How many gigabytes of Steam games do you currently have installed on your drive(s)?
The question I have if you re install your os or update to lets say windows 10 do you have to download them all again?
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It really depends upon whether you format the drive or not (ie. clean install vs upgrade install).
This is why it's always more convenient to install the games on either a separate drive, or even better, a separate dedicated disc. Then you can install your OS cleanly without the games being affected at all.
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yeah my os is on an sdd & I got my games on a hdd but do some games require a win 10 version of it rather than a win 7? & also do you have to add the games to the registry or something?
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I don't believe there are any Win10-only games on Steam as of yet (but am not 100% positive).
As for the registry, no the game will auto-reinstall itself to the new OS the next time you run it (and I'm pretty sure you'll have to reconfig all of its settings again also).
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7 games installed, 43 GB.
Edit: Just removed a couple. Now 5 games, 36 GB.
Why do people keep games installed that they are not playing? I can understand if you want to keep a backup of all your games on external drives just incase something crazy happened like Steam shut down permanently and there was no way to get the games. Maybe someone could crack an old version of steam that would let you play all the games you have backed up. Although if that really happened most people would probably just pirate the games that they already purchased.
But other than backups, why have hundreds of GB or even TB of games installed on a drive that is not meant for backups?
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If you play quite a few multiplayer games with friends i can see having quite a few games installed at once, single player games you might have a point, but uninstalling it is like deleting it from your life what happens if you want to go back to it, i don't see the need to install unless short on space really
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I can understand that, but I still don't understand how people could use so much space. Most games are not that big and if you have 500 GB to a TB of games, I would think that would be at least 50 to 100 games installed or maybe more. I would bet most people that use this much space just never uninstall any games they play because they haven't run out of HDD space or they have a cap on their internet and don't want to have to re-download the games.
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It's just a matter of which you consider a more valuable commodity: bandwidth/time or disk space. If you're on slow and/or capped internet, deleting that 40GB AAA title that took days to download or chewed through a significant fraction of your monthly data quota feels like a waste in the era of 8TB hard drives.
For me, I have a 2TB drive I dedicate to Steam and I tend to keep it just about full. My net isn't capped nor extraordinarily slow/fast, but I like the convenience of having a library of installed games to choose from without having to wait to download/install, especially when I have company over (let's play x, alright, it'll be done downloading in minutes/hours). In a way, it's not unlike having a collection of discs or cartridges for a console even though you only regularly play a handful.
Maybe someone could crack an old version of steam that would let you play all the games you have backed up.
This has already happened for the most part. Steam has two kinds of DRM: the normal variety where games call Steam's API and another where Steam generates custom executables for each user ("CEG"). Steam's API has been pretty thoroughly emulated, so those games are trivial to run in the unforeseen event that Valve ceases to exist. Games that use CEG or secondary DRM (SecuROM, etc) would require something more than a generic "cracked steam".
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Yeah, that makes sense. It would be nice to have them readily available so you don't have to wait for a game to download. In relation to the poll, I guess it all depends on what you consider a backup drive. I would consider a 2TB drive full of games where most of them likely won't be played in the near future to be a backup drive, but some people may disagree with that.
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That's understandable. I interpreted "backup drive" to mean a storage device that isn't permanently attached, like an external or some sort of network storage. To me there's not too much of a difference between a 90% empty drive or a drive filled 90% with data which you don't regularly use. And let's face it, with 3TB desktop drives currently being the the most cost effective, there's hardly a person who doesn't "waste" space in some sense.
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365 GB made out of 41 installed games out of my 250.
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One of these days that will all fit inside the size of this period ---> . don't feel too bad! :)
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I ended up playing this masterpiece for about an hour and a half while watching Shark Tank in the background. It's fun to play random bundle pick-ups :)
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well, the partition on my HDD for games only 112GB and i dont need more, i either play one game or i allready finished and never ever so uninstalled. Strategy games are the exception because those have replayability value but paradox grand strategy games just a few GBs.
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Only 235gb of space is for my games
But it's getting bigger every month
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Juuuuuust curious.
Backup drives not included btw ;)
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