Tired of seeing sex sim type games.

1 year ago

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Not sure how hard it would be to code to auto hide such games.

It isn't the perfect solution but I just hide them whenever I see them pop up.

1 year ago

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give them all to me <3

1 year ago

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No, me!

1 year ago

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It would save me a ton of time instead of hiding each one individually the first time it pops up.
Not sure if it could be implemented here that easily though.

1 year ago

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^^^ THIS!!

1 year ago

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Happy cake day 🎂

1 year ago

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Happy cakeday

1 year ago

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Happy Cake day!!

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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It give multiple discussions for the same thing and it don't happened something in the last 5 years.
So good luck that the admin care for your suggestion.

With other words, hide them manual or use the userscript above, all other hope is unrealistic.

1 year ago

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I noticed a pattern:

Actual reason for updating rules and implementing qol stuff:

It places the entire community at risk due to relationships with our partners. We have received messages from services we depend on regarding this content.

In short: as long as it doesn't affect CG financially - don't expect any changes.

How I see it? It's hard to code, too time consuming, impossible. But as soon as somebody make a fuss by informing authorities in their country (because it's basically exposing minorities for pornographic content) it will be fixed in a blink of the eye.

1 year ago

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Yes, as long as the users not hide the ads, don't use patreon and not deactivate the ref links, nothing will change.
First when he feel it on his earnings he will do something to make the site better.

I don't know how difficult the nsfw hide task would be but i don't see it as one of the main problems on this site and the manual hide, 1 by 1, is possible and do the job too. So, st least, it give in this case a possibility to handle it with the existing tools. Other, bigger problems, don't have existing tools to handle something.

1 year ago

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We have to turn bots into something more controversial :)
We have to gaslight CG into thinking that when autojoiner auto-post "Thank you" it actually means "Thank you for terrorism and war crimes".

I hope to win with the help of the werewolves protection!

1 year ago

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I believe, after he wrote about all the reasons why a autojoiner could be a totally legit user that only have bottlenecks etc., to do nothing against the thousands of obvious autojoiners (1 or 5 false positives couldn't be accepted, so better don't do something at all^^), that the case is hopeless.

The werewolves can't help too.

1 year ago

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🐺 They help some guy to win games here so maybe they will help me as well 🐺 If not then maybe god will help me?

1 year ago

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(because it's basically exposing MINORS TO pornographic content)
i know a few people who are under 18 and use this website

1 year ago

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Happy Cakeday :o)

1 year ago

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Even though there are workarounds with scripts for this, I too want to see an official and default setting to hide them since people who are under 18 years old use this site. I know it's not perfect on Steam either, however at least the major part of them can be hidden via certain tags.

1 year ago

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simply put, steam is to blame for this

steam doesn't expose the necessary information in a consistent and complete manner, it leaves it up to the developers to specify this type of thing:

  • devs can set "content descriptors":
    • General Mature Content (5) = This content is mature and not appropriate for all audiences.
    • Frequent Violence or Gore (2) = This content primarily features violence or gore.
    • Some Nudity or Sexual Content (1) = This content is mildly suggestive or revealing.
    • Frequent Nudity or Sexual Content (4) = This contains explicit nudity or non-graphic sexual content.
    • Adult Only Sexual Content (3) = This content is sexually explicit or graphic and is intended for adults only.
  • devs can set settings like has_adult_content, has_adult_content_violence, has_adult_content_sex
  • devs can set primary and store tags (Action, Adventure, Indie, etc.)
  • users can apply tags as well (NSFW, mature, nudity, sexual content, hentai, etc.)

there is no clear definition of what constitute an R-rated game, nor are these games consistently marked as such (plenty of false positives/negatives)

plus not all of this info is exposed in official steam api, and most such filtering scripts rely on scraping store pages

1 year ago

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I agree, they should be more strict accepting new games. As for content, their description suffice but they indeed lack age rating. Also there are R-rated games on Steam that can be seen without an account just because the developer didn't set the adult only option, and there are false positives thanks to user tags as well.

Valve should revision Steam Direct or they should work closely with age rating systems. Eh, that revision is needed for shovelwares anyway.

Though SG at least can use adult only identification, it will hide the majority of those games.

1 year ago

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SG at least can use adult only identification, it will hide the majority of those games

that would still be a broken solution, and next thing you know SG users are complaining they are still seeing adult games even though they opted for the setting to hide such games...

this is something that can only be fixed by steam itself

1 year ago

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Yeah, I just wanted to say it would be a quick and easy yet partially solution, better than nothing in my opinion. But I agree, for a complete solution it's on Steam's end.

1 year ago

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or they should work closely with age rating systems

After people had threatened to sue Valve roundabout 3 years ago, Valve was very fast to ...

... shadowban all games including nudity in the German storefront instead of implementing a true age verification system.

1 year ago

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That doesn't sound good. I thought it was German government's doing.

1 year ago

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Not really, or more precisely only in a roundabout way.
Adult Germans could buy these games, IF the seller (in this case Steam) would make sure ONLY users 18 and older can see and buy them. Were it so our goverment wouldn't have a problem with it, it has a problem with minors having access to them.
Since there isn't an actual true age verification system, Steam just banned these from our storefront to avoid legal problems.

1 year ago

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I see. So they chose the easy way. I guess EU needs to stipulate age verification instead of only one country, maybe that way Steam add it. Though it's kinda hard to do from privacy point which EU respects, I wonder what's the middle way to this.

1 year ago

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I agree 100%. Should be the default setting with the option to unhide due to younger people using the site.

1 year ago

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I don't have an issue with them, but I think the option should be available for those that want to hide them.

I manually hide each one because I don't want to play those type of games, but I still like new ones that I haven't seen to show up because I look through the screenshots of each game before I hide it because I find it interesting to see how far games are pushing the boundaries and what Steam is allowing in the Steam store.

Steam already hides "adult" games in the store if you are not signed in and have the option enabled to view them, so I wonder if there is something in the API to identify just those games. Then I would think it would be easy to implement and I am surprised it hasn't been done already. If that doesn't exist, then you would probably have to filter something like all games with the "nudity" tag, but that will probably filter out some games that you don't want to remove.

1 year ago

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Steam absolutely does have an adult content flag easily visible in the metadata for each app ("has_adult_content" - took me about 10 seconds to confirm on steamdb). It seems like it would be fairly straightforward to enable an option to show/hide games with that marked "yes". That info shouldn't be any harder to scrape than the images and other data sg already pulls for each game.

And for the record, while I personally have no issues at all with NSFW games, I completely agree that people who don't wish to be exposed to this type of material should have that option.

1 year ago

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"has_adult_content" - took me about 10 seconds to confirm on steamdb

like I commented above, this information is inconsistent and largely incomplete

to give an example take the game "Layers of Fear", both the original and the remake:

Notice how the 2016 version doesn't have the flag has_adult_content or any content_descriptors IDs, unlike the 2023 version.
This info is largely under the control of developers, and sadly there are thousands upon thousands of "adult" games not flagged as such...

(PS: has_adult_content doesn't mean what you think it does)

1 year ago

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I feel like that would be a better option than nothing though. There could be an option to filter out adult content with a note next to it saying something about how this setting relies on the publisher marking their game as having adult content and you will still see any games where publisher neglected to do this. I feel like that would at least get rid of a lot of them, especially if Steam wants all these games to have the adult content flag and they start enforcing it in a more strict way.

I am a bit worried about what type of games get marked as adult content though. Is it just for games with graphic nudity or will other types of adult content like murder, rape, suicide, torture and stuff like that also get put into this category. Then it wouldn't work for people that just want to filter graphic nudity.

1 year ago

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The content_descriptors field is the best option for that, as its IDs correspond to what you see in steam preferences regarding mature-content filtering:


In fact, it is what the script I mentioned above relies upon, with ids 3 and 4 considered NSFW games:


The info is fetched using an (undocumented?) steam API endpoint:


But as I said before, not all games have been tagged with those IDs, so it's a bit of a hit-and-miss if used to catch lewd games.

View attached image.
1 year ago

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I've always been in favor of this suggestion. There are definitely minors on this site and on Steam.

Related to this, Steam should be selling adult content games on a separate storefront (which can still be linked to your main account). The current method of simply asking you to be honest about your age is insufficient.

1 year ago

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Your suggestion would cost Valve money which would force them to raise their extremely low prices which would hurt their bottom line.
Much easier to exclude countries with robust laws protecting minors from buying outright.

1 year ago

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Gaben's net worth is 4.3 billion.
Valve generated 13 billion in total revenue last year alone.
The Steam store itself generated 10 billion in total revenue last year alone.

They can easily afford the cost of launching and maintaining a second storefront.

1 year ago

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Being able and willing to do something is quite a difference.

I used also to hear a lot of complaints that steam support was most copy paste replies and not helping at all.
So they also should be able to expand their customer service department which they didn't do either?

1 year ago

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I personally find that after the copy/paste responses, if you throw it back their way, you get actual humans from that point on.

But yes, we all know that Valve is intrinsically opposed to doing the right thing until it becomes too much of an issue for them to ignore unless it's a topic Gaben personally cares about.

1 year ago

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Sure but literally every website has the same easy to lie system. If they added something harder it would be a PITA because you'd have to either upload your ID or do some other BS. Honestly, it's up to the parents. Being a parent is a job and it's your job to put limits on things like this on phones and computers.

1 year ago

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Spoken like somebody who isn't a parent, lol.

Your argument basically boils down to proper checks and balances being an inconvenience for you. I'm definitely not sympathetic to this perspective at all.

1 year ago

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No I don't have kids and I hate having to deal with unnecessary BS because parents can't be responsible.

1 year ago

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Speaking on something you have no actual knowledge of is not very impressive. Every parent knows your perspective is wrong. Cycle back once you've had an opportunity to raise a child. Cheers!

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago*

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When a childless person pretends that parents can police children, and more specifically tweens and teens, 24/7, they can be dismissed immediately as having unrealistic expectations as to what parenting actially entails. They also presumably forgot their own upbringing, where they certainly did and were exposed to things their parents weren't aware of. It's insanely presumptuous of them.

I am reminded of people who hear a baby crying and start insisting that the parents make the baby stop crying lol. They invariably make the situation worse.

As a rule, people without children spouting off about what they think parents should do are really speaking of their own perception of inconvenience and a desire to dismiss that feeling by thinking they can actualize unrealistic expectations for the people they then choose to target. Instead of dealing with the real issues.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago*

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It wouldn't be a violation of privacy. You would offer your consent in exchange for access to such material. And you could of course choose to not consent and instead find other venues for your adult material. In contrast, if you want to PC game in general, you kind of need Steam, and so the minority bearing the seemingly incredible weight of needing to provide documentation once in order to set up access to adult material is easily a better option than simply releasing it to the masses willy nilly as has actually happened.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago

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You could always get your adult material from PronHub or what have you. There are no legal issues if you can choose to opt in or opt out of a specific feature or site. I'm guessing you'd opt out in favor of getting your adult material from presumably less regulated places.

You would however be a good candidate for adult material marketing if you show an interest in adult material. That's just logical.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago*

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I think the accepted definition would be sexually driven material.
i.e. material that exists only to show sexual material.

Although I suppose there could be some debate as to what is calked "adult" and what is called "mature" content and if there is even a distinction to be made.

Typically, violent content is simply referred to as violent content.
And people opposed to the mere mention of LGBTQ are factually bigoted and directly training their children to also be bigots. Which dives into the broader topic of how to prevent hate and hate-isms and why it/they exist to begin with.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago

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And I don't object to stronger privacy laws. Especially as it pertains to the internet and financial information.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago

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You really can't. Your choice for PC Gaming is pretty much Steam. And that's why probably 99% of PC gaming happens on Steam. Steam having a separate storefront for adult material is factually a win win for everybody who doesn't fear somebody having your address, which is easily accessed via any number of sources anyway. It's an incredibly rare person that is truly able to hide completely from society, and one does question the motivations of said individuals.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago*

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I'm a believer in checks and balances, especially when it deals with people unable to actually defend themselves, such as children.

As adults, if we have any internet presence, if we have utilities (such as internet, electricity, gas), if we have jobs, if we have SSN or other ways the gov't enforces out taxation, if we have drivers licenses, insurance, own or rent homes, buy or pay for anything without using cash....then our information is factually out there. Your credit report itself provides pertinent information regarding your address, phone number, employment, etc...

From my perspective, both things can be true. You can and should have proper checks and balances to protect people while also understanding that in the internet and information age, ours as adults living in and interacting with society are out there to be had if one is diligent enough to seek it out or has enough money to pay for it. If the choice between protecting, say children, is having a few people be inconvenienced, that's more than acceptable.

All that said, also providing better privacy measures is obviously ideal as well. One of my favorite sayings is, "there aren't problems, only opportunities"

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago

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Yeah, that was poor phrasing on my part. I really meant having a comparatively few people inconvenienced by needing to access an age restricted secondary site Is fine if doing so offers better protections for children, including tweens and teens.

Anyway, have a great one. I wish you and yours well also.

1 year ago

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Cool cool.

1 year ago

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golf clap Go back to /r/Imverysmart I will never have kids as they are annoying and a gamble and oh yea, humans are trash. Also you clearly have no kids looking at your steam profile.

1 year ago

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Are you counting yourself as human?

1 year ago

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My experience is that it's an one time requirement. For instance, if you want to see movies rated 18+ at Amazon Prime or want to order physical copies of games/moves with such a rating, you go to your nearest post office, show your ID, they fill a form and transmit the data to Amazon and it's done.
Other service providers even offer it online by doing video calls.
Of course, after years of inactivity GDPR might kick in, so your data gets erased.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago

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Yeah, just Europe. But I don't know where acid is from. And it could lead to a required repetition of an age verification process, so I added it just in case.

1 year ago

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Yes, it's so annoying

1 year ago

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All these sex asset flip shit games should be outright removed from steam in general. I am at about 4.5k hidden games here on SG and most are these types of low quality useless games.

1 year ago

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I know, I am at 15.195 hidden games, I wouldn't be surprised that there are people with around 30k hidden games by now, have been absent for quit some time so games that where given away in that period are not on my list obviously.

Edit added comma to make more clear what I was saying

1 year ago*

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26577 here:) I guess Maruten hit 30k by now

1 year ago

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also option to hide 1-3point trash giveaways would be nice

1 year ago

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You could change your bookmark to this: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?q=&point_min=4
... but, yes, it would be nice to have such settings in our user profiles.

1 year ago

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<3 thank you

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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wtf lol

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I agree, this option shoud be realized.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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While I have zero interest in actually using a feature like that I do agree that it would be nice to have it for those who aren't interested in lewd games. But I don't think there's any practical way to implement it right now, it would be necessary to get some clearer classification from Steam itself and that won't happen until they're forced to.
I'm also very much against the idea of banning games with sex themes from the Steam store, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with porn itself, but I do agree that minors shouldn't have access to them. Good luck doing both across the whole world with all of the different local laws tho.
Maybe what we need is a store specifically for kids, if I had kids I also wouldn't like them to be exposed to excessively violent or gory games... or any of those racist/homophobic/hateful games that somehow keep finding their way into Steam, you know the ones.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

1 year ago

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Exceptional choice of words.

1 year ago

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Not to stir the pot, but I find it so interesting that this is all surrounding the theme of sex but not violence, which a lot of people would argue is a worse thing to expose children to (for those who raise the “think of the children” argument).

1 year ago

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Though with the information which ormax3 posted, the userscript can be adjusted to hide games containing violence.
I know that's not the point you were making. However it might be useful info for some.

1 year ago*

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if at least they were of good quality. I suppose 99% of them don't even deserve to be called games

1 year ago

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