He only had ONE rep in steamtrades, why would you go first with a guy with literally no rep at all? Never go first. He was also the one with the key, he should have gone first with it (the one with the key always goes first, that's my rule atleast)
If you make an offer saying you go first and then he changes the price to a higher one, dont trade with him, he is just trying to get as much as he can from you.
I'd never go first with a guy with less than ~200 rep. If the other trader doesnt want to go first neither, I dont trade with him and that's it.
Edit: look at the timestamps in his "rep" on his Steam profile. Apparently he has only done 5 trades so far and did them in just 10 minutes. Wow, he is fast. ("rep", because rep in Steam profile doesnt say anything about the user since you can delete comments)
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Tene mas cuidado para la proxima, ahora nada podes hacer
y lamento la perdida, se que alla les sale muy caro el dolar
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Come on, if you just bought BF4 from EA, you would have spent 10 keys!?
All people have to learn the hard way that you don't do shady deals with shady people. I once bought a game manual for the full game's price on EBay xD taught me to look at everything twice, especially on the internets. The internet doesn't love you, ever, it just loves your wallet...
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FYI, battlefield 4 was free... they had a mass giveaway of ati keys.. this guy could obviously have snagged a few keys from that... so yeah there are legit copies going for low prices.
@ OP, next time ask where the keys came from (so you can see if his price makes sense) and if their rep is low either use a middleman or ask them to go first.
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you could get your keys back, i got scammed and i got my keys back. :) you just have to provide some evidences that support your interest.
don't be this :
help meeee someone scammed me oh noooooo please give me my keys back please gaben
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No, I said that because it says in the support page after I sent my help request.
Thanks for the support.
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well i dont know about that, but i got refunded. :/
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"yo" "sup" "hi"
those are drug dealer's common use of words to starts a conversation
"wanna buy some weed"
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OR you could try to report to SteamRep, although they don't accept cd keys scams due to "they're impossible to check".
If you tell them you didn't got one in the first place, so you didn't have a chance to use it and that there was a strict trade agreement which has been broken, may be they will get to it.
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Also, your account is 9 years old and you fall for this? Was this your father's account or you never traded before?
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I like the part where you say you'll let him keep scamming people if he gives you the keys back...
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I know why you did it at that point you would try anything to make it less of a hit, just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Sucks that it did happen to you sorry to hear that.
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In complete honesty, you were asking for it, and your begging made it even easier to see how simple it was to scam you. Begging just made it worse. As much as I hate scammers, especially this one, you put this on yourself, man :P
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The minute he pulled the "I asked a friend" about the price you should've backed out. That's scumbag shit, scammer or not. I get you really wanted the game and you do have my sympathy, but you had no defenses up whatsoever b/c you wanted the game so badly. You let him play you for a fool and walked right into his trap which was poorly set to begin with.
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Don't hate yourself. I get you work hard and it always sucks to have someone steal from you, but learn from it. But be proactive about this situation. Post about him elsewhere, on ST, at Steamrep, do anything and everything you can to at least get the word out about him. There's no rule against you going after him in some way.
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Yes, I already sent a ticket report to SteamRep.
Unfortunately, I don't have screenshots, so, I don't know if it will pass.
I also reported him on SteamTrades, the Steam Community, the Steam support and a user that wanted to trade with the guy. I might try to contact the other poor people.
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I don't do CD key trades unless it's from humble bundle or I know the origin. I mean, how would you know this isn't region lock?
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You ask the trader where its from. I trade keys from Amazon all the time and I know what I'm trading before I trade it (if its locked etc). Asking questions is the only way to be sure. If Im trading for a key, I wont take keys from those CD key places that aren't official, like "Dave's CD Keys". If you want to be really sure, you can always ask a trader to see a receipt from where they got it. I've been asked for that and have asked for them myself.
There's always a risk trading CD keys simply because there's nothing visual in the trading window, but there's also plenty of ways to minimize the danger.
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Happens, once a guy stole from me 30 tf2 keys....
And valve didn't do anything about that, he's still out there scamming people.
You should report him on steamrep and on steam as well.
My case: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198116914885-tz0py-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.51082/
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You paid 15 keys for Dayz? Wow, I traded many copies for 13 keys and most idiots I got were low ballers and cheapskates.
You should have traded with me. You save 2 keys and I would never have ran away with your extra keys.
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Well, he lives in Argentina like me. And we are fucked as hell, the taxes, devaluation, inflation, etc.
Per example a PS4 is around U$S 1.300+ here, that's insane. If you buy a PS3 game at retail instead of a digital copy you will pay around $ 80-90.
Steam (or GMG, HB or any other store you like) is a little better since you pay the same as if you were on USA, but there is 35% recharge everytime you buy something on U$S. So we're always paying way more than we should we.
He exagereted a bit, but still I'm sure it was a sensible loss of money to him...
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Ya te lo dijeron todos, era obvio y te dejaste llevar como un boludo (perdón que lo diga así). Todos te aconsejaron bien, no hay mucho para agregar (si te remarco lo de que mires la reputaciòn en ST, no significa nada la rep en el perfil de Steam y desconfía siempre de los tratos que parecen ser demasiado buenos).
Soy argentino como vos y se lo que duele comprar en dólares, no solo porque se fue a la mierda con la inflación sino que los recargos de la tarjeta te la re ponen después. No gastes nunca más de lo que podes y tene cuidado cuando tradeas, yo nunca tradeo con keys si tengo que poner más de 3 o 4, porque se lo que me va a doler si pasa algo.
Bue, un garrón vieja. Mejor suerte para la próxima. No te hagas mala sangre que es al pedo a todos nos pasa alguna vez. Saludos!
PD: es una pavada, pero trata de evitar hacer trades tan tarde, no parece pero el cerebro se pone lento a esta hora y cosas obvias pueden pasarsenos por alto, c:
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Never trade for stuff outside of steam. Never. Just don't do it.
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Tons of trades are done for game codes or humble links.. you just need to check who you're dealing with and be aware.
Personally my one rule is anything that cannot be traded in the Steam trade window should be given first.. never ever give Steam gifts or keys first when you're expecting a game code. Only exceptions are high rep people but it's still a risk you take.
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You have to be smart about it. For every 100 CD key trades and you get scammed thrice, I think it's pretty good statistics though.
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So yeah, tittle says it all.
I just got Scammed on Steam.
I was searching for someone that was willing to trade TF2 keys for Battlefield 4.
I found a guy that had it.
Plus, he had reputation on the profile on Steamtrades and his Steam profile.
So, I contacted him and chated with him.
So, yeah, that's the conversation. As you can see, this individual just took my keys and it's gone now.
I feel so ing bad right now.
I need to work a whole ing week 8 hours a day to make the money he just stole me...
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