
8 years ago

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If Trump were to win, he wouldn't last long a term before impeachment or assassination... a coup wouldn't be such an outlandish exotic notion any more, either.

8 years ago*

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Hopefully things will at all run out well without assassinations, even if trump comes, but im sure people would also assassinate hillary

8 years ago

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  • to be fair to both of them, i'm sure someone on both sides is crazy enough to come at them with guns
8 years ago

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Alice Cooper's missing form the poll, can't vote truthfully.

Guess that also fits under media burying the independent candidates, like every other US election I've witnessed so far.

8 years ago

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Even Bernie considers them a joke and sided with her.

8 years ago

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If trump hadn't turned around and become suddenly super anti-gay to please his voters i would have been rooting for him

8 years ago

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  • to be fair to Trump, Hillary was staunchly Anti-gay until pretty recently
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thought you were a nice guy..

8 years ago

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:P also aparently i have a split personality, i'll let you decide which one is the evil one

8 years ago

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I'd was more curious as how you'd handle the go fuck yourself part. :p

8 years ago

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i'm very flexible

8 years ago

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Lol. Love your response.

8 years ago

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Imagine if Trump won, Putin would have his own puppet in the White House, and America is too racist to even see what is happening.... lol

8 years ago

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  • to be fair to trump, he doesn't really have any real involvement with Putin
8 years ago

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Alot of this is looking like speculation, though the two may be similar, and even praise each other, there isn't any real evidence of them holding deals or being in each others pockets.

though to be fair he could totally be putin best pal

8 years ago*

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Better than best buddies with terrorist groups.

8 years ago

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Reminder that Obama was elected twice by the most racist country ever conceived outside of racistan.

8 years ago

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Agreed, electing Obama was not a particularly racist thing to do, but apart from sending those damn Mexicans home, what else has Trump offered?

Where are his policies on jobs, the economy, foreign relations, etc? Is he going to try and revive the TTIP? No one knows because all he's promised to do is beat up Mexicans and lower corporate tax so his companies make more money.. lol

8 years ago

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He already said what he is going to do, so many times. It certainly won't be to continue Obama's policies of taxing, regulating, and free spending on foreigners that Hillary will do.

8 years ago

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trump pls

funny how people get angry about what trump said about women while prising characters that act and express themself in a far more vulgar and explicitly way. degenerate feminist myley cyrus is just an example of how hypocrite people can be.

the real sexist and misogynist here is psycho hillary that hates women and defend rapist

8 years ago

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  • to be fair to hillary in that last point she was a lawyer.
8 years ago

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liar under oath. much better.

8 years ago

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  • to be fair to Hillary again, It's not like Trump has never lied, under oath or not it's all the same when running for presidency
8 years ago

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not that i ever said the opposite, and generalizing won't make hillary more perfumed as her smell is well defined :v

and lying under oath in front of a judge court i think it's a crime, while lying for a presidencial run, although disgraceful, it's not. just saying

8 years ago

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Hillary is guilty of worse crimes such as selling government secrets and then deleting the evidence (or more likely all those deaths she is connected with)

However at the same time, Trump has been included in plenty of his own scandals throughout the years.

So it a choice between two criminals and you gotta pick one with the illusion of choice, (Rip true democracy)

8 years ago

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Well since you aren't even a US citizen, UK I see, your opinion is moot. You have enough problems in your own country.

8 years ago

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Not a US citizen so i cannot comment on hypocricy?

all i'm interested in is a fair comparison, in case you hadn't notice i point it out on both sides

and you blacklisted me for this? rood

8 years ago*

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Nope you are not blacklisted by me. By the way how do you check to see who blacklisted you? I'd like to know myself. And yes, you can comment on hyprocricy (sic). That's your right. And thanks for pointing out you have discussed both sides. I really do appreciate it.

8 years ago

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Wow.... your logic is just so weird. How can you be so arrogant as to ignore someone who can be truly impartial (a.k.a. a different countryman)?
We, the "foreigners" don't have a stake in this fight, so we try and find an objectively good solution.

8 years ago

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I try not to be arrogant, but over the years I have seen far worse elections than this one. And trying to find an objectively good solution is great as far as I'm concerned. But I have seen many misunderstandings and misquotes here. But that's your right, and I do listen. Thanks again for your response

8 years ago

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different fingers of the same hand cit.

sweet mercy can't you just lose balance a bit? :v peolple that can't choose a side annoys me

gun pointed at you, gotta choose one of the two (doesn't matter if you are not from the usa)

straight answer is enough. not gonna judge or reply back based on you answer.

8 years ago

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:P, I just like a fair agruement

Ironically i was with Trump but am currently having to side with hillary :(

8 years ago

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Why not Johnson? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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Whats a Johnson?


8 years ago

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I love all this. This is what it's all about. Your opinions, thoughts, and what you believe in. Glad this question was asked. Just remember, if you want to be able to bitch about who got elected, GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!!!!! Love you all.

8 years ago

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So bitch who will start a WW3 vs. clown. Nice. Since i prefer peace i hope Trump will win.

8 years ago

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Well, in Clinton's defense (I hate them both), Trump will also start a war. He wants to pull out of NATO and repeat the scenario that happened before WW2 with the League of Nations. Superpower doesn't take part in defense, other superpower gets too bold.
Trump wouldn't personally start WW3, but he'd be the main reason why it was allowed to happen.

8 years ago

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after 70 years of military occupation maybe it would be the right time

8 years ago

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Yeah, let's just separate everyone and make sure it's as easy as possible for the predators to get the measly sheep. No need for the shepherds at all.

8 years ago

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the self declared shepherds doesn't care about the sheeps. theyr health status, national sovereignty, theyr sacrosant right to be the master of theyr own land and turning into shepherds themself. they don't care at all. the self declared shepherds are theyr own watchdogs caring about nothing but theyr shady geopolitic and economic interest pretending to be the saviours of the weak.

who are the predators you are talking about exactly? sorry i'm naive and ignorant :v

8 years ago

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I don't think anyone argues with the shepherds not caring. It's just that as long as it looks like they care, it's enough. It's always a gamble to be aggressive, since there's always a 50% chance of getting backlash. That deters aggressors, since if you have a small kid, you won't mess with him if his big brother's close-by.

The country that I was eluding to though was Russia. All countries that are bordering it are always in some danger. And it's not the soviet fright that I'm talking about. National propaganda that shows smaller countries as nazis and just overall vile people. Russia quite literally kidnapped a border patrol officer and just accused him of espionage, even though it was quite impossible for him to be a spy. Plus... Estonian spies? Really?
Ukraine wasn't really involved in world politics and Russia decided to flex its muscles. Corruption on both sides, Russia almost literally going to war with Ukraine and so on. At least Finland has their strong defense and the Baltics are working with each other to assist each other when it comes to military operations. Plus, Finnish volunteers are always known here in Estonia as saviors of sorts.

It's a large country that has an awful track record. Same with the US, but their issues are different that don't actually threaten Europe and Asia. Middle East has an issue with the US, but that's a different reason overall.

8 years ago

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demanding what belongs to you and exercise you authority for own what is yours by right isn't being aggressive. more than 70 years have passed after the ww2. 70. years. there are more than 50 usa base in italy, more than in any other nato country. the cost of the maintenance of the nukes in brescia is a load on us. we can't make fly one of our jet without asking permission to the dear uncle sam, but the uncle sam is free to do that at will. they are even free to force us to being involved in wars in which we would have preferred to stay away of (see the kossovo war, in which case our constitution have being betrayed, or the more recent bombing operations in lybia). being under the protector wing of the nato surely has it's vantages, but the disadvantages at this point prevail. italy is an occupied country held as hostage under military and economic threats. like it or not that's what it is. and the nato was born as an anti-urss force. it should have been disbanded long ago.

doesn't estonia go hand in hand with the usa? imperialism makes more victims than the black plague (and middle east knows it well). the cold war might be over after the race to get the most powerful weapon, but the economic and geopolitic cold war has never stopped. this can applie to both sides but... let's be honest. after the urss the only country russia has attacked it's georgia, and it was more than legit to do so as if i remember currectly, a russian convoy was bombed for no reason. the country that accupies other country an it's always on the warpath it's another one :v .ukraine it's a good example. first a russia ally, than after a coup detat, psycho femen raging on the streets and bomb from both sides now it's an usa puppet and it's close to agree to the nato (a coup detat also hitted italy. the berlusconi government like it or not was at power after democratic election. someone hasn't liked the gas agreement berlusconi took in total autonomy with russia. i mean, how can italy take a decision on it's own??? outrageous. this happened three unelected government ago...)

with that being sayd. wards doesn't count much during a presidential race but, if i have to chose between one that says he wants to have more open relationship with russia, an one that says she wants to be more aggressive with it and it's ally, then i would go on the first one.

8 years ago

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Hillary did say that Russia allegedly hacking (government computers lol) and making her bleached emails public, is reason enough to go to war.

8 years ago

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Yeah true, but mainstream media is hiding it again.

8 years ago

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Well, Trump is fun and all, but I'm on the side of Johnson.
Hillary calls Pepes racist and Trump is interested in incest, so both are complete idiots who couldn't run an office.
A president should be better at everything. Clinton's a criminal, but Trump doesn't understand foreign affairs. Clinton doesn't understand what is actually going on in people's communities, Trump is morally poor.
Do you idiots really not understand that all criticisms for both main sides are awful and pretty much true? How can you sit there and say "Well, she has a vagina, so she can do whatever she wants!" or "He's clueless about most things, but since I agree with him, he can do whatever he wants!".

American people, please, start actually thinking of what you're doing. You really are looking like pathetic sheep these days.

8 years ago

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Finally someone giving a balance and well informed answer rather than just Trump is a Drumpf or Hilliary is a shillary

8 years ago

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i agree, this is a objective answer.

8 years ago

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I prefer Gary Johnson, but hell freezing over is way more probable. Even considering I don't believe there is one.

8 years ago

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Memelord trump needs to win to free pepes all over the world

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Probably whoever is called to clean it. I mean, the President wouldn't do that himself, right? The number of rooms in the white house should impress upon you more than one person might enter it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Either way USA is kinda screwed >.>

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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why did I click....

8 years ago

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Should have been Bernie Sanders. Now America is stuck between two evils. But Hilary Clinton should be the one to enter out of the two. Donald Trump will be a disgrace of a president.

8 years ago

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Okay, let's just see what happens at the next debate. In the end it will be the majority of Americans who will decide who will be the next President. Let's hope Trump and Clinton do well on this last debate and talk about the issues, and the concerns of the American people. I give both of them credit for making this election one that all Americans will come out and vote. That's the whole issue as far as I'm concern. Since this country was founded, our Veterans have fought for our right to do this. Let's not demeanor their sacrifices by not voting. So, whoever you vote for and want for the next President, please, please, GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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A lot of people are saying that Hillary's being a woman shouldn't factor in. That couldn't be further from the truth. It absolutely should. When countries like Pakistan, who has a rather shaky history with women's rights, have had a female leader before we have, it makes people question the actual equality of women on an international scale.

As secretary of state, she's demanded respect from many male-dominated heads of state; as president, that can continue which can help women's rights abroad.

8 years ago

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No it should not as it would be incredibly sexist to give her a vag bonus. What's the point in giving up the equality we already achieved here for the idea that her being president 'MIGHT' help women's right abroad?

Apart from that, how do you think about Angela Merkel? Did she help improve women's rights simply because she's the german chancellor?

8 years ago

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I'm not saying it's worth a TON of points, but for those who look at it 50:50 (which a disturbingly high number of people do), that should be enough to make it 51:49.

What equality? The 80% pay women make compared to a guy? The 44 male presidents (Hillary isn't the first female to run, nor is she the first female party nominee) with no female presidents or vice presidents?

It would help women's rights in the US, as well. No doubts about that. If nothing, morale and hope. That's not points for having a vagina; that's points for women. It says a lot that you associate her with a vagina and not a lack of a y-chromosome.

I was firmly on her side long before that came into the equation because of her 30+ years of civic duty compared to 30+ years of Trump being sued for discrimination and not paying bills.

8 years ago

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Gender should not be an issue and everything other is sexist, period. Just because there were no female presidents before for whatever reason doesn't mean it's now somehow okay to give her a bonus. I called it vag bonus because other people use the term as well and having a vagina is a huge part of being a woman, sorry. That I didn't associate her with a lack of a y-chromosome literally doesn't say anything at all about me.

What equality? The equality that men and women are equal before the law. The equality that women are not paid less, they simply EARN less due to various different factors as maternity leave, not working as much overtime, not pursuing careers in high paying jobs etc. Seriously why is the wage gap myth still around? If I was a CEO I'd just employ women so I can just pay them less since it's just common knowledge that you don't have to pay them as much...

30+ years of civic duty, huh. She basically is the establishment, backed by the media, actors, everything. And what greater good did she achieve in that period of time?

8 years ago

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Before becoming first lady:

  • Provided free legal counsel to underprivileged people and abused children
  • Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
  • Fought to get mandatory teacher testing and limit classroom sizes
  • Convinced Wal-Mart (one of the largest companies in the US) to use more environmentally friendly practices

While first lady:

  • Clinton health care plan of 1993
  • Passed legislation which granted underprivileged children insurance
  • Increased national immunization rates
  • Investigated claims which lead to an understanding of Gulf War Syndrome
  • Worked with Janet Reno to create the Office on Violence Against Women (Department of Justice)
  • Adoption and Safe Families Act
  • Foster Care Independence Act
  • Founded Vital Voices (women's rights group)

That's before even becoming a Senator or the Secretary of State.

8 years ago

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Fair enough. Some of those don't even sound too bad, others may sound decent but only might be on the surface. Not gonna put in the needed time to check what's good and what isn't since it doesn't make up for the bad stuff she's done and what her character is like.

Especially how she smeared a 12 year old rape victim as she was the child molestor's lawyer, even laughing about him passing a lie detector test and then later when feminism is "super cool and awesome" she has the audacity to pretend like she has a positive affect on something like women's rights.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I think that Hillary will win. In the last few Presidential elections the most important swing votes have been Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio. Whoever wins two or more is very likely to win the race. Barack Obama won all three of them in 2008 and 2012. Hillary is almost certain to have Pennsylvania. She is polling well ahead there and the state hasn't gone for a Republican presidential candidate since George HW Bush in 1988.

Which leaves Ohio and Florida. Donald Trump would need both of them in addition to the states where he is already likely to win in order to get close to a victory, as George W Bush did in 2000 and 2004. I don't see that happening as Hillary is ahead in the polls in both of them. He might get one of the two, but both IMO is unlikely.

8 years ago

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Bet Bernie's looking pretty good right now aye.

8 years ago

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Trump would've crushed him in a debate, but it probably would also be 1v3 so.

8 years ago

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Trump's "debate" style is a long, confrontational series of rants peppered with denials and irrelevant questions. You can't "win" a debate with someone like that.

8 years ago

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What does Hillary different?

8 years ago

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Hey she's a nasty conniving piece of work whose blatant disregard of security processes should have been her downfall.

As a foreigner, this whole situation would be hilarious if it only affected the US, but your politicians are so bristling with nukes and bad ideas that the whole world is affected.

8 years ago

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Turd Sandwich

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Giant Douche !

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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look up southpark - it's a competition between a giant douche and a turd sandwich :[P - pretty much sums up all elections :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, i know :P

8 years ago

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