I actually mined approx. 2.2 bitcoins back then, sold one for 24 $, then the price dropped to like 11 $ and I hesitated to sell the second one. A year later the price was at 120 $ and I sold the second bitcoin in an instant!
The rest, 0.2 I used for humblebundle, paying more than just a cent more than the BTA needed.
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The card produced graphical artifacts for a month after the mining, after that the card worked flawless apart from overhearting more quickly, because of all the dust in the fan (since the mining had it at 100 % fan 100 % activity on both GPUs for a week).
I have been using it until my mainboard decided to not always detect the card. When it did/does detect it it worked flawless and all, but it rarely detected it resulting in hours of trying to boot it with no luck.
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Am I doing it right?
I wanted max bitcoins, not 75 % bitcoins.
Like described, it is uncertain what is to be blamed. It is most perturbatory though, that there were no graphical artifacts at all a month after the mining till the "death" of the card.
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I would recommend the 760 instead for its cost effectiveness and similar performance. I have one, and have had no problems.
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looking at benchmarks I see that the performance difference between the 760 and the 770 isn't ignorable much and I want to be able to play games on ultra for a while.
True, it costs way more but that is my budget, plus the 770 gives a higher tier in that bundle!
Plus, the gigabyte 770 version I am getting is the cheapest and the most overcloced I could find, it should give some extra performance!
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I recommend the MSI Twin Forzr or the Gigabyte you listed. Also wait until the 28 to order. Nvidia is going to be adding Uplay versions of Assassins Creed IV and Splinter Cell: Blacklist with every purchase of a gtx 770 or 780. You still get Arkham Origins too.
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My 6870 broke a couple of weeks ago and I've been computerless waiting for that holiday deal :P
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wait about 2 more days until nvidia holiday bundle is valid then you can get batman, assassin's creed 4, splinter cell blacklist for free if you are in US or Canada. Btw, I got that GTX770, it works great. 3-fan is an awesome feature. When I play batman origins, I max all settings and game is smooth. It is factory overclocked version so you will not have to OC the gpu by yourself. The temperature never goes above 75c and normally, it is just about 50-60c when playing games.
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I think it is clearly stated on nvidia holiday bundle page. The offer includes only NA region. No EU, No RU, No asia, No AU. Also, nvidia official webpage has online chat option that you can confirm this info with a official customer service.
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It doesn't state that anywhere. It merely states that the Shield coupon will only be given in selected retailers/etailers in north america.
Plus it states "From October 28th until November 26th, buyers of the GeForce GTX 770, 780, and TITAN, will receive free downloadable copies of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Batman: Arkham Origins, and Splinter Cell Blacklist from participating retailers and e-tailers."
Answer from Nvidia live chat: "Since the promotion is not released yet, we do not have any exact information if it will be valid for Germany or not.So you will have to wait till it gets released."
which lacks any asteriks or any other text that would lead me to believe, that I won't be able to profit from it.
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Oh, I am confused right now.sorry, my bad, it is not clearly stated. After thinking it over, I think that in NA region, you get free games and discount on shield while in EU you get only free game but no discount on shield because I believe that shield is not released outside NA. But still it is not confirmed for you if you are not in US or Canada. So wait until the online and retail sellers say about this offer. sorry again for my previous wrong info.
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Additionally, I just found this link:
This is evicendce, that the bundle is at least coming to the United Kingdom, so it might as well be in Germany too! (Note: the shield coupon is completely removed in the UK version of the article, I am fairly convinced it will be in the UK).
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Since someone has to say it and get flamed:
Have you given any thought to the 290X from amd?
The 290X is aparently outperforming nvidia's Titan even with beta drivers, it's more expensive but if you want to play at ultra for a few years you will need the extra performance(770 starts to hit the 60fps at ultra in modern games).
Edit: Forgot to link review with benchmark results: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7457/the-radeon-r9-290x-review
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I've been an ATI user for ever, but there is so many Nvidia fanboys you claim ati is shitty mc shit without ever having tried it.
Since defending ATI is hard when you never had a Nvidia, I decided to get an Nvidia to see for myself what the fuzz is about, to eventually be able to argument better regarding Nvidia vs ATI.
Plus it was hard getting enough money for the card I linked already.
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Wtf is bitcoin mining and why do you need a powerful GPU rather than CPU for it?
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CPU does approx. 15 mhash/s, my GPU gave me 600.
Bitcoins are a virtual currency which you could "mine" using your computers hardware. Dont try it now, bitcoin mining gets harder and harder over time, and like I said I needed a week with my 600 $ double GPU card for approx 2.2 BTC. Getting that much now would take a year prolly.
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I kinda understand the whole bitcoin concept, but it's strange that bitcoins can just be generated like that.
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Did it really EVER make sense anyways? Compared to how much you shorten your GPUs live I don't think you earned that much or did you?
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Who knows what caused my graphics card to snap? Like I said it worked flawless for a year after and the problems only started upon reinstlaling windows.
My computer seemed to always go into energy savings mode and upon coming back and turning it on my graphics card fan would go to 100 %, I suspect that the windows energy savings mode bugged and made the card still operate, without any fan control resulting in overheating damage.
Might be the mining, might be that
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A full week of mining? Ughh.
Haven't done that for a while now, i'm guessing with so many people jumping in, it must be even harder to mine some.
As for the GPU, i personally don't know much about Inno3D, their warranty or build quality, i do know Gigabyte is quite solid, but there are definitely better brands when it comes to manufacturing and overall designs.
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2GB are perfectly fine. I'm running the 7870 (ASUS DC2 version) with 2GB and I was able to run the BF4 beta perfectly fine in 1440p with highest settings.
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I went with 4GB, but things might be different in 2-3 years again. They told me 4 years ago that games don't use quad cores... If you are investing in gaming rig why not go that extra bit for future proofing. That is if you are in group that don't do yearly or every other year upgrades.
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By then we'll have DDR4 and probably a new PCI-e update too so I'd say the cards that have 4GB will probably be "useless" (or at least not using full potential) by then anyways.
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I never knew about that. Sounds good at first...but how long is "life time" in their book? Doing a quick Google seach I only found something about their PSUs and a "life time" warranty of 2 years which is a complete joke to be honest.
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2+3 years is "premium" or something though right? Like you have to pay a bit extra for extended warranty. Two years for GPU...that's a joke. It's a shame the word "life time" can be just used like that. Completely false advertizing in my book.
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2 years is a minimum, yes. And XFX calls it life time...pff.
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This should help get you sorted.
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That wasn't really the point either, more that it gives you an idea of how it runs, what you can expect.
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I have a GTX560TI and I would ubgrade to
EVGA Geforce GTX 760 FTW
It has 4gb of RAM and its cheaper than the 770
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nvidia disabled one group of SMX on gtx760 which makes it have less graphic cores. It certainly is cheaper than 770 but it never beats 770 even with 4GB vram. You may say that battlefield 4 requires 3 GB vram. But that is when you use 3 monitors and resolution is 5760x1080 and max out all settings. Then 2 GB vram is not enough, so here the 4GB ones works better.
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Nimm lieber eine MSI GTX770 Twin Frozr 2GB, hat einen besseren Kühler und kostet weniger als deine.
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Cheeper then GTX 780, GTX 770 very good card - I have gigabyte (4GB) OC card and if want can even lightly overcock higher - works stable (etc. : core clock 1300, memory 7150).
BF4 beta on ultra 60-90 FPS, Batman Arkham Origins on ultra stable 62-63FPS.
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Go for the MSI GTX 770 Gaming. Seeing as how performance between all the 770 variants doesnt differ much, it has the best combination of power usage & volume at max load. Things you will enjoy in the long run.. Dont go for the Lightning or 4gb version, thats just not very cost efficient.
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Next gen will require more, not because of resolution on your screen but of the textures and the added amount of them. However a 4gb 770 is pointless since it only has 256 bit memory interface. There is a reason why NVidia hasn't made any 4gb version of 770 ;)
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Not true. Playing fluently with max settings in 1440p resolution using a 2GB card.
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bullshit on that.
The requiremens say you need 2gb, what actually is required is unclear.
Battlefield too claims you need at least 3 gigs, yet benchmarks for 2gig versions of the card show that on ultra the game still runs with at least 50 fps.
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The same was said about BF4 but the beta ran perfectly here and I think the actual release shouldn't run any worse. We'll see about those games when they come out.
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Resolution has nothing to do with it, its textures.
The GPU is the bottleneck on the 770, not the RAM. If you want 4gb, put 760's in an SLI setup or something, because your 770 4gb cant even use all that RAM anyway. Pointless to pay for it. AMD has a good sweetspot with the 3GB 7970 atm, might want to look at that. Bit lower end, but still close.
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Planning to buy this one
The place is great, plus this store is participating in Nvidias current Arkham Origins bundle so I am hoping it too will profit from this.
The price will be approx. 334 € with shipping.
Any feedback on the card?
inbe4 ATI bashing: I did do bitcoin mining for a week...so don't blame ATI for my mistake.
Thinking about getting this card now. (apologies for language...)
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