Solutions posted in, hopefully, order of difficulty based on entries with a bias on the region restricted GA

1- jigidi solved message
2- Alt text for the good luck image
3-6- Hidden visually in the good luck image
7- Title of good luck image's post on imgur
8- Title of jigidi & filename of file hosted on google drive.
9- Hidden in the binary data of the image file hosted on google drive.

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1 week ago*

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Wow! This is the first time I was able to solve a puzzle like this (the place that had multiple codes). I was finally able to find all 9.
Didn't enter any but had fun, specially with the unique ones. Thanks and fun.

1 week ago

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Excited to learn about the solution once these are over. That 9th code has been puzzling me for a while!

For now, have a bump :)

1 week ago

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6/9 out of ideas as well. Really nice puzzle though thx a lot

1 week ago

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Thanks for the very nice multi-puzzle!

1 week ago

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I was only able to find 7 out of 9... but better than none 😜

View attached image.
1 week ago

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