlog is so big if I don't like a game I decide to drop it and move on. (Though I've only dropped one game really.)
I sometimes get overwhelmed at what I wanna play, so I play nothing or I play Garry's Mod(not sure why.)
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I feel obligated to start a game, if i do not like it i will most likely not play it again unless certain circumstances come up.
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"I've always had this unrealistic ideology that for how much I spent on a game, I'd like to get an hour per $1"
Same here. Main reason I dont want console games - overpriced ($70-100) with no discounts even if its already years after release = standart situation in Russia. Plus this is why I dont want 3-4 hours singleplayer campaign games for $60.
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I'm terrible for this too. I tend to either play games a lot, or play them for half an hour and forget them. And then there's the pile of games I've bought but haven't even tried. I tend to want games a lot, then when I get them I never feel in the mood to play them.. I feel especially terrible about this after Steam has seasonal sales. Every time I get holidays I tell myself I'll play all those games, but I never do.. lately I'm too poor to be spending the little money I have on entertainment so I'm taking the opportunity to get stuck into them. The amount of times I've neglected a game and then played it ages later, loved it and thought 'Why the hell didn't I play this sooner?!' is too high to count.
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o_O ...are you me?! Seriously sounds like something that would come from my fingertips especially the $1 per hour expectation of entertainment value. I really try to show restraint when buying games for myself nowadays but for some reason I cannot pass up what I believe to be a smokin' deal regardless of my ever growing limited time to play this or that.
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I usually try to find the time when I can to play. I try to work through one at a time usually. Sometimes during a steam sale ill grab a game and just wont have time to play it for months.
and I never feel obligated once I stop having fun.
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Well, I´m pretty much the same as you.. I feel very obligated to play all my games, but still the backlog keeps growing and growing.. for me it would be okay if there where just NO new game-releases for about 5 years or so xD
Pro: I have a huge libary and play whatever I feel like.. and I dont have to pay much money for my games anymore. Because I don´t have to rush anything, I can get most of the games in nice trades with TF2-Items etc, I buy some of them for "almost nothing" on the sales at steam and I win a few from the nice people at SG (I try to prioritize the games I´ve won, because I´d feel like a leecher otherwise).
Con: I really have to give up on my long sustained goal of "having played everything worth remembering"..
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I dont feel obligated to play my games, but i feel bad that im not that interested on the most of the games that i bought. And the thing is that when i bought them i was pretty sure that i wanted to play them.
And ofcourse ive spent more time on my free to play games rather than the ones i payed for.Especially Dota 2, even though after almost every game i m one click away from deleting that damn game, but i never do.
I have some serious issues.
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I try to at least play the games I buy, but I don't beat myself up over it if I take a long time to finish them. There's no rush; I'll get to them when I get to them.
...which probably won't be for a while since I have ADHD when it comes to games. Unless it's a game I absolutely love, I'll get distracted by another game within the week. Which explains why I'm currently playing a game that's 5 years old, and another that's 8. Ah well!
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Lolz...for me, I could love a game one day, then think it to be boring the next. Dunno why...lolz
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Several years ago I was kinda proud of the fact, that I finished every game that I had. Then Steam came along. And then Indie Bundles ...
So yeah, I started buying games I liked, but somehow didn't start playing them . One day I realized it had to stop, so I assembled a list with every game I owned, that I didn't finish yet (or even started, for that matter). Then I saw that the list was way too long and I removed games I knew I would never play (mostly bundle games). This left me with still about 20 games on the list.
Although I've only worked myself through some of these games, just the very existance of that list has hold me back from getting some new games, that were on sales at that time. I think it was a good idea.
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I try to play every game atleast a few minutes.... some I play for hours, some never make it past the first 15 minutes.
Some I play for hours and keep going back too....
I won't buy games at full price anymore, was too many letdowns in the past year or two.
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I told myself that I wouldn't get like this, but as of recent I've become more of a game collector rather than a game player. My backlog is infinitely expanding and I hate to see so many games unplayed, but life gets in the way and all that jazz. So I'm curious, how keen are you on finishing the games you own? I've always had this unrealistic ideology that for how much I spent on a game, I'd like to get an hour per $1, and sometimes it happens since I never buy games full price, but it rarely does. So I'm curious how do you guys go about clearing your backlog, or if there's a large chunk of games sitting in your steam library crying to be played and you just turn blind eye like I do..
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