Sup guys, how's it going. Listen, I'm not the best at telling stories, but I want to tell you one right now. Yeah, you can just skip all this text and go straight to the link, but where's the fun in that? Read the story, I'll reward you with gifs of cats. Or dogs. Or maybe red pandas. Have you seen those? Ugh, so much cute.

So. I was gonna make my first train ever to celebrate my cake day... on July. I was freaking ready. I had already picked the games I wanted to give away, made a list with all the keys, everything! I was SO excited. But it was also my brother's birthday that day, and I had to help with all the preparations and stuff. When the party was finally over, I was too lazy to do anything, so I said goodbye to the giveaways, promising I'd make them the next day. Spoiler alert: I obviously didn't.

Days and weeks and months and public gibs went by, and I suddenly had an excuse to make that train. Thanksgiving. What better time to give some games to my favorite community to show how much I lurv you guys? Even though I'm just a lurker and I haven't really made any friends here, but w/e. I lurv you anyways. Again, I had made a list with the games and keys, I had words for the thread, I was ready to do it. But then, when the day finally came, I found myself thinking, hold on. We don't even celebrate Thanksgiving in this country. This day has no actual meaning to me, what am I doing? It'll be much better if I give the games away on Christmas. Ye, I'll do that.

But then on Christmas, I don't know if I was sad or lazy, but I didn't feel like doing the things. I just went ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ saying, my birthday is in two days, I'll just make a birthday train. Of course, on my birthday the lazy was so strong the only "partying" I did was inviting three people over to watch movies which they didn't even let me choose because apparently I "always pick the same ones". Pshh, whatever. I had zero energy to make gibs. I weirdly got even lazier for New Years, so you didn't get a train then either. I blame that one on the hellish, 38°C weather we had that day.

But now, my friends, the time has finally come. The gods of anti-laziness have spoken, and I am ready to give some games away.
There are mostly bundle games, but the train took me two hours and a half to make and I didn't even get a coffee break, so please don't hate.

From lvls 2-5, you may now board the train.

Fingers crossed that I didn't fuck anything up.

*Edit: Damn, there are so many spoilers, the thread looks like a redacted document.

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8 years ago*

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Burrrrmpppp and thanks. XD

By the way, your "thread" link on the last GA goes nowhere :O

8 years ago

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Whoops, I forgot to add the link. Thanks!

8 years ago

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bump :-)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You make a quite good train and topic for the gods of anti-laziness. Then we need to celebrate this yaay!

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8 years ago

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Wooo! Hopefully the gods of anti-laziness are happy now :D

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8 years ago

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First, I'd like to tell you one thing - you are a great storyteller, and your thread genuinely made me laugh (I needed that!). Love the great humor and I can relate to the laziness. :D

I know you've been on Steamgifts for a while but I've never seen you around the forum before (and assuming that by "I'm just a lurker and I haven't really made any friends here" you mean that this is your first thread here) I'd like to welcome you to the forum and also thank you for the neat train. Cheers!

8 years ago

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Choo Choo thanks!

8 years ago

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Lazy bump

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Damn, your lazy is so much stronger than my lazy. Well done.

8 years ago

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Can you tell the gods of anti-lazyness to take care of me? I need them....

Thank you for the train.

8 years ago

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Ugh, I wish I could! But I'm... just... so... lazy :(

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Lazy bump I adore red pandas! ♥

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you for the fantastic train!! :D

8 years ago

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lazy bump!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm just here to nump bump. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago*

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Nump? :p

Numping together

8 years ago

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Oh, god damn it.

Well... you know what I meant ;_;

8 years ago

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Evil bear strikes again

8 years ago

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congratulations for first train! I never did a train but tried a conga once. :P
thank you for make such a good train, specially first and last wagon!
in brazil we don't celebrate thanksgiving too but at least know when it is... I never remember these international holidays (in fact, I barely remember holidays dates of my own country) :P
since I read it till the end... may I get the red panda?

8 years ago

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I tried doing the conga once at a party. I only got two other people to do it with me :(

And yes, of course you get the red panda! Look how happy he is that you read the story :D

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8 years ago

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Lazy bump

8 years ago

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bump :-)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thankful bump!

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by quinnix.