Are you upset about it?
Of what? Grabbing the image from the other forum? It's a web link, so nothing was copied just pointed to.
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No offense obviously, I was just hoping to see another nice gif as there were positive comments but already seen one earlier on a different forum, lol.
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Shame I didn't get them all when free. Oh well, no loss. :P
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And the Irony of it all is that their carp games are now golden collectors items because they games have been removed from the store
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Only one, Operation: Global Shield, would be worth anything. The rest were given en masse multiple times so most either have them, or have easy access to a steam key. It is going to be a long time before those keys become worth anything.
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And I sincerely mean this without sarcasm: I am glad Cjcomplex is here to educate us!
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Well I did make a thread about removed games not too long ago :P, Peeps tend to think that just because a game has been removed, it suddenly becomes valuable which isn't always the case. Though I understand why someone would think that considering NWN 2: Platinum goes for ~100 keys when you can get the complete version on GoG for less than 10$ on sale. /shrug
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Yeah, it's rather silly how that happens. As far as I'm concerned, though, monetary value doesn't matter. If the game's garbage, I don't want it, and Digital Homicide games are beyond garbage. XD
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+1. There is a limit of what game would I take for my library's +1, or for cards - but the whole DH is such an incredibly disgusting, widespread precedent that no way I'll be affiliated with their games. Bought a few copies of Deadly Profits for giveaways, in that time they seemed at least acceptable.... turned out I was gravely wrong.
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I too made the mistake... we all have been scammed.
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The ironic thing was that a few weeks ago I was building a list of games I wanted to have permanently removed from my steam account. All of the DH games made the list. Then this happens. I guess my instinct was right. I will still have these games removed from my account.
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No we don't... and I'm profoundly ashamed of it. Although I wouldn't pay any jacked up price for the one game I'm missing.
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If people really want to waste their money, I think all the steam keys that were given to online stores to sell are still valid and you should still be able to buy them until the keys run out.
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I'm missing the only game that's not been given away (Operation: Global Shield) and after giving a quick look, I don't think any store has that one for sale. Oh well, no big loss...
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I only collect games I want to play so I probably don't own any DH games and I wouldn't want to pollute my account with them :)
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I hope the people voting for the second option are trolling...
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After the new review policy where Valve said it would be ending relationships with devs who cheated the system...who didn't see this coming. Wonder who's next.
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I am very depressed and sad. Where will I get free games now and card farming cheap options? Gleam gone now DH gone. Sad sad day. OK their Gas made you do 20 steps on groups and twitter. But it was still free. My alt account is weeping more than me. :(
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most of the time you didn't actually need to do anything, just click and close..
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I have opened the best bottle of champagne I have in the house and I'm savoring every single sip in utmost rejoice.
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Can someone explain what happened?Because I saw 5 minutes of a Jim Sterling video and he was reading some things that seemed very retarded.Did homicide said those things because he gave them a bad review on youtube?Are they for real?It is like digging your own grave..Seems like a joke.
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Not even reviews. One of the pieces of evidence they submitted against a user is literally just him saying he's getting some popcorn. One of them is a picture of a Steamgifts giveaway for Ruzh Delta Z that doesn't even mention Digital Homicide. Two of them are Gleam giveaways for Freebie.
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I suspect the Ruzh Delta Z/Freebie GAs were included as part of an attempt to show, "Look, other devs have shady practices like giving keys for reviews, too, so we're being unfairly picked on!" At least that's the only way I can make sense of it.
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I'm happy these games were removed because the developer deserved it, but I don't think steam should remove any games without a good reason. Just because a lot of people consider a game trash doesn't mean that someone doesn't enjoy it. Also, none of these "trash" games have ever bothered me, as far as I am concerned they do not exist. It is just a digital product on a webpage I never have to visit, why do I care if it is on steam?
I along with a lot of other people do not like visual novels or most japanese anime games. This does not mean that they should be removed from steam. I'm sure there are some people that actually enjoy playing Digital Homicide games for the same reason that people enjoy watching really bad movies. People have youtube channels specifically dedicated to finding and playing bad games and people enjoy watching these videos.
I also think most RPG maker games are trash, but I don't think they should be removed. Some RPG maker games I would consider trash and others I think are really good, who gets to decide what is trash and what isn't? Once they start removing games what will stop them from removing something you may like? I personally like walking simulators, a lot of people think they are trash.
Steam should have almost no say in what games are released. People should have the right to buy and play what they want and not be restricted based on someone elses opinion. If the game sells, that means someone wants it for one reason or another. Obviously steam can do whatever they want, but I think to make the platform the most diverse and enjoyable, they should allow anyone to release any game they want as long as they do not violate any laws.
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You do make a good point. One of the reasons I like Steam over GOG is because GOG is too picky and doesn't allow a lot of good little indie gems on their store. It's definitely better when you have access to more games, and you can simply ignore the ones you're not interested in and enjoy the ones you are.
I wouldn't remove games based on their genre or engine they were made in, however I still think there should be some quality control and that there should be some standards. Not just to prevent trashware from getting on steam but to also make developers put more effort into their games.
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Nothing against you personally, I just see a lot of posts from people saying that they want steam to remove the bad games and to get rid of greenlight and I just decided to vent :)
I still disagree, I don't think there should be any quality control. It is up to the developer to make a good game. If they don't make a good game, they will not make money, that is all the incentive developers should need to try and make their games good. Also, I consider games art and I don't think anyone should be able to put quality control on art.
Yes, people will be taking a risk by buying an unknown game, but that is there choice and there are a couple things to help with that situation. First, there are people that make money by buying new games and reviewing them so that other people do not have to waste their money on a bad game. Second, steam now allows refunds. If you bought a game before it had reviews and it turned out to be really bad, get a refund.
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maybe steam should just make a redlight section. public name and shame and if it gets severe enough Valve can step in. At least a place to find a quick summary of the dark side of steam.
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+1 Well said.
That "freedom" opens so many doors for developers who might want to take a chance on something new and great, but wouldn't if Steam tightened the reins on what they allowed on their store. I've played some truly amazing indie titles that may not have seen the light of day if it weren't for Steam's Greenlight program ...
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they exist if you are trying to find a game on the store or want to try to actually browse through a price range..
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I "played" make it indie, and to be honest, they killed it with the bloody minigame. Other than that, it could have been a video-diary. Or a documentary. Or a choose your own adventure game where if you pick development then you'll have a game, if not, you'll hav ea good time but no game. And as I wrote in my review, I guess the stupid and repetitive minigame maybe IS the development itself, as it's boring, and you'd do anything else but that, because it's not easy. I think it was too spot-on, they made the comparison so good that the game (part) got just as boring as repetitive work could be - making the game a bad game because it wanted so hard to relay a message, that they forgot that the game should be (widespreadly) enjoyable for not to be considered as a failure.
In my book, it's just a bad game because a few wrong choices, that could have turned out to an okay game. It was ... 1€ to begin with? it could have reached that level of quality pretty easily.
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With Retention I could tell what it was trying to do. It was an attempt to be artsy that just happened to come across as pretentious and fell flat for most people -- but it didn't give me the impression that the devs were lazy or uncreative.
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