I could have sworn before tonight that i recieved L. A. Noire and max payne 3 for free yet i see they arent marked as 0 cv so i finally did some digging and turns out i bought them as a bundle on amazon a very long time ago.
Moving on i decided to find the games i DID get for free, something about the golden joystick awards and green man gaming and as i see now cvg as well.
There was a choice of free game for voting in the awards in 2013 between civ 5 and mafia 2, idk how many copies but probably not a small amount.
In 2014, xcom enemy unknown was given for free after voting.
I purchased the rockstar games humble bundle in 2018 which had all their steam games aside from gta 5 yet i see that max payne 3 at least has no cv reduction.
Also a very specific case... My copies of gta 4 and episodes from liberty city now activate as gta 4 the complete edition. If i give away my second copy here do i label them as this new version of gta 4 or what... I mean that's the only thing steam can read anymore now that they replaced the old version.

1 month ago

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probably the moment people started abusing things.

to note, games that are just added to library for free won't get 0'd out as they cannot be abused. This was more common in the past and anything from steam itself is just add to library.

1 month ago

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The golden joystick freebies were keys claimed through greenmangaming or so something like that... Keys either way.

1 month ago

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About your GTA4 keys, gotta see them like this. The key doesn't activate an app. It activates a sub. Each key will activate a different sub. But when devs merged the games, they changed the subs so they contain the same item(s). Which in this case is GTA4 The Complete Edition: https://store.steampowered.com/app/12210/Grand_Theft_Auto_IV_The_Complete_Edition/

You can check it for example in this package: https://steamdb.info/sub/4152/apps/
The name is Episodes From Liberty City, but the app it contains is GTA4 complete. I hope this makes things clear for you.

1 month ago

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Indeed... I finally decided to activate them last year, and i was glad everything is in stock and i got the now removed gta 3 games and got bummed out about not getting the old gta 4 until i realized there is no old gta 4 anymore.

1 month ago

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You must have some enemies. They do the same thing with me. I used to buy a bunch of keys to give out to be nice but some people would report it and cv would be removed and backdated to right before I did giveaways despite me being able to spend a few minutes and seeing deeper discounts on those games months or even years earlier. Now I just kind of lurk and do a giveaway now and then if I can afford it. Just seems silly to spend money on keys for them to wind up giving 0 cv because some internet tough guy doesn't like me.
I wouldn't worry too much on it.

1 month ago

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I swear i am not targeting anyone this time :D

1 month ago

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If you see somewhere a wrong date, then create a ticket and send the mods the info.
They will happily use the infos and, if needed, correct the date.

1 month ago

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I think I will leave it to the "professionals" lol

1 month ago

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None need to be a "professional" to send a add ticket with the game name as header and the link and/or maybe a screenshot, to the offer you see in a shop or on a page like barter.

And you never know if someone else will see and report the info, that you seen, and if so at which date.

Each additional info for the mods, reduce the possibility for "unfair" handlings or situation with the games.

1 month ago

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I reported multiple games or even full bundles where I found out the games I've been giving away were unbundled, despite clearly coming out of a bundle. Support can't be everywhere, and I'm not an exception from the rule. (Also easier to calculate with numbers if you already know that something is bundled, rather than going for too high discounts, and then the game ends up on the 0CV list)

1 month ago

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It sounds kinda nefarious the way it's presented, lol.

1 month ago

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What i meant is "how was there a slip up like this" but this is almost as old as steamgifts now, right? Time flies...

1 month ago

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Many games I give get reduced or zeroed. That's the nature of it. Just give more!

Some I wonder about like Mass Effect Legendary Edition as Reduced CV.

I do think there should be an eventual amnesty window on Reduced/No CV games. Like if the market price on gray sites rises enough after years, mark it back to Reduced/Full.

1 month ago

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that and for when the freebie keys expire
or just an ultra reduced CV status(think 5-8% CV for the ultra high discount games)
both would require CG to do more coding(eg and end date for reduced/no and such) so super unlikely to happen.

its just a fact that a 0CV'd game is less likely to be given away by many as there is no tangible reward of a number going up.

1 month ago

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a 0CV'd game is less likely to be given away by many as there is no tangible reward of a number going up.

Exception: Group reward! You can gift 1 copy to Masafors's group or as many as you want to Mini Jedi Training.

Also if you gift it to TalePlay or Playing Appreciated, you get the reward of seeing someone play it!

1 month ago

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I agree with this. Some games are disappearing because people see those two stars and decide not to do a giveaway. Look at Spec Ops - a valuable game that comes with **

1 month ago

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If report games when i create a GA and see the game is wrongly listed or when i buy a game for -95% and see it isn't listed as "bundled" or buy a bundle with -99% and see the games aren't set to "free".

Only in very few cases i have energy, time and motivation for deeper checks and with them i try to hit the notorious abusers/exploiters that give hundreds, or in many cases, thousands of freebies that aren't listed correctly, to get, unjustified, cv.
(Always the same, few dozen, users since years. It would be easier to perma suspend such abusers/hardcore exploiters instead to try to fix each games cv that they exploit)

1 month ago

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Some mods (who come and go) were very active on it a few months ago, and there was a big influx on devs that abused their games.
Valve purged many (but not everything) and steamgifts added a lot to the list.

1 month ago

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These people were hallway monitors in grade school and now they have time to fill.

1 month ago

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I imagine someone with coke bottle glasses and a pocket protector and pants above their navel actively making sure as many games as possible end up with 0 cv.

1 month ago

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In before suspension for picking up on inconsistencies which aren't equally applied.

1 month ago

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SG's CV calculations are bogus anyway. Support will never be able to keep up with the huge cohort of exploiters on the site.

1 month ago

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