actually it's worse than mod... looks like it regressing with all this new hats updates
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You call him a hater for telling the truth, I call you a childish fanboy.
DayZ Mod is better, less buggy, more enjoyable than DayZ SA. DayZ SA is practicly the same like the mod, except it's worse. After 3 years you barely see changes, even a kid in a basement tweaking his game he made alone changes way more than Bohemia Interactive changes their game. I buy over 200 games a year, check my Steam if you want, including many Indie games made by 1 person creating their first game, each week they come with updates that change the game the way we want. That while I don't see DayZ SA being finished before 2016. If you would've have the experience like me, knowing the developers and games progression from the past 25 years, you would realise that the only reason why DayZ SA excists in Steam Store is to finally let Dean Hall cash in the money he never received from the mod, you don't even need to have a high IQ to realise that fact. The mod will always remain better, and the ArmA 3 mod even 100x better than the SA ever will be, it's a fact.
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Best advice you can get. DayZ standalone still got a few years worth of development to go.
Dean Hall even says you should wait until it is finished.
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I am not sure when the game will go on sale, but the Winter Sale is your best bet!
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Probably never. If you're asking if you should buy it now, it means you're not convinced the current feature set is worth the price. Which means you won't be happy with its current state. So if you buy it now, you're speculating the promised future features will get you satisfaction. Let's say the game even lives up to its expectations, will people even still be playing it 2-3 years from now? It's a multiplayer game, if it loses its appeal there's no community and no reason to play. Maybe you will get lucky and it will be one of those few multiplayer gems that lasts for years like Starcraft, TF2 or Counter-Strike (even CS has moved through 3 major iterations over its time) but to be honest DayZ doesn't have that lasting gameplay, its novelty will wear off soon enough.
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wait xmas -> 10% -> buy
ignore all the engineers who scream "AMG alPah !!!1 iz buggged, RUN RUN FOR YOUR LIFE 1!!"
It's a great game
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Read again your posts, inspire, then relax.
You are not allowed to insult someone just because you have a different idea.
who do you think you are ?!
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When it's officially released and remotely playable and not broken. In other words: Not now or this year.
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Never. Played alot in dayz mod , and days SA.
35 fps in SA,lags etc + rain -> hipotermia -> death every 20 min .
Mod is better to play srsly(cars,good balistics,alot of weapons etc) Not popular for all include hackers so you can play now without hackers:).
dont buy SA until Rocket put his "DAYZ SA" to beta 1.0v ...
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It's funny that most of the guys who scream "NEVAH", "BAD DIS ALHPA IZ BUGGED", "AMG IN ALPHA SINCE 1894"
don't even have the game in their accounts lol. haters gonna hate
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What's funny about it? People actually tried the game elsewhere or watched videos of the game before they threw money out of the window. Sounds like common sense to me.
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"tried the game elsewhere" "watched videos"
This is not how you play Dayz.
Dayz is not a common fps, you can't play 10 minutes or watch a random video and say "AMG BROKEN" "DEVS STEAL UR MONEY AND RUNN AWAY WITH a MASERATI !!1!111"
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You seem to be projecting a lot here. Maybe that's how you do things but other people test games for more than 10 minutes. And if you call hour-long Let's Play videos of channels with millions of subscribers or podcasts random videos, okay.
And even if someone "researches" like you say here: It doesn't take much to notice the loot spawns are bugged / exploited and therefore break the game.
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Who actually plays the game, can say that loot spawns are ok in stable branch.
Who records "Let's Play videos"... does it to get a lot subscribers :)
And a stupid videos gets more click than a clever one (e.g. Iphone bending vs a random review ? who will get "millions of subscribers" ?)
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You seem to be just looking for some kind of confrontation, arguing for the sake of arguing. There is so little content in your replies I don't even know how to respond to this new level of stupidity. I guess kids will be kids. But don't be surprised if people don't take you seriously. Don't worry, I'll ignore you from now on. ;)
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You are the only one hating, as I checked their account, and they DO have the game, troll.
I played DayZ Mod for almost 3 years and the Standalone once every 2-3 months for some hours, the Standalone never will even reach 10% of what the mod is. It's a way to let Dean Hall finally cash in the money he never received from the mod, or are you stupid to not realise how adults think? It's all about money bro, not about making your community happy.
Standalone is shit and will always be shit, I don't even think it'll ever leave Alpha/Beta status. But go on, keep believing and supporting a scam, if you enjoy the Standalone it means you are very new to gaming overall.
Edit: I just think you are mad because you are new to DayZ, spend many hours on the Standalone and never on the mod, therefor you missing the best time of DayZ before the community died, so you are just being jealous.
Edit 2: I just checked your profile and I was 100% correct about you lol. 160 hours DayZ SA, 0 hours ArmA 2. I was also correct about you using those words alone and nobody else. Checked your ex-nicknames on Steam and this is one of them: "AMG so Doge!", so yeah, you really are 12 years old or mentally retarded, on top of being jealous and frustrated.
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wait until is finished... if you want your zombie experience get State of Decay, is fun and is a complete game.
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only masochists can have fun with that crap. hit your brother till he- oh wait... .-.
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You should buy arma 3 instead. That's my new dayz not that faggot one
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Christmas is coming up, and I figured that I will get a copy of dayz for my brother. He's been annoying me about it for months.
The question is, will it go on a sale soon? Like during this halloween sale , or should I wait for the holiday one?
24 euros is a bit steep for me, but an 50% price cut would be okay. Do you see that happening?
Thanks in advance!!
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